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发表于 17-8-2016 01:18 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
个人在坐月子的时候,因为不敢使用沐浴乳来洗澡,只用大风草和姜水抹身体,加上大量的流汗导致生皮肤病,痕痒得不得了。 皮肤变得敏感, 还要哺乳的情况之下,真的很难熬。
后来经朋友介绍之下,有个做天然手工皂的化学师研发的大风草姜皂,特别为做月子的打制的肥皂。无需担心化学品残留在身体上导致而影响新生儿。 后来用了之后,敏感情况改善许多,而那位化学师做的肥皂都是纯天然成分的。
有需要的可以参考一下她的网页,价钱也合理;当然也有卖其他的手工皂, 好像她也有代制母乳肥皂的哦~~
https://www.facebook.com/Hello-N ... 08343739209762&rt=9

copy from hello natural lab

Warming Ginger Herbal Soap Bar
New Mums refrain from “taking bath” during confinement to prevent migraine and catching cold. Nevertheless, vigorous body sweating during delivery may spread bacteria, therefore it is crucial to maintain body hygiene at all the time especially breastfeeding mums.

Our soap formulation is specially prepared according to traditional formula. It contains selected herbs which have properties to improve blood circulations, remove body “wind”, strengthen the muscle and joints. Relieve mild swelling and relieve pain. Additional ginger helps to warm up the body and dispel wind and cold effectively.

Many pregnant women report seeing dark patches or pigmentation during pregnancy on their skin like on the face or other body parts this is because skin change is hormonal changes that come with pregnancy. Hormone changes trigger the skin to increase melanin production even having sensitive, eczema and dry skin. Our confinement soap is rich in shea butter which helps to reduce stretch mark and dark element or spots on skin after delivery. Besides it helps your skin well-moisturized.

Also suitable for joint pain ,improve blood circulation,or suitable use during period

Saponified blend of olive oil, castor oil, shea butter, palm kernel oil, rice bran oil, deionized water boiled with herbs, fresh ginger, dried organic ginger powder and organic tumeric.

对一般产后的现代妈妈来说,沐浴是一种禁忌。 皆因怕日后中 “月内风” 或者偏头痛。 用我们的坐月沐浴皂不但能为你解决这方面的问题,并且能保持身心清洁及恢复体力。做月期间容易流汗导致身体容易照成细菌生长;尤其是哺乳妈妈更应该保持身体的卫生干净。我们的手工皂是使用特有的防妊娠纹和减少黑色素的研制的配方;怀孕期间容易有黑色素沉淀或皮肤干燥,这是因为怀孕期的荷尔蒙导致的。

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