Dalam Islam, hidayah (bahasa Arab: هداية‎ ) dari segi bahasa ialah "petunjuk" atau "hadiah", manakala dari segi istilah ialah petunjuk Allah ke arah kebenaran. Allah menganugerahkan hidayah kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakinya agar beriman dan mentaati perintahnya.
Maka sesiapa yang Allah kehendaki untuk memberi petunjuk kepadanya nescaya Ia melapangkan dadanya untuk menerima Islam; dan sesiapa yang Allah kehendaki untuk menyesatkannya, nescaya Ia menjadikan dadanya sesak sempit seolah-olah ia sedang mendaki naik ke langit. Demikianlah Allah menimpakan azab kepada orang yang tidak beriman.(Surah Al-An'aam: 125)
And if Allah wishes to guide a man, He opens his bosom (heart) to Islam. But if Allah wishes to leave him in error, He makes his bosom close and narrow as though he was climbing up to the sky (in difficulty). It is thus that Allah inflicts penalty on those who refuse to believe.
Reasons Why Muhammad (Not Jesus) Should be Ranked as Most Influential Person in History
M. S. Abdullah (email address: msabdullah@bigpond.com) sent us this letter and list on 25 August 2004:
To the owner of www.adherents.com/adh_influ.html
I am a comparative religion student who would like to share my views on this list. I would like to shed some light as to the order of Muhammad and Jesus on this list. Please feel free to use this e-mail on your website.
I believe that Muhammad should be the first in the list even though Jesus was a great man, Muhammad was an even greater man and a greater influence to humanity. Michael Hart (a non-Muslim, in particular a Christian) was correct in taking a non-biased view and choosing Muhammad.
Just look at the statistics and history
Christianity (1.9+ billion people). 600 year head start on Islam
Islam (1.5+ billion people). Catching up at a rate of 10:1. Many of the converts are Atheists or Christians (including many Church leaders and ministers). By 2025 Muslims will out number Christians.
In America pre 9/11 40000+ people convert to Islam per year, post 9/11, people have became curious about what makes Muslims tick. They are now discovering that what Muslims like these do are completely in the opposite direction to the teachings of Muhammad and Islam, hence why the number of converts has increased to 78000+ a year.
Jesus' message was 2.4 years, Muhammad's 23 years
Jesus' had 120 followers at the end of his time on earth Muhammad had millions
Muhammad confirmed Jesus and believed in him, as Jesus said to his disciples whilst in the Garden of Gethsemane that someone would come to confirm him
Jesus said he came to the tribe of Israel only, Muhammad said he came to all mankind.
The different denominations of Christianity don't agree with each other about Mary, Jesus, the trinity, the many versions and revisions of the Bible etc, whereas the different denominations of Islam agree that Muhammad is the final Prophet, Jesus is a Prophet and performed miracles, God is One and Only, and the exact Quran as at the time of Muhammad is still used today by all the denominations, and the originals are still available.
10's of millions of Muslims have memorised the entire Quran all over the world, whereas no Christian has memorised the bible and if they did they would have to memorise their own version and would have to update their memorisations every time a new revision was released.
The bible that we know today was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (who are they? Real name? Last name?) and Paul (Saul of Tarsus: A Christian Killer) who preached to the Gentiles which Jesus said not to do. None where direct disciples of Jesus.
What is known as Apocrypha today is the Gospels that the Roman (Origin Pagans: worshiped many gods, human gods etc) Catholic Church wanted to destroy because it denies the trinity and the divinity of Jesus and reveals the coming of another (Muhammad). "Eg. The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. In 325 C.E., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. An Edict was issued that any one in possession of these Gospels will be put to death" (http://www.barnabas.net/)
Jesus did not found Christianity and the Church (Paul did). Muhammad founded Islam.
Muhammad taught a way of life from birth to death. Things as simple as one should sit down when they put their shoes on etc (This has been medically proven that putting your shoes on whilst standing and hunching causes lower back pain). He taught every day life issues etc.
The Quran contains many scientific information that has been confirmed by science only in the last century. Would Muhammad have known all this stuff or is he a lucky guesser?
The world as we know it today was influenced by Islam, scientifically, mathematically, medically, agriculturally as well as through art etc. Islam promoted education for both men and women whereas the Church forbade it and called it blasphemy and the penalty was death to anyone who would go against the Church (http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/ a documentary by non-Muslim American historians and lecturers in religion)
Islam is in no way derived from Zoroastrianism but follows on from Judaism as Christianity did.
The list can go on for many pages, but I think that has said enough.
So looking at the facts from a subjective point of view shows that there should be no doubt that Muhammad should be the first on the list.
Dan bukanlah Al-Qur'an ini sesuatu yang boleh diada-adakan oleh yang lain dari Allah; tetapi ia membenarkan Kitab-kitab sebelumnya, dan untuk menjelaskan kitab (hukum-hukum) yang tidak ada keraguan di dalamnya dari Tuhan sekalian alam.
Yunus 37
以上的 “kitab-kitab sebelumnya / 以前的天经” 包括基督教的圣经。但伊斯兰称之为 Kitab Injil 。 古兰经里所描述的一切并非人类创造出来的神话,也并非有人类所写。
The excavations made by Sir Leonard Woolley in the Mesopotamian plains disclosed the presence of a mud-clay layer 2.5 m. deep in the earth. This mud-clay layer was most probably formed by the clay masses carried by the flood waters and, in the whole world, it only exists under the Mesopotamian plains. This discovery became an important piece of evidence proving that the Flood had only occurred on the Mesopotamian plains.
Harun Yahya 著有一本书名为 Perished Nation, 意即被毁灭的种族,里面有提及 Nabi Nuh 。 通常人们感到最矛盾的就是,淹水怎么可能会淹完全世界? 而根据考古学家的研究,他们已经发掘到在 Persian Gulf 的海洋底面下深埋着远古的遗迹。。 最耐人寻味的就是,在遗迹底层和海洋上层的中间有层分割泥土。根据研究这泥土不可能存在,除非曾经发生一道相当强烈的水流掩埋一切后才形成了这片泥土层和海洋。
This discovery became an important piece of evidence proving that the Flood had only occurred on the Mesopotamian plains.
darkcat 发表于 13-4-2010 03:37 PM
你懂得蛮多,但不够精细。根据历史记载,在古兰经下降前, Arab 是很注重文学诗歌的种族,甚至 Arab language被西洋国家认为是最难学的语言。(华语也是)。
For English speakers
Diplomats and defense language training provides some interesting data, although it covers only a limited selection of major national languages:
The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the US Department of State has compiled approximate learning expectations for a number of languages. Of the 63 languages analyzed, the five most difficult languages to reach proficiency in speaking and proficiency in reading (for native English speakers who already know other languages), requiring 88 weeks, are: "Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean". The Foreign Service Institute considers Japanese to be the most difficult of this group.[2]
Patutkah mereka mengatakan Muhammad yang mengada-adakan Al-Qur'an itu. Katakanlah: Datangkanlah satu surah seperti Al-Qur'an itu, dan panggillah siapa sahaja yang kamu dapat memanggilnya, yang lain dari Allah (untuk membantu kamu), jika betul kamu orang yang benar!
Yunus 38
因为古兰经所运用的词语十分完美,甚至连人类联手合作都无法写出和古兰经一样水准的文章。(当然这只有研究 arab language 的学者才懂当中奥妙)
当 Muhammad saw 教导古兰经时,是与信徒们一起背着朗读,古兰经用了 23年才一字一句降下。直至 Muhammad saw 逝世后,后来的穆斯林领导者决定了要收集所有记录在干叶,石头,树皮,牛皮上的经文收集下来写成古兰经。是为了更有效的向外族传导伊斯兰教义和保留 Allah SWT 所降临的经文。