

清池 Lv.8 81#

金牌会员 | Credits 5299   
本帖最后由 清池 于 19-3-2011 05:02 PM 编辑

回复 80# 江百虎


如 圣雄甘地;马丁。路得。金; 佛陀; 耶稣; 。。。




江百虎 楼主 82#

用户被禁止发言 | Credits 5563   
引用: 回复  江百虎


如 圣雄甘地;马丁。路得。金; 佛陀; 耶稣; 。 ...
清池 发表于 19-3-2011 05:00 PM





  其实将儒家和诸子百家对圣人的理解汇总起来,也就是圣人的真容了,因为并没有矛盾,不过儒学强调的是整体,诸子百家强调的是某个特征。在《孔子家语·五仪》中,提到了孔子对“圣人”的描述,虽然此书真伪有辨,但这段话却对“圣人”一词的真实意涵做出了最详尽,最贴切的解释:  所谓圣人,必须达到自身的品德与宇宙的法则融为一体,智慧变通而没有固定的方式。对宇宙万物的起源和终结已经彻底参透。与天下的一切生灵,世间万象融洽无间,自然相处,把天道拓展入自己的性情,内心光明如日月,却如神明般在冥冥之中化育众生,凡夫俗子永远不能明白他的品德有多么崇高伟大,即使了解一点,也无法真正明白他精神的边际到底在哪里。达到这种境界的人才是圣人。”



  按照上述这段话理解,基于“圣人”一词原始的儒学立场,中国古典中记载的、著名的、比较受认可的圣人主要有:  伏羲、黄帝、炎帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、皋陶、舜、禹、伊尹、傅说、商汤、伯夷、周文王、周武王、周公、柳下惠、孔子……


  到孔子之后,中国文化就没有公认的严格意义上的圣人了。但还有许多专业领域的精英被后人尊称为“某圣”,犹如今人呼为“股神”之类,但这些世俗之圣都已经与“圣人”的本意无关:  代表  酒圣:杜康  诗圣:杜甫  医圣:张仲景  书圣:王羲之  画圣:吴道子  茶圣:陆羽  武圣关羽  草圣:张旭  亚圣:孟子  科圣:张衡  商圣:范蠡   谋圣:姜子牙 张良  宗圣:曾子[1]  复圣:颜回[2]  算圣:刘洪  史圣:司马迁  乐圣:李龟年  文圣:欧阳修   棋圣:黄龙士   词圣:苏轼  曲圣:关汉卿  药圣:孙思邈  兵圣:孙武  木圣:鲁班   智圣:东方朔  剑圣裴旻  塑圣(雕圣):杨惠之  字圣:许慎  情圣(诗人):徐志摩  鬼圣:蒲松龄

清池 Lv.8 83#

金牌会员 | Credits 5299   
本帖最后由 清池 于 20-3-2011 12:42 PM 编辑

回复 82# 江百虎

若要世人公认的圣人的代表, 那就要把传说人物和地域性的人物除外了


也大都能公认戈尔巴乔夫; 曼德拉,所实践了的圣德理念,可为当今圣人的代表,

而华盛顿、林肯,孙中山, 因该是伟人,而非圣人

江百虎 楼主 84#

用户被禁止发言 | Credits 5563   
本帖最后由 江百虎 于 20-3-2011 12:47 PM 编辑
引用: 回复  江百虎 哦

若要世人公认的圣人的代表, 那就要把传说人物和地域性的人物除外了

但当今世人也会 ...
清池 发表于 20-3-2011 12:32 PM


你敢说某些 圣人 私底下从来就没有做过 肝脏 的事情?!





75岁基督教福音派恋童癖牧师Tony Alamo今被判刑175年埃德蒙顿,Edmonton( u6 |& `' _& N# z

sentenced to 175 years for sex crimes
      埃德蒙顿,Edmonton7 \0 Z& h3 A9 U0 S, y5 w, T
最小的女孩受害时才8岁.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton- v9 }: [7 \  Z8 _% M8 Y# H

Tony Alamo was sentenced Friday to 175 years in prison for taking underage girls across state lines for sex, effectively punishing him for the rest of his life for molesting children he took as "brides" in his ministry.( g% n9 z# V. M4 Z6 i/ F
www.edmontonchina.cn& w- {! U5 O3 W+ h" N

During Friday's hearing, some of Alamo's victims testified about how their families were destroyed while the evangelist took over their lives.

Alamo, 75, had been convicted in July on a 10-count federal indictment. U.S. District Judge Harry F. Barnes said Alamo used his status as father figure and pastor and threatened and threatened the girls with "the loss of their salvation."埃德蒙顿,Edmonton4 C; W6 s$ K0 s3 v
埃德蒙顿,Edmonton/ I' i+ m  B( M) s: ^8 A8 S% h

"Mr. Alamo, one day you will face a higher a greater judge than me, may he have mercy on your soul," Barnes said.

before Barnes sentenced Alamo, the evangelist offered a brief statement to the court praising God then later adding:埃德蒙顿,Edmonton0 _- a0 ~: i* T8 [

"I'm glad I'm me and not the deceived people in the world."埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China4 z9 q. c! C& A6 p+ ]6 L' c

lawyers said they planned to appeal Barnes' ruling. His defense offered a doctor who said he suffered from hardening arteries, diabetes, glaucoma and other health problems. However on cross-examination the doctor acknowledged he saw Alamo only once in 2004 and that the purpose of Alamo's visit was to get an eye lift to make him appear younger.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton& e1 b& B; m5 F
www.edmontonchina.cn+ q/ y3 p% _5 o; W4 |8 ?4 c

The evangelist will stay in Texarkana pending a Jan. 13 hearing in which Barnes will decide whether Alamo's victims will get restitution from him. After that hearing, Barnes said Alamo would go to a federal prison that has hospital facilities.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton" \4 U6 K) K0 m# t' P! T. K
埃德蒙顿,Edmonton: y6 ~( @% f. e) v8 V

A woman Alamo took as a child "bride" at age 8 challenged the evangelist from the witness stand Friday to submit himself to God's judgment. Reading from lined notebook paper, she said Alamo tore her family apart by taking her as a child bride and described how she shook uncontrollably when he first molested her.www.edmontonchina.cn& x2 u4 g) ]; K# t

"You preyed on innocent children," she said staring down Alamo, who wore yellow prison scrubs and a windbreaker for the hearing.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton7 ?/ w* S7 W4 R+ H) _; x# w) ^" {

"You have the audacity to ask for mercy. What mercy did you show us?" she said.

moment later she asked, "What kind of man of God does what you have done?"埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China# Y% M) \# p8 W$ K2 F, t/ ]
埃德蒙顿,Edmonton. q4 z& S+ E. p

The woman told Barnes that she planned to become an FBI agent in order to help other child sex abuse victims.

other child brides testified. One, who said she is now employed full-time and has a life of her own outside of the ministry, said she hoped Alamo would spend the rest of his life in jail.

"Maybe the real God, not the God you made up, will have mercy on your soul," the woman said.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton7 Y$ ~! V1 K+ q1 c! q
www.edmontonchina.cn+ |; y# [2 L& T; L2 Q% r

Barnes said there was ample evidence that Alamo engaged in a pattern of molesting younger and younger girls in his ministry.埃德蒙顿,Edmonton2 q( v0 [6 J2 Q: L
埃德蒙顿,Edmonton0 p/ R7 {. [( m* B7 U

Alamo accused his victims of lying, as he has done throughout his prosecution.
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清池 Lv.8 85#

金牌会员 | Credits 5299   
本帖最后由 清池 于 20-3-2011 12:55 PM 编辑

回复 84# 江百虎

引用:     公认?!是谁公认的?!


圣人 私底下从来就没有做过

圣人- 是从他们所作的大事大益世界众生来做定义的


江百虎 楼主 86#

用户被禁止发言 | Credits 5563   
引用: 回复  江百虎
公认就是说你去世界/联合国上去找一些有学识的。到各大宗教有修行的,到各大学的学生 ...
清池 发表于 20-3-2011 12:47 PM

那些人里面有包括 Tony Alamo 吗?!

清池 Lv.8 87#

金牌会员 | Credits 5299   
本帖最后由 清池 于 20-3-2011 12:55 PM 编辑

回复 86# 江百虎

引用:     那些人里面有包括



yocolong Lv.6 88#

铜牌会员 | Credits 885   
回复 82# 江百虎


江百虎 楼主 89#

用户被禁止发言 | Credits 5563   
引用: 回复  江百虎
清池 发表于 20-3-2011 12:54 PM



Scoutfai Lv.8 90#

金牌会员 | Credits 2202   



圣人被某一群人公认,是因为他们做的事情,跟他们的宗教毫无关联。人们敬佩的是他们的行为,不是他们的宗教选择。人们在选择敬佩他们之前是不会去审核他们的宗教。别忘了,要找出世界公认的有宗教信仰的犯罪者(你认为adolf hittler信什么宗教),也不难。

江百虎 楼主 91#

用户被禁止发言 | Credits 5563   
引用: 对人类有贡献的无神轮者:
毛泽东(全球人口五分一的人公认他),马克思(全球共产主义者和政治学者群 ...
Scoutfai 发表于 18-4-2011 02:27 PM


不過一般水準的人只看得到 身份 是不會去深思一個人的品行的

reoz Lv.12 92#

中级长老 | Credits 12240   


阿弥陀佛56 Lv.9 93#

钻石会员 | Credits 4859   

kkyong85 Lv.10 94#

荣誉会员 | Credits 5364   