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突然有一个想法,Bicycle courier/ Bicycle messenger..
突然有一个想法,Bicycle courier/ Bicycle messenger 这行。。在马来西亚不知道有没有的做???
成本看起来好像很低。。。 |
发表于 2-6-2008 02:52 PM
回复 1# bar_man 的帖子
怎樣的行。。可以簡介嗎。 |
楼主 |
发表于 2-6-2008 03:59 PM
Bicycle courier services already exist in several large cities. There's usually room for a newcomer business if the service is somehow better. In most of the USA, there's no competition. If you want to start a bicycle courier service, the door is wide open. Well, sort of. You have to educate the public.
Bicycle couriers, also known as bicycle messengers, are paid to carry small packages from one place to another. This is most effective in large cities, where bicycles can get around faster than cars, especially when you factor in time to park and walk from the car to buildings. This can also work in a small town, where everything is close together, and therefore a bicyclist can deliver packages quickly.
The problem with starting such a business, is that most of the business people in town already have some sort of system for getting packages across town. They may not be efficient techniques, but these folks are often so busy, or set in their ways, that you have to go to great lengths to let them know that your way, bicycle transportation, might be better for them.
A courier service usually involves at least two people. One to do the riding, and the other to act as dispatcher - taking phone calls, and arranging the delivery schedule. Though recently saw a bicyclist riding along while talking into a cellular phone, and that gave me the idea that this could be a one-person business. Of course, that may not be the way it will stay. When you become successful, you may want to grow into a firm that hires dozens of bicyclists, and has a room full of dispatchers.
But it won't be that way at first. To start, expect many days in a row in which you get only a couple of calls a day. In these slow times, you can have business cards and flyers printed up which you can hand deliver as if they were paid delivery parcels. Paper your town with flyers on every bulletin board, street light post and utility pole where it is legal to post flyers. The flyers should have several copies of your phone number at the bottom, and be pre-sliced so people can pull off your number and give you a call.
You can also get ink - get the local press to talk about you. Bicycle message delivery is still rather unique, especially if you are the only one in town offering the service. Let the local newspaper radio and TV stations know, and you'll be helping them out. They benefit from a nice little human-interest filler, and you'll get better publicity than you could ever get from paid advertising. You may even get interviewed, and can generally finagle your way into an announcement of how your service works, and how you can be contacted.
Another advertising trick which can help is to put prominent signs on your delivery bike. You may say something on the sign like "Mike's Bike Delivery - stop me if you need something delivered." |
楼主 |
发表于 2-6-2008 04:00 PM
现在,越来越多的年轻人热衷于从事这一行业,而且女性自行车快递员也越来越多。无论刮风下雨,他们都能准时无误地把包裹交到客户手中,那份工作热情和待人接物的彬彬有礼让人对自行车快递更增加了一分信任。 |
发表于 2-6-2008 05:25 PM
是阿。。可惜我們國家並不是很理想。。這個概念非常不錯﹐但是在我國的話。。就像上面網友說的問題。 要知道這裡氣候炎熱﹐路上垃圾也多﹐不像新加坡﹑日本或一些國家。 如果垃圾多﹐有時候容易出現一些﹐細細的針﹐也容易讓輪胎暴胎。
不過這個概念很好﹐而且成本真的很低﹐如果說拿一些6=7k road bike來當交通也還劃算。不必車油﹐不過需要是維修費之類。 |
楼主 |
发表于 2-6-2008 05:41 PM
楼主 |
发表于 2-6-2008 05:45 PM
只是想到唯一的对手就是那些mat rempit 的摩多快递员。。。 |
发表于 2-6-2008 06:19 PM
1. 天气热
2. 交通堵塞没那么严重
3. 摩多也是可以乱乱串
4. 油价没有那么高
5. 不流行环保 |
发表于 2-6-2008 06:20 PM
回复 9# zenden_goh 的帖子
對阿﹐這個我也忘了﹐有些看你是走路在旁邊或者是自行車﹐就是當作看不到﹐這樣靠近你﹐有時差點跌到:@ |
发表于 2-6-2008 06:31 PM
回复 7# bar_man 的帖子
哇。。那位洋人還蠻厲害割車的。 如果在那些地區。。可是會很多人支持嗎 ﹐不過考慮還是可以啦﹐不過要先調查﹐還有分析環境和路途中會發生什麼事﹐然後再以糾正﹑提昇。 |
发表于 2-6-2008 07:10 PM
回复 13# zenden_goh 的帖子
恩﹐對了那個youtube 的黑人﹐到底找什麼阿。。怎麼他好像看地上找些什麼。 |
发表于 2-6-2008 09:11 PM
3。我不是KL人不过在KL也待过一段时间,说真的在weekday我从来不曾看过有脚车出现在KL市中心 |
发表于 3-6-2008 12:11 AM
听说新加坡现在要建条长达350km的脚车路,我觉得Bicycle courier 在新加坡能跑。。。马国。。。haiz。。。 |
发表于 3-6-2008 12:59 AM
回复 16# ︻$▅▅▆▆▇◤ 的帖子
哇。。還不錯的﹐還有腳車道。 他們政府好像很鼓勵人民騎腳車。不過我知道那邊買車很貴﹑parking 也很貴。不過腳車在那邊就適合了。 那邊road bike 一定有賣很多model 吧。 |
发表于 3-6-2008 01:22 AM
原帖由 khookw64 于 3-6-2008 12:59 AM 发表
哇。。還不錯的﹐還有腳車道。 他們政府好像很鼓勵人民騎腳車。不過我知道那邊買車很貴﹑parking 也很貴。不過腳車在那邊就適合了。 那邊road bike 一定有賣很多model 吧。
那天在新加玻脚车店看到辆carbon车身,shimano accesories才买RM4,000....
本地至少RM6,000.... |
发表于 3-6-2008 10:28 AM
回复 19# zenden_goh 的帖子
唉。。但看看檳大橋好了。。一時取消﹐一時建。。很不穩定的說法了。。要建腳車道﹐我想已經老了或者那時候不在人間了 |
发表于 3-6-2008 12:48 PM
回复 21# zenden_goh 的帖子
再談到bike courier 。如果有腳車道會比較安全。 如果在馬路這樣割來割去真的很危險。。要是員工受傷還要花一筆錢。。所以為員工買一個保險的會比較貴去了。。因為風險比駕車人士還要高。 如果有bike lane..就不同﹐那些就分開交通行走﹐所以不只是快﹐也對騎腳車人士自身安全有所保障。 |
发表于 3-6-2008 09:50 PM
8 月的 adidas 不能跑NPE Subang (Sunway Pyramid)!!!???wtf???!!
虽然NPE讲ok,可是他妈的死政治家讲经济理由不给跑!!!!:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
你要他们建“做脚车专行道”???!!! 哈哈.... 慢慢等。。。。 |
发表于 3-6-2008 10:15 PM
回复 23# ︻$▅▅▆▆▇◤ 的帖子
唉。。所以很難辦到lor.... |
发表于 4-6-2008 12:12 AM
回复 25# zenden_goh 的帖子
唉﹐現在人家討論車油了﹐因為當今大馬那邊寫﹐可能是100% 起。。不過正確的公佈會星期三後。。不過很多人認為會在0.3-0.7 這樣的價格。。唉駕車人士要花多錢在這些車油上了。。其他東西肯定起。。而且tayar 這次也起價。。腳車tayar 也逃不過。。。 |
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