Bull run produces eight new tycoons
PETALING JAYA: Thanks to the bull run in the stock market, eight new faces joined the ranks of Forbes Asia's 2007 Malaysia Rich List, which named the 40 richest people in the country.
Asian stock markets are now trading at record highs with Malaysia being the third best performing bourse in the region behind China and Vietnam.
The buoyant outlook on the oil and gas, plantation, timber, construction and property sectors has definitely benefited the players.
The eight new entries to the Forbes Asia list are mainly from these industries. They are Ong Beng Seng (ranked 12th), Yaw Chee Ming (15th), Raja Datuk Seri Eleena Raja Azlan Shah (25th), Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir (28th), Datuk Lin Yun Ling (34th), Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin (35th), Lee Swee Eng (36th) and Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng (39th).
Forbes Asia based the second annual list on the tycoons' fortunes in their holdings in listed companies as well as estimates of their wealth in privately held companies.
Ong, who currently resides in Singapore, has investments in luxury hotels, real estate and steel.
He controls the Singapore-listed Hotel Properties Ltd (HPL) that owns a portfolio of properties in the region, including the Hotel Concorde Kuala Lumpur and the franchise for Hard Rock Cafe (all Asia, excluding Japan).
HPL's share price has appreciated more than 260% in the past 12 months.
Mokhzani and Lee, on the other hand, are involved in the oil and gas industry. Mokhzani, the son of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, owns Kencana Petroleum Bhd, which was listed last December.
Since then, the shares have appreciated some 334% from its listing price of 41 sen. Mokhzani is also involved in the distribution of Porsche cars in Malaysia.
Lee founded KNM Group Bhd, an oil and gas company that has showed significant growth since its listing four years ago.
His wealth grew as KNM shares soared more than 778% from its listing price of RM1.48 per share.
He has about 32% interest in the company.
Meanwhile, Yaw and his family own timber company Samling Global Ltd, which his father founded. The company made its debut listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange earlier this year. It has since appreciated 29%.
The firm timber prices have continued to buoy Samling's earnings, which are mainly derived from its Malaysian listed entity, Lingui Developments Bhd.
Lingui recently reported its third quarter results, which saw revenue rising 41% to RM1.3bil during the first nine months ended March 31.
Eleena and Lin are shareholders of the same construction company - Gamuda Bhd.
Eleena is the largest individual shareholder with 8.6% stake while Lin, who is also the company's managing director, has 5.8% interest.
Gamuda is part of a concession that was awarded the double-tracking railway project in 2003. Its market capitalisation in the past 12 months has increased by RM4.85bil.
Liew of SP Setia Bhd made his fortune from property development. His flagship company is one of the biggest property players in the country.
The slew of incentives by the Government to revive the property market will definitely bode well for SP Setia, which owns several prominent property projects like Duta Tropika and Duta Nusantara at Sri Hartamas, Setia Alam and Setia Eco Park in Shah Alam, as well as Setia Tropika and Setia Indah in Johor.
Meanwhile, Khoo heads the MUI group that has interests in the Asia-Pacific, Australia and the United States.
The conglomerate also holds the Malaysian franchise of notable British retailer Laura Ashley.
財富猛漲65% 40大富豪身家1456億 - Friday, May 25, 2007(吉隆坡24日訊)福布斯(Forbes)今日出爐的2007年最新富豪排行榜顯示,大馬首40大富豪在今年的身家猛漲65%,至430億美元(1455億9800萬令吉),比較去年的260億美元(880億3600萬令吉)。其中,首10大富豪的總財產就高達350億美元,相當於40大富豪身家總和的80%,比去年的63%比重高出許多,顯示這10大富豪的身家在短短1年內暴漲。 糖王丹斯里郭鶴年以76億美元的身家,繼續蟬連龍頭寶座,成為大馬最富有的人。他在去年的財產為56億美元。郭氏家族剛在不久前,把位於大馬與新加坡兩地的種植業務,併入豐益國際(Wilmar International)旗下。 緊接著是剛在近期宣布以50億美元私有化旗下流動電訊公司─明訊(Maxis)的丹斯里阿南達克里斯南,以74億美元的身家穩坐富豪榜第二把交椅,比去年的46億美元家產飆漲了61%。 憑著雲頂集團成為大馬賭場大亨的丹斯里林梧桐,則以43億美元的身家名列第三,比較去年的15億美元,猛漲了67%。雲頂集團在去年頻頻出擊海外,一口氣奪下新加坡聖淘沙賭場發展計劃,涉足澳門賭場,並且全面收購英國最大賭場史丹利休閑,鋒頭一時無倆。 其他依次排列下來的10大富豪,還包括丹斯里李深靜(39億美元)、丹斯里鄭鴻標(35億美元)、丹斯里郭令燦(30億美元)、丹斯里賽莫達(20億美元)、丹斯里楊忠禮(18億美元)、丹斯里張曉卿(12億美元)以及丹斯里鍾廷森(6億5000萬美元)。 今年不僅是名列前矛的超級富豪表現搶眼,就連排名較低的富豪的身家,也出現顯著增長。去年有12名富豪的財產少過1億美元,最低的身家為6500萬美元。然而,今年在富豪排行榜上留名的風雲人物,身家至少都在1億2700萬美元的水平。 值得留意的是,今年有8名新貴登場,其中包括前首相敦馬哈迪的公子拿督莫扎尼,憑著肯查納(Kencana)的上市集資計劃,以2億2000萬美元的身家,躋身富豪榜第二十八名。 此外,目前居住在新加坡的產業大亨王明星,以5億8000萬令吉的財產,首次登上富豪榜,排名第十二名。他也是把第一方程式賽車引進新加坡的幕後推手。 亞洲航空創辦人拿督托尼費南德憑著2億3000萬美元的身家,首次躋身富豪榜,佔據第二十四名。 而拉惹拿督斯里伊麗娜,則以2億2800萬美元的身家,首次在四十大富豪榜亮相,名列二十五。
[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 26-5-2007 10:46 AM 编辑 ] |