楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 07:38 AM
我覺得通過食物吸收能量很奇怪 但是我很喜歡吃的 很少吃肉
請問靈界的蛇是怎麼一回事? 我想知道 ...
mianmianyang 发表于 2-11-2011 07:31 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
他们在背后控制Reptilians & Greys
吸取通过制造人类的纠纷产生的一种astral energy
看Psitalent Phase 2 |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 07:44 AM
mayvlai 发表于 1-11-2011 06:20 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
不是 心灵啦,跟身体完全无关
是你的灵魂(soul),或者,更正确一点,你的灵(spirit),对 |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 07:46 AM
对不起,我不是说自己有翅膀可以飞的那种,是因为灵体是以飞的形式 travel 的那种。
你有去过什么最难忘的 ...
mayvlai 发表于 1-11-2011 08:52 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
很怕咯,要出的时候,心跳到很快,整个人很像要飘出来,界线开始模糊,放弃了![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 07:51 AM
根据网上的资料,第五度空间就像是升级版的空间,它是可以让我们自己以我们的自由意识去发挥,去设计我们 ...
mayvlai 发表于 1-11-2011 06:04 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
更多资料,等我ascend了再回来的时候再告诉你![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 08:05 AM
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 3-11-2011 10:16 AM 编辑
回复 joyvous
mayvlai 发表于 1-11-2011 06:14 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
你因该是去到astral plane里面七层里面的中到高层
(因为越高层时间越慢)time generally passes much slower there, especially in the higher astral planes, and quite a lot can be accomplished even if you only have a few minutes of real time to work with.
高手看到请更正 |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 08:11 AM
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 08:33 AM
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 3-11-2011 08:47 AM 编辑
假如说这个日子是一种外太空释放出来的一种好的和正面的能量,这种能量能提升地球好的气场,增长Aura, 进而令人类的心灵智慧增长,让人类的心改变了,变得有包容心,平等心,爱心,没有仇恨,没有私心,没有暴力,没有邪恶。地球上的每一个人都可以吃的饱,住的好,活的自在,每个人的地位都是平等的。这个正是我们所期待的吧?mayvlai 发表于 1-11-2011 07:54 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
We are in the time of the CHOICE POINT. That is what this coming year is all about. ALL Truths will be revealed and you will, every soul, have to CHOOSE. Dark or Light. If you choose dark, as many of these poor lost and desperate, misinformed souls have done, you will go down with all the dark beings still here, to continue learning upon the dark planet until you know, unerringly, dark from light and stand up and make a choice.
Sitting on the fence is over. There are those saying, “I’m not choosing sides.” If you make no choice at all and stay on the fence, you are also demonstrating that you need more learning and cannot be trusted with the power of manifestation, and you will also go down to the dark planet until are able to tell dark from light and ACT on that.
This is not a spectator sport. You are going to SEE ugly, horrible truths in the coming year. They’ve been there all the time, and some have even known about them, but they have chosen to stay silent and let them continue rather than be a ‘whistle blower’ and stand up for Truth and Light. And that is why they are still hidden, and why those who try to warn others are ridiculed or worse, attacked and even killed.
There is no half-way here. If you are in a locked room (Earth) full of cockroaches (those doing evil, both human and non) and suddenly the light comes on, you’ve got a fight on your hands. It doesn’t go away because you decide, “Oh, this is too polarized, let’s just frolic. I don’t want to take sides.”
Do you know what the 11-11-11 is about? A BLAST of Light to reveal the dark and gift us all with rapidly accelerating manifestation. And if you haven’t learned to know what’s Light and dark, you will manifest hell on Earth, trying to learn. You don’t have much time. WAKE UP. If you can’t tell dark from Light, why do you think you deserve the power of manifestation?
What is it Ben Franklin said?
“Evil flourishes when good (wo)men do nothing.”
WAKE UP. There are dark entities arranging negative synchronicities on behalf of those who pray to them just as there are angels creating positive ‘miracles’ on behalf of those who pray to them. There are dark entities that make you sick just as there are Healers to make you well. There are dark guides to lead you into madness and manipulate you to harm others, just as there are Guides who tell you truths and help you spread the Light.
ALL of this will be revealed in the coming year. And dark and light will rapidly be polarized like never before. Every single soul will be on one side or the other. And then, after a year or so, the planet will jump to a new frequency. And those who talk pretty but aren’t ready to walk their talk and actually LIVE the Light…won’t make it. And those who can’t tell Light from dark or who knowingly choose dark when they can, will accompany the dark ones to a planetary frequency where they can continue to live with the contrast until they ‘get it’. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 08:38 AM
见鬼了!!![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 09:37 AM
发表于 3-11-2011 11:28 AM
他们在背后控制Reptilians & Greys
吸取通过制造人类的纠纷产生的一种astral energy
h ...
joyvous 发表于 3-11-2011 07:38 AM ![](http://cforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
謝謝你的資料 ^^ |
发表于 3-11-2011 01:10 PM
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 01:14 PM
謝謝你的資料 ^^
mianmianyang 发表于 3-11-2011 11:28 AM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
快快念i am a being of silver violet fire, i am the purity that god desires
如果没效就快点念这个saint germain, please send silver violet fire to mother earth/gaia
再念没效就要求救了![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
发表于 3-11-2011 05:41 PM
偶的师 ...
joyvous 发表于 3-11-2011 01:14 PM ![](http://cforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
虾米东西?![](static/image/smiley/grapeman/23.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 07:02 PM
Matrix8888 发表于 3-11-2011 05:41 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
love and light![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 08:23 PM
11-11-11 Oracle Vision from Children of the Sun
The triple date portal of 11-11-11 is a cosmic trigger that launches all life into a simultaneous raising of vibrational frequency. This carries the potential to catalyze major impacts within the planetary grids, causing a very swift polarity reversal within our consciousness. This keystone activation will launch the ascension process for all choosing humanity, triggering a powerful sequence of portal openings across the globe.
It is not possible to understand exactly how this will outplay because we, ourselves, are creating this event in every NOW moment.
The Stargate is Inside Us
The inner "Stargate" is already activating within each of us, as a whole new holographic reality. It is simply waiting to be acknowledged in order to anchor the created matrix of light into the core of our being as our new strands of DNA are fired through each burst of the greater collective awakening. The First Wave ascensions will catapult our entire Group Body.
When we speak of portals or stargates, we speak of these in context of a transition, from one dimensional perception to the next. This is occurring, first and foremost, within the inner realms of our consciousness. This is an inner event and one that connects the lifestream to the Soul, and more importantly, to the Group Soul. This is the key that unlocks the Seal to Divine Remembrance.
It is not necessary to be in any specific place physically upon the Earth to receive or experience this "passage" through the time portals.
Each person will have their own unique experience depending on where they are in their current understandings and level of purity. Every single person will be affected, especially those who are in group formation. This is a tremendous raising through the group merkabic field.
An Internal Pole Shift
We feel that this energy internalizes an energetic pole shift with potential for the nervous system to be recalibrated to the 5th dimensional frequency of the New Earth harmonic which then enables us to perceive beyond our electromagnetic forms. This eventually integrates a multidimensional consciousness that can traverse both time-space and space-time.
The spin points upholding the energy matrix of free will is dissolved in our entire energetic system, shifting our polarity to the Love and Light of Divine Will, permanently.
The Planetary Sacred Sites are Highly Activated
All Sacred Sites upon the Earth are greatly activated due to the extreme frequencies of Light as a result of this alignment and also as a result of the tremendous numbers of human souls coming together in consciousness on this day. To be physically present at sacred sites and places upon the Earth that hold high levels of crystal energy will greatly amplify our direct experiences.
Sacred Sites are inter-dimensional spaces where we may easily access the expanded dimensions. If we cannot be there, physically, we can travel to these sacred sites in soul consciousness... either way, we can magnetize the releasing codes of light from these places simply through our intention and focused attention.
Stargate Titicaca
The Lake Titicaca Stargate is an etheric portal giving access directly to Venus, as one of its inter-dimensional space-time coordinates.
For a brief period of time, this portal frequency will open to assist in the first wave ascensions; assisted by the magnetic pull from the orbit of Venus. This port |
发表于 3-11-2011 09:18 PM
如果是真的话,世界不是会大乱吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2011 11:14 PM
我最近感觉到时间好像变得很短,然后我看到joyvous在127楼 ...
krystalkeys 发表于 3-11-2011 09:18 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
啊,你特地去注册一个新户口啊= =
我的守护天使说你是星际种子 呵呵
你要充满爱心,保持心情开朗-->就好像我的id name酱,要joyful哈哈
ascend了再回来的每个星际种子,会记起他/她的前世,每个都可以带领上百万的人选择光明,也可以说服其他还没决定ascend的星际种子/光工作者 |
发表于 3-11-2011 11:53 PM
他说他想是不是因为他太累了什么的那里知道他讲他是拜观音的 (被炸到五六七八下)
joyvous 发表于 3-11-2011 09:37 AM ![](http://cforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
拜观音的会有什么问题吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 4-11-2011 12:03 AM
mayvlai 发表于 3-11-2011 11:53 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
没有问题的啦, 观音是众多神其中一个
只是他听到我讲什么archangel michael就以为是耶稣的东东
![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
发表于 4-11-2011 01:32 AM
love and light
joyvous 发表于 3-11-2011 07:02 PM ![](http://cforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
。。。。。。。![](static/image/smiley/grapeman/23.gif) |
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