本帖最后由 applely 于 10-6-2015 03:43 PM 编辑
[size=12.8000001907349px]Dear Graduate Members of IEM, [size=12.8000001907349px]Kindly be informed that the Standing Committee on Examinations and Qualifications (E&Q) is currently revising the Professional Interview Process. The revision gives an improved version of the existing professional interview in that it assesses competency based on evidence; and uses marking rubrics to minimize subjectivity in assessment. [size=12.8000001907349px]The Committee would be conducting a trial of the revised PI process. As an incentive for the early birds, the Committee agreed TO WAIVE THE PI FEE for the FIRST 20 SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS who opt to sit for the Professional Interview through the revised PI process. This will be based on a first come first serve basis. Those interested, kindly forward your name via email to sarita@iem.org.my . [size=12.8000001907349px]Please note that the Committee would arrange a short briefing to the applicants as well as guide them on the application process. However, this does not guarantee a pass in the professional interview. The deadline to submit your name to the IEM Secretariat is 30 June 2015. [size=12.8000001907349px]
[size=12.8000001907349px]这个是我今天收到的电邮。 [size=12.8000001907349px]
[size=12.8000001907349px]他们好像已经开始改了。 [size=12.8000001907349px]我还是打算等它走稳了先吧。 反正我也没有project等着我盖章。。。 [size=12.8000001907349px]
[size=12.8000001907349px]你是consultant firm的吗? [size=12.8000001907349px]你有没有2001 & 2011的问题model answer? [size=12.8000001907349px]
[size=12.8000001907349px]还不晓得那些本来就有PE的, 会怎样呢? 会需要再经过competency exam吗? [size=12.8000001907349px]对现有的公司老板们, 会是怎样的一个影响呢? [size=12.8000001907349px]
[size=12.8000001907349px]你上Code of Ethics, 他们有给你一片CD吗? 可不可以把内容email一份给我?