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Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm  成就,即於挫折前往另一次失敗其中,而不失熱忱的本事  ~  Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
26-11-2021 12:13 AM 回复|
Whatever the problem, be part of the solution, don't just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles ~  美國作家、劇作家、製片人暨喜劇演員  Elizabeth Stamatina Tina Fey
25-11-2021 12:36 AM 回复|
He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how  為理而活者,就能承受任何生活方式  ~  十九世紀德國詩人、作曲家、思想家暨哲學家  Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
24-11-2021 02:43 AM 回复|
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any  人棄其權最普遍之處,就是藉由認為其並無任何權力  ~  Alice Malsenior Tallulah-Kate Walker
23-11-2021 06:09 PM 回复|
If you don't fill your day with high priorities, it will automatically become filled with low priorities  ~  美國醫師、作家暨勵志講師  約翰·F·狄馬蒂尼  Dr. John Frederick Demartini ...
22-11-2021 11:02 PM 回复|
I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about how you could be doing it better ~  南非、美國及加拿大企業家  伊隆·馬斯克 Elon Reeve Musk ...
21-11-2021 08:50 PM 回复|
Most people have to get to a point where they don't have a choice before they'll change something  多數的人將有所改變之前,都得搞到其別無選擇的地步  ~  記者  Serena Mackesy
20-11-2021 09:19 PM 回复|
Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses  成就是藉由發揮優勢來實現的,而非剔除我們的弱點  ~  美國專欄作家  Marilyn vos Savant
19-11-2021 08:36 PM 回复|
I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the rankings because calculations can distract you  我盡量不太在重視排名,因為分數能讓人分心  ~  網球運動員  Novak Đoković
18-11-2021 07:50 PM 回复|
A goal without a plan is just a wish  沒策劃的目標僅為一種願望  ~  已故法國作家暨飛行員  安托萬·德·聖-修伯里  Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry ...
17-11-2021 07:26 PM 回复|
Taking in food should be done only to cure or prevent the weakening of the body while aiming to achieve ultimate knowledge  ~  韓國  普照知訥禪師  지눌  Jinul Puril Bojo Daesa
16-11-2021 08:28 PM 回复|
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings  ~  美國勵志作家  威廉·阿圖·沃德  William Arthur Ward ...
16-11-2021 01:38 AM 回复|
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow  感恩讓我們的昔日有意義、為今日帶來和平,並為明日創造願景  ~  美國勵志作家  麥樂蒂·碧緹  Melody Beattie
8-6-2021 03:08 PM 回复|
Adding power makes you faster on the straights; Subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere  增添力量使得你在直道上更快;減掉重量則讓你隨處更爲迅速  ~  英國汽車業發明家 Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman
7-6-2021 06:52 PM 回复|
There is always something to be grateful for  總有值得感恩之事  ~  澳大利亞作家和電視製片人  朗達·拜恩  Rhonda Byrne
6-6-2021 01:34 PM 回复|
Start, don't look back; If at the end it doesn't meet your hopes, start again  開了頭,莫回頭; 若最終非你所願,就重啟  ~  已故廿世紀美國影評人暨劇本作家  羅傑·約瑟夫·埃伯特  Roger Joseph Ebert
5-6-2021 01:23 PM 回复|
You have to train your brain to be positive just like you work out your body  你得像鍛煉身體一樣培訓你的腦袋變爲積極  ~  美國企業講師、潛能開發專家、工作績效與心理諮詢服務研究所  阿喬爾  Shawn Achor
4-6-2021 06:26 PM 回复|
Isolation is a dream killer  孤立是夢想的殺手  ~  已故廿世纪美國勵志作家暨演說家  芭芭拉·謝爾  Barbara Sher
3-6-2021 09:45 PM 回复|
You should learn from your competitor, but never copy; Copy and you die  你應該向你的對手學習,但決不要抄襲;抄就是你找死  ~  中國企業家、跨國科技集團前任董事長、線上支付服務平台創始人  馬雲  Jack Ma
31-5-2021 02:12 AM 回复|
Fearlessness is like a muscle; The more I exercise it, the more natural it becomes to not let my fears run me  ~  美國希臘裔作家、網路傳媒集團總裁、主編暨創立人  Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington
30-5-2021 07:47 PM 回复|


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