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发表于 24-5-2012 08:13 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 liang1983 于 24-5-2012 08:23 PM 编辑

18th May 2012
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Tang See Hang
The President
Table Tennis Association of Malaysia
Penthouse, 4th Floor, No. 23-25, Jalan Jejaka 7
Taman Maluri, Cheras
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Y. Bhg. Dato’ Tang See Hang
I refer to the e-mail dated March 22, 2012 at 11.03 am from Mr Soong Poh Wah, the Executive Director of TTAM to the members informing their participation in the Liebherr 2012 World Team Table Tennis Championships to be held in Germany from 25th March to 1st April 2012. The closing date for the final entries of this Championship was on 25th January 2012.
Only three days away from the Championship, the Executive Director just remembers to inform and enlighten the members on how they select the players to represent the country.
Since when was the 2 months close monitoring of the players by the national coach concluded?
Why did he not inform the members before 25th January 2012?
 Is it because he is too busy to do so or
 is it because he heard the unpleasant voices from the aggrieved parties or
 is he hoping the favoured player, Foo Dunley, to perform well in the TTAM National Championships held in December 2011 and also the recent MSSM competition to further strengthen the choice of their favourite, or
 is it for some other unknown reasons?
But fortunately or unfortunately the favoured player did not make it to the quarter finals in the TTAM National Championships which is the highest level of competition in our country where his fellow player, Foh Zheng Liu, made it with results far better than the favoured player. His fellow player achieved runners-up in team event, third place in double event, quarter final in single event and one of the top 10 best players in the TTAM National Championships. Besides, his fellow player knocked the favoured player convincingly flat with a 4 – 0 score in the MSSM boy's singles final.
 Is this what he means of the favoured player performing better than the other players?
 If the favoured player is so ‘good’, why can't TTAM conduct a selection exercise?
The excuses or criteria of selection given by the Executive Director are very subjective, naive, inconsistent and open to abuse. It is merely to justify the practice of favouritism and cronyism. This is unhealthy for the development of the sport. The so-called selection is just a mockery. Do you realise he is killing the interest of the elite players and also demoralising them to strive harder and further? I do not expect an Executive Director to have the courage to mislead the members in this way. He is a salaried employee engaged to ensure the activities of TTAM are carried out in a proper and transparent manner. With the position he enjoys, coupled with his experience as an ex-
national player, he should have a vision to help TTAM in bringing back the past glory to the country with a comprehensive plan. He must have the passion and competency to raise the standard of play. What has he done so far besides this tragic episode? He must do his job fairly and diligently to earn the respect and trust from the members and never compromise his dignity. It is a mere waste of public funds if negative acts persist in TTAM.
As informed by the Executive Director that the national coach was closely monitoring the players for 2 months before taking part in this prestigious World Championship. The coach should be very well-versed in the performance of the players in terms of their strength and weaknesses. Why the coach did not take the team to the Championship instead of the Executive Director? It is very weird. The coach is supreme in the field of coaching rather than the Executive Director. I doubt he can perform the task of coaching better than the coach. As you can see even the selection of coaches is facing controversy, what else in the selection of players? Do you think the selection of players is fair and transparent? These have become a laughing-stock of the sport arena especially, table tennis.
My advice to the Executive Director is to do a good job with full commitment for TTAM and its members and not just to one member or a group. I believe most of us will give him our relentless support for whatever undertakings that are beneficial to TTAM as a whole. His fate in TTAM is decided by the members. He must be aware that the members can pass a motion to remove him if he is found to be unfit to carry out his duties as an Executive Director. There are a lot of tasks in TTAM awaiting him to put them right. From now on, we hope he performs his duty to his utmost ability. His good deed and contribution will be remembered and recorded in the history of TTAM. Great philosopher also makes mistake. Let the past be past and look forward to a better future for TTAM.
In one of the AGMs, Sarawak TTA had raised the same complaint of selection of players. Y. Bhg. Dato’ had given your assurance the selection of players to represent the country must be proper and based on merit. We should not allow unhealthy practices to be repeated. Last year Y. Bhg. Dato’ also made a wise decision in a case involving player’s eligibility rule of TTAM between the two associations i.e. Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. I respect Y. Bhg. Dato’ for your non-biased and professional decision in the above two cases, but the people under Y. Bhg. Dato’ are going against your wisdom again in the first case. It shows disrespect and causes embarrassment to Y. Bhg. Dato’. In the second case, a letter was written in December 2011 to the Technical Committee of TTAM by KLTTA requesting for a decision. They did not even have the courtesy to reply. The people below him have no guts to reply or issue the letter in favour of KLTTA although the decision had already been made by Y. Bhg. Dato’. I can only guess this reflects culture of kowtowing to one master existing in TTAM. In my view for TTAM to make progress, it needs to be revamped and reformed with the help of the members and of course Majlis Sukan Negara with the funds. It is not an easy job to do. It is up to the members whether they would like to see TTAM as a healthy sport organisation which everyone of us would like to be associated with it.
It is very kind of Majlis Sukan Negara to fund the activities of TTAM. They would also like to see that the fund is effectively utilised especially in the area of training and development of players to represent our country. I hope MSN can also assist TTAM in overseeing the selection process and ensuring the best players and the appropriate officials, such as coaches are selected to represent the country based on merit and not
favoritism. I noticed the training facilities in Bukit Jalil are underutilised and there are potential elite players who have the support of their parents wishing to join in the training, but are blocked, not favoured or not given a chance. Only the favoured players are selected to attend the training. KLTTA had been denied before by TTAM from engaging the services of the coach and sparring partners during their off days by giving various stupid reasons.
I would like to touch on the set up of TTAM which allows a certain quarter to have undue influence over the decision making process. TTAM may explore the possibility of abolishing the Executive Board which is presently dominated by a single state member or improving it whereby each state member can only have one representation in the board. We are now living in the internet age where information can readily and speedily be obtained. So any unfair treatment or decision made can be disseminated instantly to everyone such that it leads to a high demand for transparency. There are still quite a number of areas to be looked into, such as the problems I faced with the selection panel in choosing the top 10 players and also in the seeding of players in last year’s National Championships. After the selection of the top 10 players in every championship, TTAM did not pursue further their development. So what is the purpose? TTAM must take great interest to make improvements to the players’ skills and performances.
Lastly, I urge all the members of TTAM to have the courage to voice out any unfair practices carried out by TTAM and speak without fear or favour. I am quite positive that all of us would like to see everyone who serves in TTAM to have an open heart to accept suggestions and positive criticisms and not to have any personal agendas, interests or benefits. Do not make a culture of you scratch my back and I scratch your back. Let us bring up the good image of TTAM together and make it a respected organisation!
I am not a trouble maker who likes to wash dirty linen in public. Please view the above as constructive criticisms without any intention to hurt or run down anybody. I will tender my apology to anyone who points out to me of any untrue statements made by me.
I thank Y. Bhg. Dato’ for your time and patience to read this lengthy piece of my mind.
Yours sincerely
Teoh Hock Poh
Honourary Treasurer of KLTTA
Internal Auditor of TTAM
P/S : I also forward herewith the e-mail sent by anonymous authors who are against the current practices of TTAM and also my reply to them for Y. Bhg. Dato’s kind perusal.

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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2012 08:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
From: Eng Lee [mailto:amatbetul99@hotmail.com] Sent: 06 April 2012 11:21 Subject: <Chinese & English Version both Available> TTAM's Biased and Not Transparent Manipulation <中英版本〉
Favoritism. Beleaguered. Ignorance. It is just another day at the office for TTAM. TTAM has recently enlightened us again on how a "proper" team selection should be conducted. This was demonstrated in showing favoritism with the inclusion of Foo Dunley in the World Cup just recently. If you have not been following Malaysia Table Tennis for sometime due to the opaqueness of things handled by TTAM, here is a recent update: The selection of the 3rd Man & Woman National Table Tennis Player for taking part in the World Cup was done subjectively with the benefit of our"imaginative" and "inventive" of TTAM leaders. It clearly reflected TTAM has totally ignored the necessity of Open Selection Trials and also clearly Articulating the Selection Criteria before their participation in the world cup. The selection of the 2(TWO) Selangor players into the National team WITHOUT any selection trials or selection criteria , was obviously Biased , Unfair, Questionable , and only beneficial to Selangor Team , especially the inclusion of Foo Dunley in the team line-up . TTAM is now manipulated by a handful of Selangor officials entirely ignoring the existence of the other 12 states and W.T. These TTAM officials have feathered one's nest by abusing MSN guidelines as a pretext to pamper and benefit UNDESERVING Selangor Players. In a snapshot , the present National Men & Women Team had deteriorated from bad to worse. The incompetent National Team are now operating with skeleton players only. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
大马乒总最近选派符敦旭 (Foo Dunley) 与柔悠出战2012 在德国的世界乒乓团体赛,又一次曝露出大马乒总选拔小组一向不公平,偏差,不透明的黑箱操作方式处理手段。 只要是对雪兰莪队有利,一切以雪兰莪的利益为首要准则。 自肥显而易见。 全国公开赛在2011 年 12 月末 比赛,为何没有在这个公开赛前公布录取的标准,而在出队之前草率指明上述两位球员入队。 如此欠缺系统,未经过选拔,一锤定音的不透明与不公正的手法不能服众。 因为这两位球员在最高水平的全国赛都没有交出亮眼,让人信服的表现。Foo Dunley 在男16 强就被淘汰,而在团体赛 Foo Dunley 与柔悠也都有输球,除了国家队员外,他俩不是鹤立鸡群, 最好的。 那大马乒总凭什么抹煞其他球员代表国家的机会? 何况2月份在 Labuan 举行的全国学联赛 KL 的 贺正留 还打败 Foo Dunley 荣登18 岁组男单冠军, 大马乒总选拔小组一手遮天的做法应受到谴责 ! 更何况贺正留是全职后备队员, Foo Dunley 不是, 相信大家都想知道在众目睽睽下,大马乒总是如何自圆其说, 掩耳盗铃. 在2010 年这选拔小组也用类似的手法,无理剥夺砂拉越 Valentina 代表国家少年队出战的机会. 有人投诉该选拔小组,最拿手的手法就是 "教练认为这位球员好" . 既然如此, 大马乒总大可干脆不用进行选拔或比赛了, 只需闭门造车,请教教练" 钦点" 他们要的人就可唬弄大家了. 可以说目前的大马乒总全由雪乒总一两人操控, 只要对雪拉莪有利就行. 如外国教练和陪练的调派, 国家后备队队员的录取等等, 全是双重标准. 雪兰莪的球员不用入住武吉加里 ( Bukit Jalil) 也可进入后备队, 其他州球员则不行. 这似乎是在制造难题给别州球员不能入队, 雪兰莪球员才能独享优惠. 像宋宝华这型空降部队, 平时又没训练国家队队员, 但每逢大赛就当上国家队教练出外观光旅游, 鼻子被幕后老板牵着走的. 算一算,在大马乒总也霸着屎坑不拉屎6-7 年了, 大马队在他的领导下不但没了气势, 连一点蓬勃的朝气也不具备. 整队的精神面貌, 差劲败落到极点, 目前的国家男女队只能用老弱残兵, 阵容零落, 强努之末来形容. 两年前左右, 又空降了一位方教练来负责少年队, 在执教时, 听闻一边上网处理器私人业务, 一边信口呼喝球员, 教练即无心, 什么专注力, 纪律, 训练内容更甭提了.
From: k k <satu_hari@hotmail.com> Date: Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 7:26 PM Subject: TTAM's unfair and biased selection
All Ping Pong friends, We received an email complaining about the unfairness and non transparancy of TTAM. Yes, We do agree to-day's TTAM is only controlled by two persons from TTA Selangor. Everything goes to Selangor. It is now "1 Selangor TTAM" TTAM has called for a Selection for the National Youth Team now. By the look of it, it is full of unfairness and biased decisions. No wonder the author of the email said " TTAM has deteriorated from bad to worst. Selection will be in 2 stages:-- Stage 1---- group round robin ) This is a funny decision and who on earth did come across the selection trial will base on grouping round robin plus knock out system??? The answer is simple. The man in charge is Soong who is ) always remote controlled by the big boss behind. He only cares things beneficial to Selangor. Who wants to care about the other 12 States' players ??? A round robin for all should be the fairest. Stage 2---- knock out system ) TTAM's shortlisted players U-18: Samson Tay Guan Seng------Why this player is shortlisted ??? so far no achievement in U-18. Please justify !!! Dont tell us he was a U-15 runner up last year. U-15 and U-18 is totally different.(just because he is a Selangor player??) U-18 Girls : Lim Ann Ere and Alisha Wong :------Why these two are shortlisted ??????? ANN ERE---Totally no results from 2010-2012 ) Where are your justifications to include them ????????? Dont tell us my boss likes it or the coach said they are good. We want justification Alisha Wong ---No results at all ) There are about 10 Selangor players being shortlisted whereas other States are only allowed one each. Is this fair ? We hope someone would help to pass this unfairness to PM Najib's facebook and also to the Sports Minister.
Thank you.
From: mister versatility <bleaching49@hotmail.com> Date: Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:24 PM Subject: Unfair & biased decision to name shortlisted playersyers
All friends, All of us are getting tired of watching once again TTAM demonstrated their unfair and biased manipulation in handling TTAM's coming selection trial for the 18th South East Asian Junior TT Championships. Firstly, Why Selangor alone could have at least 13 players (7 shortlisted) taking part in the selection while the rest of 12 States are under the unfair restriction with one or two allowed in each section. The selection criteria are only tailored to suit Selengor players. (For instance-Why Samson Tay was shortlisted in U-18 without any achievement in this section ?) Secondly, Format of Selection(Grouping round robin & knock out system) is also planned in Selangor's favour. A selection trial if without the round robin for all would be mostly unfair and full of shortcoming. Thirdly, the selection committee has always manipulated double standard system to pamper undeserving Selangor players and their trump card in defending this biased decision is "the coach said they are good" as in the recent case of Foo Dunley's inclusion in the World Cup team. To conclude, TTAM is now dominated by Selangor officials which is the main root of unfairness & non-transparency of to-day's TTAM. The Sports Ministry, MSN or the other 12 States should seriously look into this matter by limiting the representative sitting in the E- Board from each State. This is one of the ways to avoid the National organisation endlessly monopolized by a handful of people. Lastly, hope our TT friends will forward this message to the Minister or higher sports authorites concerned.
E-MAIL NO. 4 (Reply to E-MAIL NO. 1, 2, & 3)
Dear Ping Pong Lovers (Anonymous Authors)
First of all, may I know your names? Please be transparent as we are always stressing to TTAM. You should be proud of being critical in a positive way against TTAM as you all are doing a good deed for all of us, including the players. It is good to voice out against the negative acts committed by TTAM that affect the state associations. In identifying yourselves as to which association you belong to, you will be giving more weight to your comments.
I am in total agreement with your comments given in your e-mails. It is sad to see that some among the leadership in TTAM have been treating the association as their family-owned organization and instilling negative values and culture in the players. TTAM is being brought into disrepute by these leaders/officials. We hope they realize by now after receiving your series of comments/complains that the state associations are not going to condone these biased practices and decision making processes. If they don’t, for the better future of TTAM, they should step down or resign voluntarily in this coming AGM of TTAM.
Lastly, I urge all the state associations have the guts to speak out and prevent the unfair practices by TTAM and give full support to the critics of these negative trends.
Teoh Hock Poh
Honourary Treasurer of KLTTA
Internal Auditor of TTAM

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