3月份的MONETARIUM和MAVIN钱币拍卖刚刚结束了(MAVIN还剩下COINS SESSION还没结束),根据这次的观察,评分钞(特别是星马两国)和号码钞继续成为拍场的关注点,高分币继续刷出记录,过去几年较受冷落的错印钞也开始复苏了昔日的勇态。这里给大家简报一些我国钞币的成交趋势:(注:最近mavin刚刚调高佣金,加上GST是19.26%;monetarium仍然保持旧的收费,加GST是16.05%。以下价格是以星币的交投价加上佣金兑成马币计算。这是现场交投的计算法,如果是internet bidding,还要付上2%左右的额外费用)
Monetarium Auction (28/3/2013)
![](http://p2.la-img.com/1270/37738/16008919_1_x.jpg) Lot 25:MALAYSIA. Bronze: 1-Sen 1976 (KM1) PCGS MS 65 RD, Sold For SGD2,600(RM7500++)
Lot 667:MALAYSIA. 1st Series: RM1 1967 consecutive Low no. B/63 000001-10 (KNB1) Original UNC (10pcs), Sold For SGD2,600(RM7500++),这套东西被楼主标下了。
Lot 677:MALAYSIA. 1st Series: Uniface ESSAY of a RM1,000 reverse. Sold For SGD13,000(RM37000++)
Lot 692: MALAYSIA. 4th Series: RM1 1981 Different prefix Solid no. M/65 111111, M/64 222222, M/65 333333, M/64 444444, M/68 555555, M/13 666666, M/13 777777, M/14 888888, M/14 999999, M/14 1000000 (KNB19) Original UNC (10pcs). Sold For SGD2,700(RM7800++)
Lot 725:MALAYSIA. 6th Series: RM50 1986 Error Large fin with s/n. YD4839987 on it, s/n. YD4834988 (KNB36c) Original GEF. Sold For SGD1,800(RM5200+)
Lot 737: MALAYSIA. 7th Series: RM50 1995 Error Large fin with s/n. BY0008793 on it, s/n. BY0018793 (KNB42d) GEF/AU. Sold For SGD1,800(RM5200+)
Lot 738:MALAYSIA. 7th Series: SPECIMEN RM100 1995 AN0000000 specimen no. 200 (KNB43) Original UNC. Sold For SGD4,800(RM13900+)
Mavub Auction (30/3/2013)
Lot 820: $50, (1967-72), 1st series, sign. Ismail Md. Ali, solid security thread, (P.4a; KNB.4a), serial no. A/15 389835, PMG AU50. Realised: SG$600(RM1780++)
Lot 823: $1, (1972-76), 2nd series, sign. Ismail Md. Ali, (P.13a; KNB.7), serial no. E/2 888888, good fine. Realised: SG$320(RM950++)
Lot 839: $100, (1972-76), 2nd series, sign. Ismail Md. Ali, solid security thread, (P.17a; KNB.11a), serial nos. A/10 641118 to 119, consecutive pair of graded notes, both PMG Choice UNC64. (2) Realised: SG$2,800(RM8350+)
Lot 843: $50, (1976-81), 3rd series, sign. Ismail Md. Ali, (P.16; KNB.16), solid 7s serial no. B/3 777777, PMG Gem UNC65 EPQ. Realised: SG$2,800(RM8350+)这枚也是被楼主拿下了。
Lot 844: $50, (1976-81), 3rd series, sign. Ismail Md. Ali, (P.16; KNB.16), solid 7s serial no. A/67 777777, PMG Choice UNC64. Realised: SG$2,500(RM7450+)
Lot 851: $10, (1981-83), 4th series, sign. Aziz Taha, (P.15Aa; KNB.21), serial no. F/52 777777, PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ. Realised: SG$1,300(RM3850++)
Lot 860: $500, (1982-84), 5th series, sign. Aziz Taha, (P.25; KNB.30), serial nos. ZV 0687586 to 587, consecutive pair, both PMG AU50 EPQ. (2) Realised: SG$2,600(RM7750+)
Lot 861: $500, (1982-84), 5th series, sign. Aziz Taha, (P.25; KNB.30), serial no. ZV 3884928 to 929, consecutive pair of exceptional paper quality only prefix notes, both graded PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. (2) Realised: SG$4,800(RM14300+)
Lot 862: $1000, (1982-84), 5th series, sign. Aziz Taha, (P.26; KNB.31a), serial no. ZY 0560723, only prefix, PMG Gem UNC 65EPQ. Realised: SG$3,600(RM10700+)这枚是我们收藏版的tclim拿下的。
Lot 865: $100, (1986-95), 6th series, sign. Jaffar Hussein, (P.32A; KNB.37d), serial no. ZU 0000005, very low serial number replacement note, PMG Choice AU58EPQ. Realised: SG$14,000(RM41700+)
Lot 868: $1000, ND (1987), 6th series, sign. Jaffar Hussein, (P.34; KNB.39b), serial no. ZZ 0008008, replacement note, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ. Realised: SG$5,200(RM15500+)
Lot 872: $100, (1995-98), 7th series, sign. Ahmad Md. Don, (P.32C; KNB.43c), serial nos. AP 2886829 to 830, consecutive pair of exceptional paper quality notes, PMG Gem UNC66EPQ and Superb Gem UNC67EPQ. (2) Realised: SG$520(RM1550+)
Lot 874: $1000, (1995-98), 7th series, sign. Ahmad Md. Don, (P.34A; KNB.45b), replacement note, serial no. ZZ 0048618, PMG Gem UNC66 EPQ. Realised: SG$5,000(RM14900+) 本帖最后由 谷成 于 31-3-2013 01:23 PM 编辑