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2016丙申(猴)年“春节随手拍”脸书照片分享活动 CNY Facebook Photo Sharing

发表于 5-2-2016 05:49 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 马来妹 于 5-2-2016 05:56 PM 编辑

CNY Facebook Photo Sharing

适逢春节佳日,天后宫都会挂满应节的红彤彤灯笼,举办各种各项新春表演,现场充满喜气洋洋的气氛让许多公众情不自禁拿起手机拍下!为了不错过这次的机会,雪隆海南会馆天后宫现举办2016年春节天后宫“春节随手拍”脸书照片分享活动,让各位发挥创意,与您家人或朋友自拍或合照,在天后宫内的任何景色都一一拍下,分享至您的脸书,即可获得幸运红包一份!有创意又爱拍摄的您,不要迟疑,立即参加!JUST Snap ,Post, And Win in this 2016 CNY Photo Sharing Activities during our Chinese New Year Celebration at Thean Hou Temple. For those who like to snap and share on FB, visit to Thean Hou Temple and snap a best cny moment with friends&family, share it to stand a chance to get a Lucky AngPao! LET's JOIN US!

奖品:一份幸运红包 Get a Lucky ”ANGPAO”

如何参与 How to Join:
1. 点“赞”雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)脸书 Click”Like”on our Facebook
2. 与您的家人或朋友在天后宫范围内合照,或自拍 Snap a selfie or a picture of you and your friends/family during our 2016 Chinese New Year Celebration at Thean Hou Temple
3. 上载照片至个人脸书,所有参与者必须填写标签@雪隆雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)Thean Hou Temple,hashstag #snappowincny2016 #天后宫春节随手拍 Post on your facebook profile with tag@雪隆雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)Thean Hou Temple and hashtag #snappowincny2016 #天后宫春节随手拍
4. 得奖名单将会在2015年2月29日于“雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)Thean Hou Temple”脸书公布,并会有専人通知得奖者。Check it out on our FB on 29th February, stand a chance to get a lucky “ANGPAO”

条款及细则 Terms & Conditions:
1. 2016春节“春节随手拍”脸书照片分享活动是由雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)作为主办单位。This CNY Facebook Photo Sharing is organized by Hainan Association Sel.Kl

2. 由参与者本人于春节期间(活动于除夕至十五,即从07/02/2016-11pm至22/02/2016-11:59pm),在天后宫范围内拍摄任何人物与事物或春节活动,并同意及遵守是次活动之条款及细则。Activity period start from 7th February 2016(11pm) to 22nd February 2016(11:59pm). All photo must be made during our 2016 Chinese New Year Celebration at Thean Hou Temple. Entry must be constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and Hainan Association Sel.Kl Privacy Policy.

3. 所有参与者必须填写标签@雪隆雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)Thean Hou Temple,hashstag #snappowincny2016 #天后宫春节随手拍,并可入取参与资格,本会评审团将选出符合规格的照片。All photo must be hashtag #snappowincny2016 #天后宫春节随手拍

4. 得奖名单将公布于Facebook活动专页,本会同时会以脸书私信通知得奖者。Winner will announced on our Facebook, and we'll send a private message to your Facebook for the final result.

5. 所有参赛作品必须负责摄影比赛活动相关职员及合作伙伴不可参与本活动。Employees and General Council of the organizers are not eligible to participate in this activities.

6. 评审团之决定乃最后决定。任何异议,概不受理。The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.

7. 得奖结果公布后,奖品将在15个工作天内必须由得奖者本人前往雪隆海南会馆天后宫办公室领取幸运红包。若得奖者未能于2016年3月12日或之前来领取红包,其得奖资格将自动被取消。Winner must come to collect the lucky AngPao at our office within the 15 working days(before 12th March 2016) after the results published on Facebook. Hainan Association Sel.Kl reserves the right to award one or more reserve winners to replace any winner(s) subsequently found to be disqualified.

8. 所有奖品均由主办单位决定,得奖者不得异议。所有奖品均受有关条款及细则约束,均不可更换、兑换现金、退换其他产品以及不得转让。奖品宣传照片仅供参考。奖品以供应商最终提供的产品为准。The prizes are neither transferable nor exchangeable for cash or any other goods. Hainan Association Sel.Kl reserves the right to vary or substitute the prizes without any prior notice. All prizes are awarded ‘as is’ and Hainan Association Sel.Kl gives no guarantee and makes no representation whatsoever regarding any of the prizes (including but not limited to any guarantee or representation relating to the nature, and/ or quality of any of the prize) and the consumer of each prize shall consume that prize at its own risks.

9. 主办单位有权随时更改条款及细则及/或修订或终止上述一切优惠之权利,而毋须另行通知。若有任何争议,主办单位保留最终决定权。Hainan Association Sel.Kl shall have the right to amend the terms and conditions of this activities, and is entitled to withdraw from this activities at any time at its discretion, without prior notice.

10. 更多详情浏览雪隆海南会馆(天后宫)官方面子书或联络雪隆海南会馆秘书处 603-2274 7088 或分线129。 For more information, please contact us 603-22747088 Ext 129 and visit to our Facebook page.


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