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[请教有关Swiss Perfect] 如何使用Swiss Perfect算等级分?
我上个星期用百度找了很多计算的软件,可是发现很多都不flexible(就是我上面所谓的“其中的一些细节”。举一个例子,K值会随着等级分的提升而逐渐减低等等,可是很多软件的K值不能被setting 到auto detect等级分,也就是不能被customised,Swiss Perfect就是其中之一),所以最后决定还是使用Swiss Perfect。原因如下:
如果要等级分软件fully customised,一定要自己写program 或用Excel来算。前者我现在一个星期工作6天,已没有闲情写。后者则是你最后可能需要generate很多excel spreadsheet,而且如果参赛者〉100 的话,工作量将是无法估计的。
虽然Swiss Perfect不是最好的,可是它是real-time update,每一次成绩被key in ,都会有新的等级分被计算出来。竞赛组不须做两次工,节省人力和时间。
我尝试用Swiss Perfect算,可是发现有问题。我的test case 如下:
List of player
A 2250
B 1950
C 1950
E 1500
Pairing 一定是 A Vs C, E(1500) Vs B (1950)
我就拿 E Vs B 来解释。
他们之间的 D = |1950 - 1500| = 450。从lookup table,可以发现 E的We=0.06 whereas B的We = 0.94。
我是setting E 负 B。这样他们的等级分如下(假设K=10):
E的等级分= 1500+10(0-0.06) = 1499.4
B的等级分= 1950+10(1-0.94) = 1950.6
可是当我View>Rating 时发现score, exp(Expect,就是We)是准确的,可是chg*K,Rav,Rprfm是如何计算我就不清楚了。也没有看见 1499.4 或 1950.6 的数字。
[ 本帖最后由 psim 于 12-11-2005 06:38 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 13-11-2005 03:56 PM
美里棋手在SWISS perfect 应該是用club的rating吧. International rating应該是全囯性的.
有試change rating option 嗎?
Rating Options
The Rating Options dialog box allows you to configure the rating system.
The "System" combo box lists rating systems supported by Swiss Perfect:
Elo - international system used by FIDE
USCF - United States Chess Federation system
PZSzach - Polish Chess Federation system
Please refer to the respective Handbooks and/or Home Pages for details of those systems.
The Ignore Forfeits check box should be used to specify whether forfeits should be ignored or taken into account while calculating ratings.
The Change Coefficient (or K factor) edit box allows you to specify the factor by which rating gains and losses will be multiplied when showing in the Rating View. The default is 10. This option DOES NOT influence rating calculations but merely affects one column (Chg*K) in the display of Rating View
Difference Corrections are used to adjust opponents ratings. For example if a 2400 player plays a 2000 player and the "Down" difference is set to 350 then the opponent's rating will be adjusted to 2050.
The Apply Corrections check box indicates whether Difference Correctons will be applied or not.
Lower Threshold is used to determine whether a given player/opponent should be considered rated or unrated. For example if it set to 2000, players rated 2000 and higher will be considered rated. |

楼主 |
发表于 13-11-2005 09:03 PM
原帖由 sembilan 于 13-11-2005 03:56 PM 发表
美里棋手在SWISS perfect 应該是用club的rating吧. International rating应該是全囯性的.
有試change rating option 嗎?
Rating Options
The Rating Options dialog box allows you to configure the ra ...
我是选 local rating。你上面list的我已经看过了,不过swiss perfect 算出来的等级分跟我用formula 算的不一样。 sembilan你有空可以研究一下吗,我们来交流交流。
local rating option setting 如下:
Elo,ignore forfeit(unchecked), K factor=10, lower threshold=0.
[ 本帖最后由 psim 于 13-11-2005 10:12 PM 编辑 ] |

楼主 |
发表于 13-11-2005 09:11 PM
以下就是Swiss Perfect 的output:
Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm
2.B 1950 1.0/1 0.94 1 1500 2499
4.E 1500 0.0/1 0.06 -1 1950 951
Formula 算的等级分:
E Vs B
D = |1950 - 1500| = 450。
从lookup table,E的We=0.06 whereas B的We = 0.94。
由于E 负 B,这样他们的等级分如下(K=10):
E的等级分= 1500+10(0-0.06) = 1499.4
B的等级分= 1950+10(1-0.94) = 1950.6 |
发表于 16-11-2005 09:07 AM
原帖由 psim 于 13-11-2005 09:03 PM 发表
我是选 local rating。你上面list的我已经看过了,不过swiss perfect 算出来的等级分跟我用formula 算的不一样。 sembilan你有空可以研究一下吗,我们来交流交流。
[url]http://www ...
建議联絡大馬象总,問問他们是用什么軟件計算。 |

楼主 |
发表于 16-11-2005 11:24 PM
原帖由 sembilan 于 16-11-2005 09:07 AM 发表
上次我也是向范家兴讨过Swiss Perfect 98 的密码,他说他的密码是自己crack的,不过已经忘记。如果我要,改天他有空他可以帮我Crack。还好我在internet找到破解码,不然真的不懂要等到几时。。。 |
发表于 17-11-2005 08:29 AM
原帖由 psim 于 16-11-2005 11:24 PM 发表
我跟他要求拿他们的program来用,范家兴说最好我写封信给大马象总,以砂象联的名义向他们索 ...
用Excel自已算吧! 用formula, copy and paste 应該不難吧! |

楼主 |
发表于 17-11-2005 10:19 PM
原帖由 sembilan 于 17-11-2005 08:29 AM 发表
用Excel自已算吧! 用formula, copy and paste 应該不難吧!
如我之前所说,等级分算法简单,可是问题在人工。用Excel固然可以算,可是假设如果参赛者达到 〉40, 工作量是无法估计。
其实我的想法是不论成人甲乙组可以以等级分来编排种子,即使是中小学也一样。不要忘记等级分一定要将上一轮的计算完后才可以Proceed去下一轮。越多人参加,你算一轮的时间就更长。这里可见如果用Swiss Perfect 那种real-time update的算法,是多么的有效率。
如果没有软件,我想只能限制甲组才用等级分编排种子(比如用Excel算),象小学组那种174人参赛,请恕我投降。 |

楼主 |
发表于 29-11-2005 10:18 PM
Swiss Perfect's programmer Robert Rozycki对我问题的回复
原帖由 psim 于 13-11-2005 09:11 PM 发表
以下就是Swiss Perfect 的output:
Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm
2.B 1950 1.0/1 0.94 1 1500 2499
4.E 1500 0.0/1 0.06 -1 1950 ...
Here are my answers:
1. Chg*K is rounded, it never shows fractions, hence you get gains +1 and -1 instead of 0.6 and -0.6
2. Performance rating is calculated based on FIDE rating tables however, in Elo, performance rating for 0% and 100% scores is undetermined. SP arbitrarily shows Rprfm in such cases as Rav plus/minus 999.
3. Swiss Perfect is not a Rating System so it does not update players' ratings within the tournament.
Robert Rozycki
www.swissperfect.com |

楼主 |
发表于 30-11-2005 08:01 PM
Robert Rozycki 的回复(二)
我昨晚又向 Robert Rozycki 写了一封email:
Thx for your fast response. From your mail,I understand
1. Chg*K = (W-We)K = rating changes and its value is round up to integer.
2. Rprfm=Rav +/- 999 (if win(1) then dp=+999 if lose(0)then dp=-999)
*dp=rating difference
Sorry I still got 1 last question to bother you.I wonder how Rav is being computed for each round?I found that the Rav of each player in 1st round is simply the rating of opponent.I found this is logic when Rprfm=Rav +/- 999 depend to the result of match.However,when proceed to 2nd round:
The pairing is B(white-1) vs A(Black-0.5) and result is B win A
Loc Score Exp. Chg*K Rav Rprfm
1.A 2250 0.5/2 1.70 -12 1950 1757
2.B 1950 2.0/2 1.20 8 1875 2874
3.C 1950 1.5/2 1.20 3 1875 2068
4.D 1500 0.0/2 0.12 -1 1950 951
I puzzled over
1.how the Rav is being determined.
2.when B lose A,why Rprfm=1757(not equal to 1950-999 = 951)?
Notes: If Swiss Perfect could update players ratings within the tournament,then I think SP is a excellent chess pairing software in my point of view because it reduce our work load when organizing chess competition which seed player(sort by player elo rating) is required to avoid unfairness.Besides, I found you use diffrent concept to compute player rating(elo),but why you don't stick to formula R = Ro + Kn(Wn-Wen)? For your information, Malaysian Chiness Chess Association is currently using SP to do chess pairing for local/international tournament.We are very satisfied with your SP performance except for the rating stuff since we dun really know what is going on. I really hope that you can keep upgrading SP in the future to make it become more powerful.Thanks.
+/-999 applies not to every game but only to 0% or 100% overall scores e.g.
0 out of 3 or 3 out of three (mathematically speaking, for a 100% score, this
is in fact infinity!).
Rav is simply arithmetical average of the opponents' ratings. In your
example player B played A nd D so Rav = (2250+1500)/2 = 1875.
Rprfm for player A: as I said above +/-999 does not apply here since this is
neither 0% or 100% score. FIDE provides Elo ratings tables where
performance rating can be calculated from Rav and the percentage result
(here 25%).
Formula "R = Ro + Kn(Wn-Wen)" is not a correct FIDE formula. FIDE tables
are based on much more complex mathematics. I am not saying it is a better
approach but SP is FIDE compatible so must follow FIDE rules in both ratings
and pairings.
Our new product League Watch allows you to implement various rating systems
(not just Elo) via plug-ins.
While League Watch is more powerful and flexible than SP it won't update
player ratings during the tournament either. This is not practical because
rating systems rely on data from different sources (many tournaments
supplied at different times) with that data processed together within the
ratings system rather in a single instance of a pairing program. In
particular the pairing system does not know what happened in other
tournaments during the same rating period and that usually affects the real
rating gains.
By the way, we are about to release a new, on-line (Web based) rating system
where it will be possible to maintain rating lists uploading data from
League Watch or Swiss Perfect (the latter will require a converter that will
be available for free download).
Here's a link to the ratings chapter of the FIDE Handbook http://www.fide.com/official/handbook.asp?level=B0210
Robert |
发表于 23-5-2006 11:18 AM
psim --> Have u get the software?
bismart --> 大馬象总用什么軟件?
[ 本帖最后由 sembilan 于 23-5-2006 03:55 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 23-5-2006 06:33 PM
新的等级分计算软件bismart已经拥有了,可以想他索取.不过得先安装ms server才能操作.详情也可想大马象棋园地的肥楚香询问. |
发表于 23-5-2006 06:35 PM
还有一个,swiss perfect是用来进行编排的,并不时用来计算等级分的,所以你不能参考SP的计算方法.别忘记,SP本来是用来编排与计算西洋棋的,所以我们并不能全部套用在中国象棋里边. |
发表于 24-5-2006 08:53 AM
原帖由 ^古城杨过^ 于 23-5-2006 06:33 PM 发表
新的等级分计算软件bismart已经拥有了,可以想他索取.不过得先安装ms server才能操作.详情也可想大马象棋园地的肥楚香询问.
计算软件叫什么名?有的download 嗎?
bismart可以寄cd去森州棋會嗎? |
发表于 25-5-2006 02:06 PM
计算软件叫什么名?有的download 嗎?
bismart可以寄cd去森州棋會嗎? |
发表于 25-5-2006 03:22 PM
大马象棋等级分计算软是由楚肥香负责编写,由大马象棋总会等级分小组负责管理,还在完善中,没打算对外公开。若各州棋会有兴趣,可透过代表在总会理事会上提出。 |
发表于 25-5-2006 08:06 PM
原帖由 psim 于 17-11-2005 10:19 PM 发表
如我之前所说,等级分算法简单,可是问题在人工。用Excel固然可以算,可是假设如果参赛者达到 〉40, 工作量是无法估计。
其实我的想法是不论成人甲乙组可以以等级分来编排种子,即使是中小学也一样。不要忘 ...
现有的大马象棋等级分系统可以当场计算分数,就算有几百个棋手也不是问题 |
发表于 25-5-2006 08:12 PM
原帖由 bismart 于 25-5-2006 03:22 PM 发表
今年槟州也会开始实行等级分制度,很高兴看到森州和砂州也对州推行等级分系统有兴趣 |
发表于 25-5-2006 08:18 PM
原帖由 ^古城杨过^ 于 23-5-2006 06:33 PM 发表
新的等级分计算软件bismart已经拥有了,可以想他索取.不过得先安装ms server才能操作.详情也可想大马象棋园地的肥楚香询问.
看到这里有我名字,就进来八八一下,等级分系统完成率已达80%,还有一些FUNCTION已拖了几个月还未加工,但已可在全国赛作每轮即时计算... |
发表于 25-5-2006 10:30 PM
原帖由 楚肥香 于 25-5-2006 08:18 PM 发表
那你得多家努力了,等你完成的时候也就是大马棋坛迈入另一个新的里程碑的时候了. |
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