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发表于 7-9-2014 09:58 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


地点:吧生Centro Mall大宴会厅 (No. 8, Jalan Batu Tiga Lama, 41300 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia.)
联络:012 204 9624 / Irene 016 651 1163 / 逸慧016 772 5279

1.0  为什么是静心?

2.0  为什么您的出席很重要
我们邀请大众齐聚凝聚正面的力量来建立和平:为个人、为周遭的环境并沿伸至整个世界。参与这全球浪潮 - 建立和平活动,越多人在同一时间齐聚静心,效益越显著,它那涟漪效益达至更广泛的意识层面,利及静心的人也惠及社会。这“全球意识”是一个由古至今被完整诠释和理解的现象。我们诚邀您参与我们这项极具潜能成为全球史上最大的集体静心(超过100个国家的人会在同一时间聚集静心)。这独特的静心将是一个重大的里程碑和转捩点。

3.0  主办者





生活的艺术是由诗丽诗丽‧若威香卡(Sri Sri RaviShankar)于1981年成立,它是一个非营利、教育及人道的非政府组织,致力于纾压及社会服务方案,目前已在全球152个国家运作。






马来西亚 国际人性价值协会

You are cordially invited to join us for potentially the largest group meditation ever experienced in the World! The World Peace Meditation globally organised by IAHV (International Association for Human Values) and The Art Of Living. Details of the event are as below:
Date:                21st September 2014 (United Nation’s International Day of Peace)
Time:                8pm to 10.45pm
Venue:                Grand Centro Ballroom, Klang Centro Mall
Activities:         Music, dance, performance, relaxing stretching, meditation and inspiring peace making activities
Fees:                 By donation
Contact:        Susan 012 204 9624 / Irene 016 651 1163 / Yee Hui 016 772 5279

21 September is International Day of Peace, dedicated by the UN to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.  21 September has particular significance this year, as 2014 marks the 100th year since the start of World War 1.

1.0 Why Meditates?
Meditation is a simple, natural mental practice which releases stress, and promotes relaxation and energy. Released off stress, anxiety and tiredness, the mind spontaneously experiences its innate positive attributes such as acceptance, patience, love, generosity, forgiveness and empathy.
Meditation is good for health, as stress is well understood to be the trigger of illness, both physical and mental.
The world cannot be peaceful if those who make it are not peaceful. Outer peace and harmony depends on our inner peace and harmony. “Be the change” you wish to see in society, this can be achieved through meditation and a number of other simple and effective practices we will introduce you to.

2.0 Why you are important?
We invite people to come together positively on this day to build peace: for themselves, for their immediate environment, and for the wider world community. Thus joining the global wave of peace building activity of that day. The more people who come together to meditate at the same time, the stronger the benefits are, not only for that group of individuals but for society generally as the beneficial effects ripple out into wider consciousness. This works through ‘Global Consciousness’, a phenomenon well understood in ancient times and much researched today.
We invite you to join us for what will be potentially the largest group meditation ever experienced in the world (more than 100 countries, people will meditate together at the same time). This unique meditation will be the start and a turning point of something significant.

3.0 Organisers
International Association for Human Values (IAHV) is an international humanitarian and educational non-governmental organisation that commit to promote resurgence of human values in all aspects of life across the globe. IAHV was set up in 1997 at Geenva and The Art Of Living was set up in 1981 by the ambassador of peace, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

IAHV is registered in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Kenya, Malaysia, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, St. Lucia, Thailand, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States of America.

The Art Of Living operates globally in more than 150 countries and has touched the lives of over 370 million people.

The challenges faced by the world today could not be solved by sole understanding of the problems, but in strengthening and bringing the appreciation of human values in the people who face these challenges. Peace, happiness and compassion are the intrinsic nature of human beings. Social-economic development must be built on human values to be sustainable.

All human beings are equal: a violence-free society, disease-free body, quiver-free breath, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory, and sorrow-free soul is the birth right of every human being.

We would be most honoured if you would accept our invitation by sending a group of people to participate in the World Peace Meditation as your presence would help to make this event a big success.


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