今天認為極端的天氣很可能成為常態,氣溫上升幅度高達三到四度, 暴雨變得更加頻繁和劇烈。
Tropical countries such as Singapore will be a lot hotter and wetter by the turn of this century if climate change predictions come to pass.
Weather considered extreme today could well become the norm, with temperatures rising by as much as three to four degrees Cel-sius and heavy storms becoming more frequent and intense.
Singapore already has one of the hottest tropical rainforest climates on earth.
"Equatorial Singapore will not just be warmer than it is now, but warmer than anywhere on earth with year-round rainfall," ecologist Richard Corlett warns in the first State of the Tropics report by Australia's James Cook University (JCU), which is launched today in Myanmar, Singapore and Australia.