

556688 Lv.13

高级长老 | Credits 18761   






猫几猫蓝 (Hokkien):做猫
够凶的狗熊:做北极熊(濒临绝种的可怜娃娃)。如果嫌北极太远了,就做太阳熊 8!(也是濒临绝种的)
凡事拿自己肤色肿族肿叫做主的:做 Z*U 主/猪/竹

人渣废物白痴人猿:就做人猿 8!
(世上所有东西都得等,du buay dan (福建音), the best rotan is to RECYCLE (read: reincarnate) you as orangutan 咯!

有押韵 8?

注意:所有被提到的动物都是哺乳胎生动物哦 placental mammals。

此为多选投票 , 最多可选 10 项

1票 1. 我娘的继妹妹继弟弟
1票 2. 我两个 OYT 的继表妹
1票 3. 言而无信的“朋友”
1票 4. 拿棒球拍打年龄比他大的人的车,那人害怕想开车离开却不小心撞死他
1票 5. 写“可”以“懒”惰,割 LAN 角皮的经书的家伙
1票 6. 不遵从“万恶淫最毒”的人
1票 7. 以上以下统统都应该判入地狱畜牲道
1票 8. 以上以下统统都应该判入地狱恶鬼道,无间道
0票 9. 可以给机会改过,要潜移默化,循循善诱,以身作则
1票 10. 基佬教坏人,让自己家中老人伤心难过,还要误人子弟
1票 11. 欺善怕恶,鬼话连篇,还要先下手为强地打人骂人的人渣废物
18回复 倒序


556688 楼主 置顶 来自 12#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 14-8-2019 09:39 AM 编辑

今天是 8 月 14 日,你把我当你的 Filipina maid FOC, 还要叫 Gracie 进来暗示我是 cunning, gold digging KFC!那,RECYCLING In Progress (= RIP) for you:


On Sunday, 11 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,

Actually there's another alternative: Linda Ng can choose the cycle of becoming some cat (stray cat, wild cat or house car, whatever) and pay back the debt with a hundred million mews and meows, if being a dog is not appetising. (She got her mother and maternal grandmother to come bully me first. Then got Grace to join us and started her jeering and sneering of my embarrassment or predicament.)

Anyway I have decided that my mum is my God, Sook Ling is promoted to be my Goddess and Grace can be my lawyer if she is happy to be.

Just to keep you guys informed.

Lots of love,

Hui Lee aka Adeline

PS: If you need to get accused of 助纣为虐,同流合污,then by all means, you can choose to stand on and even help THAT side.

On Sun, 11 Aug 2019, 13:22 Lee Hui Lee, <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

For the information of the other people just added to the email list.

On Sunday, 11 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

And the name of YOUR sin (if you choose to sit tight and do nothing): 隔岸观火,冷血残酷,无情无义,见死不救,死不要脸,缩头乌龟。

On Sunday, 11 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

Name of the sin: 欠债不还。

On Sunday, 11 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Minister Gan,

Please let Dr. and Mrs. Pang Boon Chuan know of this email message. I have no choice but to ask that Dr. Linda Ng Shu Ping's mother to pay me $1,000,000. One million bucks. I'm willing to give them ten installments. And I need to see the first payment in my bank account Hong Leong Bank, 203-51-00088-3, Lee Hui Lee by 15th August 2019.

If they are going to just ignore me, then they will pay back with 100 million barks. For they will get themselves RECYCLED (read: reincarnated. Something from Buddhism and suggested to me by Linda Pang) as dogs who must bark at least 100 million times before they can be considered for the human cycle again.

Well I try to be fair all the time. So they can split the barks between themselves, plus their great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, siblings, etc. Even their kids can join if that's what she decided to choose.

That's all I have to say. (They can pray that I die before their time to finish paying the money is over. But I am dead serious this time.)

Yours sincerely,

Hui Lee (aka Adeline)

On Saturday, 10 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:


On Fri, 9 Aug 2019, 21:01 Lee Hui Lee, <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

I ain't the one who came up with the idea that "everyone is a sinner".

Let me hypothesize to you folks that you are guilty of being some kind of 斯文败类,害群之马,死不要脸,不负责任,害人害己,缩头乌龟。


On Friday, 9 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

I see that no one is willing to help me. Then I'd let everyone here know this:

Each of you owns me $100,000, and Dr. Linda Ng Shu Ping's mother owns me $1,000,000. Donkey Ong Eng Kang owns me $759,067,000.

And I would quote post 60# here:https://cforum1.cari.com.my/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4178725

"我当然不够强悍高大威猛伟大 la,因为周围的都是杀头傻脑的缩头乌龟。(在割包皮的时候,龟头给饭桶 MP 医生当鸡头切除的了,然后还可以有汉奸还是太监多两个行业选择?)

哪个 LJ 人欠我 $$ 不还的话,我在家里煮粥吃不要紧(有钱吃饭,没钱吃粥,吃粥补脾胃 8)。我天天会向天祷告:给他们的 $$ 被别人偷抢拐骗去,超过他们欠我的 5 万 5 千 XCX 倍。


If you folks are going to continue ignoring me, then you g*ys can go reincarnate as some feline animal. (“猫几猫蓝” in Hokkien.)

That's all I have to say.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Fromee Hui Lee<leehuilee@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, 4 August 2019
Subject: If
To: "lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg" <lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg>, "Ho_ching@pmo.gov.sg" <Ho_ching@pmo.gov.sg>

Dearest PM and Mrs. Lee,

I wish to bring to your attention this g*y calling himself Alwyn April on Facebook.

On this page, he claimed that I had insulted some people who are different from me just to feel "better". My reply is:

"I have never insulted anyone. Gays are either suffering from some type of mental delusion or criminal in nature.

You think that you're very smart, have a degree in psychology and so go around bullying people. I have no proof yet that you had hurt some of those more vulnerable members of the GLBT community.

But you come claim to me that I go about insulting people who are different from me. That's proof of a criminal who 恶人先告状。I don't feel better having to point out the offences and mistakes of the LGBTQs. It's just plain as daylight to me.

I only speak about things the way they are.

You yourself ARE practising discrimination and bullying me for seeing things the way they ARE and telling it like it is."

The link is:https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157591549973304&id=136911488303.

He wrote on his Facebook page "consenting meat tastes better". I would hypothesize that he's one of those cunning, lying and wicked sexual predators who had been preying on young boys or men. Forcing himself into their anuses and making them confused about their sexuality.

I am thinking of taking out a civil lawsuit against him for making that claim that I had "insulted people who are different just to feel better".

Yours faithfully,


On Sunday, 4 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi again.

Ok, don't feel like paying me money, never mind. In this case, may I ask for your assistance in my application to get back to SG to attend the council meeting dinner on 31st August?

Would be truly appreciative for your kind assistance.

Yours truthfully,


On Tuesday, 30 July 2019, Lee Hui Lee <leehuilee@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear friends,

If the SG government uses my ideas and suggestions, without giving me any credit in the form of monetary compensation, I am going to feel angry.

Because I don't have any salary anyway!! (Have been barely surviving on RM120 charity handout a week from my mum for the last almost two years.)

So I will hope and wish that you folks 上厕所滑倒,出门跌倒,死后投胎做 orang utan.

Yours sincerely,

Huilee (aka Adeline)










罪名:言而无信,欺善怕恶,贪得无厌!4 文败类。
"my mother will give you a treat??" 二十多年过去了,但是到今天,我还不知道你母亲长得是三角形,还是长方形的!
"Your birthday I will treat you, my birthday you treat me back." 然后有次我鼓起勇气,"can I order a dessert after this?" "You pay for it yourself." 我摸摸鼻子,拿起餐单,叫了最便宜的点心,到给钱的时候,还真傻到拿出我钱包里最后那张 20 块钱新币,给自己的点心付钱!
"Is it a joke?? Is it a joke?" "What's so funny about an abortion?" 第二天,"Cunning huh..."

RECYCLED..... 哦。Ok.
Thank you very THE much loh!

If not for your hint + inspiration, I would probably never have noticed that we are staying in a land where there's a place called 马上来个身怀六甲 = Malacca!

Soooo, PAY the $$. It's a FINE city in the mer-LION city.

556688 楼主 2#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 13-8-2019 11:19 AM 编辑



556688 楼主 3#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
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老鼠仔仔 Lv.15 4#

铜牌长老 | Credits 30214   

556688 楼主 5#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
引用: 老鼠仔仔 发表于 13-8-2019 12:51 PM



556688 楼主 6#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 14-8-2019 05:02 AM 编辑

贪嗔痴:人心不足蛇吞 X 的死后,可以做大 B. Xiang。
吃别人的钱和吃饭吃到自己痴呆的:死于老痴呆。。不懂这些死了去哪里 8 了。


556688 楼主 7#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 18-8-2019 10:24 AM 编辑


阿燕和我不是太过 ngam key = 阿燕 law 我 (福建话:不喜欢的意思)。所以我诠释成我是“燕 law 网” = 阎罗王!


556688 楼主 8#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 13-8-2019 04:55 PM 编辑
引用: 556688 发表于 13-8-2019 01:02 PM

阿燕和我不是太过 ngam key = 阿燕 law 我 (福建话:不喜欢的意思)。所以我诠释成我是“燕 law 王” = 阎罗王!

祝福大家中元节 ...

种竹/主得 zhu?
种 zu 得?

时辰已到 也!

556688 楼主 9#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 22-8-2019 05:36 PM 编辑

从前有只 orangutan 名叫 阿明。



tronx Lv.8 10#

金牌会员 | Credits 2682   

556688 楼主 11#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
引用: tronx 发表于 13-8-2019 09:09 PM



556688 楼主 13#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   

556688 楼主 14#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
引用: 556688 发表于 14-8-2019 05:13 AM
今天是 8 月 14 日,你把我当你的 Filipina maid FOC, 还要叫 Gracie 进来暗示我是 cunning, gold digging KFC!那,RECYCLING In Progress (= RIP) for you:


On Sunday, 11 August 2019, Lee Hui Lee  wrot ...

Dr. Linda Ng-Pang Boon Chuan,

这是小惩大戒,罚款 FINE or "Or Gong".

Got it??

556688 楼主 15#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 16-8-2019 02:25 PM 编辑
引用: 556688 发表于 14-8-2019 03:16 PM
Dr. Linda Ng-Pang Boon Chuan,

这是小惩大戒,罚款 FINE or "Or Gong".

Got it??

linnie_ping aka 黄诗萍:

我想提的是:不是所有人我都会愿意以“罚款”来替他们解决他们的罪恶或罪孽的。有些东西就算跪在我面前跟我磕头,说 sorry, I won't do it again,外加给我几千万,几亿英镑还是美元的话,我是打死也无法相信它们的话语的了。


我的警队上司 Mr. Goh Liang Kwang 说你是虚情假意的,你还想坐在那里等看谁谁谁的笑话的话,那我只能说句:好自为之,祝福你们!


556688 楼主 16#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 16-8-2019 09:07 AM 编辑

Linda Ng-Pang Boon Chuan 冯文全脑科大医生的太太,黄诗萍女士:

如果不是看在我母亲份上,你在我面前跪下磕 6,679 头,再给我 8,008 亿美元/英镑/比特币,我也不懂如何原谅你,你母亲和你外婆的。(她说:得饶人处且饶人,不要和医生、畜牲、处女或处男斤斤计较!)

不过也是看在我母亲份上,我得罚你一些钱!你说我娘的女儿是 a joke, a cunning joke + RECYCLED. 不然,我对不起我父母亲!



556688 楼主 17#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 18-8-2019 10:22 AM 编辑
引用: 556688 发表于 15-8-2019 10:08 AM
Linda Ng-Pang Boon Chuan 冯文全脑科大医生的太太,黄诗萍女士:

如果不是看在我母亲份上,你在我面前跪下磕 6,679 头,再给我 8,008 亿美元/英镑/比特币,我也不懂如何原谅你,你母亲和你外婆的。(她说:得饶 ...




556688 楼主 18#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 18-8-2019 10:22 AM 编辑
引用: 556688 发表于 16-8-2019 02:26 PM



我小学六年级级任老师 Miss Rita (应该是混血儿,是虔诚的基督徒。不懂要如何诠释她的名?伟大还是雷大?)也给我一个德语名字:Adeline. 我翻译成中文是:叶的灵。


556688 楼主 19#

高级长老 | Credits 18761   
本帖最后由 556688 于 22-8-2019 05:38 PM 编辑

今天在叽喳那里开新帖:阎 law 王第一次审判她的伯母。
