探险家 发表于 13-4-2016 09:16 AM
我这几天严重失眠, 所以昨晚到现在都没睡觉, 是希望能熬到晚上.....
现在是希望他们还没有修复那个Bug.....虽然目前拿到了三个套装, 感觉效果好像也不是很好这样.....
想问你Damage To Elite是包括Player? Elite也包括Hard & Challenge的小兵?
[size=1.167em]Then there are enemies with purple health bars, who are harder again, and finally those with yellow health bars. [size=1.167em]These guys are elites, the hardest in the game, with very strong, bullet soaking shields. Bosses and heads of factions will be elite enemies, and luckily there are some items and abilities that will buff your damage against elites. 紫色,黄色有护罩的都是精英怪。。 玩家应该不算是精英怪吧。。