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thtse: It was 28 degrees Celsius. I walked in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat chicken broccoli rice, , ice-cream, and coffee biscuit.
14-4-2023 07:49 AM 回复|
王春亮抓龙筋: 王春亮是中国第一个抓龙筋培训的人,也是中医抓凤筋发起人,属于古中医按摩范畴,后来又有很多人模仿他,而王春亮龙凤呈祥、中医灵疗、炁咒疗愈、密宗推拿等,却无人敢效仿。     王春亮中医抓龙筋与抓凤筋疗法,包 ...
14-4-2023 07:04 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 28 degrees Celsius. I went in Acsa to eat chicken rice, egg, and yogurt.
13-4-2023 07:46 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 22 degrees Celsius. I strolled in Acsa to eat fried chicken, macaroni, egg, and yogurt.
12-4-2023 07:38 AM 回复|
以往情圣: 不是实习了。你们慢慢玩啊!不用被你们欺负了!
11-4-2023 04:22 PM 回复|
thtse: It was 18 degrees Celsius. I used my computer to watch movie on internet at home.
11-4-2023 07:24 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 10 degrees Celsius. I employed my desktop to watch youtube on internet at home.
10-4-2023 07:19 AM 回复|
王春亮抓龙筋: 王春亮推拿导师常年对外传授中华按摩绝学,是集休闲、保健、调理、康复、治疗、修行,一条龙的整体学科, 是完美的中医外治手段,是世界手法医学的挑灯者,是身心同调的全治法,疗法众多,技术先进,欢迎学习体验。 ...
10-4-2023 06:16 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 5 degrees Celsius. I jogged in Pacific Mall to see the Easter & Spring Celebration 2023.
9-4-2023 09:22 AM 回复|
thtse: It was -2 degrees Celsius. I joined a tour to visit Fallsview Casino with my parents. We strolled around Niagara Falls to take many photos.
8-4-2023 11:48 AM 回复|
哇佬勒: 宋亡之後無中國,明亡之後無華夏,滿清之後無漢人, “文革”之後無信仰,改革之後無道德.
7-4-2023 09:05 PM 回复|
thtse: It was 9 degrees Celsius.  I walked in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat fried fries, rice, fried chicken, bean, vanilla, and cake.
7-4-2023 12:13 PM 回复|
黄俊棋风水师: #命里有时终须有 #命里无时莫强求。 如不合适您的话,请您别指望太高。 福主有心想在此处~大展鸿图~ 所以聘请我寻找合适福主的风水店铺。 您们应该常常听很多师傅说什么 #火烧天门 不能在~#乾卦~(西北位置)有 ...
7-4-2023 09:32 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 9 degrees Celsius. While it was raining, I sat a chair in Acsa to eat fried chicken, macaroni, fried egg, and yogurt.
6-4-2023 07:18 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 10 degrees Celsius. I went in Acsa to eat macaroni, chicken, yogurt, and breads.
5-4-2023 08:03 AM 回复|
thtse: It was 11 degrees Celsius. I used my computer to watch youtube on internet at home.
4-4-2023 08:03 AM 回复|
AntiScam8668: 公布電詐幕後黑手。此台灣高雄人(陳迺翰 Chen Nai-Han)綽號(阿瑞),無惡不作,在東南亞幹起電信詐騙,他也承認過金三角緬北柬埔寨的電信詐騙他有關係的,也特別在馬來西亞幹起多起各種手段的Macau Scam澳門騙局 ...
3-4-2023 01:40 PM 回复|
thtse: It was 3 degrees Celsius. I lingered home to watch movies on television.
3-4-2023 07:33 AM 回复|
thtse: It was -1 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to watch youtube on internet.
2-4-2023 11:51 AM 回复|
蓝星星: 时间在催我挣钱 年龄在催我老去,在这个不知所措的年纪 做什么都身不由己, 满身欲望 两手空空 心事重重
1-4-2023 11:55 AM 回复|


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