


楼主: weng0102

【PlayStation 4 主机用户交流区】

发表于 6-8-2014 06:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
RyanoCCG 发表于 26-6-2014 01:38 PM
没有办法~ 我是penang人~



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发表于 7-8-2014 10:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
kylekoay 发表于 6-8-2014 06:32 PM

之前去prangin走了几间... 其实感觉价钱都差不多... 只是有些有做买卖二手的..
或是租借的 (一天rm1.. 感觉不错.. 只是deposit需要200 )... 可以去看看...

可是最后我选择了网购... 价钱上... 其实多少会便宜一点咯... 而且方便... 不用到处跑...

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发表于 11-8-2014 07:15 AM | 显示全部楼层

下面这张加入了新的功能那就是Favourite Game 您最爱的游戏目录,把你最喜欢的游戏Group在一起这样就不需要左右找了。(Voice Command也是不用左右找的)

新的Overview UI 你们喜欢这样的?

所谓的Xbox One得到成就的奖励?PS4也来了而且奖励是解锁背景图才是增加奖杯背景图而已呢?但是起来是能在游戏里看奖杯目录了不用出去Menu看杯。但是还是希望不要链接网络看杯这才是我要的。。

Game Invite 游戏邀请增加 Invite UI,看起来很整体呢。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 11-8-2014 07:21 AM 编辑


参与人数 3积分 +8 人气 +10 收起 理由
lonelyboy + 5 谢谢分享
colim98 + 5 谢谢分享
水镜明月 + 8 谢谢分享



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发表于 11-8-2014 01:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2014 04:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
PS4《杀戮地带:暗影降临 | Killzone: SF》分辨率造假,玩家起诉SONY虚假宣传 要求赔偿500W

今年三月爆出《杀戮地带:暗影降临 | Killzone: SF》网战分辨率960x1080(使用“特殊的算法”),加上帧数也不足50帧,与宣传中的1080p 60hz完全不符。得知真相的加州居民Ladore一怒之下把sony告上加州州立法院,要求赔偿500万美元。

Sony Computer Entertainment America has been hit with a lawsuit alleging "deceptive marketing" of Killzone: Shadow Fall because the PlayStation 4 game's multiplayer mode does not run at the resolution advertised.

索尼(美国)电脑娱乐近期被起诉,被起诉的内容是涉嫌对killzone:SF的虚假市场宣传, 因为该游戏在PS4上的多人模式没有在其宣传的分辨率下运行。

The suit, filed by California resident Douglas Ladore in Northern District California court, alleges that Sony advertised Killzone: Shadow Fall would run at native 1080p resolution but "used a technological shortcut that was supposed to provide 'subjectively similar' results."

该诉讼是在加州北区的法院由加州居民Douglas Ladore提交的,该诉讼宣称索尼在推广KZ:SF时称宣传其能够达到原生1080P的分辨率,但是却使用了技术上的捷径来达到主观上相似的结果。

In March, Eurogamer's Digital Foundry analyzed Shadow Fall's graphics and reported that the PS4 game's multiplayer component runs at 960 by 1080 resolution — as opposed to 1920 by 1080, or 1080p resolution — with a "high-quality temporal upscale." The lawsuit alleges that Sony advertised — through videos, its official website, social media and Killzone's retail packaging — would offer 1080p graphics. "Unfortunately, Sony's marketing and on-box representations turned out to be nothing more than fiction," the lawsuit says.

3月份, DF分析了SF的画面并且发布报告指出,PS4的该款游戏的多人模式是在960*1080的分辨率,而并不是1920*1080或者1080分辨率, 并且使用了高质量的临时画面提升。该诉讼宣称索尼在其推广中,包括视频,官网,社交媒体以及游戏的零售包装上,都说明将提供1080P的画质。“不幸的是,索尼的市场以及真实的表现证明了除了虚假以外没有任何其他东西。

In the wake of Digital Foundry's report, Killzone developer Guerrilla Games took to its official website to explain its technical solution for Shadow Fall's multiplayer graphics. "In both [single-player] and [multiplayer], Killzone: Shadow Fall outputs a full, unscaled 1080p image at up to 60 [frames per second]," producer Poria Torkan wrote. "Native is often used to indicate images that are not scaled; it is native by that definition.

伴随DF的报告,KZ的开发商Guerrilla在其官网上解释这是一个针对SF多人模式画质的技术解决方案。“在单人模式和多人模式下,KZ:SF都输出完全且无损的1080P画面同时是60帧,”制作人Poria Torkan写道。“原生是被用来指出画面是无损的,画面是原生的分辨率。”

"In Multiplayer mode, however, we use a technique called 'temporal

reprojection,' which combines pixels and motion vectors from multiple lower-resolution frames to reconstruct a full 1080p image. If native means that every part of the pipeline is 1080p then this technique is not native."


Torkan went on to explain how temporal reprojection works.

Torkan 继续对其新技术的原理进行解释。

"When up-scaling an image from one resolution to another, new pixels are added by stretching the image in X/Y dimension," he said. "The values of the new pixels are picked to lie in between the current values of the pixels. This gives a bigger, but slightly blurrier picture.


"Temporal reprojection is a technique that tracks the position of pixels over time and predicts where they will be in future. These 'history pixels' are combined with freshly rendered pixels to form a higher-resolution new



The lawsuit alleges that "'temporal reprojection' is not the 'native 1080p' that Sony promised" and that Sony has not updated its packaging and marketing to reflect the game's actual resolution. Class allegations in the suit include negligent misrepresentation, false advertisement, unfair competition and fraud in the inducement. The amount sought in the suit exceeds $5,000,000.


The suit was filed by law firm Edelson PC, which hit Sony and publisher Electronic Arts with a class action suit in 2011. Attorneys for the firm, then known as Edelson McGuire, filed a putative nationwide class action lawsuit after Sony and EA promised a free copy of Battlefield 1943 to

PS3 owners who purchased Battlefield 3, then failed to deliver the extra game. The firm is also behind the class action suit against Sega and Gearbox that alleges the two companies falsely advertised Aliens: Colonial Marines.

该诉讼是由法律公司Edelson PC提出,该公司曾经在2011年对EA以及索尼进行过集体诉讼。该公司的律师Edelson McGuire对EA和索尼提起全国性诉讼(EA和索尼曾经承承诺购买男朋友3的PS3客户能够拥有免费的男朋友1943,但是最后没有承诺)。该公司也曾经起诉过SEGA和Gearbox对于游戏异形:殖民军的错误宣传。



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发表于 12-8-2014 10:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
weng0102 发表于 11-8-2014 04:43 PM
PS4《杀戮地带:暗影降临 | Killzone: SF》分辨率造假,玩家起诉SONY虚假宣传 要求赔偿500W

今年三月爆出 ...

我有。 事後500w我們平分。

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发表于 13-8-2014 01:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
我刚入手PS4每几天 第一个游戏是infamous second son, 玩了几天才在网上发现是有游戏补丁更新的
但是为什么我却没有下载提示 网路确实是连接着的 请问是否需要登录PSN才可以下载游戏补丁?
PS3的话 无论有没有登录PSN 只要连接网路进入游戏 就会提示有游戏补丁更新

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发表于 13-8-2014 10:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
1000萬。這是 Sony 今天在科隆國際遊戲展上宣佈的銷量。
據悉,截止8月10日, Sony PS4的全球銷量已經突破1000萬台大關,併成為 Sony 史上銷量最快的PS遊戲機。
在過去半年,PS4的銷量幾乎翻了1倍,2月份的時候, Sony 宣佈PS4的銷量為530萬台。
你問Xbox One?不好意思,微軟一直三緘其口。最近一次公佈銷量是在4月17日,為500萬台,而且還是出貨量。

source: http://game.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/470/3/1/125128/1.html


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
WLFung + 5 没必要这么优越感吧?反正被坑还是玩家。



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发表于 13-8-2014 12:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
至尊%0%0 发表于 13-8-2014 01:57 AM 我刚入手PS4每几天 第一个游戏是infamous second son, 玩了几天才在网上发现是有游戏补丁更新的
但是为什么 ...


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发表于 13-8-2014 12:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
WLFung 发表于 13-8-2014 12:22 PM


已经解决 谢谢

PS3不需要登录PSN 可以更新游戏
PS4需要登录PSN 才可以更新游戏

如果只是连接网路没有登录PSN 进入游戏是不会更新的

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 楼主| 发表于 15-8-2014 06:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
  Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) 今日宣布,「PlayStation4」(以下简称PS4)至2014 年8 月10 日止,于全球的累计销售量已突破1,000 万台。PS4 以史上销售速度最快的「PlayStation」游戏主机之姿,持续扩大普及率中。

  「活用网路功能带来独特的游戏体验与丰富的游戏阵容,为PS4带来高评价,发售后仅仅9个月便达到极具意义的里程碑,由衷感谢PlayStation玩家朋友们,今后我们会持续为大家带来更具魅力的内容与服务。」(Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.)  PS4的游戏软体,也因全球玩家以及游戏厂商的强力支持,在销售商家与PlayStation Store所贩售的累积数量,于2014年8月10日止已超过3,000万片。今后游戏厂商与独立制作团队预计将推出种类丰富且更具魅力的游戏,如:《Astebreed》(Active Gaming Media, Inc.)、《FINAL FANTASY XV》(SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD)、《Mighty No .9》(comcept Inc.)、《METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN》(Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.)、《Rocketbirds 2: Evolution》(Ratloop Asia Pte Ltd)、《One Upon Light》(SUTD Game Lab),以及本公司的《Bloodborne》、《Destiny》、《DRIVECLUB》(SCE)等等。  随着接下来推出的游戏阵容,SCE会持续加强PS4的网路功能。例如能让朋友代替自己解决困难关卡,让玩家和朋友如同共处一室般共享游戏乐趣的「Share Play」功能,或是能把游戏画面上传到YouTube的功能等等,将为玩家提供前所未有的游戏体验。  PS4现在于100各国家及区域贩售。


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发表于 15-8-2014 08:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
PlayStation 4新2.0系统软件秋季开启 游戏共享体验再升级

       在PlayStation的gamescom新闻发布会中,SCE索尼电脑娱乐表示新PlayStation 4系统软件2.00版本,将会在游戏共享及视频分享方面有所突破。

       “Share Play|游戏共享”,将允许PlayStation玩家通过网络来创造出同等于本地合作的游戏体验。当你游玩一些游戏的多人合作游戏模式时,诸如《NBA篮球2K》、《Far Cry 4|孤岛惊魂4》、《Miami Heat|迈阿密狂热》、《Towerfall Ascension|塔落 登高》,即使好友并未购买该游戏,亦可获邀与你一起通过网络合作游玩。

       “Share Play|游戏共享”的另外一个功能,允许玩家可以随时加入游戏来协助好友。当遇到难点时,你可以通过网络邀请好友,让他直接替你控制。就如同在与好友合作时,将手柄控制器托付给他来挑战难关一样。在《The Last of Us|最后生还者》重制版中遇到困难,就可以如此向好友求助。

        “Share Play|游戏共享”将伴随PS4的2.00版系统软件,预计于今年秋季开启。该升级中,YouTube的App应用可协助玩家将录制的PS4游戏片段直接上传其中。另外,“What's New”栏目的信息将更加实时,更多好友间的游戏信息与互动提醒将在此更新。好友列表将支持真名搜索。

Upcoming PS4 System Update to v2.00 to Add Share Play, YouTube and More to Come

Since we first unveiled PlayStation 4 and its deep social capabilities, including the SHARE button, we’ve seen an outpouring of excitement from gamers. The PS Nation has rallied around a culture focused on sharing epic gaming moments through Live From PlayStation, interactive streaming, SHAREfactory, What’s New and Photo Mode in exclusive PS4 games like Infamous Second Son and The Last of Us Remastered. Let’s go a step further together. Let’s go from sitting back and watching friends play to actually jumping into games remotely and sharing great experiences together in real time. Today at the PlayStation press conference at Gamescom, we will deliver on yet another promise from the PS4 announcement and introduce Share Play, coming to PlayStation 4 later this fall.

The best way to think about Share Play is like a “virtual couch”. PlayStation 4 will create an online local co-op experience by allowing you to invite a friend to join your game—even when they don’t own a copy of it. With this first-of-its-kind feature, you’ll be able to play games with a friend just as if you were together in the same room. Let’s say that with games… you’ll be able to invite your friend online to play against the Miami Heat for the championship as the San Antonio Spurs in NBA2K, tackle the challenging Towerfall Ascension Quest Mode together, or aide, heal, and protect you as Igniculus in Child of Light’s local co-op mode.

With Share Play, you can even jump into a game to assist a friend. For example, if there is part of a game that you can’t quite finish, you can invite a friend to take over your controls. Like handing over the controller to a friend on your couch, your screen will be shared as your friend gets through the part of the game that has been giving you trouble—can’t get past that part in The Last of Us: Remastered when you’re hanging upside down? Get a little help.

Share Play will be coming to PS4 as part of the upcoming system software update v2.00, scheduled for release this fall. The update will also add highly requested broadcast and video share features, including both uploading you game play footage and dedicated app support for YouTube, which we mentioned on stage at E3. Finally, What’s New will get enhanced real-time activity through friend-of-friend suggestions, allowing instant access to friends’ and recently played games’ broadcasts, and a real name search function will also be added. More features to come when v2.00 is made available this fall, and we will have more to announce in the coming months..

We always want to hear your feedback and look forward to what you are most excited to experience together first Share Play when the feature comes to PS4 this fall. What will you co-op first with Share Play?


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发表于 16-8-2014 11:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
share play 实在太好了!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-8-2014 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-8-2014 07:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
shuanee88 发表于 16-8-2014 07:01 PM

如果真的担心warranty的问题就到sony center或authorize 的game店买就肯定有保障(价钱也比较贵)。比起在Lazada啊什么之类的都安全。

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-8-2014 10:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问PS4将来会支援 第一代的7.1声道耳机吗
当时玩PS3买下的 结果来到PS4用不了。。。还用得好好 真不想再花个几百块买别的


使用道具 举报


发表于 18-8-2014 07:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
至尊寶 发表于 17-8-2014 10:54 PM
请问PS4将来会支援 第一代的7.1声道耳机吗
当时玩PS3买下的 结果来到PS4用不了。。。还用得好好 真不想再花 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 18-8-2014 11:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
至尊%0%0 发表于 17-8-2014 10:54 PM
请问PS4将来会支援 第一代的7.1声道耳机吗
当时玩PS3买下的 结果来到PS4用不了。。。还用得好好 真不想再花 ...


本帖最后由 WLFung 于 18-8-2014 11:25 PM 编辑


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发表于 19-8-2014 07:48 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
至尊寶 发表于 17-8-2014 10:54 PM
请问PS4将来会支援 第一代的7.1声道耳机吗
当时玩PS3买下的 结果来到PS4用不了。。。还用得好好 真不想再花 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 19-8-2014 07:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
谢谢 看了大大的影片 知道原来是我的设定没有弄好 已经可以了

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