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发表于 9-1-2015 12:04 PM
LZ, 关于 PS 的开发,好像不大对。
本来 Sony 和 SNES 想合作研发 Super Famicom (CD-ROM 版),可是因分羹的问题,Sony 被 SNES 放弃合作。
注:Sony 当时没有 Video Game Market 的精练,要靠 SNES 这大哥大的。
因为 CD-ROM 当时是 Sony (和 Philip 合作) 的专有权利; 和 SNES 合作告吹后,后来的 Super Famicom 也只能用卡带式了。
Sony 当时只好靠它的子公司 Sony Music 继续研发,PS 诞生了, Sony 也成立了另外一个子公司 Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE)。 |

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2015 01:08 PM
拥有许多问题。其本身的物理架构特性使其媒体极易损坏,且还有被非法复制的危险。虽然如此,在当CDROM/XA技术细节公布之后,任天堂仍对其技术产生了兴趣。CDROM/XA标准是由SONY和Philips共同提出,任天堂于是决定与SONY合作来开发超级任天堂用的CD-ROM外接光驱,并暂时命名为“SFC-CD”。实际上,任天堂之所以选择SONY,最主要的原因是由于一个人在SONY与任天堂间不停游说的结果,他就是久多良木健,这位在后来被誉为“PlayStation 之父”的人不久前曾透过一个令人印象深刻的技术展示使任天堂决定购买SONY的8声道ADPCM技术的音效处理芯片“SPC-700”作为新主机“超级任天堂”音效来源中枢。
发表于 9-1-2015 02:34 PM
对!基本上,这合作告吹,都是 CD 惹的祸。
这后来,Microsoft 想在游戏机市场分一杯羹,也就形成了 Console War。
SNES,也和松下的子公司 Panasonic 合作,出了迷你 DVDDisc (专利) 给新一代的游戏机, Nintendo Game Cube。
发表于 9-1-2015 09:50 PM
Console War不是SEGA Saturn与PlayStation 1 之争吗?为何扯到Microsoft去?
发表于 9-1-2015 10:00 PM
发表于 9-1-2015 10:07 PM
发表于 10-1-2015 12:47 AM
本帖最后由 kit 于 10-1-2015 01:03 AM 编辑
难道你不知道 XBOX 是 Microsoft 的吗?
SEGA 和 Nintendo 当时是有竞争,但不算是 Console War 吧?
它们都有自家 franchise,和不同的玩家 (fans)。 当时,NES 还是游戏机市场的大哥。
真正的 Console War 是当 PS 和 XBOX 注入市场的时候,所有的游戏机厂家, SCE/Microsoft/SNES/SEGA 都抢市场。
斗 graphic,斗价钱,抢 games developer 作专利,作 franchise 等等。
说到斗价钱,Microsoft XBOX 好像还是亏本的,因为 Microsoft 集团财力雄厚,斗了下去。
而 SCE,早期出的 PS,就赚翻了, 有财力去斗。
可怜 SEGA, 只剩自己的 franchise (如 Sonic), 游戏机落幕。
SNES 的游戏机也斗的很惨下,都只靠自家的 franchise 和 fans; 不过它的掌上游戏机还是 #1 (SCE 也出 PSP 来抢市场)。
后说,SNES 斗不过这两巨鳄 SCE/XBOX,现在走的路线都不同了 (Wii 开始)。
忘了加进去, 这 console war 也包括粉丝在内。

楼主 |
发表于 10-1-2015 07:48 AM
本帖最后由 水镜明月 于 10-1-2015 09:34 AM 编辑
发表于 10-1-2015 09:03 AM
估计也没几个知道当年Sony爸爸是如何用美刀从Sega Saturn身上抢走古墓丽影的 。1994年SEGA与PS1也是斗 graphic,斗价钱,抢 games developer 作专利,当时我也是被金河广场二楼game店的员工诱我买了$800的PS1而没买到Sega Saturn,当时没有你讲的Microsoft Xbox!2001年11月Xbox才崛起(SEGA主机倒闭后),2002年新加坡才开始发售。你讲的“说到斗价钱,Microsoft XBOX 好像还是亏本的”,Sony没有亏钱?你什么时候开始玩游戏机的?
发表于 10-1-2015 09:56 AM
本帖最后由 水镜明月 于 10-1-2015 10:13 AM 编辑
kit 发表于 10-1-2015 12:47 AM
难道你不知道 XBOX 是 Microsoft 的吗?
SEGA 和 Nintendo 当时是有竞争,但不算是 Console War 吧?
后说,SNES 斗不过这两巨鳄 SCE/XBOX,现在走的路线都不同了 (Wii 开始)。
SCE/Microsoft/SNES/SEGA 都抢市场。
Console war就是主机战争没错,
发表于 10-1-2015 12:11 PM
小弟不才,玩的 games 不多,拥有的也不多,玩 video games 的年历也尚浅。
Sony Corporation 是个大集团,拥有几百个子公司。
亏钱是有,但赚钱的是 Sony Entertainment Segments。
Source:http://www.referenceforbusiness. ... ny-Corporation.html
Meanwhile, Sony unexpectedly entered the video game market in the mid-1990s, making an immediate splash. The development of the Sony PlayStation had actually begun in the late 1980s as a joint project with game giant Nintendo Co., Ltd. Nintendo had agreed to help develop a new game console that would combine the graphic capabilities of a computer workstation with Sony's CD-ROM drive, but then pulled out of the project in 1992. Sony decided to develop the new machine solo, introducing the 32-bit PlayStation to the Japanese market in 1994 and the U.S. market one year later. It was an immediate and huge success, in part because of the hundreds of software titles that were quickly available for the console thanks to Sony's ability to entice top Japanese and U.S. developers to create games for the PlayStation. By 1998, the PlayStation had grabbed about 40 percent of the worldwide game market, and Sony's game unit, Sony Computer Entertainment, accounted for 10 percent of the company's worldwide revenue and a whopping 22.5 percent of its operating income.
Source:http://www.mediadb.eu/en/data-ba ... -entertainment.html
(注:这里面又提到,游戏机有亏,但它从 Games/Licenses 里赚了)
Game Business Group (Sony Computer Entertainment)
The core of this group is the Sony gaming console Playstation (PS). The division encompasses Playstation hardware and processor chip development, the Playstation Portable product group (PSP) as well as game development. The Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. profit center is responsible for the gaming division.
Just one year after the launch of Microsoft competitor Xbox 360 and one week after Nintendo’s Wii (in the USA) hit the market, Sony finally released the PS3, in limited circulation and only in Japan and the USA for the time being. After the PS3 launch kept being postponed despite its initially planned launch in spring 2006, the PS3 finally made it to Japanese stores by the end of November. All of the 100.000 gaming consoles available in Japan were sold out within a few hours. The majority of the consoles had been supplied to the Christmas-dominating US-market, where the console was available for approx. 600 Dollars. In order to avoid alienating the customers, the price kept being reduced due to the continuous delay of the release. Also, the sale of games and bundles is where the real business supposedly lies. So far, the games – unlike video or DVD recorders – are not compatible with all consoles. According to analysts, each sold console results in a minus of 200 $ for Sony. The success of the PS3 is of the highest strategic importance for the company, but not because of the direct revenue generated by the sales of the hardware but the lucrative business with the games. Apart from the profit generated by the sale of in-house titles, Sony also benefits from the license for each game that is sold for the console. On top of that, the PS3 will be used as a decisive factor in the raging war of future data storage formats. All consoles are shipped with Blu-Ray drives, which is supported by Sony. The fast-increasing fundament of consoles in circulation functions as an argument to convince the producers of content to ship their products in Blu-Ray only and thereby cut out the competing HD-DVD format by Toshiba and Microsoft.
The Sony gaming division merely contributes 12 percent of the total revenue with 8,5 billion US-Dollars, but it was responsible for up to 60 % of profits over the years. A much higher return than those generated by televisions, DVD-players, music or film. The production of a PS3 costs between 800 and 850 US-Dollars, depending on the model, while at the same time, the retail price lies at 500 to 600 US-Dollars. The fact that the unavoidable losses are not the easiest to compensate constitutes an imminent danger to the company. As early as 2008, Sony and its Playstation 3 suffered losses totalling at 3,3 billion US-Dollars, a circumstance that was described by Sony CEO Howard Stringer as reasonably catastrophic. Microsoft endured losses of over 7 billion US-Dollars since the launch of the Xbox in 2002 (and 2007 respectively), yet the company generates most of its intake through the software business and as such is not as dependent on its console’s success as Sony. Another notch in the wood was the hacker attack on the Playstation network in April 2011, causing a considerable damage for its reputation. Hackers managed to illegally procure customer details (including credit card numbers) of more than 77 million registered Playstation users.
关于 SEGA,我不懂这 Wiki 的讯息是否 100%,可参考下:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega
On November 27, 1998, Sega launched the Dreamcast game console, Sega's final console, in Japan. The Dreamcast was competitively priced, partly due to the use of off-the-shelf components, but it also featured technology that allowed for more technically impressive games than its direct competitors, the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation. An analog 56k modem was also included, allowing gamers to play multi-player games online. Featuring titles such as the action-puzzle title ChuChu Rocket!, Phantasy Star Online, the first console-based MMORPG, "Quake 3 Arena" and the innovative Alien Front Online, the first console game with online voice chat. The Dreamcast's launch in Japan was a failure. Launching with a small library of software and in the shadow of the upcoming PS2, the system would not gain great success, despite several successful games in the region. The Western launch a year later was accompanied by a large amount of both first-party and third-party software and an aggressive marketing campaign. It was extremely successful and earned the distinction of "most successful hardware launch in history," selling a then-unprecedented 500,000 consoles in its first week in North America.[20] On November 1, 2000, Sega changed its company name from Sega Enterprises, Ltd. to Sega Corporation.[21]Sega was able to hold onto this momentum in the US almost until the launch of Sony's PlayStation 2. The Dreamcast is home to several innovative and critically acclaimed games of the time, including one of the first cel-shadedtitles, Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in North America); Seaman, a game involving communication with a fish-type creature via microphone; Samba de Amigo, a rhythm game involving the use of maracas, and Shenmue, an adventure game of vast scope with freeform gameplay and a striking attempt at creating a detailed in-game city. Faced with debt and competition from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft, Sega discontinued the Dreamcast hardware in 2001. The final game Sega released for it was Puyo Puyo Fever in 2004.
发表于 10-1-2015 12:22 PM
对。可以说是失败。它的容量不能制太高画质或太大的游戏。很多玩家都转向 PS 和 XBOX。
对我来说, Nintendo 也不想“跟风”吧。
自 NGC 后,Nintendo 后来的路线都是处于 game play, family 和 innovative/creative。
发表于 10-1-2015 01:27 PM
Sony 社长平井一夫为了连年亏损在股东会上鞠躬道歉。
曾经叱咤风云的日本企业Sony 近年来陷入严重的困境。从2009年开始,五年中Sony 只有一年是赚钱的,而加上今年预计要赔掉的2300亿日圆,六年总计下来,亏损将突破一兆日圆!
发表于 10-1-2015 01:42 PM

楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2015 07:50 AM
发表于 11-1-2015 08:05 AM

楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2015 10:35 PM
本帖最后由 LeonRedfield 于 17-1-2015 02:09 AM 编辑
Part 3 反败为胜的主机:PS3

美国空军部门使用了1760台的PS3来弄成一个超级电脑。这部电脑的名字叫Cluster Condor。(霸气!!!)

4) PS3都市传说
Part 3~~~~~~结束
发表于 12-1-2015 01:15 PM
LeonRedfield 发表于 11-1-2015 10:35 PM
Part 3 反败为胜的主机:PS3
Ps3是ps家族里的亏钱的主机,1,2和现在的4都是养sony的! |
发表于 12-1-2015 03:30 PM
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