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Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them  狹小的心量就被遭遇所馴服並折服;然而宏偉之德則凌駕其上  ~  美國詩人、文學家、小說家暨傳記作家  Washington Irving
18-2-2021 04:36 PM 回复|
The world is more malleable than you think, and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape  世界比你所預更為可塑,而其在等你錘之成形  ~  愛爾蘭音樂家、作曲家、樂團主唱暨吉他手  Paul David Hewson
17-2-2021 07:38 PM 回复|
Ultimately there is no such thing as failure, there are lessons learned in different ways  終究無那樣挫折之事,那為異方其中學取的教訓  ~  舞蹈公司創立人、舞蹈家暨編舞家、大學榮譽文學博士  Twyla Tharp
16-2-2021 04:54 PM 回复|
A man who trusts nobody is apt to be the kind of man nobody trusts  不信人者,易為人恆不信之類  ~  廿世紀英國政治家、首相暨政黨領袖  麥米倫  Maurice Harold Macmillan (1st Earl of Stockton) OM PC FRS
15-2-2021 04:39 PM 回复|
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world  若我們更多人重視食物、歡呼聲和歌聲,高於囤積的黃金,其將為一個更歡樂的世界  ~  John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
14-2-2021 07:30 PM 回复|
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right  為新的一年,並給予我們修正的另一次機會而歡呼  ~  美國演員、慈善家、投資家、電視製作人及脫口秀節目主持人  歐普拉  Oprah Gail Winfrey
13-2-2021 06:20 PM 回复|
Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us  ~  美國小說家、博物學家、報館社論編輯暨特約撰稿人  Harold "Hal" Glen Borland ...
12-2-2021 08:29 PM 回复|
Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty — they merely move it from their faces into their hearts  ~  美國作家、酒店業公司通訊與公共關係總監  Martin David "Bux" Buxbaum ...
11-2-2021 08:14 PM 回复|
A gift, with a kind countenance, is a double present  一份以厚道鼓勵賦予之禮,即一種雙倍餽贈  ~  十七世紀英國宗教師、作家暨歷史學家  托馬斯·富勒  Thomas Fuller
10-2-2021 07:22 PM 回复|
Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down  ~  美國演員、製作人暨電視脫口秀節目主持人  Oprah Gail Winfrey
9-2-2021 05:35 PM 回复|
This is a good sign, having a broken heart, it means we have tried for something  此為一個好兆頭,俱有一顆破碎的心,這意味著我們已對於一些事嘗試過了  ~  美國小說、自傳與傳記作家  Elizabeth M. Gilbert
8-2-2021 07:55 PM 回复|
Greatness isn't born, it's grown  偉大之處並非天生,其為成長的  ~  美國作家、雜誌特約編輯、職業棒球隊顧問、體育頻道記錄片系列撰稿暨顧問  丹尼爾·科伊爾  Daniel Coyle
7-2-2021 11:54 AM 回复|
Better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as a sheep  寧為一年虎,不做百年羊  ~  美國藝人、演員、導演、歌手、詞曲作家、音樂製作人、服裝設計師、作家、慈善家暨企業家  Madonna Louise Ciccone
6-2-2021 11:41 AM 回复|
The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, to fear are those who disagree with you, cowardly to let you know  ~  十九世紀義大利國王、法國皇帝、法學家、軍事家暨政治家  Napoléon Bonaparte
5-2-2021 07:29 PM 回复|
It is not titles that make men illustrious, but men who make titles illustrious  並非頭銜讓人出類拔萃,而是人使頭銜不同凡響的  ~  已故義大利學者、散文家暨哲學家  Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
4-2-2021 05:59 PM 回复|
Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you  別問。行動吧!行動將會勾勒並定義你  ~  美國律師、小提琴手、作家暨政治學家、公立研究大學創辦人、總統、開國元勛暨獨立革命領袖  Thomas Jefferson
3-2-2021 03:17 PM 回复|
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent  我拒絕暴力,因其似乎不賴時,好處僅短暫;其弊所為則永久的  ~  甘地  Mahatma Gandhi
2-2-2021 04:26 PM 回复|
Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone  歡笑而世界與你同樂,打鼾而你則孤枕獨眠  ~  英國詩人、翻譯、編劇、廣播員、劇作家、評論家、散文家暨小說家  John Anthony Burgess Wilson
2-2-2021 12:06 AM 回复|
A record deal doesn't make you an artist; you make yourself an artist  一份唱片合約並未讓你成為一位藝人;你則使自己成為一名藝人  ~  美國藝人、演員、歌手暨音樂製作人 Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta
31-1-2021 07:05 PM 回复|
A tradition is kept alive only by something being added to it  一項傳統唯有通過增添某些種東西,才保持活力  ~  已故廿世紀英國美裔作家  亨利·詹姆斯  Henry James OM
30-1-2021 10:25 PM 回复|


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