


楼主: sunday365

【MELEWAR 3778 交流专区】美丽华工业

发表于 17-7-2007 02:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 8years 于 17-7-2007 02:35 PM 发表

如果认为会挖到的确是值得买 ...


[ 本帖最后由 mjchua 于 17-7-2007 02:44 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 17-7-2007 02:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mjchua 于 17-7-2007 02:31 PM 发表
因為 Gindalbie 虧損所以你認為這間公司不值 AUD1.40 ? 被嚴重高估 ?



......Melewar COO Lim said the company's directors decided three years ago (2004) to invest in Gindalbie when they saw steel prices rising. Eventually, it is intended the Gindalbie shares would be sold. ¨Weˇre not mining experts,〃 he said.

As to the timing of sale, he said: ¨It has not reached our target price.〃

Gindalbie was exploring for gold when it discovered a lot of iron ore deposits on a small section of its land. The company has not started to produce iron ore yet but the A$39mil (RM109mil) to be raised from the share placement to AnSteel would ensure that it has sufficient funds to develop the mine.

The Australian miner would start to bring up the iron ore at the end of the year or early 2008. ¨We should see a better value in the Gindalbie shares at that time,〃 Lim said.

Furthermore, Gindalbie could become a takeover target of the global mining giants.

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发表于 17-7-2007 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #143 mjchua 的帖子

问: 如何知道Gindalbie的前景好不好呢?

答: 靠功课,感觉和信心。。。

PS: 啊,所以我不能追风,不然等我研究好了,有信心了,股价可能早已被抄高了。。。哈。

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 17-7-2007 03:07 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 17-7-2007 03:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 17-7-2007 02:58 PM 发表

這真的很講功夫 我們大家都還在學習中
一朝被蛇咬 三年怕井绳

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发表于 17-7-2007 03:05 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 17-7-2007 03:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 8years 于 17-7-2007 03:05 PM 发表

如果挖到一点点,那么当然股价也就难起了。如果真的有信心认为可以挖到很多,那么可以 ...

那你可以等到 2010 年再來買

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发表于 17-7-2007 03:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #146 mjchua 的帖子


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发表于 17-7-2007 04:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 8years 于 17-7-2007 03:54 PM 发表

哈哈... 牛分分鐘2010年已經走了

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发表于 17-7-2007 04:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
原来中国的鞍山钢铁集团也收购了Gindalbie 12.94%股权。

鞍山钢铁集团收购澳大利亚铁矿石企业Gindalbie 12.94%股权

http://www.csoa.cn/ 中国船东( 2007-06-12 11:08:57)  

    商务部网报道:中国鞍山钢铁集团已同意收购澳大利亚铁矿石企业Gindalbie Metals 12.94%股权
    Gindalbie 6月4日在声明中称,其将向鞍山钢铁集团在香港的投资部门,以每股0.60澳元发售6,500万股,筹资3,900万澳元。

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发表于 17-7-2007 04:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #148 mjchua 的帖子



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 楼主| 发表于 17-7-2007 06:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 17-7-2007 02:23 PM 发表

可惜啊,可惜。。如果能在Melewar的市价RM1.30时就发现她有这个资产就很爽了。。。能找到hidden gem ...

是看THE STAR的报道的啦. 我还没有酱的本事.那时Gindalbie市价AUD$0.80.

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发表于 18-7-2007 09:02 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #151 sunday365 的帖子


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 楼主| 发表于 18-7-2007 11:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
Iron ore giants cutting supplies: China steel bodyChina's key steel industry association Wednesday accused the world's three leading iron ore producers of cutting back on supply to ensure strong prices ahead of next year's negotiations.
Brazil's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, Australia's BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto are "working together" to strengthen their negotiating positions in talks with Chinese steelmakers, the China Iron and Steel Association said.
A statement on its website said that "the 'big three' are working together to reduce supplies to China in the third quarter by at least five million tons."
"This will force us to rely on expensive spot rates and is an attempt by the miners to strengthen their position prior to the 2008 talks. It will alter the natural supply and demand," the statement added.
The three mining companies produce about 75 percent of the globe's iron ore, a key ingredient used to make steel.
China, home to the world's fourth largest economy and reliant on huge amounts of the key ingredient, has been anxious to have its voice heard in iron ore contract price negotiations since ore prices surged 71.5 percent in 2005.
After protracted and acrimonious negotiations, China agreed to a further 19 percent rise in iron ore prices for 2006 and then a further 9.5 percent increase in 2007.
China is the world's biggest consumer of iron ore, importing 326.3 million tonnes (360 million tons) last year, an increase of 18.6 percent from 2005.
This year China is expected to import 367 million tonnes of iron ore, the Shanghai Securities News reported earlier this week citing Luo Binsheng, the secretary general of the industry group.
Price negotiations for 2008 are likely toward the end of this year.

世界人口EXPONENTIAL的成涨,世界天然资源EXPONENTIAL的消耗. 天然资源将越来越贵!

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comnet8 该用户已被删除
发表于 19-7-2007 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
malewer going to dip into deep sea tomorrow.

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发表于 19-7-2007 05:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sunday365 于 17-7-2007 06:45 PM 发表

是看THE STAR的报道的啦. 我还没有酱的本事.那时Gindalbie市价AUD$0.80.

sunday 兄 今天 gindalbie 大漲 收市價是 aud 1.48 離最高點 (aud1.52) 還差一點點

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发表于 19-7-2007 06:22 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #24 sunday365 的帖子

how much
u bought le?

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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2007 08:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wmn1848 于 19-7-2007 06:22 PM 发表
how much
u bought le?

wua keluar masuk banyak kali, RM1.80 ada, RM1.00 ada, RM1.04 ada, RM1.30 pun ada...

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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2007 08:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mjchua 于 19-7-2007 05:13 PM 发表

sunday 兄 今天 gindalbie 大漲 收市價是 aud 1.48 離最高點 (aud1.52) 還差一點點


[size=+2]下月推2利好措施 鋼鐵股前景佳 - Thursday, July 19, 2007

(吉隆坡1 8日訊)大馬政府預料將從下個月起,推行鋼鐵自動報價機制和廢除鋼鐵產品進口准證(A P),分析員認為,以上的措施可進一步鞏固鋼鐵領域的基本面和前景。






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发表于 20-7-2007 02:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sunday365 于 19-7-2007 08:34 PM 发表


希望明天 gindalbie 會破新高
以昨天收市價 aud 1.480 來計算
等於 Melewar 每股 RM1.45

以目前股價 RM1.69 來計算 Melewar 的其他生意每股只賣 RM0.24

[ 本帖最后由 mjchua 于 20-7-2007 02:33 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 20-7-2007 02:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
Melewar keen to build monorail over Penang BridgeBy Zuraimi Abdullah and Francis Fernandez

MELEWARIndustrial Group Bhd is interested in building a high-speed monorailnetwork over the current Penang Bridge as part of its wider plan toconstruct a mass transit system for Penang Island.

"There is aplan to build a monorail over the current Penang Bridge and wementioned it during our presentation to the Prime Minister," thegroup's head of business development Datuk Eric Lim said in an emailreply to Business Times.

The cost of building such a network is believed to be in range of RM150 million.

"Themonorail over the Penang Bridge will probably be in stage 2 becausewhat is most important is to ensure that Melewar concentrates on theproposed monorail within the island," said Lim.

Melewar isproposing to build a 51.12km Hi-Track ultra light loop monorail systemin Penang within 28 months, if it gets the nod from the Government.

Itstotal fixed lump sum cost for the project is RM1.58 billion, documentsprovided by Melewar show. The same documents also show that Melewarexpects the rail network to start churning profits in its ninth year ofoperations.

"This is one monorail that will be linked from pointto point unlike what you see in KL. Once the proposed project iscompleted, we need to work with the relevant authorities on theextension to the mainland province," said Lim.

Meanwhile, at apress conference yesterday, Melewar managing director Tunku DatukYa'acob Tunku Abdullah said that Prime Minister Datuk Seri AbdullahAhmad Badawi was pleased with its proposal for the Penang monorailsystem, and had asked the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) to study it.

He added that Melewar's advantage is in its cost structure.

"The average cost for the monorail system in KL is RM60 million per km ... our cost is RM30 million per km," Tunku Ya'acob said.

The65km monorail that runs across the central business districts of KL wasbuilt by KL Infrastructure Group (KLIG) Bhd in 2004, at a cost of RM9billion.

Todate, the company has yet to make a profit from the venture, suffering two consecutive years of losses.

Forthe year ended April 2004, KLIG suffered a net loss of RM46.2 million,while in 2005, the net loss widened to RM75.9 million.

KLIG,together with its parent MTrans Holdings Bhd, is also one of threecompanies which have submitted bids to the Government for the monorailproject in Penang.

Meanwhile, Melewar had surprised many when it said early this year that it was in the running for the contract.

Themarket had anticipated that MMC Metrail Sdn Bhd, a unit linked totycoon by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, may bag the award.

MMCMetrail, in which Syed Mokhtar's flagship MMC Corp Bhd has a 20 percent stake, was given a letter of exclusivity to undertake the job bythe Government.

The letter was given on October 1 2003 to builda RM1.1 billion 37km long light monorail transit that will help linkKomtar and Bayan Lepas.

Business Times was told that MMC Metrail is still in negotiations with the Government for the job.

Itis firmly believed that the company had met key officials from the EPUearly this month for an extensive briefing on the project structure.

MMCMetrail chairman Datuk Abdul Kadir Deen, however, declined to commenton the matter, except to say that the company has been working closelywith the authorities over a long period of time on this project.

source : business times
June 23 2006

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