gidon兄,刚才去查了filter事,因为我30k没做冷气service,现在如果换filter加service,要RM350,会贵吗 ...
hoko 发表于 5-6-2012 01:47 PM ![](
我不知道行情。 不过要装filter最好做coil services. 还有冷气belt 是wear and tear item不能claim的。
以下是我当年跟HQ的对话,HQ才给我claim... It is funny you give me wear and tear as a reason. That mean G.Livina is using cheap and non quality belt/parts till cannot last even for one year. From your information, what do you mean for wear and tear?? Please give me a time frame. 1day, 1month, or 1 year after sale. If not mistaken I had make complaint during my 15,138kms services on 07/03/2009. and the relevant workshop just carried out the temporary solution for me, or this is Tan Chong tactic to treat customer to pull on the warranty time frame?? |