台湾媒体星期三报道指中国在南海西沙群岛的永兴岛(Woody Island)部署地对空导弹,掀起了国际社会的关注。其中,台湾和越南都表示,拥有该岛的主权。不过,中国外交部新闻发言人洪磊已经对此回应说:“中国有权在本国领土上部署必要的防御设施,提升国土防卫能力。” 必须一提的是,永兴岛(Woody Island)与我国的距离也非常靠近。如今,南海紧张升级,马来西亚政府对于中国在永兴岛上部署地对空导弹,是否有任何回应呢?
面子书红人兼资深律师Azhar Harun星期三就对此发帖,嘲讽我国政府此时此刻还在为餐馆的“Pork Free”牌示是否违法而烦恼。 【图片来源:网络】 “报道指出,中国军方在西沙群岛的永兴岛(Woody Island)部署了两个地对空导弹阵地,包括八辆防空导弹发射车和一个雷达系统。” “这起事情发生时,我国政府正急着警告那些张贴“无猪肉”(Pork Free)牌示的餐厅可能违法,因为这字眼可能混淆穆斯林。” Azhar Harun对此嘲讽称,面对这样的情况,还是有人说“不要担心,情况还是受控制。” 有网友在帖文下留言表示:“猪肉可以杀死一个人的尊严,但导弹不会,所以猪肉比较危险。” 也有网友笑说:“别担心,不会开战的,因为我们马中两国关系友好。” 也有网友笑称:“中国不会向我们开战,因为他们可以直接向我们买。 Apa lagi China mau beli?”,一些网友则回复表示:“Apa lagi kita boleh jual?” 【佳礼记者 严纬芹 整理报道】
AMOS5566 发表于 18-2-2016 03:19 PM
neymar 发表于 18-2-2016 03:38 PM
关注本地的事件比较实际。 因为如果人家真得要打, 我们可以做什么?
苏联就这样炸下mas, 荷兰马来西亚能 ...
肥仔聪 发表于 18-2-2016 04:03 PM
净莲妖火 发表于 18-2-2016 04:23 PM
neymar 发表于 18-2-2016 07:38 AM
关注本地的事件比较实际。 因为如果人家真得要打, 我们可以做什么?
苏联就这样炸下mas, 荷兰马来西亚能 ...
All licensed Bar Attorneys – Attorners (see definitions below) – in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, realizing this or not. This is simply due to the fact that all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple, which are physically located at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London. Although they vehemently deny it, all Bar Associations in the U.S., such as the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar, or California Bar Association, are franchises to the Crown.
The Inns of Court (see below, The Four Inns of Court) to the Crown Temple use the Banking and Judicial system of the City of London – a sovereign and independent territory which is not a part of Great Britain (just as Washington City, as DC was called in the 1800s, is not a part of the north American states, nor is it a state) to defraud, coerce, and manipulate the American people. These Fleet Street bankers and lawyers are committing crimes in America under the guise and color of law (see definitions for legal and lawful below). They are known collectively as the “Crown.” Their lawyers are actually Templar Bar Attornies, not lawyers.
The Crown Temple: A History of the Bar Association and Who Really Owns the USAADVERTISEMENT