When you are not yet able to renounce evil and return to the proper, cut off desires, and return to the root source, you should spare no effort in the daily investigation of the Great Vehicle Sutras.
You must devote your heart to cultivating and learning the truth.
The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the Way-place of the Flower Adornment Realm, the platform of the Shurangama Mantra, and the treasure trove where the Dharma treasure of the Forty-two Hands and Eyes is found. Every day in this treasure trove, we study the doctrines of returning from delusion to enlightenment, of renouncing evil and returning to the proper, of cutting off desires and relinquishing love. If we could truly extinguish evil thoughts and break through our upside-down ignorance, we wouldn't need to learn any Buddhadharma, because we would have already returned from delusion to enlighten-ment, renounced evil and returned to the proper, and returned to the root source.
If you have not yet been able to renounce evil and return to the proper, cut off desires and relinquish love, and return to the root source, you should spare no effort in the daily investigation of the Great Vehicle Sutras: the Shurangama Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Dharma Flower Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch's Sutra, the Sutra on the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, the Vajra Sutra, and so on. You must devote your heart and mind to cultivating and to learning the truth. Don't skim on the surface of things or “try to scratch an itch from the outside of your boot.” You must attain the true flavor of Dharma before you can obtain any benefits.
A talk given on May 27, 1983,
at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
(虚云老和尚 观 宣化上人 为法门龙象,
(生平事迹:http://www.drbachinese.org/online_reading/drba_others/vmsj/contents_sj.htm) |