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发表于 22-2-2013 01:07 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

財经 2013年2月20日
(吉隆坡20日讯)继上週宣布献购雪州產业集团(KHSB,6246,主板產业股)的股权后,雪州政府再次出手献购该州水务资產,决定以96亿5000万令吉,一口气献购4家雪州水供特许经营公司,即雪州水供公司(Syabas)、雪州水务公司(Splash)、雪州水务集团(Abass)与商业高峰(Puncak Niaga)。        



大马交易所週三闭市后,雪州柏朗桑集团(KPS,5843,主板贸服股)宣布,接获雪州政府旗下达鲁益善集团的献议,以共28亿2680万令吉的价格,收购该集团所持有雪州河水水供公司和TITISAN MODAL私人有限公司的全数股权。

达鲁益善集团分別出价18亿3460万令吉和9亿9220万令吉,献议收购雪州柏朗桑集团所持有雪州河水水供公司的30%股权,以及TITISAN MODAL的90.83%股权。


接受期限3月6日前文告补充,达鲁益善集团將以现金和承担所收购公司的债务来偿付上述款项,后者涵盖Acqua SPV有限公司所收购的债券、商业贷款和政府贷款。



商峰未公佈上述信函的详情,只表示將在適当时做出公佈。[东方日报财经] 本帖最后由 icy97 于 26-7-2013 10:12 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 22-2-2013 01:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
四度出击买水务资产 雪州政府献购不受看好

财经新闻 财经  2013-02-22 10:10

雪州政府昨日通过投资臂膀———达鲁益善集团(KDEB),献议亿96亿5000万令吉收购雪州4家水供特许经营公司:雪州水供公司(Syabas)、商业高峰私人有限公司(Puncak Niaga)、雪州水务公司(SPLASH),及雪州水供财团(ABASS)。









根据柏朗桑集团(KPS,5843,主板贸服股)的文告,达鲁益善对雪州水务公司30%股权的出价是18亿3460万令吉,对Titisan Modal(雪州水供财团母公司)的90.83%股权出价则是9亿9220万令吉。



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发表于 22-2-2013 08:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
这步棋够狠 。。。一步错满盘皆输

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 楼主| 发表于 23-2-2013 03:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
雪政府獻購4水供公司 出價84億下月或有定案

企業財經22/02/2013 20:50














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 楼主| 发表于 27-2-2013 12:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
PLASH 出价不吸引 金务大或拒雪献购

财经新闻 财经  2013-02-27 12:17

雪州政府日前通过投资臂膀—达鲁益善集团(KDEB),献议以96亿5000万令吉收购雪州4家水供特许经营公司,包括雪州水供公司(Syabas)、商业高峰私人有限公司(Puncak Niaga)、雪州水务公司(SPLASH),及雪州水供财团(ABASS)。









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发表于 27-2-2013 03:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
Selangor water: Privatisation gone awry

FEBRUARY 26, 2013, 11:16 AM
In October last year, residents at several suburbs in Selangor woke up to dry taps. What followed was another episode in the four-year wrangling over the water industry in the state.

Pointing their fingers at one another was water distribution concessionaire Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) and the state government. But whose fault was it?

The original sin

Subramaniam Pillay is an economist who worked on the earlier offers made by the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government to consolidate the fragmented industry. Mismatch between what the state is willing to offer and what the concessionaires are willing to accept has led to the stalemate hogging headlines today.

But Subramaniam says that the story of how the water industry became fragmented in the first place is the story of the original sin. This story, he says, begins in 1994 with the first bite of the privatisation apple.

Before 1994, Selangor water works was handled by the state. Jabatan Bekalan Air Selangor (JBAS) would source water from its rivers, treat it and distribute it to consumers—and mostly at a profit.

Researchers estimate that JBAS turned profits of RM50 to 80 million annually in the 1980s. Subramaniam claims that JBAS veterans whom he met in the course of his work assisting the state government attest to this.

“They told me that JBAS was a significant contributor to the state coffers,” he said.
So why the need to privatise?

“Demand for water in Selangor grew and the existing water treatment plants were not sufficient. The idea was that private companies are more efficient, can build them faster and can raise their own funds through bonds etc,” Subramaniam says.

First dibs

The first winner of the water privatisation exercise was Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd (PNSB)—a company owned by Umno-linked Rozali Ismail.

In 1994, PNSB became the first Selangor water concessionaire, winning a 25-year concession to take over and refurbish 27 water treatment plants. The next year, it won another 25-year concession to build and operate phase two of the Sungai Selangor Water Supply Scheme.

In 2000, 40-percent Gamuda-owned Syarikat Pengeluaran Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (Splash) was awarded a 30-year concession to build and operate phase three of the same scheme, and take over the first phase.

The next year saw another 30-year concession go to the then half-state owned Konsortium Abass Sdn Bhd for the Sungai Semenyih Scheme. Abass was a company then-shared almost equally between the state and Titisan Modal (M) Sdn Bhd. Titisan Modal was 45-percent owned by Operasi Murni Sdn Bhd, a company affiliated to Selangor’s then-Umno-led administration.

In comes Syabas

The concessionaires would then supply water to JBAS, which despite being corporatised into Perbadanan Urus Air Selangor Berhad (Puas), continued to belong to the state government.

Subramaniam said that the separation of the treatment and distribution sectors of the industry saw the dismantling of the cross-subsidisation model employed by JBAS. Distribution of water was a less profitable aspect of the business, as it required large capital expenditure—something that Puas soon found it could not afford.

By 2001, Puas was in trouble. It was paying the concessionaires a fixed price for treated water, but was unable to recover costs through tariffs as close to half of the water would be lost through leaking pipes, theft and inefficient equipment.

All of the water concessionaires made profits, ranging from RM35 million to RM180 million while Puas was RM350 million in the red. To deal with this, Puncak Niaga Holdings’ subsidiary Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) came in to take over Puas.

For a 30-year concession, Syabas agreed to reduce non-water revenue by fixing pipes etc. But unlike Puas, it would be able to pay for this through huge tariff hikes (see chart), which were not announced to the public when the concession agreement was signed in Dec 2004.

In March that year, the BN government was re-elected with an overwhelming majority. “The BN felt very secure, and believed they can push through such things,” Subramaniam said.

Thus the model that prevails today, where the Selangor government sells raw water to the three water treatment companies, which in turn sell to distributor Syabas which pipes it to customers in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

Rectifying the mistakes

In the next few years, however, it became apparent that the water privatisation model in several states was not providing the efficiency expected. Large capital expenditure remained the biggest complaint, particularly among distributors.

To alleviate this, the federal government mulled re-consolidating the state water industries, only this time, under a federal agency. Eventually the federal government set up the Water Asset Management Company (PAAB, its Malay acronym), set up under the Water Services Industry Act 2006.

Like a conventional landlord-tenant arrangement, it was envisaged the federal agency will lease out licences for the operations of the water works but will foot capital expenditure to maintain the assets.

Sources privy to earlier discussions of water consolidation in Selangor told KiniBiz that talks of re-consolidation were already in the background when Syabas was awarded the concession.

“The state government was starting to look at the numbers for consolidation as early as 2007,” one source said. This is a mere three years after Syabas was awarded the 30-year deal.

In January 2008, the federal cabinet decided that the Selangor government will be leading talks with concessionaires for consolidation. This would mean agreeing on a price upon which the state will pay the concessionaires for taking over their water businesses.

The fight begins

Two months later, the BN lost Selangor. Pakatan Rakyat, elected among others over its promise to freeze tariff hikes, did just that. The government argued that Syabas had breached its concession agreement, which required it to reduce non-revenue water (NRW – water lost to leaking pipes, theft, etc), and thus did not qualify to raise tariff hikes.

The state, which owns 30 percent of Syabas through its investment arms, also moved to freeze all capital expenditure until consolidation is through.

“It is a catch-22. The state won’t give Syabas money because its NRW is high but Syabas can’t reduce its NRW without money,” the source said.

Rozali, in an advertorial to rebut the state’s claims of its inefficiency said the capital expenditure freeze is “illogical” and “extremely impractical” as it has proven that it has successfully reduced NRW from 43 percent in 2005 to 32 percent in 2008.

He said that what the Selangor government is doing is sabotaging the replacement of 5,400 km of aging water pipes and fix water pumps. This, he said, would reduce quality of service. This includes dry taps on several occasions last year.

But Tricia Yeoh, who participated in the negotiations as an officer of the Selangor Menteri Besar’s Office up to April 2011 said that the state was justified to do so.

Yeoh said that the state found that Syabas had prior to this exhausted allocated capital expenditure and had used some of it on operating expenditure.

“The Auditor-General’s Audit Report for 2009-2011 showed that the funds Syabas received for capital expenditure from the Selangor government were actually used for operating expenditure. If such funds were necessary for the upgrading of water pumps, then they should not have been misallocated,” she said.

The state had previously also cited things like failure to award over RM600 million of contracts via open tender, import of RM375 million worth of pipes from an Indonesian company linked to Rozali among breaches which justify the freeze.

It also questions Puncak Niaga top management’s remuneration. In 2011, Puncak Niaga’s highest paid official, presumably Rozali, went home with between RM8.35 million and RM8.4 million, despite suffering a pre-tax loss of RM75.2 million.

Bad blood

This heavy politicking between Selangor and the Puncak Niaga Group has weighed down the consolidation exercise. Having already bought over most of Abass, the state has only Splash and Puncak Niaga Group to deal with. Latest reports indicate that Splash is likely to sell its assets to the Selangor government.

Sources familiar with the negotiations claim that the state has taken a “take it or leave it” stance, instead of pursuing a willing buyer-willing seller deal which is “fair”.

Despite holding 41.25 percent of Puncak Niaga shares, Rozali says that as a public-listed company Puncak Niaga needs to get the buy-in of all its shareholders. He also said that Puncak Niaga needs the golden shareholder, the federal government, to okay the deal before it can move.

Yeoh claims that from 2009 to 2011, the state held many meetings with the companies, trying to come to a middle ground in terms of valuation.But some things, like demands for higher returns on equity, she said, are just not feasible.

After four years of back and forth, Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the RM9.65 billion collective offer last week is its last. If there is no deal by March 6, he said, the state is urging international arbitration.

But will this election-eve offer be enough to seal the deal?

- See more at: http://www.kinibiz.com/story/cor ... thash.PRrhXJov.dpuf
本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-2-2013 04:21 PM 编辑


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发表于 27-2-2013 03:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
Will Selangor’s RM9.65 bil bid succeed?

FEBRUARY 27, 2013, 13:30 PM
After four years of back and forth, the Selangor government last week put its foot down and said enough is enough. With this, it made its fourth and final offer to take over the state’s water concessionaire for a total sum of RM9.65 billion.

If the concessionaires are unhappy, Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said, the water companies–Syarikat Pengeluar Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (Splash), Konsortium Abass Sdn Bhd (Abass), Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd (PNSB) and Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas)–can take it up in arbitration.

Latest reports indicate that  Selangor has won half the battle, with Abass and Splash indicating that they will accept the offer. This would mean 58 percent of the state’s water treatment capacity under the state’s control.

But analysts say that without PNSB and Syabas, the deal goes nowhere. This is especially so as Syabas is the sole distributor of water. Syabas is 70-percent owned by Puncak Niaga Holdings, which also wholly-owns PNSB. Holding the trump card is Puncak’s largest shareholder, and Umno-linked executive chairperson Rozali Ismail who holds 41 percent of the company.

And whether Rozali will take up the offer by the March 6 deadline depends on both politics and finance.

Is the Selangor offer fair?

On the numbers side, Abdul Khalid claims that at 12 percent return on equity, the offer is more than fair. Analysts, however, say that the rub lies in the valuations of assets.

According to Kenanga Research, the RM5.6 billion collectively offered to the Puncak entities is 20 percent higher than Selangor’s 2011 offer and is “fairly attractive”. (see chart)

CIMB Research said the deal could earn Puncak Niaga RM1.1 billion, but this is lower than its discounted cash flow value of RM1.5 billion for PNSB and Syabas. Am Research in a report last year valued Puncak water entities at RM1.66 billion.

Although the offer gives a premium of more than 100 percent above existing share price, it is still doubtful that Puncak will bite. It said that at RM2.70 per share, the value is not far off from previous state offers of RM2.23-2.73, rejected by Puncak.

There is also the ongoing dispute over the water concession agreement. This includes the refusal of the state to allow the promised tariff hikes, citing Syabas’ non-performance.

Partisan politics at play

Selangor argues that its decision to freeze hikes is based on the concession agreement, but its motivation is political. The Pakatan Rakyat government was voted in because it promised, among others, not to raise tariffs.

CIMB Research noted that the state has refused to pay RM1.9 billion for loss of income due to tariff freezes. The state is also adamant that it will not give any compensation, including for loss of future income from the concessions.

“There is no compensation for this. It doesn’t make sense (to provide compensation) and was not provided for in the concession agreement,” Pakatan Rakyat lawmaker Tony Pua, who is part of the state’s water consolidation committee, said.

Selangor has indicated that it may go ahead and take over Splash and Abass, with or without Puncak’s agreement, but the water analyst believes that this would only raise the political stakes.

If anything, said one analyst with an investment bank who declined to be named citing the sensitivity of the issue, a successful takeover of Splash and Abass would mean that politics would play an even more crucial role than before.

“We will see a head-on collision between Pakatan Selangor and BN federal-backed Puncak,” said the analyst.

Besides Rozali’s background as a former Selangor Umno office-bearer, previous developments may have given the impression that the BN federal government is on Puncak’s side.

In 2011, for example, federal agency Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB) allegedly  “bailed out” Puncak through the purchase of the water bonds just as they were at risk of a downgrade.

“The failure of these companies to service their debts, had no bailout been offered by the BN administration, would have necessitated these companies to come to the table and negotiate the terms of restructuring with the Selangor state government or other parties which have made offers to acquire the businesses and assets.” Pua had said in a press statement.

What’s in it for Rozali?

Among all the concessionaires, Puncak is the only one who has played hardball and rejected all the offers. But prospects for Syabas are not so great. Besides the state government, it is also fighting legal battles with the other water treatment companies for not paying for treated water.

If the state takes over Abass and Splash, can it wind up Syabas due to non-payments? “It’s more complicated than that. There are legal clauses which Syabas is relying on to pay less than what it owes, due to the freeze on tariff hikes,” the water analyst said.

He said that negotiating with Puncak may also go beyond the water industry. With Puncak Niaga dipping its toes in oil and gas, “other areas of compensation” might have been a reason for not taking up the deal just yet. Puncak Niaga’s oil and gas division is a contender for Petronas’ marginal oil field jobs.

For OSK Research, accepting the Selangor deal now would be risky, as it is happening so close to the election. What more with political pundits saying that both sides of the political divide having equal chance of winning Selangor.

Snap polls must be called before April 28, upon which the parliament is dissolved automatically. Elections must be held within 60 days of dissolution. The Selangor state assembly term matches the parliamentary term.

“This type of merger and acquisition could take months to complete…The impending dissolution of the Selangor state assembly may cause confusion as to the ultimate decision maker of this exercise.

“We believe that these types of transactions will need the blessings of the MB and possibly the approval of the state assembly,” OSK said.

A political proposition

For Selangor MB’s political secretary Faekah Husin, “it all depends on Rozali” and the only reason he would hold out is if he thinks he could get a better deal from an Umno-led government.

Rozali could not be reached for comment, but has in advertorials rebutting the Selangor government said that the decision is not solely on his shoulders. He said that the deal will also need buy-in from the 58.75 percent minority shareholders.

In a statement last week, he said that Puncak will need to check with the federal government, as it holds the golden share in Syabas. Minister in charge of water Peter Chin did not respond to calls or text messages.

“It is all politics, so our political proposition is this: we believe we can retain Selangor, and if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government, too, the offer can be slashed up to half,” Faekah said.

Meantime, it looks like Selangor’s bid will only partially succeed with Puncak unlikely to accept the offer for its water assets.

- See more at: http://www.kinibiz.com/story/iss ... thash.iKl8Ynb5.dpuf
本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-2-2013 03:55 PM 编辑


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发表于 27-2-2013 04:16 PM | 显示全部楼层

经过4年多的争论和僵持,雪州政府终于在上周提出第4次,也是最后一次的收购献议,准备要以96亿5000万令吉来收购州内4家水供特许经营业者,以一劳永逸解决雪州的水供争议。不过,这项收购献议是否能够取得成功,现在系于商业高峰公司执行主席罗查里(Rozali Ismail)一人。



详文见:http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/222471 本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-2-2013 04:18 PM 编辑


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发表于 27-2-2013 06:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-3-2013 11:09 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-3-2013 03:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-3-2013 04:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
wengsky 发表于 1-3-2013 11:09 AM

哈哈。。。 你讲的没错。。。 但现在是州政府VS联邦政府。。。。。

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发表于 6-3-2013 05:18 PM | 显示全部楼层

2013年3月6日 下午4点33分




详文:http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/223106 本帖最后由 icy97 于 6-3-2013 05:21 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 7-3-2013 11:25 PM | 显示全部楼层

熱股評析  2013-03-07 17:24



雪州柏朗桑(KPS,5843,主板貿服組)則在研究了相關獻購條件和考慮了主要顧問馬銀行投行及獨立顧問Crowe Horwath公司的建議後,原則上接受收購獻議。

該公司將不會尋求替代性方案,以尋求競標該公司所持有的Titisan Modal公司(TMSB)的90.83%股權及雪河公司(SPLASH)的30%股權。


















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 楼主| 发表于 26-7-2013 10:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
冷岳2势在必行 中小型水管商成赢家

财经新闻 财经  2013-07-30 13:06








此外,捷硕资源(JAKS,4723,主板建筑股)和友联工业(YLI,7014,主板工业产品股)也是当中的受惠公司,前者在大型直径软性钢管(Mild Steel Price)中相当有名,料能应付冷岳河第二期输水计划。




马银行投行预测,雪兰莪2012年和2011年储水量(reserve margin)分别为3.5%和7.5%,并在今年将下降至不到1%水平。

联邦政府在2011年发起加强产量措施,预计在2013至2015年将增加13%或601mld(百万公升)净水(treated water)。国家水务委员会(SPAN)指出,这仅能应付需求至2016年。




目前,产水量为4477mld,2015年则将添加额外610mld。[南洋网财经] 本帖最后由 icy97 于 30-7-2013 02:27 PM 编辑


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发表于 11-8-2013 06:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

明天起可注意Puncak,KPS, KHSB,JAKS,Utopia。。

雪水供计划将在近期公布,Puncak,KPS, KHSB,JAKS 将会有一轮作为。 Utopia将会是未来这两个月的明星股。

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 楼主| 发表于 14-8-2013 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
雪州水供僵局有望破冰 水务股前景转乐观

财经新闻 财经  2013-08-15 08:07








释放潜在价值 建议增持
















柏朗桑集团目前持有SPLASH的30%股权,并透过持股91%股权的Titisan Modal握有ABASS所有股权。[南洋网财经]

本帖最后由 icy97 于 15-8-2013 10:49 AM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 23-8-2013 07:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

行業走勢  2013-08-23 17:37








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 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2013 04:04 PM | 显示全部楼层

2013-09-05 11:21      





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 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2013 07:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
年底前解決收購資產 水務股應聲走高

財經26 Sep 2013 16:50




《The Star》媒體報導,達魯益山集團希望年底前解決收購雪州水務資產與水供問題。




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