发表于 1-7-2007 10:45 AM
发表于 1-7-2007 03:47 PM
发表于 2-7-2007 10:04 PM
发表于 2-7-2007 10:09 PM
发表于 2-7-2007 10:51 PM
原帖由 rio90 于 2-7-2007 10:04 PM 发表
Abraham Ibrahim
Issac Issak
Zinedine Zainuddin
但是宗教是两个宗教.....上帝是不会出尔反尔的...所以,如果是同一上帝,不可能宣讲两个不同的教义的。 |
发表于 23-7-2007 03:20 PM
发表于 1-9-2007 12:55 AM
回复 #1167 mrlow 的帖子
根据此资料, 可兰经并不是说转教的信徒要被判死刑,而是在死后(after life)另外一个世界将会死.
What constitutes apostasy in Islam (回教中何谓转教/叛教)
Denying that the books before Islam (i.e. Christian and Jewish Scriptures) come from Allah (God) or denying their existence - it's part of the 10 tenets of Faith in Islam to respect those Scriptures, as they also came from God.
否认伊斯兰教的"古书"(例如:基督教与优太教的经文)出自于阿拉(神),或否认起存在 - 尊重那些经文...这是伊斯兰教信仰的十大原则之一,因为它们也是源自于神. |
发表于 3-9-2007 10:19 PM
摘自Jane Perlez: FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2006
Once Muslim, now mired in Malaysia's courtsKUALA LUMPUR: From the scant personal details that can be pieced together about Lina Joy, she converted from Islam to Christianity eight years ago and since then has endured extraordinary hurdles in her desire to marry the man in her life.
Her name is a household word in this majority Muslim country. But she is now in hiding after death threats from Islamic extremists, who accuse her of being an apostate.
Five years ago she started proceedings in the civil courts to seek the right to marry her Christian fiancé and have children. Because she had renounced her Muslim faith, Joy, 42, argued that Malaysia's Islamic Shariah courts, which control matters like marriage, property and divorce, did not have jurisdiction over her.
In a series of decisions, the civil courts ruled against her. Then, last month, her lawyer, Benjamin Dawson, appeared before Malaysia's highest court, the Court of Appeals, to argue that Joy's conversion be considered a right protected under the Constitution, not a religious matter for the Shariah courts.
"She's trying to live her life with someone she loves," Dawson said in an interview.
against Joy had become so insistent, and the passions over her conversion so inflamed, he had concluded there was no room for her and her fiancé in Malaysia. The most likely solution, he said, was for her to emigrate.
For Malaysia, which considers itself a moderate and modern Muslim country with a tolerance for its multiple religions and ethnic groups of Malays, Indians and Chinese, the case has kicked up a firestorm that goes to the very heart of who is a Malay, and what is Malaysia.
Joy's case has heightened a searing battle that has included street protests and death threats between groups advocating a secular interpretation of the Constitution, and Islamic groups that contend the Shariah courts should have supremacy in many matters.
Some see the rulings against Joy as a sign of increasing Islamization, and of the pressures felt by the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as it tries to respond to the opposition Islamic party, Parti Islam se-Malaysia.
About 60 percent of Malaysia's 26 million people are Muslims, 20 percent are Buddhists, nearly 10 percent are Christians and 6 percent are Hindus.
Malaysia has powerful Islamic affairs departments in its 13 states and in the capital district around Kuala Lumpur. The departments, a kind of parallel bureaucracy to the state apparatus that was strengthened during the 22-year rule of former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad, run the Shariah courts.
"Malaysia is at a crossroads," Dawson said. "Do we go down the Islamic road, or do we maintain the secular character of the federal Constitution that has been eroding in the last 10 years?"
In rulings in her case, civil courts said Malays could not renounce Islam because the Constitution defined Malays to be Muslims.
They also ruled that a request to change her identity card from Muslim to Christian had to be decided by the Shariah courts. There she would be considered an apostate, and if she did not repent she surely would be sentenced to several years in an Islamic center for rehabilitation.
Dawson said Joy was baptized in 1998 at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Kuala Lumpur. Because she considered herself a Christian, Joy did not believe that the Shariah courts applied to her.
Because of the death threats, including some calls to hunt her down, Dawson said, he could not make her available for an interview.
Similarly, her fiancé, a Christian of ethnic Indian background whom Joy met in 1990, had received death threats and was not prepared to be interviewed.
Last month, Badawi appeared to side with the Islamists when he ordered that forums organized around the country to discuss religious freedom must stop. The forums, run by a group called Article 11, named after the section of the Constitution that says Malaysians are free to choose their religion, were disrupted on several occasions by Islamic protesters.
The chief organizer of the Article 11 forums, a well-known human rights lawyer, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, a Muslim, received a death threat this month that was widely circulated by e-mail.
With the heading "Wanted Dead," the message featured a photograph of Malik and said: "This is the face of the traitorous lawyer to Islam who supports the Lina Joy apostasy case. Distribute to our friends so they can recognize this traitor. If you find him dead by the side of the road, do not help."
Malik, 36, who presented a brief in support of Joy to the Appeals Court, said he was seeking police protection. "We must not confuse the crucial distinction between a country in which the majority are Muslims, and is thus an Islamic country, and a country in which the supreme law is the Shariah, an Islamic state," Malik said.
of Muslims to Christianity are not common in Malaysia, though most converts do not seek official approval for marriage and therefore do not run into the obstacles that Joy confronted.
One 38-year-old convert, who said in an interview at a Roman Catholic parish that he would provide only his Christian names, Paul Michael, and not his surname, for fear of retribution, described how he led a double life.
"Church members know us as who we are, and the outside world knows us as we were," he said. He was fearful, he said, that if his conversion became public the religious authorities would come after him, and he could be sentenced to a religious rehabilitation camp.
One such place, hidden in the forest at Ulu Yam Baru, 32 kilometers, or 20 miles, outside the capital, is ringed like a prison by barbed wire, with dormitories protected by a second ring of barbed wire. Outside a sign says, "House of Faith," and inside the inmates spend much of their time studying Islam.
Paul Michael said he and other former Muslims moved from church to church for services to avoid detection.
注解本人英文不是很好,如有错译,请见谅 )
马来西亚 吉隆玻 42岁 马来妹 告上 法庭 要求给她 宗教自由 她还宣告法庭 她自愿要信爷苏而且几連前已进自愿被洗礼为爷苏教徒。法庭宣判:她身为马来人 没有 宗教自由 !!!不能在MYKAD除去回教字眼 !!!她的律司说 如果被送去回教法庭,他的马来妹会被回教宣判为 叛教/叛徒 !!! 会被关起来送去1个森林區 改造/洗脑。 律司说 因为 马来妹 坚定不鱼 要拜 爷苏,造成回教 敢死队 组织 发出追杀令 ,因为联邦 发庭不能 给她 宗教自由,马来妹 现在过作 4处逃忙的无法无天 的日子。马来妹 说 她只是 很 诚心诚意 的一心向 她 想要拜的 神 。因为没有宗教自由 马来妹 现在很痛苦。回教 组织 不能体量她。要强逼她 信1个她根本不相信的 神
我想请问 个位 回教 长老 对这件事 的来笼去埋 对这件事的评论
发表于 3-9-2007 10:30 PM
也请 各位 法律界 的 智慧份子 对 这位马来妹回教徒 的 宗教自由 诉求 评论1下 |
发表于 8-9-2007 11:36 AM
发表于 11-9-2007 12:59 PM
为什么千年以来回教都不能进化,都离不开利用暴力和强硬的手段来争取增加信徒呢?从以前的攻打麦加城到十字军甚至现在的世界各地的防恐战争都与回教有关,虽然以前基督教也有发动战争可是现在都可以与其他宗教和平相处,证明人家已经进化不再像以前那样野蛮。可是到了现在回教打着圣战的旗来搞事,还说这是阿拉叫他们做的,越壮烈越光荣,好像现在最有名的“基地”,菲律宾的“回教叛军”,泰国的“回教叛军”,印尼的“回教祈祷团”,在我国曾经轰动一时的“奥尔根组织”等等数不尽的都是,期待一天如果回教进化到可以像其他教那样和平相处。 |
发表于 12-9-2007 09:41 PM
这是我听我其中一个马来朋友说的。。。 |
发表于 12-9-2007 09:46 PM
原帖由 Zreo 于 1-7-2007 09:43 AM 发表
我赞成。。。全部只是那宗教当借口 |
发表于 13-9-2007 12:08 AM
发表于 13-9-2007 09:08 AM
原帖由 sasame 于 12-9-2007 09:41 PM 发表
这些人都是被洗脑了,没要救的。如果他打抢和强奸说是为宗教不就是无罪咯,怪不得他们天天都犯法都不怕,也不感觉有任何问题。 |
发表于 13-9-2007 11:07 AM
回复 #1171 謙司2005 的帖子
有谁可以解释一下吗?不知你们有没有看那恐怖份子砍人头的,大概三四年前的,砍人头时还念着“伟大的神(alawangpong)(spell 错别见怪,因为我不懂)",至今想起还是觉得很骇人。。。
可以解释一下吗?听说回教徒不管做任何事,只要是为了宗教(回教),便可上天堂,是吗? |
发表于 13-9-2007 11:25 AM
[ 本帖最后由 sasame 于 13-9-2007 11:30 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 13-9-2007 11:07 PM
许冠文都说过“真神会赐他(恐怖分子)七十个美女吗!”所以都这么并命的搞破坏 |
发表于 13-9-2007 11:19 PM
回复 #1173 sasame 的帖子
如果阿拉真的那麽神。他就會在可蘭經中立下某种條規,而不是慕淩兩可的話語。 |
发表于 13-9-2007 11:23 PM
回复 #1175 iamxman2 的帖子
那个presal200 不在了吗?真想请他解答一下
[ 本帖最后由 sasame 于 13-9-2007 11:31 PM 编辑 ] |
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