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PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll (长春叶绿素)
本帖最后由 rich 于 15-10-2016 03:53 PM 编辑
PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll (長春叶绿素).
叶绿素主要帮助提高人体造血功能,改善贫血问题,加强排毒、调和身体酸碱 值、提高人体新陈代谢与细胞操作能力和促进口腔与肠胃健康。
叶绿素与水溶性叶绿素(叶绿素铜钠 Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin)的分别?
植物叶绿素本身面对三大不足之处,其中包括其含量低、稳定性和水溶性都不佳,因此不容易被人体细胞吸收。而水溶性叶绿素(叶绿素铜钠 Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin)能够提高叶绿素含量从0.1%左右到将近100%,相当于植物叶绿素的1000倍。 同时,它的稳定性亦大大提高,对光和热的适应性较为理想。
将 20ml 的長春叶绿素倒入 300ml 的水(避免热水),搅匀后即可饮用。您亦可加入一些冰块当作冷饮饮用或加入果汁内同时饮用。
- 叶绿素给血液提供建立铁的营养,它的摄入可以增加身体红血细胞的数量。除此之外,还可以改善质量。这反过来可以促进血液循环和产生更多能量。
- 除了帮助净化身体以外,叶绿素还有帮助身体组织生长和修复的作用。
- 叶绿素其中一个健康益处是帮助减少污染物的影响。因此,吸烟者可以从它获得很多好处。
- 叶绿素包含的镁帮助传输氧气到达身体所有细胞。它还帮助刺激红血球,改善氧气供应。
- 叶绿素的抗氧化特性有助于抵消自由基对身体的损害,已知还可以减轻炎症。
- 它帮助促进免疫系统,并有效避免感染。此外,叶绿素还有帮助伤口愈合,改善循环和消化,以及系统排毒作用。
- DNA被致癌物质粘附是有损健康的,而使用叶绿素可以预防这种情况发生。
- 叶绿素自身具有螯合特性(从血流清除重金属的过程)。这意味着它可以从体内清除汞等有毒重金属。
- 口臭,尿液或身体排泄物恶臭,以及体臭都可以吃含叶绿素丰富的食物加以改善,它可以作为一种天然除臭剂使用。它促进消化系统健康,因此有助于预防口气和口臭。
- 补充叶绿素能够帮助促进身体系统摧毁导致感染的细菌。它不仅限制细菌生长,还加强身体组织健康,增加抵御疾病的能力。
PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll
is added with water-soluble chlorophyll and chlorella. It is definitely a health beverage which is essential to the modern generation. It has a refreshing taste and leaves a faint menthol aftertaste. Drinking it for long-term will enhance your health and delay the ageing process. This refreshing drink allows you to easily take your first step towards a wellness plan.
Frequently Asked Question
What are the main benefits of chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll mainly enhances the haemotopoietic functions in the human body to alleviate anemia, boosts detoxification, regulate pH levels, increase metabolism rate and cell system functions, as well as promote healthy oral and digestive system functions.
What is the difference between chlorophyll and water-soluble chlorophyll (Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin)?
Plant-based chlorophyll has three major drawbacks, namely, low in chlorophyll content, low stability and low water-solubility, and all of these make it hard for the body to absorb it. However, water-soluble chlorophyll (Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin) can increase the content level of chlorophyll from about 0.1% to nearly 100%, which is equivalent to 1000 times that of plant-based chlorophyll. At the same time, it also has a higher stability level which makes it more ideal to adapt to light and heat.
Who should consume chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is one of the health beverages ideal for the young and old. It is most suitable for people who have anemia, are picky with food, suffering of gastrointestinal ailments and those who often have to stay up late at night.
How do we consume the PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll?
Add 20ml of PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll into 300ml of water (avoid hot water), mix well and serve. You may also add in some ice cubes to drink it chilled or mix it with fruit juices.
0102257089 - SK
0122780905 - Pei
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