嗨!大家好,想旅游吗?本公司有提供旅游车服务:Hi, looking for van for your travel companion, our company provide van rental and van driver service
*10座位van车 2015
*10 seated van year 2015
*Toyota haice
*机场接送 RM 190
*airport transport RM 190
*day trip in Kuala Lumpur only RM 380 within 10 hour
* price included petro and driver
*我们也到泰国合艾,槟城,云顶,马六甲,柔佛,新加坡~ 逍遥游
*自驾 RM190 或要 司机 RM380
*We also travel to Thailand hatyai, Penang, geting, Melaka, Johor, Singapore
*self driving RM 190 or with driver RM 380
*price is not include the price of driver and petrol
Joe travel
h/p : +6016-3223368
Email : joenmichael@gmail.com