满屋 发表于 18-7-2013 08:53 PM
nih 你好
1. 英伦学院风糖果色复古雕花系带尖头平底鞋单鞋女鞋2013新品鞋庄
http://i ...
Amount: RM120.70Status: Successful
Reference number: 1843097414
Transaction date: 22 Jul 2013
Transaction time: 10:41:57
You can add as [size=10.909090995788574px]Favourite List if you plan to make same transfer in the future. Once added, you will no longer require TAC to make the transfer.
From Account
New balance:
To 3rd Party Account Number: 502214000211
Account Holder Name: TAN HSIAO LI
Effective date: Today
Description of transaction: qier TaoBao Payment