本帖最后由 miaoyin 于 4-9-2015 11:44 PM 编辑
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其中一個宇宙與大自然能量提供的非尋常線索能加速定位失聯MH370客機,望12月初前能暫且停止搜索行動。One of the "extraordinary" clues sent by power of nature and universe that may aid in speeding up the locating of missing MH370 aircraft, hopefully latest by early of December 2015 the search mission can be paused temporarily.
此圖第一眼看,就似“鳳凰展翅”圖 From the first sight of this image, it looks like a flying Phoenix,,
名為“鴟吻”,傳說中龍的第九個兒子9th son of Dragon/Dragon with Fish's Tail 魚龍
***Almost everybody heard "Dragon and Phoenix 龍鳳" before and this word can be interpreted in many ways depend on everyone's perspective but not many people including me heard about this ancient creature named "鴟吻". According to ancient history, this legendary 9th son of Dragon responsible to pour rain and its shape used by some people of ancient China as ornament of the roof ridge symbolizing fire extinguisher.
For your additional info just in case if you would like to know more about symbol of ancient spiritual beast named "9th son of Dragon 鴟吻", refer to the image below found from baike.baidu.com. “搶鐵” found on the back rear of "9th son of Dragon 鴟吻" can be named as metal object or sword which can be interpreted as object: Aircraft.
Until now, I can't further interpret the exact coordinates of location of MH370. Perhaps, anyone who interested might help to further interpret the exact location of MH370
相傳鴟吻是龍的兒子,所謂龍生九子,鴟吻為其中一個。形狀像四腳蛇剪去了尾巴 Shaped like a four-legs lizard/snake with its cut-off tail,這位籠子好在險要處東張西望 This son of dragon keen on looking around/watching east and west in the area of impregnability,也喜歡吞火also fond of swallowing fire。相傳漢武帝建柏梁殿時,有人上書說大海中有一種魚 a person suggested that there was a fish in the ocean,虬尾似鴟鳥,也就是鷂鷹 its tail looks like a bird named "鴟鳥" which also named as "鷂鷹",說虬尾是水精 said 虬尾 is a creature of ocean,噴浪降雨 Spraying Waves and Raining,可以防火 Fire Resistant,建議置於屋頂上以避火災;於是便塑其形象在殿角 hall's angle、殿脊hall's ridge 、屋頂之上 on the roof。
***Pardon me for unable to explain the real meaning of "鴟鳥" and "鷂鷹".
這些琉璃吻獸在建築上還有其他特殊功能,正脊和檐角是殿頂兩坡的交匯點,雨水從交匯點的縫隙容易滲入。吻獸在此起到嚴密封固瓦壟,使脊壟既穩固又不滲水。人們還會發現,鴟吻的背上刺一劍。These glass ornaments of spiritual beast possesses other functions, where the main roof ridge and the eaves angle are the meeting point of two slopes of hall, rainwater easily penetrate from the meeting point of slit. The spiritual beast seals tile mountain range causing the solidity of ridge of rear without water seepage.
有時,其形象為龍身上刺上一個如意蓮花構成的劍把。Sometimes, it is imaged as a sword hilt formed by a wishful Lotus flower stuck in the body of dragon.
1。 "Dragon 龍" on the "Satellite Map 衛星地圖" and "Phoenix 鳳" 2。and/or perhaps "龍鳳相生 Where the Dragon and the Phoenix Meet/When There is Phoenix There will be a Dragon" 3。and/or "9th Son of Dragon named 鴟吻/鸱吻/螭吻/根據《四庫全書》里《太平御覽》曾記載的“鱼虬”或魚龍/虬尾 4。山脊 Ridges、高原 Plateau、火=海底火山體/海底高原?Volcanoes undersea/Plateaus undersea? Object shape similar to Dragon with Head part of Dragon meet with Tail of Phoenix with a Sword in its Backbone body or a.k.a. 龙头凤凰卷尾 or 卷尾龙头"
(Green Colour highlighted Words Posted on 3rd-September-2015.
This is the latest and final Conclusion. 青色標示字體上載日為2015年九月三號。這是最新及最後結論。)
MH370 probably at/near/within:
Dragon's Tail of Broken Ridge/Lost Dutchmen Ridge/Zenith Plateau/Cuvier Plateau.
First priority will be within 7th Arc. Else, MH370 will be at area mentioned above near to 7th Arc.
(Refer to the satellite map sourced from JACC 20141210 report website or from previous email below)
“Dragon's Tail” and "Go-Phoenix's Extraordinary Image on 20141210 Search Report on JACC Website" and Barnacles 藤壺 attached on Recent Debris found and several special messages by nature and universe
and this few words
The illustrious Cuvier did not perceive that a barnacle was a crustacean.
point to keywords 指出幾個關鍵字:
1。Near to "Cuvier"/“居維葉” perhaps Cuvier Plateau undersea 靠近居維葉高原
(by Referring to Satellite Map of 20141210 Operation Search Report)
2。near to one of the Dragon's Tails of Broken Ridge 接近Broken Ridge其中一條龍尾處
Conclusion 總結:
Although Madagascar may have debris, but "assumption" below is still remained
Vertically or near-vertically crashed in the mountain forms of ocean (though sounds impossible).
MH370客機位置在:第七搜尋弧線與海洋里Broken Ridges區域之交界處(或第七弧線範圍里的Broken Ridges其中一條“尾”)
Intersection area between search area of 7th Arc and Broken Ridges area (or One of the "Tails" of Broken Ridges area within 7th Arc) undersea on plateaus or volcanoes
It is definitely within the search area of 7th Arc
Thanks to Ancestors of Each Race,Sacred Education,Each Religion based on Love,Power of Mother Nature and Universe,
Classic Books of Traditional Chinese Culture and its Ancient Wisdom such as《群書治要》也收錄之《易經》、《周易》及《四庫全書》。
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