【Xbox 360】Gears of War 3 集中讨论区 (9/20/2011 全球发售)
发表于 6-10-2011 01:11 PM
按了2k次X, 除了拿到一个黑甲成就,什么都没有。
那些属性, 怎样拿的? 什么一枪死的又怎么一回事?
阿紫 发表于 6-10-2011 10:49 AM 
你还真的去按完 .....用那手把的连动FUNCTION要多久就可拿到?那些属性是指你解锁一些条件后,系统就给你一些有趣的功能,就好象你玩HALO REACH那样,能设定一些骨头的意思,一些骨头开启或关闭,就给你特别或追加奖励。GOW3,比如你开那个爆头的属性变化,敌人被爆头了居然还可以在那边射你(原本是应该倒地了),那也是其中一个熟悉功能。 |
发表于 6-10-2011 01:55 PM
你还真的去按完.....用那手把的连动FUNCTION要多久就可拿到?那些属性是指你解锁一些条件后,系统 ...
Osis03 发表于 6-10-2011 01:11 PM 
因为, 有人告诉我, 按了之后,可以拿到一枪死的功能。过关容易很多。
结果, 除了成就外,什么都没有看到。 |
发表于 6-10-2011 07:05 PM
因为, 有人告诉我, 按了之后,可以拿到一枪死的功能。过关容易很多。
阿紫 发表于 6-10-2011 01:55 PM 
DLC你买吗? |
发表于 6-10-2011 10:43 PM
属性设定这个你确定在进入游戏故事前设定了吗?要设定了才有效果哦.....就是每次打故事前,有问你设定难度 ...
Osis03 发表于 6-10-2011 07:05 PM 
恩恩,只是有两个效果,一个爆头还可以攻击, 一个没有子弹可以拾
恩,找了dom之后,上楼梯就看到那个游戏机。 |
发表于 7-10-2011 09:12 AM
本帖最后由 水镜明月 于 7-10-2011 11:14 AM 编辑
属性设定这个你确定在进入游戏故事前设定了吗?要设定了才有效果哦.....就是每次打故事前,有问你设定难度 ...
Osis03 发表于 6-10-2011 07:05 PM 
恩恩,只是有两个效果,一个爆头还可以攻击, 一个没有子弹可以拾
恩,找了dom之 ...
阿紫 发表于 6-10-2011 10:43 PM 
我多你一个效果,“血肉之花”血腥将变成美丽花朵。 |
发表于 7-10-2011 12:13 PM
恩恩,只是有两个效果,一个爆头还可以攻击, 一个没有子弹可以拾
恩,找了dom之 ...
阿紫 发表于 6-10-2011 10:43 PM  有打算买吗?
我多你一个效果,“血肉之花”血腥将变成美丽花朵 ...
weng0102 发表于 7-10-2011 09:12 AM  扯断敌人的手,然后一直可以按Y键来重覆鞭尸那招么?如果是,好像是雷爆突击枪的终结技来的。你用看看 |
发表于 7-10-2011 07:58 PM
本帖最后由 Ryden 于 8-10-2011 07:40 PM 编辑
请勿公开特别版游戏, 图片已经被移除,谢谢
strike启 |

楼主 |
发表于 8-10-2011 12:17 AM
发表于 8-10-2011 01:31 AM
rockleehong 发表于 8-10-2011 12:17 AM 
我订了两个礼拜才到货罢了,一到货我就直接去拿了。虽然照片有点丑,但毕竟经济版的就是这样了。 |
发表于 8-10-2011 07:25 AM
发表于 8-10-2011 01:18 PM
回复 167# Ryden
MARCUS被爆头了。。。 |
发表于 16-10-2011 10:27 AM
发表于 17-10-2011 09:23 AM
请add我! GT:gr3yshadow |
发表于 18-10-2011 09:30 PM
为什么gear of war没有ps3版的?我最喜欢shooting game了 |
发表于 21-10-2011 11:31 AM
Gears of War 3 ‘RAAM’s Shadow’ DLC Out in December
Epic has announced that the Gears of War 3 ‘RAAM’s Shadow’ DLC will be out on December 13th.
Taking place before the first Gears of War, it features the events of Sera post-Emergence Day, as Zeta Squad is enlisted to evacuate Ilima City and protect the citizens against a Locust Kryll storm. You’ll also get to play as RAAM and “storm the human stronghold”. It should last about three hours.
In addition the DLC will include six new multiplayer characters, the Chocolate Weapon Set and 250 Gamerscore. It’ll set you back 1200 MSP, unless you have the Season Pass, in which case it’ll be free.
Source: Press Release
转载自http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2011/10/20/gears-of-war-3-raam%E2%80%99s-shadow-dlc-out-in-december/ |
发表于 1-11-2011 05:54 PM
epicforum上看到的 不知真假
持久战dlc遇技术问题 暂时延期。 Horde Command Pack Delay |
发表于 2-11-2011 01:35 PM
本帖最后由 Osis03 于 2-11-2011 02:15 PM 编辑
epicforum上看到的 不知真假
持久战dlc遇技术问题 暂时延期。 Horde Command Pack Delay
lcling1909 发表于 1-11-2011 05:54 PM 
**Update: Epic and Microsoft have announced that the technical error has been solved and the ‘Horde Command Pack’ is now available for download.**
Free Gears of War 3 Map Pack Coming
Epic announced today that it will be giving away the Versus Booster Map Pack for free on November 24. These five maps should pump up your competitive Gears 3 time with more juice than a trainer in the Oakland Athletics clubhouse circa 1995.
Three of the five maps – Azura, Blood Drive, and Rustlung – are included in the Horde Command Pack, which launched today. Two more, Bullet Marsh and Clocktower, round out the free Versus Booster Map Pack. It's nice to see Epic giving away new stuff at all, and keeping the multiplayer community from fragmenting by making sure that everyone has access to the same maps (three weeks later, but still) is good for the game's long-term health. Are you still rocking Gears 3, or has your shooter playtime moved on to greener (well,
browner) patches? |

楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 05:40 PM
发表于 17-11-2011 12:08 PM
Gears of War 3 Title Update 2 Released
本帖最后由 Osis03 于 17-11-2011 12:10 PM 编辑
Hey Gears fans! At 2 a.m. Pacific tonight we’ll begin rolling out Title Update 2 forGears of War 3. While this is in progress dedicated servers will not be available. Once the update is live you will automatically be prompted to download it if you are connected to Xbox LIVE.
Read our full list of release notes and be sure to join us tomorrow night (11/16) for a live stream with Epic Games Director of Production Rod Fergusson. The stream will start at 5:00 p.m. Eastern on the Epic Games Twitch.TV page. If you have questions for Rod about the update, please post them in the comments section below!
Improvements - A spectator mode option has been added to private versus matches for broadcasting by gaming leagues.
- One player on each team will be able to choose spectator mode during match set up.
- The matches will be 4v4 with two spectators
- The Leader and Vengeful medals are now easier to acquire.
- The mutators Roadie Comet and Regen Enemies are now easier to acquire.
- Added an option to disable the HUD during multiplayer games for machinima and video creators
- Added a visual indicator of the next ring’s location during the last 10 ring points in KOTH.
Exploit Fixes - The Onyx Field Engineer medal can no longer be prestiged.
- In Capture the Leader, the overhead Beams on DryDock are no longer accessible.
- While affected by the Smoke Grenade stun, players will no longer be able to take hostages, pick up weapons or revive teammates.
General Fixes - If there is a host migration during Horde, the match will resume at the same wave.
- Also during Horde, the Combat Engineer ribbon can now be achieved once per wave instead of once per game.
- The Ranked Disconnect stat will no longer increase when quitting a standard Horde or Beast game.
- The cringe from the Mortar will no longer cause players to drop their primary weapon.
- The Hail Mary ribbon is now correctly awarded for long distance Boomshot headshots.
- Maps will no longer be immediately repeated when choosing random map selection.
- If the host pauses during a private versus match the game will continue for other players.
- The game will still pause in the Campaign, Beast and Horde.
- Potential fix for the rare lost progress issue.
- Potential fix for the rare profile freezing issue.
- Beast leaderboard screen no longer refreshes while sending challenges
http://epicgames.com/community/2011/11/gears-of-war-3-title-update-2-release-notes/ |
发表于 20-7-2012 09:54 AM
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