


楼主: maocheng

Caterham F1 Era End

 楼主| 发表于 2-7-2014 10:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        CATERHAM F1 TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT
                        Leafield Technical Centre, UK - 2nd July 2014
                        Caterham F1 Team is pleased to confirm that Tony Fernandes and his partners have sold the team to a consortium of Swiss and Middle Eastern investors, advised by former F1 Team Principal Colin Kolles.
                        Under the terms of the sale, the team will continue to race as Caterham F1 Team and will remain based at Leafield for the foreseeable future.
                        The new ownership takes charge with immediate effect. Former Dutch F1 driver, Christijan Albers, assisted by Manfredi Ravetto, will take over the day-to-day running of the team, reporting directly to the board and replacing Cyril Abiteboul who will leave the team to pursue new challenges.
                        Christijan Albers:"We are aware of the huge challenge ahead of us given the fight at the bottom end of the Championship and our target now is to aim for tenth place in the 2014 Championship. We are very committed to the future of the team and we will ensure that the team has the necessary resources to develop and grow and achieve everything it is capable of.”


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 楼主| 发表于 5-7-2014 12:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
                        Silverstone, UK - 4th July 2014   
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner information
                        CNN iReport has more than 1.5 million contributors (citizen journalists) generating content in every country in the world.  1n 2013 it was accessed over 160,000 times each day
                        FP1: Dry, sunny, min / max track temp 17° - 19°, air temp 28° - 34°
                        FP2: Dry, sunny, min / max track temp 22° (start) - 21° (end), air temp 37° (start) - 35° (end)
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP1: ERI 1.40.597, 19th / FRI 1.42.261, 20th
                        FP2: KOB 1.39.608, 20th / ERI 1.39.762, 22nd  
                        Total laps:
                        FP1: ERI 19 / FRI 11
                        FP2: KOB 31 / ERI 21
                        Robin Frijns, car #46, chassis CT05-#02: “I did the installation lap and, except for a very minor issue with the radio, there weren’t any problems with the car. However, whilst waiting for the post-installation lap checks to be completed we found an electrical issue that was causing a misfire in the Power Unit. We had to take the floor off to fix it but the guys did a great job and with about 15 minutes left in the session I was back out for the baseline run.
                        “While it would obviously have been good to have the whole session, we did at least complete a few laps - sometimes it’s like this in motor racing. Hopefully that’s our bad luck out of the way for this weekend!”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “FP1 went ok. We started with the usual installation lap and the first thing that was clear was just how low the grip levels were, even for an install. That continued on the baseline run where the front tyres were really struggling to come up to temperature - overall the car balance was ok, but for run two we worked more on generating higher initial tyre temps which meant we could start looking in more detail at setup options.
                        “My second run was a bit better but on the final lap I span around turns 12 / 13 and couldn’t get the car back out of the gravel. That cost us quite a bit of time but as soon as we had the car back it was turned around quickly and we were back out for a final couple of laps.
                        “In the afternoon we started with a car that felt like we’d maybe gone the wrong way on setup so we made a few changes at the end of the first run and it was definitely better for the second run. We then went onto the mediums and they were working pretty well – the grip levels were much better and the tyres came up to temperature more quickly, but then on the third run I had a mechanical issue which meant I lost power and had to pull over in the old pits. We’ll need to make a proper assessment of what happened and to go through all the data tonight and then aim to keep improving tomorrow ahead of quali and the race.”
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “Having sat out FP1 it was important to get as many laps done in FP2 as possible and having done that with 31 laps I think we made some good progress in the session.
                        “Overall the balance wasn’t too bad at the start of FP2 – the car was quite snappy and there was too much understeer, especially in the high speed corners, but by the end of the session it was improving. We did a couple of runs on the hard tyres, then onto the mediums for our first assessment of the softer compound and it was a definite improvement, both on the short and long runs, so that’s quite positive for the rest of the weekend.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: "Unfortunately we had a lot of issues today. After the install lap on Kamui’s car we saw there was no pressure in one cylinder which we subsequently traced to an electrical problem. We also adjusted the ignition settings to correct. Then in the afternoon we had a problem related to the throttle but we were able to run to get as much information as possible. On Marcus’ car we had an issue with the exhaust this afternoon so we will check both engines thoroughly and run through some more tests to ensure everything runs correctly tomorrow."


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 楼主| 发表于 5-7-2014 10:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        Silverstone, UK - 5th July 2014
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner information
                        Dell.com is the #1 technology marketplace in the world
                        FP3: overcast, damp, light rain; min / max track temp 16° (start) - 14° (end), air temp 21° (start) - 19° (end)
                        Q1: overcast, damp; min / max track temp 21°, air temp 15°
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP3: ERI 1.57.091, 16th / KOB 1.57.914, 18th
                        Q1: ERI 1.49.421, 21st / KOB 1.49.625, 22nd  
                        Total laps:
                        FP3: ERI 10 / KOB 10
                        Q1: ERI 7 / KOB 6
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “After the rain on Friday night we started FP3 on wets but after the installation lap it was clear the track was ready for inters. We went out early to see how they were performing and found we had some traction issues, but otherwise the car was ok. As the rain had started to fall again we then waited out most of the rest of the session before going out with a few minutes left on another set of inters to run to the flag.
                        “In Q1 I went out early on a set of inters but after a couple of laps it looked like we could try slicks. We boxed and went onto a set of options but soon after going back out on track I was told to box again because of a problem on the car. We made a couple of adjustments and went back out for another run on options but I had the same technical issue and couldn’t go any quicker. It’s obviously a shame because today was one of those sessions where we could have had one or both cars in Q2 but it wasn’t to be.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “FP3 started wet but the track conditions were ok so we did the first full run on inters. During that run the rain started coming down again, particularly in sector two where it was pretty wet, so we boxed and waited with most of the other cars for the rain to stop before going out again on wets for the final few laps.
                        “In quali we went out with most of the pack on inters and then made the call to go to options pretty much as soon as I was back in the garage. The conditions were pretty critical and I made a mistake in sector two when I was really pushing – after that I couldn’t recover the time and we ended up where we are. Tomorrow the conditions look like they’ll be similar to today and we know that could give us opportunities, especially with the cars that will be around us on the grid as I’m sure they’ll all be pushing hard right from the start – we need to be there when it counts so we’ll work as hard as we can to make sure we are.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “It wasn’t really our day today. We had hoped to be able to take advantage of the weather but unfortunately on Kamui’s car we had an issue with the ERS system on the second run. After a reset it appeared to be OK but then we encountered another problem - effectively the engine behaved as though it was still in the garage and stopped out on track, which meant the end of the session for Kamui. Marcus had a difficult session but no particular engine issues so now we are looking forward to tomorrow’s race, where we hope for better luck.”


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 楼主| 发表于 6-7-2014 11:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 BRITISH GRAND PRIX                        Silverstone, UK - 6th July 2014
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner Information
                        4 out of 5 of the top search engines worldwide are powered by Dell
                        Race: overcast, dry, air temp 17° / track temp 33° (start), 19° / 35° (lap x), 18° / 38° (lap 52)
                        Kamui Kobayashi
                        Lap 18: pitstop 1, hard tyres
                        Lap 29: pitstop 2, medium tyres
                        Finished: 15th
                        Marcus Ericsson
                        Finished: DNF (suspension damage)
                        Team Quotes
amui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “My start was ok and I was ahead of a couple of cars but then saw the Ferrari impact and had to go way off track to avoid hitting him. I made it through almost without any issues – there was a bit of damage to the nose but nothing else we could see then, so we were fine to restart. The main thing for me was I wanted to make sure Kimi was ok. It was a big crash, and while I was lucky to avoid it, I hope he’s ok. The initial reports I’ve heard are that he’s not too bad but I just hope that’s the case.
                        “We started under the safety car and I was just behind my teammate and then saw he retired so pushed on to the group just ahead. The car did feel very different to how it was when I started – the aero balance had changed and it was clear we’d lost some downforce, almost certainly from the rallying I had to do, but I kept going as hard as I could.
                        “I’d started on mediums and they were holding up ok right until we boxed for the first time on lap 18 to go on to a set of hards. They felt really good but from that point it was pretty much a race on my own – the pack ahead was too far down the road for me to catch and I only had Chilton a long way behind me so I just focused on bringing the car home.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: "“I had a fantastic start, my best of the year so far, and passed several cars on the outside of turn one, so by the time the red flag came out I was up to 16th, five places up from where I’d started.

                        “I was ahead of the crash that Kamui managed to avoid so my car was fine and after we restarted under the safety car I was ahead of him but then, going into turn six I hit something in the kerbs that smashed my suspension and that was the end of the race. It’s a shame that we had a DNF today as, even though quali didn’t go to plan, the weekend for me has been ok and I wanted a good race today, but now it’s on to Hockenheim, a track I’ve always liked racing at.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “It was a tough race for us today but we had no issues with the Power Unit. We delivered the maximum performance from the engine and ERS system: effectively a good recovery after the issues we have had in the last few days. We are now looking forward to the test in Silverstone next week where we have a couple of interesting upgrades to trial, which could be introduced from as early as the next race.”
                        Christijan Albers, CEO, Caterham F1 Team: “We’re obviously not happy with where we finished today, but for my first weekend with the team I have to say it’s been good. We’re not even a week into this new chapter in the team’s life but we’ve already seen just how hard everyone at the track and at the factory is prepared to work to push us forwards, and how determined we all are to achieve our targets this year. We obviously have a lot of work to do but we’re prepared for the challenges ahead and we have another chance in two weeks time to make progress in Germany, so we’ll aim to do just that and, little by little, keep improving.”

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 楼主| 发表于 15-7-2014 09:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Added: Thu 10 Jul, 2014

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Quick description
Race Laps: 67
Combination of high speed corners (>240 kph T1 and T12), longfull throttle distance (1100mts) and slow corners where goodtraction is very important (T2, T6, T8 and T13 in slightbanking)
Generally longitudinal track
Some bumps in T2, T6 and T17
Plank wear could be an issue in T5 (long corner)
Aero settings are usually medium, to favour top speed and enableovertaking
Medium braking levels

Circuit Particularity
Bumpiness: medium / high
Kerbs: low
Ride height setting particularity: none
Engine severity: medium
Gearbox severity: medium
Lat / Long grip: longitudinal
Aero eff ratio: medium
Track grip evo during w/e: medium / high
Aero settings: medium / high
Brake wear severity: medium
Brake cooling necessity: medium


Kamui Kobayashi, car #10: "The last two racesbefore the summer break are Germany and Hungary, both tracks I likebut in particular Hockenheim - I have been testing and racing atthis track so many times throughout my carrier since I came toEurope.  So, in a way, this is one of my home tracks!

"The German Grand Prix, whether it's at Hockenheim orNurburgring always has fantastic support from the fans - it's likeSilverstone and the atmosphere, especially on Sunday at Hockenheim,is amazing!

"For us this will be another race where we aim to fight backagainst our nearest rivals. We did not see the full performance ofthe cars in Silverstone for various reasons, particularly for me asI had issues with the car on both Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday I lost a chunk of downforce when I had togo off-track to avoid the shunt on lap one - that cost me so muchlaptime.  So, I did not have a proper drive throughout thewhole weekend! But I'm determined to make sure that all theproblems are now gone and I'm ready to fight back  in Germanyand Hungary."

Marcus Ericsson, car #9: "Germany is one of theraces I've been really looking forward to. I know the track well asI've raced there in GP2 and I think it'll be a great challenge in a2014 F1 car - there's a good mix of really quick bits and someslower corners where you can overtake, and the noise the Germanfans make all weekend is amazing! Actually, it's one of the racesthat a lot of Swedish fans make it to, so seeing my country's flagsin the crowd - that'll make it even more special.

"Inside the car I think we know it's going to be anotherchallenging weekend for us in terms of the pure pace, but the teamlearnt a lot from the two day test we did in Silverstone after theBritish GP and we'll be looking to put that into practice on track.The key thing for me is to make sure we have maximum mileage allweekend, especially on Sunday when we need to be there at the endof the race. We've seen this year that the races are veryunpredictable and for us that can create opportunities, but ifwe're not on track when the chequered flag falls we can't takeadvantage of whatever's happening around us, so that's the maingoal."

German GP lowdown with Renault Sport F1 track supportleader, Cedrik Staudohar

Main challenges of Hockenheim for the Power Units:"Like Silverstone, it will be the long periods of wide openthrottle. Almost two thirds of the circuit is taken at fullthrottle and drivers will reach over 300kph four times in the firsthalf of the lap. The ICE, turbo and MGU-H will be under hugepressure for these stretches."

Main energy recovery points: "The stadium sectionwith its three tight corners and the hairpin at the end of thecurved Parabolika straight are the best opportunities for the MGU-Kto recover energy under braking. In fact most of the corners arelow or medium speed so give an opportunity to recharge thebattery."

Difficulty rating: "One the harder races of theyear since every part of the Power Unit will get a work out. Thehigh ambient temperatures and increased running temperatures of thePU due to the excessive loads also give us plenty to look outfor!"

What to watch out for: "The Parabolika is over 1kmlong and drivers will peak at over 300kph before braking down tounder 60kph for the Hairpin at the end of the straight. The biaswill go from the ICE and turbo to the MGU-K in just over a coupleof seconds."

Read more at http://www.caterhamf1.com/news/2 ... 2oYVpuwkFJQQOPkT.99


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 楼主| 发表于 17-7-2014 09:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Added: Thu 17 Jul, 2014

Following the first steps of restructuring, Caterham F1 Team hasconfirmed today that a number of new appointments have beenmade.

Christijan Albers is now Team Principal, supported by ManfrediRavetto, General Manager and Deputy Team Principal. Simon Shinkinshas also joined the team as COO, as well as Miodrag Kotur who isnow Team Manager. Michael Willmer is the team's new Director ofLegal Affairs and Gianluca Pisanello is promoted to Head ofTrackside Engineering. Finally, John Iley is now the team'sTechnical Director, leading the work being done to improve the 2014car and the 2015 new car project.

The team has also confirmed that it has parted company with anumber of employees. This is a necessary step taken by the newowners of Caterham F1 Team whose priority is the future of theteam.

No further comment will be made at this time.

Read more at http://www.caterhamf1.com/news/2 ... 2Hf6dcy0A0rJDxHr.99


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 楼主| 发表于 18-7-2014 11:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        Hockenheim, Germany - 18th July 2014   
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner information
                        Germany is the home of the highly regarded CNN German Journalist Awards which this year celebrated its tenth anniversary.
                        FP1: Dry, sunny, min / max track temp 36° - 46°, air temp 25° - 28°
                        FP2: Dry, sunny, min / max track temp 56° - 59°, air temp 32° - 33°
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP1: KOB 1.22.572, 19th / ERI 1.23.256, 21st  
                        FP2: ERI 1.21.87020th / KOB 1.23.728, 21st
                        Total laps:
                        FP1: KOB 31 / ERI 35
                        FP2: ERI 21 / KOB 12
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “I was running a different setup to Kamui in FP1 and I have to say the overall balance was ok right from the first run. I was losing quite a bit of time in the last sector with the car switching from oversteer to understeer but we improved the aero balance and mechanical setup and by the final run it was more consistent.
                        “In FP2 I went out straight away and was into my second flying lap when I was told there was an oil pressure issue and I had to stop the car. I was back in the pit quickly, as was my car, and the guys did a really good job to get me back out again with about 35 minutes left in the session. We managed to complete a performance run and then go onto the long run so even though we lost time we still managed to get quite a bit of the plan done.
                        “Obviously we wanted more laps but overall the car felt like it had improved since Silverstone. I think some of the changes we’ve made here suit my driving style better - we’ll find out more tonight with the data and tomorrow on track in FP3, but right now I can’t wait to get back in the car tomorrow and start again as I think we may make a bit of progress this weekend, something we’ve all been waiting for.”
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “FP1 was a good session for me, certainly better than I’ve had for a few races and with good reliability we were able to complete the whole program. The car was understeering too much so we tried a couple of different setup options to help deal with that, but it was definitely improving by the end of the session.
                        “In FP2 we went out for the first run early and completed ten laps. The car balance felt much better with the changes we made over lunch but it immediately felt like it was down on power, it just felt strange. We made a couple more mechanical changes and went back out for run two but at the end of the second lap I lost any braking power and could smell burning. I pulled over in turn 16 as the rear of the car was by then on fire and ran to grab and extinguisher so I could help to put the fire out, but that was obviously the end of the session. It looks like it was a fuel leak that started the fire but we need more time tonight to find out exactly why that happened and then fix it.
                        “Despite how FP2 went I’m still pleased with how the car felt today, especially in the first run I did in the afternoon. If we can have more solid reliability I think we could have a better weekend than we’ve had for a while – now everyone will work as hard as possible tonight to help us do just that.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “A difficult day for us. We had to manage some settings in FP1 that cost a bit of performance, but by the end of the session we were on top of everything and ready to tackle FP2. Unfortunately we then had two issues in the afternoon. The oil pressure was drifting on Marcus’ car and we stopped him on track to prevent any damage. When we recovered the car we checked everything over and it looked OK so he could go out again and run through most of his programme. On Kamui’s car there was a fuel leak that caught fire, but for now we don’t know its origin. Clearly we have a lot of work for tomorrow but we’re confident we’ll be back on form.”


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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2014 10:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 GERMAN GRAND PRIX - FP3 & QUALIFYING
                        Hockenheim, Germany - 19th July 2014   
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner information
                        Dell.com is the #1 technology marketplace in the world
                        FP3: dry, sunny; min / max track temp 43° - 49°, air temp 28° - 30°
                        Q1: dry, sunny; min / max track temp 55° - 56°, air temp 32° - 33°
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP3: KOB 1.21.018, 20th / ERI 1.23.077, 21st   
                        Q1: KOB 1.20.408, 20th / ERI n/a  
                        Total laps:
                        FP3: KOB 21 / ERI 14
                        Q1: KOB 7 / ERI n/a
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “At the start of FP3 I had quite a lot of understeer but we improved that for the second run, and then again for the final performance run. However, I still didn’t have as much confidence in the car as I’d had at the start of FP2 so there was definitely a bit more to come for quali.
                        “The track temps had gone up quite a bit by the start of quali but we stuck to the plan which was two runs on supersofts. The first run was ok but I knew I could push a little harder so when the session was halted after Lewis’ crash we adapted the strategy and went for one flying lap, again on the supersofts. I think I got as much as I could out of the car – the balance did go to oversteer in the final sector and by the end of the lap the tyre deg had kicked in and I was struggling with the rear so I couldn’t find any more time.
                        “So now it’s all about Sunday. The weather could be a bit different to the weekend so far and hopefully it will be another crazy race! That would give us a chance, but whatever happens we’ll keep pushing and aim to come away from Germany with a good race behind us.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “FP3 was a bit confusing for me. I couldn’t really find a balance I was happy with in any of the runs and then we had a hydraulics issue with about 15 minutes left of the session so I didn’t have a chance to do a performance run. Unfortunately that problem, confirmed by Renault Sport F1 as a hydraulic leak from the throttle, meant I couldn’t run in qualifying which is obviously disappointing. The guys in the garage worked absolutely flat out to try and fix it, something that’s hard anyway but in the heat here in Germany even harder, but they just couldn’t make it.
                        “Even with the problem today I think we’ll be ok tomorrow and I still think it could an improvement on the last few Grands Prix for us. Overall the car has felt better here and if we can have a clean race I want to make it the first of what I hope is better races for the whole team.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “We recovered from a difficult FP3 session when we had a couple of issues with drivability. After changing some settings everything seemed much better for qualifying and Kamui was able to out-qualify one of the Marussias and was not too far from the Lotus. On the other car we suffered a hydraulic leak. We tried everything to fix it in time but could not get Marcus out for a run. We have however identified the origin and everything should be fine for tomorrow’s race. We’re looking forward to it and making up some positions.”


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 楼主| 发表于 20-7-2014 10:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 GERMAN GRAND PRIX
                        Hockenheim, Germany - 20th July 2014   
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner Information
                        Truphone’s mission is to deliver an outstanding international mobile experience around the world. That means excellent call quality, fast data speeds, reliable connections and local rates, both at home and away.
                        Race: overcast, dry, air temp 25° / track temp 34° (start), 24° / 32° (lap 33), 24° / 33° (lap 67)
                        Kamui Kobayashi
                        Lap 15: pitstop 1, soft tyres
                        Lap 32: pitstop 2, soft tyres
                        Lap 48: pitstop 3, supersoft tyres
                        Finished: 16th
                        Marcus Ericsson
                        Lap 3: stop / go
                        Lap 18: pitstop 1, soft tyres
                        Lap 41: pitstop 2, supersoft tyres
                        Finished: 18th
                        Team Quotes
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “At the start I managed to avoid Bianchi who was slow off the line but I was behind Chilton going into turn one. After the safety car went back in Bianchi managed to get ahead so I focused on pushing to the first stop where really good work from the pitstop crew helped me jump Chilton, and I held that place comfortably up to the second stop on lap 32.
                        “The car balance was ok – there was a bit of understeer, less than on the supersofts I’d started on, but I didn’t have the outright pace to catch the cars ahead. When we boxed again the guys did another great stop and helped put some more time between Chilton and me so I didn’t have to push the second set of softs too hard on the first few laps of the third stint.
                        “I pulled away from Chilton and then when Sutil span we boxed for the last time to finish the race on another set of supersofts. 16th was about as much as we could have done today – we didn’t quite have the performance to catch Bianchi so now it’s on to Hungary next week for the last race before the August break.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “I started from the pitlane so it was always going to be a struggle today. Obviously the safety car on lap one helped but I had to serve the ten second stop / go we’d incurred for breaking parc fermé rules last night after the issue with the power unit straight after the safety car came in, and from that point I was having to try and play catch up for the whole race.
                        “My first pitstop was on lap 18, going from supersofts to softs for the second stint, and when I rejoined the blue flags for the leaders meant I started losing more time and there wasn’t anything I could do to try and make up time to the cars ahead. My laptimes were pretty good, relative to the pace we could manage today, so I just kept pushing, right up to the second stop on lap 41 by which time that set was done.
                        “We went back out on supersofts for the final stint and I was told I could push to the flag. I made up some time on the Marussia ahead but with about five laps left that set was completely gone so I couldn’t close the gap up enough to fight Chilton and finished the race in 18th.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “We had a clean race this afternoon where we were able to run the power units to the maximum and are pleased to get a double finish, with one car ahead of a Marussia. We will build on this in the next race in Hungary."


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 楼主| 发表于 22-7-2014 09:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
2014 Hungarian Grand PrixView                                                   
  • Added: Mon 21 Jul, 2014
Race Laps: 70
The Hungaroring is laterally demanding but as there are a lot ofmedium-slow speed corners, traction is also very important
Maximising pace through Sector 2 is important for lap time
The track is generally bumpy (T5 especially) but there are nomajor issues
Kerbs are significant in T6 and T7
The track can be very dusty if it is windy, which can presentissues in determining setup options

Circuit Particularity
Bumpiness: medium / high
Kerbs: high in T6 and T7
Ride height setting particularity: none
Lat/Long grip: medium
Aero eff ratio: low
Track grip evo during w/e: high
Aero settings: very high (maximum)
Brake wear severity: medium / high
Brake cooling necessity: high
Team Quotes

Kamui Kobayashi, car #10: "The last race before theAugust break is Hungary, another really popular race with both fansand everyone in F1. For me one of my best memories of the HungarianGP is 2010, the first time I raced on this track in F1. I had agrid penalty for something so had to start on the last row, in23rd, but I overtook about six or seven cars on the first lap andthen finished in the points! I think we're realistic enough toknow that probably won't be possible this year, but we'll still gothere ready to fight as hard as we can, and hopefully come awaywith something positive.

"On track the Hungaroring isn't one of the most challengingcircuits we race on, but one of the keys to a good time is to finda rhythm, especially in sector two. You need to let the cornersflow, one after the other, and with the high temperatures weusually have there and the tyre choice being soft and mediums, tyremanagement will be even more important than normal."

Marcus Ericsson, car #9: "Straight on to Hungaryafter the German GP and another chance to take the fight to thecars ahead. For the last couple of races I've had a few issues thatcompromised my race before it started, so I'm targeting a cleanweekend with maximum track time, especially in quali after whathappened in Hockenheim.

"I've always had great support in Hungary. It's one of the racesa lot of Swedish fans come to and after seeing so many Swedishflags in Germany I'm looking forward to the same at theHungaroring. This time I want to give them something to cheer forall weekend, especially on Sunday, so it's important we have goodreliability across the whole package, giving us the chance to fightin quali and race properly on Sunday."

Christijan Albers, Team Principal, Caterham F1Team: "We now have completed two races since taking over theteam and I have to say I am pleased with the progress we aremaking. In Germany the gap to our competitors was closer than ithas been for several races and we are definitely aiming to continuethat progress in Hungary. We can keep making small but significantimprovements across the whole team, both on track and at thefactory, and they will contribute to our ongoing development."

Hungarian GP lowdown with Renault Sport F1 track supportleader, Cedrik Staudohar

Main challenges of Budapest for the Power Units:"The Hungaroring puts a focus on low speed driveability and engineresponse under braking. It's not a power sensitive track so havinga driveable and energy efficient Power Unit will pay dividendshere."

Main energy recovery points: "Energy recovery isn'ta problem as just about every corner is low to medium speed. TheMGU-K will recover under braking while the MGU-H can recharge onthe short bursts of power. Making efficient use of the power ishowever very important as the long race distance and long lap meanswe'll be on the limit for fuel consumption."

Difficulty rating: "Medium. The energy recoverysystem will be highly solicited but the ICE will have a relativelyeasy ride as the track is not power sensitive. The ambient heatdoes give us some worry, but we got on top of the effect of thehigh temperatures in Germany last week."

What to watch out for: "Power sensitivity andoutright engine power are not a major concern so we will use an ICEon final race of its lifecycle."

Caterham F1 Team News

Kevin Giovesi has been confirmed as the second driver added toCaterham F1 Team's burgeoning Development Driver Program. The youngItalian is currently in his second season of Auto GP and is nowfourth the in 2014 championship which he is contesting withEurotech Engineering with 131 points after the last round at theRed Bull Ring in Austria. Kevin joins the previously announcedNathanaël Berthon in the program which gives up and coming driversthe opportunity to embed themselves in the F1 team's operations atLeafield Technical Centre and on track, and to gain valuableexperience of working with F1 engineers and current season F1technology in a virtual environment in the team'sdriver-in-the-loop simulator.


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 楼主| 发表于 25-7-2014 10:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX - FP1 & FP2
                        Hungaroring, Hungary - 25th July 2014   
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner information
                        Created in 1980 by Ted Turner, CNN has spawned more than 300 24-hour news and business TV networks around the world.
                        FP1: Dry, sunny, min / max track temp 39° - 49°, air temp 23° - 25°
                        FP2: Dry, sunny, min / max track temp 53° - 56°, air temp 26° - 28°
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP1: KOB 1.30.363, 19th / ERI 1.30.892, 20th  
                        FP2: KOB 1.28.370, 19th / ERI 1.29.036, 22nd  
                        Total laps:
                        FP1: KOB 20 / ERI 24
                        FP2: KOB 35 / ERI 34
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “Overall, it’s been a better Friday than we’ve had for a while. We made good progress on nearly every run and it looks like from our times today that we may be quite a bit more competitive with our nearest rivals than for quite a few races. Good reliability has been one of the keys to that, from us and Renault, so we should be pretty pleased with how Friday’s gone for us in Hungary.
                        “Similar to my teammate, on my first run in FP1 there was almost no grip at all, plus I had some issues with front and rear brake locking so we made quite a few changes to the car for the second run and found a small improvement next time I went out. The grip was still so low I couldn’t really judge how the balance actually was – it was switching from oversteer to understeer in each corner so we made more mechanical and aero changes for the next run and we definitely started to find some time. By the end of the session the grip was improving and I was finally starting to find a balance that was working, but also important was that we had a clean session with no reliability issues so we could make sure we ran through the whole program.
                        “In FP2 we went straight out on a set of mediums for the first run and I immediately had quite a lot of understeer pretty much everywhere. We tried another mechanical change and the balance did improve a little, but on my quickest lap on the second run I had a small spin so we boxed to go onto the soft tyres for the first time. The car definitely felt better on the softs than the mediums, and on the long run they held up pretty well, so that gives us some good strategy options for Sunday. Now we have to continue this performance through to tomorrow and Sunday and aim to fight as hard as we can in quali and the race.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “At the start of FP1 the grip level was just so low – the car was sliding around everywhere and I couldn’t push anywhere around the track. I know the Hungaroring is always pretty green at the start of the weekend, but it was worse than I’d expected. You can go chasing the track when it’s like this, trying to find setups that work, but we have to let the track come to us as the grip level improves overall, so for the next run we continued with the plan and were improving, little by little as the session went on.
                        “The track temps had gone up a lot in FP2 and for me the car was behaving quite strangely on the first run. It was switching from understeer to oversteer through most of the corners and, honestly, it was quite hard not to make a mistake. Towards the end of that opening run the balance did start improving a little, but it was still pretty hard to push as much as I’d have liked.
                        “On the options the balance improved quite a bit and as the track was rubbering in the grip levels finally started improving. On my performance run on the softs I didn’t really have a clean lap so there was quite a bit more time to come, but with the time left in the session we went onto the long run and our race pace looked ok.
                        “It’s good to see we’ve made progress here from setup, it gives us a chance to be much more competitive with Marussia than we’ve been for a while, so after we’ve been through all the data from today we want to continue to improve tomorrow, and again on Sunday.”
                        Christijan Albers, Team Principal: “From all aspects of our team operations this has been a much improved Friday for us. Our performance levels have increased, both in the garage and on track, and good reliability from us, Renault Sport F1 and Red Bull Technology has helped us achieve all our targets today. We also have a number of new sponsors on the cars here in Hungary which shows that we are making positive progress across all areas of the team – now we aim to continue this upward trend for the rest of the weekend.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “We had a positive day today and were able to complete the entirety of our programme on both cars. We conducted a couple of tests with energy management and ignition settings and everything went well – all in all a positive Friday that we hope to build on tomorrow.”


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 楼主| 发表于 26-7-2014 09:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX - FP3 & QUALIFYING
                        Hungaroring, Hungary - 26th July 2014   
                        Caterham F1 Team Partner information
                        All G20 governments are served by Dell
                        FP3: dry, sunny; min / max track temp 43° - 47°, air temp 26° - 27°
                        Q1: dry, overcast; min / max track temp 46°, air temp 25°
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP3: KOB 1.27.560, 19th / ERI 1.28.605, 21st   
                        Q1: KOB 1.27.139, 18th / ERI 1.28.643, 20th   
                        Total laps:
                        FP3: KOB 23 / ERI 22
                        Q1: KOB 10 / ERI 10
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “FP3 started with similar conditions to yesterday. We’d made quite a few changes overnight but the car still felt a little snappy, particularly at the rear, but throughout the session we improved the balance, both with setup and as the grip levels evolved. There was still a bit too much switching between understeer and oversteer but when we went onto the options it was better so we went into quali feeling quite positive.
                        “In Q1 we went for two runs on the options and my quickest lap on the first put us into 16th and with the problems for the Mercedes and the Lotus it looked like we had a chance to fight for Q2. We waited until the last possible moment to go out again at the end of the session and my first lap was good, but on the second flying lap the tyres were gone and I couldn’t get any more out of them. The car has improved quite a bit over the weekend but I still don’t think I could have got any more out of it today.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: “For me the car was better in FP3 than it was yesterday, altogether more stable, but the balance was still inconsistent, going from a bit of understeer to oversteer in different corners. We tried a couple of changes to try and sort that out and although we did make a small improvement it was still not where I wanted it at the end of FP3.
                        “Unfortunately it was the same in qualifying. I just couldn’t find the laptime as the car’s balance kept changing in nearly every corner and I couldn’t push anywhere. It’s pretty frustrating as we know there’s a lot more time in there, but with the way it was handling there wasn’t any more I could do. However, on the long runs yesterday it was much better on high fuel and, as we’ve seen today, quite a few teams are having issues here, so we need to make sure we keep up the same strong reliability tomorrow that we’ve had all weekend and be there if any opportunities come our way in the race.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “Everything was under control in FP3 with no immediate issues. We were able to analyse everything and adjust for qualifying. We had no problems on Kamui’s car and a strong lap put him into a good position for tomorrow. Marcus had a small problem with the throttle but it did not seem to affect performance or driveability. We’ll see what we can do tomorrow, particularly if the rain comes!”


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 楼主| 发表于 27-7-2014 10:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Added: Sun 27 Jul, 2014

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Caterham F1 Team Partner Information
Silanna was founded in 2006 with the mission to invest inrevolutionary early stage technologies, bring together a worldclass team, and grow businesses with global impact

Race: overcast, wet track (start) / dry track (from approximatelylap 9), air temp 22° / track temp 28° (start), 23° / 42°(lap 70), 24° / 34° (lap 70)

Kamui Kobayashi
Start on intermediate tyres
Lap 8: pitstop 1, soft tyres
Finished: DNF

Marcus Ericsson
Start on intermediate tyres
Finished: DNF

Team Quotes

Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: "It'sobviously a shame we couldn't finish the race today but an issuewith the fuel system meant I had to stop the car as I had nopower.

"My start was pretty good - I stayed on the outside to avoid anyissues going into turn one and I had good traction out of the firstcorner, helping me pass a couple of cars and straight away I couldpush. The car felt good in the wet / dry conditions, they seem tosuit us, and my pace in the first stint was pretty strong. We boxedfor the first time on lap nine and rejoined on softs and again Ihad good pace, enough to push me up to 14th.

"I had a big moment with Maldonado when he span after makingcontact with Bianchi. That's the third race in a row I've had avery near miss and this time I saw him hit the Marussia and thenstart spinning - I managed to turn in just enough to avoid himhitting me, but there must have only been millimetres in it!

"After that I was into a good rhythm and the balance was fine.We were going to run quite long on that set but then on lap 24 Ilost power just after turn 12 and that was the end of my race."

Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#01: "It wasquite a good race up until the point where I crashed on lap seven.My start was ok and I was having a good fight with Chilton andMaldonado, trying to line them up through turn three and I was justa bit too eager in the throttle. The back stepped out and Icouldn't catch the car and that was it, I was in the wall.

"It was a pretty big shunt! I went to the medical centrestraight after the crash and they told me it was about 20g, butphysically I feel fine. I'm sorry for the guys on track and back atLeafield though - they put in 100% all the time and it's obviouslynot a good feeling for them to see one of their cars in the wall,but we'll come back fighting in Spa where we have some new partsand we'll keep pushing, there and for the whole second half of theseason."

Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track supportleader: "Today's weather presented an opportunity but thereare necessarily risks with these types of conditions andunfortunately Marcus just got caught out. Everything was workingwell with Kamui's car until an issue with the fuel system broughthis race to a close early as well. Now we will recharge ourbatteries during the short break and come back stronger to fightagain in Spa."

Read more at http://www.caterhamf1.com/news/2 ... OpVQhCsxx3oYz10H.99


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 楼主| 发表于 20-8-2014 09:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Added: Wed 20 Aug, 2014

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2014 Belgian Grand Prix

Venue: Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
Race Laps: 44
Circuit Length: 7.004 km
Race Distance: 308.052 km

André Lotterer to replace Kamui Kobayashi at the BelgianGrand Prix

André Lotterer will drive for Caterham F1 Team at the BelgianGrand Prix. The team will benefit from having another experienceddriver at the wheel of the car throughout the weekend and theGerman's feedback will contribute to improve the performance of thecar. The weather also plays a big role at Spa-Francorchamps andLotterer is one of the most experienced drivers racing under mixedconditions.

Lotterer will replace Kamui Kobayashi for this round of thechampionship. The Japanese driver still remains part of theteam.

Born in Duisburg in Germany, Lotterer moved to Belgium when hewas only two years of age and grew up close to Nivelles, a citythat's only 150km from Spa-Francorchamps. Three-time Le Mans 24Hours winner, Lotterer started racing in the early 90s, succeedingin both German and British Formula 3 championships before beingnamed Jaguar Racing's Formula One test driver in 2002. A year laterhe moved to Japan, doing very well in both Formula Nippon and theJapanese Super GT Championship, which he won in 2006 and 2009. Hemade his debut in endurance racing in 2009, taking part in the 24Hours of Le Mans and the 24 Hours of Nurburgring. His impressiveperformance that year earned him a drive with the works Audi Sportteam in the 2010 24 Hours of Le Mans, remaining with the team andwinning the prestigious race three times (2011, 2012 and 2014). In2011 he won the Formula Nippon championship. Since 2012, the Germancompetes in the FIA World Endurance Championship.

Team Quotes

André Lotterer, car #10: "I am delighted to begiven the opportunity to take part in a Formula One race weekend -I want to thank Caterham F1 Team for this chance. I'm ready forthis challenge and I cannot wait to jump in the car and make themost out of the weekend ahead. I will need to get settled and usedto the car quickly, as the team has worked on a number of updatesand we will need to have as much time as possible out on track tooptimise the car's performance. I really enjoy racing at thelegendary circuit of Spa-Francorchamps, it's one of my favouritetracks and it's very close to where I grew up, so this makes theweekend even more special and one to remember."

Marcus Ericsson, car #9: "Spa is one of theraces I've been most looking forward to since we first announced myF1 drive back in January. I love the track, it's been a very goodcircuit for me, especially in the last couple of years in GP2 whenI won in 2012 and was on the podium last year, so it'll be good tobe back, this time in an F1 car.

"We're aiming to make real progress in Belgium, and that willmake the whole weekend even better for the team and for me. Wehaven't had new parts on the car for quite a while, so to be comingto a track like Spa with a package that gives us a chance to take astep forward, that's a good feeling, but we're taking nothing forgranted. We have a lot of work ahead of us to get the most out ofthat parts but everyone is prepared for that and if we achieve whatwe're setting out to, and have good reliability, it could be areally good weekend for us."

Belgian GP lowdown with Renault Sport F1 track supportleader, Cedrik Staudohar

Main challenges of Spa for the Power Units:
The long periods of wide open throttle, particularly in sectorone. The driver will be on the throttle for around 25secs from LaSource to Les Combes, the longest straight of the year. Thesweeping bends and changes in altitude also put the fluid systemsunder huge pressure as the cars follow the rise and fall of thetrack. Fluids are compressed through the descents but coming overthe hill lift and the forces are inverted - it's a job in itself tomonitor the internals and ensure the pumps are supplied with fluidsat all times.

Main energy recovery points:
The La Source hairpin and Bus Stop chicane are opportunities forthe MGU-K, plus the turns of sector two where the driver will touchthe brakes. The MGU-H will both recover energy and recharge theMGU-K on the straights.

Difficulty rating:
The hardest of the year! Every part is under pressure.

What to watch out for:
Weather is always a factor in Spa. The electrical systems willbe well insulated to ensure water does not get into the parts,which could cause short circuits.

Additional information

Quick description
Medium-low downforce track
Easy on brakes and cooling
Minimum ride height is determined by T3 (Eau Rouge)
Longest circuit length of the season
8th gear ratio needs to take into account affect strong windscan have on speed on the main straight
Tend to run on the limiter in 8th gear to allow higher revs inEau Rouge
Top speed can be reached by T5 or T18 depending on winddirection
Top speed is important for good lap time in S1/S3 and forovertaking
S2 is a downforce dominant sector
No IN lap after the chequered flag

Circuit Particularity
Bumpiness: medium / low
Overtaking chance: medium-high
Kerbs: low
Ride height setting particularity: high front ride height forT3
Engine severity: very high
Gearbox severity: very low
Lat / long grip: longitudinal
Aero eff ratio: high
Track grip evo during w/e: high
Aero settings: medium / low
Brake wear severity: low
Brake cooling necessity: low

Read more at http://www.caterhamf1.com/news/2014/2014-belgian-grand-prixview-(1)#8f7e1xPqqJv5rUyw.99


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 楼主| 发表于 22-8-2014 11:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium – 22 August 2014
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP1: LOT 1:57.886, P21 / ERI 1:57.977, P22
                        FP2: LOT 1:54.093, P20 / ERI 1:54.050, P19
                        Total laps:
                        FP1: LOT 24 / ERI 24
                        FP2: LOT 24 / ERI 30
                        André Lotterer, car #45: “I’m very pleased with today. This morning’s first practice was a good session for me; I got used to the car quite quickly and now I just need to optimise everything in terms of driving style. Considering it was my first time out, it all went according to plan and I was able to get a good feel of what it’s like to drive the car. Now we need to keep working like this and continue improving the car.
                        FP2 was another good session and everything went smoothly even though we had to stop a little bit early due to a technical problem. It’s definitely been another learning process for me on the option tyre – I went out and I didn’t know what to expect, but I think it went very well. We’ve been able to follow the programme as planned, improving while learning and trying to play with the car slowly. We did some long runs and I’m certainly starting to feel comfortable with everything, even though I’m still in the learning curve.
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9: “It’s good to be back racing - I’ve been training hard during the summer break and I feel in very good shape. We didn’t have the best of starts, as this morning I had issues with the brakes and a few other technical problems, which is not what we needed. Nevertheless, we were able to complete quite a few laps and gather useful information for the weekend.
                        FP2 was a better session for us. We solved the issues we had this morning with the brakes, so that was an improvement, even though we will need to solve a few other things overnight, but it’s been a productive day. We’ve completed plenty of laps running on both compounds, so we have a lot of information that will be vital for the rest of the weekend.”
                        Christijan Albers, Team Principal: “We’ve certainly seen some visible signs that we’re starting to move forward after the summer shutdown. Today we’ve made progress and this is what we intend to do during the rest of the season. Having André in the car is definitely helping us, he has done an extraordinary job on his first day driving for us. We focused on long runs today and tomorrow we will dedicate more time to qualifying performances. It’s been a positive day and we look forward to the rest of the weekend – we will also have an eye on the weather, as here in Spa it can rain at any moment, so anything could happen and we need to be ready.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “Spa is the hardest circuit on the calendar for the Power Units so today was a very busy, but productive day. It was very interesting to work with André; he was on the pace straight away, his feedback is excellent and he brings a lot of useful and very different insights to the team. Everything worked as expected until the last few minutes of FP2 when we had a CU-H problem on his car that ended his session early. Marcus also had a good day and everything related to the engine and energy management was managed very well. We’re pretty confident for the rest of the weekend and hope to take advantage of any opportunities that come our way.


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 楼主| 发表于 23-8-2014 11:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium – 23 August 2014
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP3: LOT 1:54.294, P21 / ERI 1:55.008, P22
                        Q1: LOT 2:13.469, P21 / ERI 2:14.438, P22
                        Total laps:
                        FP3: LOT 13 / ERI 11
                        Q1: LOT 9 / ERI 9
                        André Lotterer, car #45: “This is definitely a speedy way of learning how to drive an F1 car! Yesterday was dry while today was wet, so all this is now covered and I know exactly what to expect in both those conditions. I think it was a very tough qualifying session for me. I had to figure it all out while I was out there, so I’m very happy that I brought the car back without making many mistakes – it was so easy to lose it out there! In the end I managed to complete two decent laps and I’m really happy with my result.
                        “The most difficult part of this weekend is figuring it all out in such a short period of time: understanding where the grip is, where to brake, how to handle the throttle and the power... I’ve accumulated a lot of experience in a very short amount of time and I feel that I can do a good race tomorrow. I did some long runs yesterday and I found a good rhythm. Hopefully the conditions won’t be too tricky, because if not I will need to find out where the limit is while I’m racing – that’s my biggest concern. Nevertheless, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s race, I’m ready for it!”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9: “I think we could’ve been quite competitive in the rain but unfortunately we were in the wrong place on track all the time so I didn’t get a single clean lap. I’m disappointed because we could’ve done much better if we had put a lap together.
                        “It doesn’t really matter what weather conditions we race in tomorrow, I think we’re going to have a tough race anyway, but we need to make the most of the opportunities that come up during the race tomorrow. In the dry this morning we were out early on the option tyre, so that’s why we were a bit off the pace, but the car felt a lot better today in the dry, so if there’s a dry race tomorrow I think that there’s potential to do well.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “Given the track conditions everything went very smoothly on the engine side of things, with no issues. We had to manage the energy management lap by lap as the track improved, which kept us busy, but we extracted the best performance we could from the Power Unit. The drivers are quite closely matched and Andre did a good job considering it was his first time in the wet in this car. There’s everything to race for tomorrow, particularly if the conditions remain changeable.”


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 楼主| 发表于 24-8-2014 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 BELGIAN GRAND PRIX
                        Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium – 24 August 2014
                        Marcus Ericsson, P17
                        André Lotterer, RET
                        André Lotterer, car #45: “I didn’t even get  the chance to sweat unfortunately. I was really looking forward to a good race and I had a good start, but then I went a bit wide at turn 17 and there was a sudden loss of power. The team and Renault will have to investigate this tonight and see what happened. It’s a shame, but I am pleased with my race weekend – I made no mistakes and did a reasonably good job. Of course it would’ve been fantastic to finish the race and do a whole Grand Prix, but it’s still been an amazing weekend. I can go home happy even though it didn’t really end the way I would’ve liked it to.
                        “I want to thank Caterham F1 Team for this amazing opportunity – it’s been fantastic to experience Formula 1, I got a lot of support and the team has been great. It’s frustrating to have only completed two laps of the race, but this is motorsport and these things happen.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9: “I did a very decent start but then I was a bit unlucky in the first corner and I didn’t gain any positions. But I got a really good run after Eau Rouge and managed to overtake Chilton at turn 5. After that it was a long race fighting him – he put a lot of pressure on me throughout the whole race and it wasn't easy to keep him behind, even though I managed to do just that for pretty much the whole race. Unfortunately he overtook me with only two laps to go, which was of course very frustrating as it would’ve been nice to beat him.
                        “With the performance we’ve had this weekend I think we can be satisfied with our race. I’m happy with both the team's and my work and now we just need to work even harder to continue to develop the car and push forward. I feel we have really taken a step forward this weekend here in Belgium and we just need to build on that and keep pushing.”
                        Christijan Albers: “The team has done a solid job this weekend, we're moving forward. Marcus drove a strong race and was able to fight for positions during all 44 laps. It’s a real shame that André was only able to race for one full lap before retiring – his weekend up until then had been close to perfect and he has certainly provided us with very useful feedback that will help to continue developing the car.
                        “We have a very busy next two weeks ahead, as we carry on working to bring more updates to the next race in Italy. It’s been a positive start, but now we need to build on this and make sure we get stronger every race. I have total confidence in the team and I know that they are going to give their very best to keep improving the car. We are moving in the right direction.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “We had a very smooth race with Marcus and he was ahead of Chilton for a large part of the GP. We tried to give him as much power as possible at the end, but his tyre wear was too high and Max was able to get past. André’s race was very short – his car lost power on the second lap, possibly as a result of running hard over a kerb. We need to look into this tonight in more detail. Overall however it’s been a positive weekend and gives a good basis for the second part of the season going forward.

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 楼主| 发表于 4-9-2014 09:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Added: Thu 4 Sep, 2014

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Autodromo di Monza, Italy - 4 September2014   

2014 Italian Grand Prix
Venue: Autodromo di Monza
Race Laps: 53
Circuit Length: 5.793 km
Race Distance: 306.720 km

Kamui Kobayashi to race alongside Marcus Ericsson in Italy;Roberto Merhi to drive in FP1
Kamui Kobayashi will drive for Caterham F1 Team at the ItalianGrand Prix this weekend alongside Marcus Ericsson.

Roberto Merhi will take part in his first official Formula 1session during Friday morning practice at the Italian Grand Prix.The 23-year-old Spaniard will take the wheel of Kobayashi'sCT05.

Roberto Merhi (born 22 March 1991 in Castellón, Spain) started hissingle-seater racing career in 2007, competing in the ItalianFormula Renault and Formula Renault Eurocup. A year later he wasrunner-up in the West European Series as well as racing in fiverounds of the Spanish Formula 3 championship. In 2009, Merhistepped-up to the Formula 3 Euro Series, winning the championshipin 2011 after 20 top-three finishes, including 11 wins. For the2012 and 2013 season the Spaniard raced in the DTM, scoring pointsin his second year and achieving a podium finish in the final raceof the season. He currently races in Formula Renault 3.5 Series andis second in the standings, challenging for the title.

Team Quotes
Kamui Kobayashi, car #10: "I am working forCaterham F1 Team and I always respect team decisions. Now I am backin the car and looking forward to going racing again! We haveworked hard as a team and added performance to the car as well asbringing new updates since I last drove in Hungary before thesummer break, so I'm looking forward to feeling the updates ontrack here in Monza. I always enjoy the Italian GP, not onlybecause of its high-speed nature; I also like the Italian fans,they are always very enthusiastic and a very big part of theItalian GP weekend. They create a very special atmosphere."

Marcus Ericsson, car #9: "I always enjoy racing atsuch a legendary circuit as Monza, where I scored one of my 13 GP2podium finishes, but to do it for the first time driving a Formula1 car is going to be even more special. I can't wait to get out ontrack: the long straights and fast corners mean that we are onfull-throttle for most of the lap; it's a fantastic high-speedlayout - in fact it's the circuit with the highest top speed of theseason, so maximum power and minimal drag will be key.

"After a solid race in Belgium, we need to build on the progress wemade with the car and continue to work in this direction. We aim tofight against our nearest rivals and it will surely be anotherclose battle I am ready for."

Roberto Merhi: "I am delighted to be taking partin my first ever Formula 1 Free Practice session and I want tothank Caterham F1 Team for this opportunity - it's something I'vewanted for a very long time! I've been working very closely withthe team during the last few weeks and I feel ready for thisopportunity; Friday is going to be a very special day for me andone I will never forget. Monza is also one of my favourite tracks -I ended up on the podium there earlier this year during my firstrace of the season in the Formula Renault 3.5 championship, so it'sa circuit that will bring back very good memories. What a year it'sbeen so far: last Christmas I didn't really know if I was going tocarry on racing and now I'm about to drive a Formula 1 car! I'mdefinitely going to make the most out of this weekend inItaly."

Italian GP lowdown with Renault Sport F1 track supportleader, Cedrik Staudohar
Main challenges of Monza for the PowerUnits:
Definitely the straights. The ICE will be at full throttle forthree-quarters of the lap and we may use a new ICE for this race toget the maximum power and top speed.

Main energy recovery points:
There are two chicanes but they are very quick and the drivers runthe kerbs as much as possible to straightline them. As such there'snot much opportunity for the MGU-K to recover energy. The Lesmosand the Parabolica give the MGU-H some chance to recharge thebattery but again it's not a significant opportunity.

Difficulty rating:
For the ICE it's the hardest of the year.

What to watch out for:
Speeds will be in excess of 350 kph down the pit straight. This issome 10 kph up on 2013 and will be the fastest speed we see thisyear due to the small wings.

Additional information
Quick description
Low downforce track
Circuit with the highest top speed of the season
Required higher DF than in the past
High brake energy but cooling rate is also high so not a big issuefor brake wear in general
Braking stability is important
Radio and DST coverage could be a problem around T4 to T7

Circuit Particularity
Bumpiness: medium
Kerbs: medium
It is possible to overtake with good top speed
Gearbox severity: low
Lat / long grip: medium
Aero efficiency ratio: high
Track grip evo during w/e: high
Aero settings: low
Brake wear severity: medium
Brake cooling necessity: low

Read more at http://www.caterhamf1.com/news/2 ... uuoikmhcQpVCQ6gy.99


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 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2014 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 ITALIAN GRAND PRIX: FP1 & FP2
                        Autodromo di Monza, Italy – 5 September 2014
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP1: ERI 1:30.948, P23 / MER 1:30.704, P22
                        FP2: KOB 1:29.178, P21 / ERI 1:29.275, P22
                        Total laps:
                        FP1: ERI 16 / MER 29
                        FP2: KOB 32 / ERI 37
                        FP1: Dry, cloudy, min/max track temp 26°-31°, air temp 18°-22°
                        FP2: Dry, sunny, min/max track temp 34°-40°, air temp 24°
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#04: “This morning started with a pretty decent run in FP1 and we got quite a good baseline set-up straight away, but unfortunately during the second run with the second set of tyres we had an issue with the brakes, so we couldn’t improve our lap times. It was a shame, as it would’ve been good to continue the work during the rest of the session instead of losing some essential track time. We were able to sort out the braking problem for FP2, so we were able to build-up the pace again straight away. It was a good session for us – we completed plenty of laps and got a good feel from both tyre compounds. We also did a long run on the option tyre, so it was a decent afternoon. We now have a lot of data to look at and we need to work hard tonight. I think we can build on this for the rest of the weekend.”
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “It was good to get back in the car again after my last outing in Budapest. I needed a bit of time to get used to the car again, as we had some updates in Spa and the car felt a bit different to start with. Now we just need to fine-tune the set-up and have a bit more time out on track tomorrow as today I only had a 90-minute practice. I am happy with today’s session; we were able to go through the planned programme. It’s good to be back and we are quite close to our rivals, so I am looking forward to a close battle this weekend.”
                        Roberto Mehri, car #45, chassis CT05-#02: “It’s been an amazing day today. My dream finally came true and I drove a Formula 1 car out of the garage for the first time in my life. I’m very happy and it was an impressive experience – the car was pretty quick on the straights and the first outing was amazing when I went full on power, a very nice feeling. I’m satisfied with my performance today, to complete so many laps without a mistake was my real highlight of the day. I want to thank Caterham F1 Team for giving me the opportunity to drive the car on a Friday of a Grand Prix weekend.”
                        Christijan Albers, Team Principal: “It’s been a positive start to the weekend. As usual, in Monza, one of the most important things is to try and asses the correct downforce level and, since we had one experienced driver and a young driver in the car this morning, we gave the more difficult settings and experimental programme to Marcus and we have plenty of useful information. It was good to give Roberto Merhi the chance to drive a Formula 1 car for the first time, he did a solid job. In the afternoon Kamui was back in the car, completing plenty of laps which, added to Marcus’ mileage, gives us a good amount of essential data for us to analyse and prepare for a good qualifying and race.
                        “It was also a pleasure to invite the Mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi to visit the Caterham F1 Team today here in Monza, as one of our logos on the car for this weekend refers to the Festival Arena of Verona 2014.”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “If we look at the timesheets alone, it does not reflect the full picture today. On the engine side almost everything worked as expected and we were able to take a further step forward in terms of engine mapping and performance, and also with the new software evolution debuted here. We got a lot of information and have a large amount of analysis to do to ensure we get the maximum from the PUs tomorrow. The gaps between cars are very close here and if we get everything right there is the potential to qualify a bit better than we have in previous races.”


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 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2014 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
                        2014 ITALIAN GRAND PRIX: FP3 & QUALIFYING
                        Autodromo di Monza, Italy – 6 September 2014
                        Fastest laps / positions:
                        FP3: KOB 1:28.265, P18 / ERI 1:29.251, P21
                        QF: KOB 1:27.671, P19 / ERI 1:28.562, P22
                        Total laps:
                        FP2: KOB 21 / ERI 22
                        QF: KOB 9 / ERI 9
                        FP3: Dry, sunny, min/max track temp 20°-31°, air temp 23°-28°
                        QF: Dry, sunny, min/max track temp 42°-44°, air temp 27°
                        Kamui Kobayashi, car #10, chassis CT05-#02: “I’m very happy with today’s qualifying result! I think the updates we introduced in Spa are working well and this is very positive news for the team. I didn’t have much time in the car yesterday, but I think it has been a very good comeback. We worked hard overnight to improve the car and we’ve ended up ahead of our competitors today. I’m very confident for tomorrow – it will be a very challenging race but we are looking strong.”
                        Marcus Ericsson, car #9, chassis CT05-#04: “This morning in FP3 we had a small problem with the engine before the performance run, so we didn’t get to do a proper run on the Option tyres and therefore we went into qualifying a bit blind, unfortunately. Everything worked fine in the afternoon, but we struggled to get the most out of the car. We need to look at the data tonight and see where we can improve compared to Kamui. I’m disappointed with the result but we will certainly fight back tomorrow!”
                        Cedrik Staudohar, Renault Sport F1 track support leader: “Kamui put together a very good lap today to start ahead of the Marussias. We had a couple of small issues this morning so we had to change some settings to keep the reliability. It paid off and we were able to extract the maximum performance from the Power Units, which is positive on a power track such as Monza. Looking at the cars around us we could have a very interesting race tomorrow.”


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