发表于 17-8-2005 02:44 PM
当你,max了magic guard后...
每次你中招,你只是-20%hp 而已...
如果你没加magic guard... 你根本不用打...
如果你有加magic guard,还可以顶到两,三下咯!!! |
发表于 17-8-2005 05:48 PM
二转就加poison不太好吧,因为加了poison后就得放弃某个skill。火毒法师所有二转的技能在三转都满有用处,除了二转poison breath完全被取代,因为以后有:
1.像fire arrow+poison breath,damage还高过fire arrow一点点,只是速度稍微慢过fire arrow。
2.每次攻击带有70%中毒率高过poison breath的60%。
我是觉得二转加毒不太好啦,因为实在不知道可以牺牲什么其他的技能。除非你在lv70前需要用到毒去杀超高等级的怪物咯。毒好的地方是不管敌人的最大MAX HP,就算敌人有1百万HP也好,lv30毒在40秒后一定把可中毒对象的HP减到1,当然二转的poison也要考虑到是否能够击中对象让它中毒。
[ 本帖最后由 blue5 于 17-8-2005 05:51 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 17-8-2005 05:54 PM
原帖由 cupidcAsper 于 17-8-2005 01:24 PM 发表
还能让一个skil max..如是我我会up teleport max..
mp suck我不会up..因为我甘愿用mp pot
就是说全部Skill起到满,除了Mp Eaten起一Lv吗?
包括Holly Arrow也起满? |
发表于 20-8-2005 10:51 AM
原帖由 .ASP 于 20-8-2005 09:51 AM 发表
Mushmum应该是mini boss罢,lv50-60都可以solo了。。。
而它的杀伤力够 BT。
它"中"到就等你一hit就 ---> "挂" 了。 |
发表于 20-8-2005 02:32 PM
原帖由 bihu 于 20-8-2005 10:51 AM 发表
而它的杀伤力够 BT。
它"中"到就等你一hit就 ---> "挂" ...
其实二转和三转的毒的攻击应该都一样,40秒内把敌人的hp降到1,只不过一个较轻松容易,而且中毒机率较高。还有mushmom如果照以前的设定应该都不能被poison的哦,tauromacis和taurospear也是完全防毒,如果二转练毒可能在对付werewolf, lycathrope,cerebus&bain之类的高等级怪兽较有用。虽有用,但效果还是不太好,因为可能会miss,等到不会miss的时候就等于可以用fire arrow杀了,bain那些防火的则是另外。而毒对任何hp少的怪兽只起微小的作用而已,这就是我不选择二转加毒的原因。虽然如此,这不表示你一定就不在二转加毒咯,像cupid讲的,练到三转并不容易,所以想要更早体验毒的热趣可以先点毒,然后可能就选一个可以放弃的技能,建议不要放弃teleport和meditation咯,Slow则对高等级怪物和boss有用。不管怎样,最重要是照自己喜欢的而又不会完全影响到lv进度的路线跑,如果说二转不点fire arrow那就是跑错误而漫长的路线了 。 |
发表于 26-8-2005 02:54 PM
improving mp recovery & max mp increase 需要up到lv20? |
发表于 26-8-2005 03:01 PM
刚开始的时候有1 point 加 Bolt 然后 3point 加claw (若你要level 快的话加claw )不然就加Mp recovery 直到activeMP, max mp increase 。。
我的建议是加满max mp increase 以后你的Mp 就会比别人多。。。 |
发表于 26-8-2005 03:40 PM
发表于 26-8-2005 06:59 PM
火/冰/圣系的技能加法 energy bolt(1)---->mp recovery(5)--->mp increase(10)---->magic claw(10)---保存10个sp-->magic claw(20)--->mp recovery(16)---->maigc guard(20)---->2nd job
现在应该很清楚了吧 |
发表于 27-8-2005 05:16 PM
原帖由 十方惊神 于 27-8-2005 03:44 PM 发表
你到了30lv...全部有用的[除了energy bolt]都有max...
magic guard max是比较好啦..max 了其他的..mg最后才max..
我是cleric..heal自己..不过也max magic guard..以后一定有用到.. |
发表于 27-8-2005 05:21 PM
当然要max magic guard啦!!!
不然,crimson barlog一hit你就死kiao kiao 了咯!!!
[本人的亲身经验...100%真的] |
发表于 28-8-2005 12:11 PM
发表于 28-8-2005 06:49 PM
原帖由 十方惊神 于 28-8-2005 01:40 PM 发表
等hunt那些能1 hit ko你的怪才开喽...
比如你的hp 300
怪打你350..酱你一拳就死了...所以开mg就不能死了.. |
发表于 31-8-2005 06:31 PM
看了之前的帖,如果2nd job玩fire mage的话。。。
总点数- 121点
mp eater - 1lv
meditation - 20lv
teleport - 20lv
slow - 20lv
fire arrow - 30lv
poison breath - 30lv
但不点mp eater好吗??
如果3rd job的skill很吃mp的话不是很惨??? |
发表于 2-9-2005 10:57 AM
发表于 2-9-2005 06:12 PM
要省钱的话就max heal先。。
如果不要呢就max holly arrow先lo/..
heal 可以在sleepy wood 的ant cave heal zombie mushroom...
我是up heal max 先拉。。。
hunt monster就用magic claw先lo... |
发表于 6-9-2005 03:37 PM
先加MP recovery到五然后max mp加到满,然后加1energy bolt加magic claw到十!在加回MP recovery到满 然后max magic claw ,才加magic guard!这样算不算perfect mage啊?
还是一定要mp recovery到五,max mp 加到满,然后mp recovery加到满 才加1energy bolt 然后max magic claw 然后max magic guard! 这样才算perfect mage 吗? |
发表于 14-9-2005 03:34 PM
这是我在asiasoft forum那里得来的~~我觉得这个PAQ很不错!!
30 Tele 1
31 Heal 3
32 heal 3
33 heal 3
34 heal 3
35 heal 3( 15)
36 save 3
37 save 3
38 save 3
39 save 3
40 Max Heal (30)
41 Mp eater 3
42 Mp Eater 3
43 Mp Eater 3
44 Mp eater 3
45 Mp eater 3
46 Mp eater 3
47 Mp eater 2 (max) 1 to invincible
48 3 to invincible
49 3 to invincible
50 3 to invincible(10)
51 bless 3
52 bless 3
53 bless 3
54 Bless 1 (10) & 2 to tele
55 Save 3
56 Save 3
57 Save 3
58 1+9(saved) to invincible(max) 2 to tele
59 Save 2 & 1 to tele
60 Save 2 & 1 to tele
61 Save 2 & 1 to tele
62 Save 2 & 1 to tele
63 (2+(8 Saved) Max Bless 1 to tele
64 tele +3
65 tele +3
66 tele +3
67 tele +1(max) & HA +2
68 HA +3
69 HA +3
70 HA +3 (11)
Monster To train =)
31 ~ 40
Vict --- Wild Boar , Evil Eye , Zombie Mushroom
Oss --- Jr Sentinal , Ice Sentinal , Fire Sentinal , Sentinal
41~ 50
Vict --- Fire Boar , Curse Eye , Jr Wraith , Lupin , Zombie Lupin , Cold Eye , Lorang
Oss --- Jr Grupin Cellion or lioner, Star Pixie, Jr Pepe
51 ~ 60
Vict --- Wraith (recommend) , Copper Drake , Clang
Oss --- Dark Nependeth , Lunar Pixie , Jr Yeti
61 ~ 70
Vict --- Stone GOlem , Malady , Dark Stone Golem (not recommend unless HA user)
Oss --- All Zombies thts lvl 60 Below
70 and Above
Party and explore The Whole Elnath and Dugeon is Oss and Vict =)
这是没有加Poison Brace但加Slow.......
Built 1 - Pure Fire Wizard
Lvl 30 - 1sp in Teleport
Lvl 31 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 32 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 33 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 34 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 35 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 36 - Save 3sp
Lvl 37 - Save 3sp
Lvl 38 - Save 3sp
Lvl 39 - Save 3sp
Lvl 40 - 15sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 41 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 42 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 43 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 44 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 45 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 46 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 47 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 48 - 2sp in Meditation, 1sp in MP Eater
Lvl 49 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 50 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 51 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 52 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 53 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 54 - 1sp in MP Eater, 2p in Teleport
Lvl 55 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 56 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 57 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 58 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 59 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 60 - 2sp in Teleport, 1sp in Slow
Lvl 61 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 62 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 63 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 64 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 65 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 66 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 67 - 1sp in Slow, 2sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like
Lvl 68 - 3sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like
Lvl 69 - 3sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like
Lvl 70 - 2sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like, 1sp in Poison Brace/ anything you like
In short:
Free point - Teleport
1st - Fire Arrow 30
2nd - Mp Eater 3
3rd - Meditation 20
4th - Mp Eater 20
5th - Teleport 20
6th - Slow 20
7th - Magic Armour 10/ anything you like
8th - Poison Brace 1/ anything you like
Why Magic Armour not pump to lvl 11?
What is the use of using 2x mp just fore 2 more weapon defense? It will only waste the sp and your mp. The last point should pump on anything you like o Poison Brace if you don't know which to add.
At level 70 a pure fire wizard should have (2nd job skill):
Lvl 20 Mp Eater
Lvl 20 Meditation
Lvl 20 Teleport
Lvl 20 Slow
Lvl 30 Fire Arrow
Lvl 01/00 Poison Brace
这是没有加Slow但有加Poison Brace的......
Built 2 - Fire + Poison Wizard
Lvl 30 - 1sp in Teleport
Lvl 31 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 32 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 33 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 34 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 35 - 3sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 36 - Save 3sp
Lvl 37 - Save 3sp
Lvl 38 - Save 3sp
Lvl 39 - Save 3sp
Lvl 40 - 15sp in Fire Arrow
Lvl 41 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 42 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 43 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 44 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 45 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 46 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 47 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 48 - 2sp in Meditation, 1sp in Teleport
Lvl 49 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 50 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 51 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 52 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 53 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 54 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 55 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 56 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 57 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 58 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 59 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 60 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 61 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 62 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 63 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 64 - 3sp in Poison Brace
Lvl 65 - 3sp in Mp Eater
Lvl 66 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 67 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 68 - 3sp in Mp Eater
Lvl 69 - 3sp in Mp Eater
Lvl 70 - 2sp in Mp Eater, 1 sp in anything you like
In short:
Free point - Teleport
1st - Fire Arrow 30
2nd - Mp Eater 3
3rd - Meditation 20
4th - Teleport 20
5th - Poison Brace 30
6th - Mp Eater 20
7th - 1sp on anything like
At lvl 70 you should have (2nd job skill):
Lvl 20 Mp Eater
Lvl 20 Meditation
Lvl 20 Teleport
Lvl 0/1 Slow
Lvl 30 Fire Arrow
Lvl 30 Poison Brace
lvl 30 ~ 35: Zombie mushroom, Horny Mushroom. Ant tunnel 1/2/3/4.
lvl 35 ~ 40/45: Swamp, Ligator
lvl 40 ~ 45: Subway, Jr.wraith
lvl 45 ~ 50/55: Cold eye, deep dungeon. (nice drops)
lvl 50/55 ~:You should head to Ossyria now..
lvl 35 ~ 40/45: Jr.Grupin, Cloud park - Garden
lvl 40 ~ 50: Jr.Pepe, Orbis Tower 1st floor
lvl 50 ~ 55/60/65: Jr. Yeti. El Nath / Nependeath too, Cloud park
lvl 55 ~ 65: Grupin, Cloud Park - Garden
lvl 65 ~ 70+: White Pang, Deep El Nath
[ 本帖最后由 网间行者 于 14-9-2005 03:51 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 14-9-2005 03:51 PM
Built 1 - Pure Ice Wizard
Lvl 30 - 1sp in Teleport
Lvl 31 - 3sp in Cold Beam
Lvl 32 - 3sp in Cold Beam
Lvl 33 - 3sp in Cold Beam
Lvl 34 - 3sp in Cold Beam
Lvl 35 - 3sp in Cold Beam
Lvl 36 - Save 3sp
Lvl 37 - Save 3sp
Lvl 38 - Save 3sp
Lvl 39 - Save 3sp
Lvl 40 - 15sp in Cold Beam
Lvl 41 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 42 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 43 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 44 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 45 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 46 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 47 - 3sp in Meditation
Lvl 48 - 2sp in Meditation, 1sp in MP Eater
Lvl 49 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 50 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 51 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 52 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 53 - 3sp in MP Eater
Lvl 54 - 1sp in MP Eater, 2p in Teleport
Lvl 55 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 56 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 57 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 58 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 59 - 3sp in Teleport
Lvl 60 - 2sp in Teleport, 1sp in Slow
Lvl 61 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 62 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 63 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 64 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 65 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 66 - 3sp in Slow
Lvl 67 - 1sp in Slow, 2sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like
Lvl 68 - 3sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like
Lvl 69 - 3sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like
Lvl 70 - 2sp in Magic Armour/ anything you like, 1sp in anything you like
In short:
Free point - Teleport
1st - Cold Beam 30
2nd - Mp Eater 3
3rd - Meditation 20
4th - Mp Eater 20
5th - Teleport 20
6th - Slow 20
7th - Magic Armour 10/ anything you like
8th - Thunderbolt 1/ anything you like
Why Magic Armour not pump to lvl 11?
What is the use of using 2x mp just fore 2 more weapon defense? It will only waste the sp and your mp. The last point should pump on anything you like.
At level 70 a pure ice wizard should have (2nd job skill):
Lvl 20 Mp Eater
Lvl 20 Meditation
Lvl 20 Teleport
Lvl 20 Slow
Lvl 30 Cold Beam
Lvl 0/1 Thunderbolt
Built 2 - Ice + Lit Wizard
Lvl 30 - 1sp Teleport
Lvl 31 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 32 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 33 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 34 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 35 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 36 - 3sp Cold Beam (or u like to save it and pump to max at once)
Lvl 37 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 38 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 39 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 40 - 3sp Cold Beam
Lvl 41 - 3sp MP Eater
Lvl 42 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 43 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 44 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 45 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 46 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 47 - 3sp Thunderbolt (or u like to save it and pump to max at once)
Lvl 48 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 49 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 50 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 51 - 3sp Thunderbolt
Lvl 52 - 3sp Meditation
Lvl 53 - 3sp Meditation
Lvl 54 - 3sp Meditation
Lvl 55 - 3sp Meditation
Lvl 56 - 3sp Meditation
Lvl 57 - 3sp Meditation
Lvl 58 - 2sp Meditation, 1sp MP Eater
Lvl 59 - 3sp MP Eater
Lvl 60 - 3sp Mp Eater
Lvl 61 - 3sp MP Eater
Lvl 62 - 3sp MP Eater
Lvl 63 - 3sp MP Eater
Lvl 64 - 1sp MP Eater, 2sp teleport
Lvl 65 - 3sp Teleport
Lvl 66 - 3sp Teleport
Lvl 67 - 3sp Teleport
Lvl 68 - 3sp Teleport
Lvl 69 - 3sp Teleport
Lvl 70 - 2sp Teleport, 1sp on anything u like
In short:
Free point - Teleport
1st - Cold Beam 30
2nd - Mp Eater 3
3rd - Thunderbolt 30
4th - Meditation 20
5th - Mp Eater 20
6th - Teleport 20
7th - Anything you want.
At lvl 70 you should have (2nd job skill):
Lvl 20 Mp Eater
Lvl 20 Meditation
Lvl 20 Teleport
Lvl 0/1 Slow
Lvl 30 Cold Beam
Lvl 30 Thunderbolt
Can I max thunderbolt first?
Yes you can. But that is not recomended as you will lose out to many jobs by lvl 40. And also, using thunderbolt to train takes too much mp and hp, so it is not adviseable to use lightning to train on from the start.
Many people hate lightning mages because their lightning always ks people. Thus, to prevent this leading to mass defame, i suggest you to max ice first.
Training Spot
Lvl 30 ~ 35: Zombie mushroom, Horny Mushroom. Ant tunnel 1/2/3/4.
Training Spot (Ice)
Lvl 35 ~ 45: Jr.Cellion/ Jr.Lioner, Cloud Park - Garden / Fire Boar, Burnt Land 1/2/3/4/5
Lvl 45 ~ 50/55: Copper Drake, Perion Dangerous Valley1/2.
Training Spot (Lightning)
Lvl 33 ~ 35: Octopus, Kerning
Lvl 35 ~ 38/40: Green Mushroom, Henesys
Lvl 38/40 ~ 43: Horny Mushroom, Deep Dungoen. Occasional Zombie Mushroom.
Lvl 43 ~ 45: Evil eye, deep dungoen.
Lvl 45 ~ 50: Cursed eye, Elinia.
Training Spot (Overall)
Lvl 50 ~ 55/60: Get Cellions/ Lioner, Cloud Park - Garden. Drake, Deep Dungoen. Golem, Temple (henesys). Lightning - Clangs, Florina Beach
Lvl 60 ~ 70: Red Drakes, Perion. Entrance of zakum cave mobs.Taromacis (lvl 70), Deep dungoen
(Copy From Asiasoft Forum) |
发表于 23-9-2005 01:14 PM
原帖由 kels83 于 6-9-2005 03:37 PM 发表
先加MP recovery到五然后max mp加到满,然后加1energy bolt加magic claw到十!在加回MP recovery到满 然后max magic claw ,才加magic guard!这样算不算perfect mage啊?
还 ...
还是一定要mp recovery到五,max mp 加到满,然后mp recovery加到满 才加1energy bolt 然后max magic claw 然后max magic guard! 这样才算perfect mage 吗?
我是觉得这样比较好,因为我也是这样add的,只是很难up lvl,因为没有energy bolt,所以要朋友party帮你咯。我也是stan和joseph帮我的。 |
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