本帖最后由 Fxpro21 于 26-1-2010 01:34 AM 编辑
Title (男女)
First Name (名字)
Last Name (我是用第一个英文字,chin,chan等)
Residential Address(地址)
Postal/Zip Code (邮政号码)
City (城市)
State/Province (如果你是新加坡就放新加坡,如果是新山,就放柔佛州)
Telephone Number + (电话)
Years (玩外汇的时间,你放1年就可以了)
Employment Status (职业)
What is your total estimated annual income (USD) (收入)(我放最低)
What is your total estimated net worth (USD) Choose (资产)(我也放最低)
Average USD amount invested (during last 12 months) (放最低就可以了)
Frequency of Transactions (你是时常玩外汇的吗?你可以放daily或者是weely)
Currency base Choose (放美元比较好算)
Leverage (最好是1:400)
Yes, please send me a free Merchandise Pack and Membership Card
Colour copy of Identification:(最好是scan你的passport,要有照片的那一页)Browse...
Colour Copy of Passport (all international clients. Photograph, personal details, signature, issue & expiry dates, place and date of issue, serial number to be clearly visible). For E.U. Countries, international passport or driving licence. For non E.U. Countries, international passport and driving licence or national I.D. card.
Proof of residence:(你家里的账单,不过单据一定要有你的名字,不然就是电话单跟debit或者是credit card的账单,记得账单一定要两个月之内的,用scan的最好)Browse...
(Recent utility bill dated within the last six months, current local authority tax bill, bank or credit card statement).
The Client solemnly declares thatHe has carefully read and fully understood the entire text of the terms and conditions Agreement with which he fully and unreservedly agrees;
(打勾) I agree with clients declaration and with the terms and conditions (click here to read).
就是这么简单,不过你要有一张debit card 或者credit card 要有钱,最好是放400~500美金或以上,