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发表于 17-4-2007 09:01 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
翻译:nono2002|Replays.Net & NightMare|Replays.Net


1)打钱狂人(The Chinese Gold Farmer)

是的,那件事就是,打钱出些 超级无敌惊天动地举世无双 的装备先!也许会有人告诉他,这场游戏最多也就进行1个小时左右,而在这之后,所有他买的装备都将不复存在.我猜,对于他来说,或许在累积虚拟货币的过程中,存在着现实社会中无法体会的乐趣吧(PS. 如果你以为我是种族主义者的话,我可以告诉你我也是中国人.)








喜欢的英雄: 骨头弓,骨头弓,骨头弓,食尸鬼

曾经见过这样一种玩家,他们会一个人冲进5个穷凶极恶的敌人当中去,然后挂掉,然后开始喷些诸如"我靠你们这群菜B咋不来帮我一起搞呢?"之类的话,之后就是 "孤胆英雄"离开了游戏.这些家伙们对将要到来的Gank全然不觉,并会对小地图上的提示产生严重误解,所以哪怕是在敌人5个挑他1个这种吃死亏的局面之下,他也会毫不犹豫地像例子里所说的那样向前冲.我想送他们一句话:"珍惜生命,远离赌场."他们很有可能是色盲(我不开玩笑,我有个BN上的朋友就是色盲,所以看小地图时会混淆.),或者他们尚处于菜鸟和中手这2个阶段之间.






















在任何圈子里面都有精英的存在, Dota圈子也不例外. 这些人瞧不起任何在Dota方面比他们差的人. 他们用蔑视的眼光去看那些新手, 然后显得他们懂得很多. 精英在哪都有, 对于这类人你所能做的恐怕只有对骂了.

应对策略: 当发现这些精英开始咒骂他们的队伍后, 你应该怂勇他们进一步的继续咒骂.

喜欢的英雄: 任何英雄.

当他们发现危险, 便马上跑回泉水.



应对策略: 从后面Gank他们, 这样会让他们认为温泉同样也是危险的.

喜欢的英雄: SA, 火枪, Bone1

[ 本帖最后由 q\=.=/p 于 23-11-2007 07:14 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2007 09:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
通常在进游戏前, 他们会在聊天频道里说:"Hi, 大家好吗?", 通常他们会被无视. 在现实生活中, 这类人可能是那种上完班回到家抽个空玩玩Dota的人, 也可能是孩子的父亲. 碰到他们你该怎么办呢? 你该告诉他们一些游戏的东西, 让他们不会轻易被杀.

应对策略: 如果你是高手, 能轻易的杀点他们, 同时也请指导他们哪里做错了, 这样他们能很快的提高同时也能更好的融入这个游戏.

喜欢的英雄: 火枪

亚洲的DotA玩家以其强大的数学能力而闻名于全球DotA界,并且经常会以 末日算盘(+100智力) 来作为第1个大件.虽然这件东西在游戏中并不存在,但他们仍然可以用数学能力来主宰所有人.他们会考虑法球效果叠加,以及暴击出现概率,等等,并会为他们在补刀上的自我突破而在心底叫好.


应对策略:诸如 暴击 和 闪避之类的事,对于数学家而言就是个灾难,因为它们会降低问题的确定性.不过没有什么比对他们充满了期望的父母更危险的东西了."你要好好学习,将来要当个律师,听到了没?!"


当你正在努力游戏, 确保你所在的队伍能获取胜利的时候, 这类人可能正在咀嚼着口香糖, 在那剪指甲, 同时关心下他们的显示屏. 这帮家伙并不怎么关心Dota的输赢, 他们只是无聊没事做而已. 你会经常发现他们的英雄在那泡温泉泡个10几分钟, 他们正在利用这段时间在倒垃圾. 如果幸运的话, 他们的ID将会经常进入Banlist, 从而让他们从Dota的世界永远消失.

应对策略: Pfffft. (当某些人做了愚蠢的事后, 你会发出这种声音.)
喜欢的英雄: 任意





16)Donald Trump(美国地产大亨)


为什么?因为Donald Trump玩DotA时没有 解雇名单 这东西。(Rosie_ODonnell因为语气恶劣而被拉进黑名单)。

应对策略:创建BN帐号 -> 拉进黑名单。


当你被对面2个英雄偷袭的时候, 在你身旁的盟友正在继续打着小兵. 他们仍然不知道发生了什么. 这类玩家将会郁闷你直到游戏结束. 他们迟钝的反应以及预知力是他们主要的责任.

应对策略: 闪耀+晕眩. 他们将不会知道发生了什么.

喜欢的英雄: 任意

不同普通的Dota玩家, 这些人卑鄙得像从地狱爬出来的一样. 他们永远会等对面的玩家选好英雄后, 他们再选一些针对型的英雄. 当你们正在Gank, 他会猥琐的跑到你们的基地去攻击塔或者兵营. 在游戏里, 你将很少碰见他们, 但不一会, 你会发现他们收集了大量的金钱, 没死过, 而且摧毁了你们大多数的建筑.

事实证明他们这种人是懦夫, 不过懦夫,小人往往拥有很高的智商. 同时这种智商让他们变得很危险.

某天, 你不得不离开你家庭去外面工作. 第二天当你回到家的时候你会发现"BD强盗"已经搞定你老婆, 你的儿子在叫他老爸, 同时并占有了你的房子. 卑鄙的杂种.

应对策略: 尽快的买到飞鞋!!

喜欢的英雄: 赏金, 骷髅弓箭手, 隐刺, 先知, 地精修补.

我们喜欢这类人. 他们永远是第一个去买侦察守卫, 帮助队友Gank, 买真视宝石, 服从指挥. 他们或许只能得到普通的战绩, 但是却让你在寂寞的夜晚感到温暖.

应对策略: 他们需要尽快并且持续的被杀, 这样你们的SA和Bone才会有机会大搞破坏.

喜欢的英雄: 大树, 潮汐, 光法.

每当他们达到6级后, 杀戮时间到了. 他们经常会拿到FB或者被FB, 而且通常他们会选择屠夫或夜魔. 这种过激的攻击性以及自信让他们变得可怕. 当你被扔进监狱, 并要与这类型的人住一个号的时候, 做好准备你将会有个新的男朋友.  WTF!

应对策略: 剩下10HP的时候马上往温泉跑, 他们会来追杀你, 然后你的塔将会杀死他们. 当你在所有人的聊天频道送给他一个"lol"后, 他会回答:"这很值得."

喜欢的英雄: 剑圣, 屠夫, 夜魔.

使用地图作弊器的玩家玩Dota只为了一个原因, 去获取胜利! 他们将不计较任何损失, 即使他们的Bnet账号....或者他们的灵魂! 他们是无法被Gank的, 他们知道该什么时候攻击兵营, 他们将无限的Farm直到不得不离开, 他们能准确的偷袭正在FarM的你. 但是要记住, 在他们的心底, 他们会渴求一种他们失去的快乐--团队合作.

应对策略: 千万别选隐身英雄, 那对于Mher是没意义的. 使用作弊器的人是永远不可能消失的, 无视他们就好了.

喜欢的英雄: 隐刺, 影魔, Zeus, 小强, 先知.

当他们读完一篇攻略后, 他们会完全按照攻略上的玩. 好的方面, 他们有自己的方法以及合理的物品购买条理. 不好的就是他们完全没有灵活性以及创造力. 他们跟单机的AI一拍而合.

小心当你选了些英雄但没有按照他们看过的攻略玩的时候, 他们会开始"教育"你.

应对策略: 稍微思考下他们用什么策略, 然后针对之.

喜欢的英雄: 任意

当只有100左右HP的时候, 他们能完美的操作他们的英雄, 从Gank中逃离, 然后反杀对手, 从而再跑去温泉, 这段时间足够他们把脏衣服扔进洗衣机了. 这类玩家通常会在游戏开始的时候买鸡, 而且会经常计算对手需要多少Mana来杀掉他们, 并且在只剩下20HP的时候离开塔.

应对策略: 任何隐身英雄能轻易的击碎他们那极端的计划. = =

喜欢的英雄: 狗头人, 圣骑, 先知, 光法, 谜团.


敌人 杀死了 普通玩家!并获得275黄金!
敌人 杀死了 角色扮演者!并获得280黄金!
敌人 刚刚完成了一次 双杀!




跟胆小鬼很像, 但他们很少跑. 该强调的是这类型玩家还是能对团队起那么点作用的. 不管怎样, 他们在后期有可能成为肉盾, 他们永久不变物品: 先锋盾 - 不朽 - MeK - 心 - 鞋 - 坚韧球.

他们能杀人吗!?  NO
他们能在Gank中不死吗!? NO
他们需要回温泉恢复吗!? NO

应对策略: 很多人并不了解回复能力在4秒的大战中起不了什么作用. 在那4秒中, 或许你能从花费了上钱金钱的装备中获取40点HP的回复. whoops....

喜欢的英雄: 半人马酋长, Tiny, 潮汐, 死骑, Omni.

通常这些人会把敌人斗到只剩下20HP, 在那个时候, 敌人将会向泉水跑去. 这些"超乎寻常者"将不理乎一切而去追对手. 他们将跑进对手的泉水, 就为了那最后的一击, 紧接着被Rape. 他们的分数通常是12-12, 他们每次杀到个人的后果就是被杀.

应对策略: 勾引 勾引 勾引

喜欢的英雄: 复仇天魂, PA, 隐刺, 敌法.

27)Boba Fett (星球大战中著名的赏金猎人)
和Boba Fett一样,他们随身携带着大量的小玩意儿,并在战斗中利用它们来使我们发出"我靠不是吧?!"的感叹.你将发现,在他们几乎快死的时候,他们会biu地一声,掏出梅肯,分身斧,变羊,红杖,反过来把你给做掉了.接着,当你的盟友赶到并想结果他的时候,他还会biu地一声,掏出逃脱匕首,洛萨之锋逃之夭夭,并用旅行者之靴传送回泉水,或者做些与此类似的事情.如果你曾经在路人战中,见过某人突然biu地一声,掏出死灵书招了俩小怪,你就知道我在讲些什么了.



喜欢的英雄: 修补匠, 地精工程师, 神探加杰特(动画人物...)

如果你对面有这类型人, 跑!! 他们永远是Gank的主导者, 同样也属于恶犬一类. 他们拥有对所有事物完美的理解, 同时运用他们所有的妙计以及智慧去摧毁对手, 他们知道什么能起作用什么不能. 他们像那种战斗计划者, 而且第一个在地图上打信号的人. 他们经常在幕后来引导队伍来按照他的计划来做. 在队伍完成后, 他们会说些东西同时疯狂的来阻止队伍疯狂的推进, 然后开始计划另一个Gank.

应对策略: 去弄个备用物品, 比如 跳刀和隐刀.

喜欢的英雄: 水人, VS, 先知, 灵魂行者, 女王, PA, 赏金.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2007 09:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
1. Writer's Foreword

Ok so by now you're probably a self proclaimed pro or trying to get into this somewhat elitist game. You've read about the heroes and what they can do. You've studied all the items and builds carefully and you've probably got a favorite hero that you feel comfortable with.

Heck you probably think I'm catering to an idiot by writing this guide. You my friend, may be correct. However what you should know before venturing into the dark alleys of Battle.net is the kinds of people you will encounter. This guide will either inform, amuse or piss you off. Either way lets take a look at the "people of DOTA!(drumroll)".

2. The Different Faces of Dota

1)The Chinese Gold Farmer

First of all, this guy probably got into DOTA from playing World of Warcraft and failing grades at school in order to play World of Warcraft. You will notice that whatever is happening whether your entire team is getting wiped out or your base is under attack, this guy will always do one thing.

Yep, that's farm up super-dooper-drop-your-pants-zomg-bbq items! Someone should tell him the game only lasts around 1 hour and after that everything he earns will be gone. Oh well I guess there's some sort of pleasure in amassing virtual goodies that don't exist in the real world. (PS. if you think I'm racist I'm Chinese myself.)

Strategy: Gank him. That's it. He'll be too busy pushing forward in the lane and won't be thinking about battles or ganks.

Preferred Heroes: Alchemist, Doom

2)The Wannabe Hero

Whether it be taking all the leavers items, farming up until late game and getting Beyond Godlike all of a sudden, or posting hundreds of replays on Dota-Allstars.com as hans2; this guy will go out of his way to get the phatest of lewt, highest amount of XP etc. He will probably not help you in a gank unless he's 100% sure he'll get a kill and make himself look good. Wait til late game and let him carry the team.

These guys could be a blessing come the 50th minute mark. Or if not then they're as useful to the team as 3 Lothar's Edge's on a Stealth Assassin.

Hey, what can I say? You play to win, you play to look good infront of everyone.

Strategy: Deny and harass until he gets pissed off and ragequits. If he stays then applaud the other players on his team and he'll also get pissed off.

Preferred Heroes: Clinkz, Clinkz, Clinkz, Naix

3)The Rambo

Ever seen guys who will rush into a fray of 5 enemy heroes and die and then start spamming words to the effect of "ZOMG NOOBS YOU DIDN'T HELP ME!!!! (Rambo has left the game). These guys have a seriously difficult time figuring out when a gank is coming, what minimap pings mean, why 5v1 is not odds to be proud of etc. My advice to these guys: "Stay the hell away from casinos." Often they're colorblind (I kid you not I got a friend on Bnet who is colorblind and gets confused when he sees the minimap) or they're still between being a noob and being an average player.

Strategy: Let him feed!

Preferred Heroes: Centaur, Bristleback

4)The Newbie

A newb and a noob are too different things. A newb is a new player who will contribute to the team and follow orders and generally ask question which will make him a better player. A noob is someone who has played for over a year and still get owned by everyone and spams in chat and ragequits after dying. Newbies should be treated with care and caressed... Maybe not caressed but you should all help these people out and give them pointers.

Strategy: Tell him that to win the game all you have to do is reach the enemy fountain. (I ain't joking, it's actually worked for me once. Yes, I am slightly sadistic.)

Preferred Heroes: Stealth Assassin, Sniper

5)The Silent Veteran

These are the ones to watch out for. During pre-game chat they'll say very little. After getting a triple kill they'll say nothing. Even after getting Beyond Godlike they still won't gloat or show off the fact. Why don't they speak much? Because they're so good that they're used to owning and also they're too jaded to speak to random people off the internet.

Strategy: Either run or gank.

Preferred Heroes: Any

6)The Leader

Usually a player will start pinging ganks and typing "b" or "push" into team chat. These people are the leaders and generally have a good strategic look on things. Leaders are vital to victory during a game.

Either that or they're power tripping. You be the judge.

Strategy: If you find out who's calling the shots on the enemy team, gank him while a lone hero on your team does a blind push and then retreats. He'll be too busy typing and signalling for everyone to gank that he'll be vulnerable for about 5 seconds. And if you actually believe this piece of advice then I recommend also getting Agannim's Sceptre on Naix.

Preferred Heroes: Techies

7)The Quitter

These people are defeatist in nature. Your team may lose all its outer towers and one inner tower and these guys will be the first to say: "GG." They'll also be the first to quit after an entire lane full of rax has been owned. These people have lost the fight before it's even started so the best thing to do is to run back to fountain once they've just been owned and ragequitted. That way you can call first dibs on their nice items

Strategy: Gank him a few times and it'll be 4v5.

Preferred Heroes: Any

8)The Never-Say-Die

Gotta love these guys. The exact opposite of the Quitter, these people will stay til the very bitter end and will often be seen defending the lone Throne all by himself against 5 enemy heroes. Give these people a compliment since they're a dying species. Heck give em a war medal since they probably fought in the trenches of World War 2 in a previous life.

Strategy: Poor lad. Go easy on him unless he's owning your entire team using the leavers items.

Preferred Heroes: Any

9)The 12-Year Old

"ROFL PWNED LMAO!" Yep, these kids have just hit puberty and have raging hormones. They should probably be venting this rage on Counter-Strike but here they are on Dota. During pre-game chat they'll be saying all the stupid goofy stuff. The good thing about kids is they're easy to own due to their slower brains and bad judgement.

Strategy: Do what I do in real life. Ignore little kids. There are more productive ways to spend your time.

Preferred Heroes: Any

10)The Elitist

In every community, and the Dota community too, there will be elitists. These people look down on anyone slightly worse then them at Dota. They'll gaze at newbies with undisguised contempt and horde their knowledge from others like it's all they have. Elitists are everywhere and there's little you can do about them except get into name-calling competitions.

Strategy: Since elitists are a curse upon their own team, perhaps you should be encouraging him to further discourage his own team mates.

Preferred Heroes: Any

11)The Coward

See trouble. Run to fountain.

These guys are as useful to your team as a chair is to a whale.

Need I say more?

Strategy: Gank them from behind. This confuses them as the fountain is also in the direction of danger for them.

Preferred Heroes: Stealth Assassin, Sniper, Clinkz

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2007 09:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
12)The Casual Player

In the pre-game chat these people will be like: "Hi, how are you guys?" and usually be ignored. In real life they are a father of three and has just gotten home from his day job to play Dota. What do you do about these guys? Well give them pointers so they don't get killed too often.

Strategy: If you are pro then simply kill them be also tell them why they died and what they did wrong so they can improve and get deeper into the game.

Preferred Heroes: Sniper

13)The Mathemetician

Asian Dota players are renowned for their maths skills and will often rush their first item known as the Abacus of Doom which gives +100 to intelligence. But since this doesn't exist in game they'll use their maths skills to own everyone. Before battles they'll calculate how much mana they need to do how much dmg over how much time. They'll consult their Orb stacking charts and crit probability statistics etc. and have a tiny shriek of joy for beating their personal best -cs.

My advice is stick near these guys as they seldom screw up. Unless they get ganked that is... or unless their mother starts yelling at them in real life to go study. In that case they feed.

Strategy: Things like crits and evasion are a bane to the Mathematician since that makes the equations less certain. But nothing is more dangerous to them then their high expectations parents. Now you study hard and become a lawyer ya' hear!

Preferred Heroes: Lion, Lina, Crystal Maiden, Zeus

14)The Partially AFK

While you're working your butt off trying to secure victory for your team, these guys are munching on chips and cutting their nails and glancing at the screen every so often. These people don't really care and just play Dota because they have nothing else to do. You'll notice them sitting in the fountain for around 10 minutes while they go take a dump. Luckily these people are a dying breed since Banlists and ivory poaching is making them extinct.

Strategy: Pfffft.

Preferred Heroes: Any

15)The Know-nothing Know-it-all

"STFU NOOB. I know what I'm doing. Dagon on Juggernaught is the way to go."

Ok so they managed to own a noob using their lame build and from then on they stuck to it. No matter what you do, they'll still stick to their original decision and get their Agannim's Sceptre for Phantom Assassin or Eul's for Naix.

Strategy: Tell them that getting the Dagon for Juggernaught was a nice idea and also tell them they should get a Mystic Staff so they can spam Dagon.

Preferred Heroes: Any

16)The Donald Trump

"Lol I killed you dude." "BANNED!"

These guys have one rule that they follow: "Anyone piss you off, then omgz0r BANNED!!!!!!"

Why? Because Donald Trump plays Dota and there's no such thing as a FiredList. (Rosie_ODonnell has been banned for verbal abuse).

Strategy: Creating Bnet accounts > Banlist.

Preferred Heroes: Any

17)The Unaware

So you just got ganked by 2 enemy heroes while your ally is beside you creeping. They still don't know what happened. These players will frustrate you to no end. Their slow reflexes mixed with their lack of sight makes them a major liability.

Strategy: Blinks and stuns. They won't know what's going on.

Preferred Heroes: Any

18)The Backdoor Bandit

Unlike normal Dota players, these guys are sneaky as hell. They'll wait for everyone on the enemy team to pick heroes before they pick so that they can choose a hero that counters all of them. While you guys are ganking, he'll sneak up on your towers and rax and own them with no resistance. You'll barely see him all game but by the time you do he's amassed a vast fortune, hasn't died at all and has owned the majority of your rax.

The fact is that these people are cowards. Cowards that are highly intelligent! (OMG NO!). And that mix by itself is dangerous.

One day you'll be off going to work with a family and kids by your side. The next day you'll come home and find the Backdoor Bandit has married your wife, your kids are calling him dad and somehow he's managed to get the lease on your house leaving you in the gutter with nothing. Sneaky bastards...

Strategy: Boots of Travel asap!

Preferred Heroes: Gondar, Clinkz, Stealth Assassin, Furion, Tinker

19)The Team Member

We love these guys. They will be the first to get wards, help in ganks, get gems, follow instructions and the like. They'll get an average score but will fetch and sit and keep your feet warm on lonely nights.

Strategy: They need to be killed off quickly and repeatedly so that your Stealth Assassin and your Clinkz can both run around and cause havoc.

Preferred Heroes: Treant, Tide, Keeper

20)The Pitbull

As soon as they hit lvl 6, bam, it's hero killing time for them. Farming is for wusses. They'll either get first blood or be first blood and will typically go with heroes like Pudge and Balanar. Their ultra aggression mixed with their confidence makes them dangerous. If you ever end up in prison and sharing a cell with these guys then be prepared to have a new boyfriend.

Strategy: Run to fountain with 10 HP left. Pitbull chases and kills you. Towers own Pitbull. You'll give him a hearty LOL. Afterwards he'll say it was definitely worth it.

Preferred Heroes: Balanar, Pudge, Juggernaught

21)The Maphacker

Maphackers play for one reason only. To win no matter the cost whether it be their Bnet account... or their Soul! They are ungankable, know when to attack rax, will farm none stop until they are forced to retreat and will hunt you down while you are neutral creeping. But remember that deep down inside they just crave a bit of happiness which is missing in their life. Awwwwwww grouphug.

Strategy: Don't pick invisible heroes as they're useless against the maphacker. It's a never-ending war between the Trumps and the Maphackers so leave them be.

Preferred Heroes: Stealth Assassin, Nevermore, Zeus, Nerubian, Furion

22)The Guide-Freak

After reading one strategy guide, they'll follow it to the letter. On the plus side this means that they'll be highly methodical and will usually make all the right decisions regarding purchasing items. On the downside they have zero flexibility and creativity. Might as well slap in a couple of AI opponents instead.

Beware if you choose one of their heroes and don't go by their strategy guide though. They'll start acting self-righteous.

Strategy: Take an educated guess what build they're going to create (won't be hard.) Then counter it!

Preferred Heroes: Any

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2007 09:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
23)The Micromanager

With barely 100 HP left, they'll manage their hero so well they'll escape a gank, end up with a kill, return to fountain and still have enough time to do the laundry. These people will almost always get a chicken at the start which will become their secretary and manage their appointments for them while they calculate how much mana the enemy needs to kill them while they're leeching XP with only 20 HP left beside the tower.

But the scariest ability of these people above all is that they can rub their stomach while rubbing their head and counting backwards in odd numbers from 100.

Strategy: Any invisible heroes should foil their dastardly plans.

Preferred Heroes: Meepo, Chen, Chrow, Furion, Keeper of the Light

24)The Role Player

In all your time playing Dota you might only see one of these guys. They are as rare as a dark albino. Also they're are as scary as one... Here's your basic conversation with a Role Player:

RolePlayer: Hush... I fear the enemies draw near these woods. A fell voice is heard in the air.
Player: OMG don't just stand there help me!
Enemy has owned Player's head for 275 gold!
Enemy has owned RolePlayer's head for 280 gold!
Enemy has just got a Double Kill!
RolePlayer: It is a dark day indeed. We have been vanquished but our souls will take their vengeance!
Player has left the game.

Oh and I often enjoy taking on this persona when I'm drunk. When I'm sober I'll watch the replay for some laughs.

Strategy: Since they're too busy typing to do much of anything, just kill them.

Preferred Heroes: Drow, Priestess of the Moon, Luna and any other Elvish based heroes.

25)The Afraid-to-Die

Sort of like the coward however with less running. Once again these people do little good for the team. However they do make good tanks late game as their usual item build is along the lines of: Vanguard, Aegis, Mek, Heart, Boots, Perserverance.

Can they get any kills? No. Can they survive getting ganked? No. Do they ever need to go back to fountain to heal? No.

Strategy: Most people don't realize that regeneration doesn't help much during battles since a battle is over in about 4 seconds. In that 4 seconds you might of gained about 40 HP from spending thousands of gold on regen items. Big whoop...

Preferred Heroes: Centaur, Tiny, Tide, Abaddon, Omniknight

26)The Over-Achiever

Usually these guys will fight an enemy until the enemy is down to 20 HP, at that point the enemy will start running back to fountain. Overachievers will pursue them and put everything on the line in order to catch their target. These are the guys who will run into the enemy fountain for that last hit and subsequently get totally ripped up. Their scores will usually be along the lines of 12-12 since for every kill they make they will also get killed.

Strategy: Bait bait bait!

Preferred Heroes: Spectre, Phantom Assassin, Rikimaru, Antimage

27)The Boba Fett

Just like Boba Fett, these players use lots of gadgets that make us go: "WTF?!" when they're used in battle. You'll be hitting these guys and they'll almost be dead and all of a sudden they'll go Mekansm, Manta Style, Hex, Dagon and own you up. Then when your allies arrive to try to finish him he'll go Blink Dagger, Lothar's Edge and then Boots of Travel back to fountain or something to that effect. If you've ever seen someone all of a sudden activate a Necronomicon in a pub game you know what I'm talking about.

Next thing you know they'll be flying around with a jetpack firing lasers at everyone.

Strategy: Be ready for the unexpected.

Preferred Heroes: Tinker, Techies, Inspector Gadget

28)The Assassin

If you are against these types of guys, RUN. These guys are gank leaders and some also fall into the Pitbull category. They have a strategic outlook on everything and use all their cunning and wisdom to demolish the enemy team because they know what works and what doesn't. They have a tendancy to be the guy that says the battle plan and the first to ping at the enemy. Silently they move in the shadows helping there team approach and assasinate you. After they are done, they tend to say little and frantically try to stop a push, organize another gank without acknowledging there heroic feat, if it is destroying the matrix or defeating the whole team by themselves.

Strategy: Get a backup plan to escape eg. Blink Dagger or Lothars Edge.

Preferred Heroes: Morphling, Vengeful Spirit, Furion, Spirit Breaker, Queen of Pain, Phantom Assassin, Gondar

3. Last Words

A few minor updates were added. I believe we've almost covered the entire spectrum.
Added The Assassin idea courtesy of YaNK_FaN.

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发表于 17-4-2007 09:53 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-4-2007 10:20 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-4-2007 12:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

不过blademaster买dagon,很傻吗? 我还常常用。

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发表于 17-4-2007 03:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
jugg 买吹风筒嘛不错下的...要ulti时吹creep仔在杀对手

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发表于 17-4-2007 04:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
亚洲的DotA玩家以其强大的数学能力而闻名于全球DotA界,并且经常会以 末日算盘(+100智力) 来作为第1个大件.虽然这件东西在游戏中并不存在,但他们仍然可以用数学能力来主宰所有人.他们会考虑法球效果叠加,以及暴击出现概率,等等,并会为他们在补刀上的自我突破而在心底叫好.


应对策略:诸如 暴击 和 闪避之类的事,对于数学家而言就是个灾难,因为它们会降低问题的确定性.不过没有什么比对他们充满了期望的父母更危险的东西了."你要好好学习,将来要当个律师,听到了没?!"




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发表于 17-4-2007 04:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
当只有100左右HP的时候, 他们能完美的操作他们的英雄, 从Gank中逃离, 然后反杀对手, 从而再跑去温泉, 这段时间足够他们把脏衣服扔进洗衣机了. 这类玩家通常会在游戏开始的时候买鸡, 而且会经常计算对手需要多少Mana来杀掉他们, 并且在只剩下20HP的时候离开塔.

应对策略: 任何隐身英雄能轻易的击碎他们那极端的计划. = =

喜欢的英雄: 狗头人, 圣骑, 先知, 光法, 谜团


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发表于 17-4-2007 05:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-4-2007 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 西門兄 于 17-4-2007 16:29 发表







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发表于 17-4-2007 05:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 TomyamLaksa 于 17-4-2007 16:35 发表
当只有100左右HP的时候, 他们能完美的操作他们的英雄, 从Gank中逃离, 然后反杀对手, 从而再跑去温泉, 这段时间足够他们把脏衣服扔进洗衣机了. 这类玩家通常会在游戏开始的时候买鸡, 而且会经常计 ...

我觉得这种人会故意买NECRONOMICON =)不然他们觉得太闷也不够尽兴。


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发表于 17-4-2007 05:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 西門兄 于 17-4-2007 16:29 发表




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发表于 17-4-2007 05:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #15 恐龙的传人 的帖子

原来如此                       心算那么厉害!!!

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发表于 17-4-2007 06:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 junkai 于 17-4-2007 17:58 发表
原来如此                       心算那么厉害!!!

300 dmg nuke = 225 dmg to hero嘛
250 dmg nuke就少40这样

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发表于 17-4-2007 06:03 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #17 恐龙的传人 的帖子


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发表于 17-4-2007 06:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 junkai 于 17-4-2007 18:03 发表

但是当有magic reduction我就大概不到了=(

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发表于 17-4-2007 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #19 恐龙的传人 的帖子

如果是ITEM当然预测不到,是HERO的PASSIVE给的MAGIC REDUCTION的话,我一早看到对方有那些HERO,就不会选那些要算DMG的HERO=)

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