发表于 7-1-2014 03:56 PM
tom888 发表于 25-11-2013 08:01 PM
刚入手了一辆 Nissan Sentra.
Name (称呼): Liew Kam Yong 楊小邪 发表于 27-12-2013 08:50 PM
Name (称呼):Joe Quek
Cari ID (佳礼账号) :楊小邪
Gander (性别) :Male
nissan group于去年已推出新的帮会规矩及加入方式,
[官方 : 7月2013]
致所有要求加入Nissan Group的朋友:
欢迎~ 欲成为我们的正式会员,请仔细阅读一下所有条规
车队贴子价格为:RM30 1张,若需要邮寄则+RM5
Nissan Group车队贴子将在每满10张数量才会制作一次,所以敬请耐心等待。
[Official : July 2013]
To All NewJoin, welcome to join us. If you want to be our member,
you're require to register and get our Nissan Group logo car decal sticker.
Sticker price will be RM30 for 1pc, if postage needed will be require to add on RM5.
(For those at selangor/KL area you can attend our gathering and get it that time and no need postage)
Nissan Group car decal sticker will only make order with supplier once reach minimum of 10 order. so please be patience
NissanGroup logo decal number will be given by follow the sequence, we do not practice pre-keeping or number choosing. this is to keep fairness to everyone.
Nissan Group logo sticker:
Please fill in the member form below and also bank in detail (receipt, proof, slip or transfer detail) to [ nissangroup.m@gmail.com ] with attached a photo of your ride(including and showing car plate number)
*Management will kick those who havent send us the complete detail within 1 week time without notification. please take note. thanks.
1. 加入Nissan Group全属个人意愿,如之前还有加入其他车队,他日若发生任何会员籍争执与本团无关。
2. 必须遵守贴sticker的标准位置,即贴在后镜的中上位置,有多过一张者剩下的可自由选择位置。
3. 不允许私自更改sticker设计如裁剪等,严禁将多余sticker让给非会员的车辆。
4. 在安全的捞跑当中如果输还是赢了,都不可以比国际手势, 当然可以打个招呼, 请记得您车上也有本团标志,请为个人行为负责的同时也为照顾团队形象。
5. 希望大家都是好市民, 不会去制造不必要的麻烦, 因为有时别人只会认得sticker 而不会认人,担心其他车友也遭殃(车给人割花还是爆镜等报复的行为)
6. 必须明白nissan group内任何买卖皆属私人交易,請不要使用團的名義來進行任何買賣; 如過在買賣的過程當中發生了任何不愉快的事情,請自行負責,一切與本團無關,怒不负责。
7. 若是任何与官方有关的金钱交易,则会被管理团注明为 [官方], 否则无关。
8. 所有关于nissan group聚会照片或影片,禁止发放无遮盖车牌版本到nissan group以外任何网站包括个人facebook wall。
9. 如有会员触犯以上条规或涉及严重事故影响Nissan Group名誉及和平,Nissan Gruop有权将犯规或牵涉事件在内的会员取消其会员籍。
Other than that, By submitting the details to Nissan Group, means member assent and agrees to these:
1. Joining Nissan Group is personal wishes, as well as if you've joined or joining other car club before or future, when there is any future membership dispute has nothing to do with the group.
2. Must follow the standard of car group sticker, which is place at TOP CENTER of rear windscreen; but if you would like to stick more than 1, the rest of it is up to where you like.
3. You are not allow to modify the sticker & also give the sticker to non members.
4. No matter you won or lose in any racing game, you're prohibit to show international language! But of course, you can say hi Please remember that you have our logo on your car.
5. Hope that everyone are responsible to their behavior, wouldn't create unnecessary troubles. Be responsible to yourself & also the Group. Keep the good image but not ruin it.
6. All trading or business in nissan group is non-related with the organization itself and please do not use the name of Nissan Group to do any personal trading. We will not responsible to any trade that is not marked as [official].
7. All trading or business in nissan group is non-related with the organization itself or if there is, it will marked as [official] by management.
8. All photos or video clip of Nissan Group activity are not allow to expose out of nissan group without covering the number plate. this including personal blog or fb wall. the reason is to keep safe of everyone. of course, you're welcome to share out after cover up number plate.
9. Nissan Group have the rights to cancel his/her membership if there's any member involved in serious breach of the above conditions, or affected Nissan Group reputation and the peaceful of group.
以下是会员申请表 / MEMBER FORM / (必须全填) must fill up all
1. 请申请人把以下的申请表填好
1. Please fill in the form below:
Date (日期) :
Name (称呼):
Cari forum ID (佳礼账号) : *Please Leave it if u don't have cari ID
Gender (性别) :
HP (联络电话):
From (来自):
E-mail :
Car Model (车型号):
Car Plate Number (车牌号码):
Engine Mode l(引擎型号):
Transmision (变速箱): MT / AT / SEMI / CVT
2. 请准备车照片一张 (必须见到车牌号码) A picture of your car including car plate number
3. 银行汇款单据 / 付款证明/ 汇款资料 resit /proof of payment/bank in detail
Bank In Account:
Mint Tan (财政 Financial manager)
Tan Nyuk Min
MBB 112521096735
Email : mint8963@yahoo.com.sg
Mobile No : 012-6676565.
最后,请将准备好的一切 [ 整份条规申请表 / 车照 / 银行汇款单据 等 ] 一起邮寄到以下Email
At last, please email all details (member form, car photo, bank in detail) together to:
*请在邮件的subject / 标题写上申请人的名字*
*please fill your name as subject for the email*
**Nissan Group 有权利在没有通知下更改或增加任何条规。
**Nissan Group reserve the right to change these terms at any time and without notification.
***以上,并不包括海外友谊会员。若您来自海外,请通知我们 : )
***Above are not included overseas friend. if you come from oversea, please note us we welcome you too.
Nissan ニサングループ Group Management / 管理层