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ON AUGUST 17th Ecuador announced its decision to grant diplomatic asylum to Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, the organisation which has published reams of classified documents to the consternation of governments around the world. Two months earlier Mr Assange had entered Ecuador’s London embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faces questioning for alleged sexual abuse.
Bespectacled and in his gravelly Guayaquil accent, Ecuador’s foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, rallied the Americas against Britain’s display of “gross blackmail” in threatening to arrest Mr Assange on the premises of the London embassy. Even diehard opponents of Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s president, railed against Britain’s ham-handed invocation of a never-used, 1987 law to insinuate that it could, eventually, have the right to enter the embassy. Mr Patiño seized the opportunity to claim that Britain had already committed a “hostile and unfriendly act”.
英国威胁要在厄瓜多尔驻伦敦大使馆的办公场所拘捕阿桑奇,戴着眼镜并有着浓重瓜亚基尔(厄瓜多尔西南部港市)口音的厄瓜多尔外交部长 Ricardo Patiño(音译,里卡多帕蒂尼奥)联合了美洲一些国家谴责英国在这一事件中所表现出的”明目张胆的讹诈“。甚至连厄瓜多尔总统Rafael Correa(音译,拉斐尔·科雷亚)的死对头们也联合起来,反对英国笨拙的引用一个从未使用过的1987年的法案来暗示其可能最终有权进入大使馆。帕蒂尼奥先生则抓住时机宣称英国已经采取了一个”不友好的敌对行为“。
The row has taken British-Ecuadorean relations to a new low. Britain appears to have delayed dispatching a new ambassador to the embassy flat in Quito, Ecuador’s capital, which it shares with Germany and which is already almost bereft of British staffers. But the Foreign Office may be right to question whether Ecuador’s actions adhere to the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. Having bonded with the Mr Correa during a recent interview for Russia Today, a Kremlin-backed television channel, Mr Assange’s request for asylum was preceded by lengthy talks with the populist regime. WikiLeaks staffers visited Quito to sound out the situation, and the embassy prepared a room in its London flat for his arrival. According to an official close to Mr Correa, the president gave his approval for Mr Assange’s asylum request on the condition that it would be a straightforward matter.
But unbeknownst to his inexperienced crop of diplomats, says the official, European countries, unlike Latin American ones, mostly do not accept the concept of diplomatic asylum. After a private presidential tongue lashing, Mr Patiño was set to work to provide the legal dossier in favour of Mr Assange’s appeal. The question was not if, but how, Ecuador would grant him asylum.
Mr Patiño presented a lengthy paper invoking international law and human rights to defend Mr Assange, and demonstrate Ecuador’s willingness to negotiate with Sweden, Britain, and America. While the United States has not charged him with a crime, Mr Assange fears he could ultimately face the death penalty there for his role in publishing hundreds of thousands of classified American documents.
Yet the issue of how to extract him from Britain remains problematic. Britain’s refusal to provide safe passage to Ecuador, and Sweden’s refusal to question him on the embassy’s premises, could mean Mr Assange remains in the embassy for at least the duration of Ecuador’s upcoming election campaign. For Mr Correa, the Australian former hacker is proof that Ecuador is not, as foreign and private domestic media insist, a threat to its people’s freedom of expression. Still, since Mr Assange moved into the embassy, the government has seized the computers of the critical magazine Vanguardia on trumped-up charges for the second time, and opened individuals’ internet protocol (IP) addresses to government scrutiny. And, Alexander Barankov, a Belarusian former army captain, faces extradition to Belarus at that government’s request, despite Ecuador having previously awarded him refugee status.
But Ecuador will not want to host Mr Assange in its London embassy forever, says Michel Levi, professor of international relations at the Andina Simón Bolívar University in Quito. "I think he will end up in Sweden, with special conditions granted for his eventual trial," he says. On Sunday Mr Assange was due to make a statement from the embassy, in which sources close to him suggest that he may offer to cooperate with Sweden if guarantees are given that he would not face extradition to a third country.
UPDATE: Speaking from a balcony at the embassy on Sunday, Mr Assange thanked the government and people of Ecuador for granting him asylum in their country, and urged America to renounce its “witch-hunt” of WikiLeaks and “war on whistleblowers”. See his speech here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19310335
J. Kemp
Aug 19th, 15:06
Britian should be ashamed of its complicity in what reeks of a trumped up case against Mr. Assange, as should Sweden.
Perhaps one of the next recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize will throw it back at Sweden in protest for this highly selective prosecution of a completely foul-smelling case, one which occurred in statistically near-impossible coincidence with America's needs.

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2012 11:07 AM
Juan Charrasquiado
Aug 19th, 17:53
Your article fails of a single consideration about the political reasons behind UK, Sweden and US interest in the case. This is likely to believe after a judge in Sweden dismisses Mr Assange of any offence and his case was opened again by a second judge. Things get darker when Sweden is not willing to guarantee no extradition to the US to Mr Assange for an alleged offense in Swedish territory. The centre of the matter is of course WikiLeaks and the debate about freedom of the press that your magazine clearly refuses to discuss.
Aug 19th, 18:45
China must be laughing at these western hypocrites, Sweden, UK, Australia, USA...all great beacons of human rights and free speech...just 1 dissenter among their ranks and their true arrogant and bullying nature comes tumbling out!
Aug 19th, 12:22
It's incredible that a South American country is committing itself to try to save Assange from assuming his responsibilities and face the legal accusations against him in Sweden.
If Assange is proved innocent he'll be freed. Then he'll be able to spend the rest of his life in Ecuador if that's his wish.
The interests of Ecuador have nothing to do with Swedish or European justice. They are purely political, as if Assange represents some sort of anti-American hero. But in this case the Ecuadorians have naive illusions. Had Assange chosen to target the Ecuador (whose record is nothing to be proud of) they would have been far less interested and generous.
Assange is enjoying undeserved popularity because anti-Americanism is still in vogue. But Assange has no method or sense of history. He simply has a chip on his shoulder and indiscriminately wants the world to pay for it.
As it consists of an important legal question, (that Assange seems to be trying to dodge by pretending that the charges are trumped up in an international bid to silence him) maybe the EU should make a commitment to resolve the matter without any ambiguity, simply because European justice is being flouted by a country that in principle has no say in the matter whatsoever.
french liberal
Aug 19th, 15:12
It took 10 years for Britain to extradate a terrorist to France (1995 bombings), allegedly because this terrorist would have faced unbalanced trial in France.
Britain shed tears for a Chilean tortionnaire, friend of Friedmann and Thatcher, who faced extradition to Spain.
And now Britain quickly tries to hand over Assange to Sweden, on allegedly sexual intercourse with no rubbers, and Sweden refuses to hear Assange in Britain, or to guarantee no extradition to a third country.
These neo-conservative or neo-conservative friendly politicians are dangerous buffoons.
neo-conservatism = neo-feudality = serving the interest of 1% most wealthy, with security laws preventing freedom
W. Bush, Cameron = neo-conservative ; Blair, Obama = neo-conservative friendly
In Obama USA, eco-warriors who protect eco-systems are treated as terrorists, when criminals destroying the environment are protected, Appalachian mountains destroyed by coal extraction
Obama is an actor serving the same lobbies as W. Bush
"donner le change", not change
Aug 19th, 12:56
Assange sold his soul to save his arse!
Correa is everything he claims to stand against.
Assange won't be able to criticise his new host, nor friends of his host such as Chavez, Putin or Lukashenko (not that he has) or he will quickly find himself on a plane like poor old Barankov who could face the death penalty in Belarus..... seems death in Belarus is more acceptable to the left than death in the US.
It would seem only certain countries should be open and honest with everyone..... doesn't seem that Ecuador is one of them.
如果阿桑奇去了那,他也不能批评这位他的新“主人” ,或者是这位主人的朋友如查韦斯,普京或卢卡申科(或许他还没有发现这). 他很快就会发现自己的处境就像可怜的老Barankov一样在白俄罗斯的一架飞机上面对死亡的处罚。相比死在美国,死在白俄罗斯更能令人(民众)接受。
Marc Schipperheyn
Aug 19th, 20:38
Given what is happening to Bradley Manning and Sweden's refusal to take him up on his offer to interview in the UK and guarantee that he will not be extradited to the US, where he may face the death penalty, I cannot say that I'm surprised that mr Assange is taking every possible step to avoid extradition to Sweden.
Marc Schipperheyn
Let's face it, the Swedish case is extremely shaky and was even thrown out of court there before it mysteriously lead to an extradition request. It doesn't take a conspiracy plot thinker to raise some eyebrows. Let's also not forget that the USA is not the land of the free that it used to be. Illegal incarceration and torture are now part of the repertoire. The end justifies the means now. And I can fully appreciate that mr Assange doesn't want that end to be his.
Difficult Penguin
in reply to aletia
Aug 19th, 15:51
...and the fact that he is being hunted by the worlds largest power for exposing some of its secrets isn't important...
Conservatism trumps extreme views
Aug 19th, 19:09
I love the bias of this newspaper, if Assange was holed up in an embassy in Moscow being chased by Russian authorities I wonder how different the Assange reports by this Magazine would read.
Aug 19th, 15:10
I am surprised how biased this opinion is against Ecuador and Assange, whilst the Economist supported Pussy Riot and Chen. The UK has granted refugee status to person's that have been arguably accused of more serious crimes than Assange, just think of Pinochet and Youssef Boutros Ghali. Without going into a discussion which decisions are right or not.
The way this article is written is below the standards of objective reporting.
I personally think that London cannot enter the Embassy without seriously violating the Vienna convention. And I think that it should be up to the ICJ in this case to decide whether Assange is entitled to free passage under article 33(1) of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees:
"No Contracting State shall expel or return ('refouler') a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social or political opinion"
真是怪哉,这篇文章的观点居然是反对厄瓜多尔和阿桑奇,《经济学人》却同时支持造反妞(注:俄罗斯的Pussy Riot)和陈瞎子。英国曾给过难民身份的人当中,有的所受指控比阿桑奇严重得多,争议更大,比如:皮诺切特, Youssef Boutros Ghali(注:埃及前财长,国际货币基金组织国际货币与金融委员会前主席,流亡英国)。当局连有关对这些人采取哪种对策,好与不好的讨论都省了。

楼主 |
发表于 24-8-2012 11:07 AM
king of bats
Aug 19th, 16:53
Even as an Assange supporter, I think he should face the charges against him.
But keeping in mind what America is doing to Bradley Manning, and how they used rendition (complete with CIA non-torture torture[tm]!) on the last people in Sweden they wanted to have a chat with, and William Hague's farcical threats to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy (for a man who's wanted FOR QUESTIONING in another country), I daresay it's a bit unreasonable to ask him to go to Sweden on the vague promise that he will be treated with due process.
How could he not be paranoid in these circumstances?
Connect The Dots
Aug 19th, 14:02
Like three day old fish, the Ecuadoreans are finding Mr. Asange to stink.
He is superficially charming like Falstaff and reveals himself dishonorable, selfish, attention seeking, with huge appetites and like a busy spider spinning a web of lies. With time everyone grows to despise him.
Call Geneva, with the Diva In the tiny embassy, the Ecuadoreans are treated worse than Guantanamo.
It is another Iranian Hostage situation. (Turned topsy-turvy.)
For a narcissistic, bipolar, sex-predator hippocrite, the only asylum he deserves is a mental asylum.
Aug 19th, 15:42
I am all for freedom of expression, but Assange seems like a common criminal and Ecuador seems to be opportunistic in taking in a foe of US & Britain. Assange seems like an arrogant fool that thinks he is special and should be able to do whatever he likes. It is one thing to expose government wrong doing with skilled investigation and journalistic writing and quite another to release lots of classified documents to the public without any thought on who it could hurt. The US is not perfect, but our men and women in the US Military are good people, serving their country and supporting their families, and Mr. Assange has no right to endanger them by releasing confidential information to the public on the Internet. I am quite liberal, a life long Democrat and supporter of the ACLU, but there is a line I draw when it comes to endangering national security on a wholesale level like this. I have no sympathy for Bradley Manning either. Freedom of expression should be a guaranteed right, but stealing clasified information from your employer (US Military) when you have security clearance is theft.
(译者注:American Civil Liberties Union,简称:ACLU。它是一个美国的大型非营利组织,目的是为了“捍卫和保护美国宪法与法律中所肯定的个人权利和自由”——来自维基百科)
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发表于 24-8-2012 02:29 PM
英、瑞两国需承诺不会把阿桑奇引渡到美国。.gif) |
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