经初步核实,纽约市长完整的原话是“We knew it was in China. Unless we assume there is some immune system variation with Asian people……It was coming here. We have been behind it from day one since it got here.”第二句和第三句明显不够连贯,或者中间有语句被删除,或者是纽约州长本身就是欲言又止。Unless的准确翻译是“除非”或者“如果不”,联系上下文,这段话相对完整的翻译应该如下,“我们知道疫情之前在中国。如果不是我们假设亚洲人的免疫系统有不同之处(……)。当时它正在来到这里。从病毒感染纽约的第一天起,我们就落后了。”
On 5 March 2020, the ship made a four-day-long port call at Da Nang, Vietnam. On the last night some sailors stayed at a hotel where two people had tested positive for COVID-19. Upon learning this, the crew were ordered back to the ship and the sailors who had stayed at the hotel were isolated.