Startingfrom 1st Sep 2012, the Japanese Government will issue the MultipleEntry Visa for Malaysian nationals living in Malaysia who want to go toJapan for sightseeing, visiting relatives and other purposes. TheMultiple Entry Visa is valid for a maximum of 3 years and the length ofeach stay in Japan is limited to 15 days in principle. However, thelength of each stay in Japan may be extended to 30 days or 90 dayssubject to the consideration and approval by the Embassy/Consulate-General/ Consular Office of Japan.
1. Requirements
Malaysian nationals living in Malaysia who possess a validMalaysian passport and wish to conduct activities in Japan under the “short-term stay” category may apply for aMultiple Entry Visa provided that the applicant fulfills one of thefollowing criteria:
(A) Thosewho have travelled to Japan as temporary visitors in the past 3 years*and must be able to pay all their travel expenses while inJapan. (* applicable only if the applicants can show the previous entryand departure records stamped on their passports).
(B) Those who are employed with good financial status.
(C) Spouse and children of a person in category 1(B).