发表于 28-9-2004 09:39 PM
Osis03 于 28-9-2004 08:50 AM 说 :
哇﹐我也玩到了Pikmin2了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!多得本區的版友﹐他的熱心和熱情﹐加大好人﹐我才能玩到日版的Pikmin2﹐他的大名﹐除非他本人同意(如您同意osis寫出您的大名>_<)﹐不然osis不會去說出他是那 ...
最後!遊戲真的很容易玩,比第一代容易的多了!希望您會喜歡這個遊戲! |
发表于 1-10-2004 05:31 PM
今天入手美版PIKMIN 2,结果发现没送卡,因此。。。。美版的玩家要失望了!可能连E READER功能也删除了! |
发表于 4-10-2004 10:34 AM
我剛買了美版,就如OSIS所說,開頭畫面真是讚!!PIKMIN2的字體是PIKMIN所組成,有敵人來時還會散開又組合回,哈哈!不愧是NINTENDO.創意無限~~好玩好玩,不過說來慚愧,我PIKMIN都還沒玩完.... |
发表于 5-10-2004 03:14 PM

楼主 |
发表于 6-10-2004 10:19 AM
boreclub 于 4-10-2004 10:34 AM 说 :
另:本人在DONGKEY KONGA 2里,发现PIKMIN 2的主题曲也收录在里头,喜欢这两款游戏的网友要注意了!
對了﹐這點意思是說﹐只要玩過pikmin2﹐有了它的save檔﹐當玩起dongkey donga2時﹐就會出現pikmin2的主題曲?^_^ |
发表于 6-10-2004 01:41 PM
发表于 8-10-2004 12:28 PM
boreclub 于 6-10-2004 01:41 PM 说 :
当你购买DONGKEY KONGA 2的时候,里面的其中一首曲目就是PIKMIN 2的主题曲,不需要PIKMIN 2 的SAVE FILE!
只要再开始游戏时,在出现主画面之前的“PRESS START”画面时,先别急者进入游戏,在这个时后只要按一下R键,银幕上的PIKMIN 2标题会转换成NINTENDO标题,按L键就会恢复PIKMIN 2标题!
另:只要有甲虫出现在画面时,还可以用C方向键控制甲虫走动,可以四处去KA JIAO用PIKMIN所组成的PIKMIN 2或NINTENDO字样!有趣极了! |
发表于 8-10-2004 12:56 PM
我刚在新加坡买了PIKMIN2, sg$65.00.试玩了一下感觉佷棒,刚过了第一关. |

楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2004 09:58 AM
我剛入手nintendo的1019blocks的meomory card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yeah!!!﹐看來這幾天來沖pikmin2的日子要來了!!!!!!!!!!入手價是rm160....555555.......沒便宜到...原價是rm17x
likwei﹐歡迎加入!!!!!!!!!!pikmin加族也多一位成員了﹐好開心阿 |
发表于 9-10-2004 11:22 AM
likwei 于 8-10-2004 12:56 PM 说 :
我刚在新加坡买了PIKMIN2, sg$65.00.试玩了一下感觉佷棒,刚过了第一关.
在那兒買的?好便宜阿!我在MIDVALLEY IT CENTRE里買RM230~~~ |
发表于 12-10-2004 04:54 PM
我是在singapore FUNAN IT centre 买的.pikmin2 $65, metal gear solid twin snake also $65. |
发表于 14-10-2004 11:58 AM
终于都把PIKMIN 2给破玩了!用了70天!最后的三个地穴各位要有心理准备,不是普通的。。。。。难!尤其是最后的首领。。。。。耐力简直是可怕!
我用了1个半小时才把最后的首领给解决,所以各位注意,如果要进行最后首领战斗最好准备很多的时间来进行!最终首领并不难对付,只是耐力很强,需要很多的时间重复相同的动作,只要小心一点,击倒他并不是很难的事! |
发表于 16-10-2004 10:00 PM
如果阁下真的很利害,只要不牺牲任何一只PIKMIN完成所有的关卡,就可以看到隐藏CG,CG是交待社长欠债的原因,相看这段CG的朋友要努力了!我已经perfact的完成了10关!还有20关要闯!要努力了! |

楼主 |
发表于 13-11-2004 03:29 PM
轉載Nintendo.com的Pikmin Developer Interview
Pikmin Developer Interview
Tom: Hi this is Tom Harlin from Nintendo of America. We want to welcome you all here today for our Pikmin 2 Teleconference. We have the great honor to have with us today Mr. Takashi Tezuka and Mr. Shigefumi Hino both from Nintendo Company Limited, NCL. Mr. Tezuka has worked as a producer on the game and Mr. Hino as a director, but they will tell you more about that in a moment. Pikmin 2 is obviously the sequel to the most innovative game of the year. For 2001 it received the award from AIAS and received many other awards so it’s very exciting for Nintendo to be bringing this game back on Nintendo GameCube with such a great number of features that the original game didn’t have, including new Pikmin, two player cooperative, two player battles, etc. I’m sure you’ve all had the chance to at least see demonstrations. If you’ve not had a chance to play the final game and we’ll allow you more time to ask about those particular features in a moment.
At this time I would like to introduce Bill Trinen he is from Nintendo of America. You’ve probably seen him on Stage at E3 and other types of interviews as a translator. He will translate today for our guest from NCL. Bill also worked on the localization for Pikmin 2 so he was very familiar with the game and a lot of the great names that you can see in the game for the different item that you pick-up you can thank Bill and some of the staff here for working with NCL so closely to determine some great and humorous names for those items.
The format of today’s call will be pretty straightforward. Both the speakers will provide a little bit of background about themselves and their role in Pikmin 2 and then we’ll move directly to Q&A. The operator will basically ask people to be placed into a cue for Q&A and the way that we’ll have it formatted is that we’ll allow you to ask a question and allow either a follow-up question, or a clarification on the answer if it is needed, so without much more of from me, I will start with introductions of Mr. Tezuka and Mr. Hino from NCL and we’ll ask them to each introduce themselves now and provide a little bit of information on their role in the creation of Pikmin 2. Mr. Tezuka we’ll start with you please.
Mr. Tezuka: My name is Takashi Tezuka and in the development of Pikmin 2 I was involved on a producer level giving advice to the directors and the development team about the gameplay and other elements. On Pikmin 1 I wasn't so much in the actual game development, but more of assisting Mr. Miyamoto and his work supervising the game development.
Tom: And Mr. Hino can you do the same as well please.
Mr. Hino: Hello my name is Shigefumi Hino. I was one of two directors on Pikmin 2. We had two directors this time around, one was myself and the other was Mr. Abe from the AD. I was focused primarily on graphic design where Abe was focused more on the game play, so I was very involved with the character elements of the game.
Tom: After those brief introductions we would now like to open up the teleconference to questions. All right our first question is from Nathan Stevens with Gamerz Edge, go ahead please you have the floor.
Nathan: Okay my first question is, with the addition of Captain Olimar’s Assistant how does this add to the complexity of the game?
Mr. Tezuka: Well as you know in the original Pikmin there was only one playable character and now we have two that the player can control simultaneously. Really what this does is, it allows for some greatly enhanced strategic elements in the gameplay. Players can now control one character, send that character on a mission and then take control of the second character and then take a separate group of Pikmin and begin working on a second objective. Really, what this allows us to do is it increases the strategic elements. And it really allows the player to be more effective as they proceed through the game. In essence it provides the player with new challenges and thus new excitement.
Nathan: Thank you very much.
Operator: Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Chris Cook with Game Informer.
Chris: Hi this is Chris. Since the Japanese Version of Pikmin 2 has been out for a while and the U.S. version is obviously nearly complete, have there been any thoughts on Pikmin 3 perhaps for the GameCube or for the next console, or perhaps Pikmin for the DS?
Mr. Tezuka: Unfortunately we can’t discuss any future development plans in detail here today, but obviously because the Pikmin brand and Pikmin characters seem to have been so well accepted we do want to continue to take advantage of them and nurture that franchise to whatever extent we can.
Chris: Thank you.
Tom: Next question please.
Operator: The question is from the line of Kent Miller with Nintendo of America. You have the floor your line is open.
Kent: Thank you. Hello gentlemen. I just noticed that much of the character art for this game is clay sculptures. I wondered about the design and development process -- if you actually worked in clay to try and create the characters for the various Pikmin and Louie and so forth, or if you actually just designed them on paper or on computer, or if you actually used clay when you were trying to come up with ideas for these different characters for the game?
Mr. Hino: Actually all of the clay-looking models that you see in the art work were, in fact, sculpted in clay and then we took those clay sculptures and we essentially took photos and scanned them and made digital versions of them, and then combined the different individual clay sculptures into essentially collages that became the final pieces of art.
Kent: Thank you.
Mr. Tezuka: One of the members of our illustration team, a fellow by the name of Yamaguchi, he actually was very passionate about doing this and worked very hard on creating the clay models and putting together the illustrations.
Operator: The question is from the line of Justin Davis of Game Daily.
Justin: Yes, I was wondering if the decision to do away with the 30-day timeline was because of the public or critical response to the first game?
Mr. Tezuka: With the original Pikmin our real focus was on getting the player to try to escape from the planet within an affirmative timeframe, and so the player was really challenged to find a way to work through the game within that 30-day time limit. Whereas this time what we really intended to do from the very beginning was to create a game that would allow players greater freedom to explore the world at their leisure, and taking the amount of time that they want and spending an amount of time in the world and kind of get to know the world a little bit better. So that was our main focus and our main reason for removing the 30-day time limit. And we do listen to user feedback and look at ways to incorporate that in creating new experiences for the user. And so on that side of things we did take some of that feedback into consideration.
Mr. Hino: This is Shigefumi Hino and actually one of the points that we wanted stretch most about Pikmin 2 is the fact that we have removed the 30-day time limit. As Mr. Tezuka said, with the original game, we really wanted to create a challenge for players to try to strategize their way and find their way around these problems and puzzles within this time frame, whereas this time around we really want people to feel like they are going to be free to play the game the way that they want, take the amount of time that they want and really sit back and enjoy the world of the Pikmin to their heart’s content. So I hope people will be looking forward to that. And to be honest I think that although Pikmin and Pikmin 2 are both using the same game system, you’re going to find that in playing those two games, you’re going to get very different experiences out of them. So I would actually encourage people who played one game to also play the other, because they will find that it’s a completely different experience.
Tom: For folks that have not experienced the first game possibly, I’m wondering Bill if you could just explain the 30 day time limit, or how that impacted gameplay?
Bill: In the first game and actually this game as well, we feature a day timer where because the Pikmin are very small creatures that live on this planet, they can’t survive on the planet overnight because the larger nocturnal creatures would come out and eat them up. So the game player would send them around completing tasks during the day time and then bringing their Pikmin back to the home base and flying into the upper atmosphere with them to keep them safe overnight. And so while that system exists in Pikmin 2, in Pikmin 1 you would only have 30 game days to officially collect all of the parts that were missing from the spaceship that had crash-landed on the planet, thereby forcing players to collect the parts within that time limit or reach the end of the game in a not so successful fashion.
Whereas with Pikmin 2 they have removed the 30-day time limit, so players can be free to play the game for as long as they want, but they’ve also added a new feature, which includes underground caves where a strong geomagnetic field underground essentially warps the space time continuum. And when you go underground into a cave, time stops because of this and so you can spend as much time playing underground without worrying about the day timer and then when you come back to the surface, time resumes from the moment that you left. So while the day timer system does actually exist you’ll find that you’ll be able to play a single day which can actually take much longer than it would in the original game, so on both those counts the time system in the game has been changed dramatically.
Tom: Thanks for that background Bill. We’re ready to move to the next question.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jill Duffy with CMP Media. You have the floor and your line is open.
Jill: Thank you. I just wanted to ask about a few of the details about how Pikmin 2 has enhanced from Pikmin 1. You’ve already mentioned more strategic elements and a more effective player and I want to know what sort of details have gone into it to sort of make that possible and what kind of response you wanted the players to have. How did you want them to have fun and how are these elements going to enhance the gameplay?
Mr. Hino: This is Shigefumi Hino answering. The Pikmin games have this very basic system where the player acts as a leader and gives the Pikmin or the group of Pikmin tasks to complete. What we have done with Pikmin 2 is in addition to getting the player an additional leader character to control. We’ve added in new Pikmin colors and what this does is it doesn’t necessarily increase the difficulty of the game, but it increases the number of tools at the player’s disposal to confront the tasks, the challenges, the enemies and puzzles and what not that they will encounter in the world. And so what this really does is it gives you a higher degree of freedom to choose how you're going to face the problems or the enemies that stand before you. And really kind of the idea behind this is that we decided to try to make it more efficient and more effective for the player to give these orders and give them more options, thus requiring from the player more leadership skills, And that’s really kind of the feeling that we’re shooting for, is that this idea that the player is the leader of the Pikmin.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Raymond Almeda with GameCube Advanced.
Raymond: Hello there. I know that the Pikmin 2 has been completed and it seems like we pretty much have a Pikmin series. Are there any plans in the future for the Pikmin franchise to possibly expand maybe into handheld systems by chance?
Tom: I think what Raymond is trying to ask if there will be a Pikmin game on DS maybe and we haven’t announced any plans for future Pikmin games at this time, although I think the creators really hope that everyone will love Pikmin 2 very much and will send many requests to Nintendo to make future Pikmin games.
Raymond: Thank you very much.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Justin Davis with Game Daily. Your line is open and you have the floor.
Justin: Yes Pikmin 1 was critically received very, very well, but one negative thing that people had to say was about the game’s length. I was wondering if there was a conscious effort to increase the length of time it would take to complete Pikmin 2, or if that’s just something that came up as the game was in development?
Mr. Tezuka: We did receive user feedback about the game volume and the game length. This time we kind of took some of that into consideration early on and realized that by removing the 30-day time limit, we would naturally increase the play time by giving the player the freedom to spend the time that they want exploring the world and completing the tasks that they need to complete. And so in that sense we did kind of from the beginning look at ways to increase the volume as a means of giving the users more of something that they seem to have liked very much.
Operator: All right our next question comes from the line of Matt Casamassina with IGN.com.
Matt: Hey guys how are you doing? My question is actually related to the multiplayer mode. You have some battle modes in there, but you don’t seem to have a full single-player related cooperative quest and I’m wondering why not?
Mr. Tezuka: This is Takashi Tezuka answering. We actually had wanted to include a two player co-op mode at one point, but looking at the game system and what some of our other objectives were with the game we decided instead to move the two player into other areas of the game. Shigefumi Hino adds that we did experiments with the two-player gameplay in the main game, but what we found was that if we were to design the entire single-player game around the possibility of a two-player co-op mode, that would put limits on the things that we could do for the single-player game. And ultimately, based on the experiments, we decided that by moving the multiplayer into a separate mode in the versus and the co-op mult-player maps, we could actually create a more interesting and more fun single-player game.
Matt: Great. Thank you very much.
Operator: Our next question is from Jason Dobson of eToychest.
Jason: Hi guys. The original Pikmin was very popular, but some of the people we’ve spoken with perhaps didn’t get as much enjoyment out of it as others, specifically non-strategy enthusiasts, so I was wondering what you have done in the creation of the sequel to perhaps draw in those people who might not be at first inclined to take on a strategy-based game?
Tom: Jason, just to clarify, are you saying the non-strategy folks got the most enjoyment?
Jason: No I’m saying the non-strategy did not get as much enjoyment out of the game as those who were inclined to enjoy strategy-based games.
Tom: Okay got it.
Mr. Hino: Now if you look at Pikmin 2, you’ll see that the surface maps in the game are very reminiscent of the surface maps from Pikmin 1, and so what that does is it creates a similar style of play when you’re on the surface of the planet. With the addition of the caves in Pikmin 2 what happens is the player goes underground with a set number of Pikmin and they are no longer able to increase those Pikmin. As we go deeper into the caves underground, gradually those Pikmin in battle and the number of Pikmin that they have with them will drop. And so that, in essence, makes the game feel much more like an action-oriented game then a strategy-oriented game. I really think that it’s very hard to categorize and put into a genre, but really I think it’s one that has taken a lot of the strength that Nintendo has and a lot of what Nintendo has learned from the action games that it has made over the past and puts them into one nice little package.
Jason: Thank you.
Bill: That was Shigefumi Hino answering that question. Takashi Tezuka adds that the nice thing that we’ve done with Pikmin 2 is that while we’ve added a lot of these action elements, we’ve also made the control aspects of the game simple enough so that people who haven’t been very good a lot of the faster-paced action games in the past will be able to play the game and get to a point where they feel like they’ve reached the ending. In essence I think the game has really broadened its audience maybe from the first one.
Jason: Thanks.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Nathan Stevens. Your line is open and you have the floor. He is from Gamerz Edge, go ahead please.
Nathan: In Pikmin 2 if you could pick one new improvement, which do you think is going to get the gamers most excited about it?
Mr. Tezuka: This is Takashi Tezuka answering. One thing that we tried to do with Pikmin both in the original game and in this one is really make the world feel like it’s something that is very real to the point that you could be playing Pikmin, and stop and think that maybe there really are Pikmin running around in the world and doing these types of things somewhere beneath our feet without us really knowing about it. One thing that we did to really improve upon that with Pikmin 2 that I think is a lot of fun and that will kind of get people excited and even get people feeling a little nostalgic is, as you play through the game you’ll notice some actual branded products in the game with logos and markings that come from both real-world products that are still in use today and some that you maybe haven’t seen in a few years. So in that sense it’s going to be a lot of fun for people to play through the game, exploring the planet of the Pikmin and then come across these real-world objects that will immediately stand out and that people will latch onto. And so in that sense I think we’ve really found a way to take this idea of the Pikmin being real and bring it to a new level.
Nathan: Thank you very much.
Operator: Our next question comes from Raymond Almeda with GameCube Advanced.
Raymond: I have another question. Obviously we’ve seen that Nintendo’s game-ad movie campaign in the United States has proved to be quite interesting, especially having a pretty stellar line-up of holiday titles coming along. And obviously we’ve also seen the Pikmin midget commercial that’s been airing around the TV shows around here in the United States as well. Does Nintendo have any special promotions or plans to further advertise Pikmin 2 specifically to the general consumer other than these specific advertisements that they are really putting up right now?
Tom: This is Tom from Nintendo of America. Overall Pikmin in the U.S. is going to be supported by over $4 million dollars in marketing. There’s obviously a TV commercial that’s going to run a pretty broad spectrum. There are also cinema ads in select theatres that you will see. There are a couple of different versions of that, but one of them does include Pikmin. There have been two demo disc versions at retail that have included Pikmin in a wide variety of some pretty cool POPs that are in stores as well as obviously PR efforts, merchandising efforts, inclusion on the Nintendo Street Teams, so there has been a lot of support for Pikmin. There isn’t a holiday promotion per se that has been announced that features Pikmin, but there has been a very strong marketing campaign so far and that marketing campaign is really going to ramp up in the next week as the game launches on August 30th, so hopefully that answers your question.
Raymond: Great. That’s actually pretty much good to go.
Tom: Cool, thank you. Next question please.
Operator: The question is from the line of Justin Davis with Game Daily.
Justin: I was wondering if the game was designed to allow their players to pick and choose the challenges or the items that they want to retrieve so that if something is too difficult for them they can just move on and still play the rest of the game, but a more hardcore gamer can try to do everything?
Mr. Hino: Yes actually that was one of our focuses was really to give players the freedom to choose how they want to play the game. The first objective of the game which is the primary objective when you first start off is for the player to essentially collect money to repay the loan or the debt that Captain Olimar’s company has fallen into in his absence during Pikmin 1. And so in trying to repay the debt Captain Olimar and Louie go down to the planet on Pikmin 2 and start recovering treasures and doodads that you can find on the surface, which then get evaluated and appraised for how much they are worth.This is the first part of the quest is the player will go through and they can choose how they want to repay that debt. You can either go after the treasures and decide which treasures you’re going to get, whether you’re choosing to get the more difficult ones, or just get the easier ones, or in fact, you could just go underground and play through caves and bring back the corpses of insects and have those essentially go against the debt. Whereas for the more advanced gamer there is kind of the secondary goal of getting every treasure and every item and finding every enemy in the game and that’s definitely going to give players a very long and challenging game to play should they decide to try and accomplish that task.
Tom: Any follow-up Justin?
Justin: Yes, regarding the collection aspects of the game. A lot of comparisons have been made to the trophies where they can sort of view from any angle and I was wondering if that was intentional, or just something that came up as they were developing the game?
Mr. Hino: This is Shigefumi Hino answering and I actually haven’t played Smash Brothers, so I didn't actually try to create the same type of system. Really what the goal was with that was for players to really value the treasures they are collecting in the game and so the idea was to not only give them this option to go in and look at the treasures, but really to do it with a lot of flair and give it some really nice polish as well as give players a lot of text and essentially a very deep back story for each individual item which they can go through and read and get a lot of enjoyment out of.
Justin: All right thanks.
Tom: And then just a quick nod to our localization teams and Bill can maybe give a couple of names, but a lot of the names of the items themselves add a lot of humor and kind of an adventure element to the game. I know that people internally, even though they maybe have a good pool of items, have tried to collect specific items to find out what the names are, or to kind of see if they can find out all the names of the items. Some of the names of the items that you find in the game are very funny. The concept behind the items, their descriptions and their names is that most of the items that are found on the surface are objects that to you and I would seem very normal and the kind of things that we see typically in daily life, but a lot of the humor in the game comes from the fact that Captain Olimar and Louie are looking at these objects as visitors from another planet and then trying to determine precisely what it is that this object, what its intent and purpose was and in that we see some very interesting and humorous interpretations which then lead to some very interesting and humorous names for objects. And I think people who have played the game can attest to it, but some of the writers on the team went all out and pretty much hog wild in naming some very everyday objects with very strange and bizarre names.
Operator: The next question comes from Michael Hobbs from Play Magazine.
Michael: Thanks. The first Pikmin had a great sense of being outside in the way the plants moved and the shadow of the trees and the water and this sort of thing. I was just wondering if any further improvements were made in this area, or if not how have the graphics been altered to differentiate from the first game?
Mr. Hino: This is Shigefumi Hino answering. With Pikmin 2 we had much of the same development staff that we had on Pikmin 1, which from a design standpoint meant we were going with a very similar image in terms of what we wanted to do with the natural world and the game. It made the development and the design process a lot easier, having the same development staff. One thing that we actually struggled with after the release of Pikmin 1 was that we found that when users were asked about how big they thought the Pikmin were, people had very, very different ideas, ranging from just a couple of inches tall to three, five, or six feet tall or more. And so one thing we really wanted to do, because we created the game with the idea that Pikmin are very small things that are running around down at the very lowest level of the environment, one thing that we did with this game was to really stress that. And we did that not so much use technology to do so, but really tried to focus in on the size of the Pikmin in relation to the other objects in the world, using particularly a lot of the branded items that you’ll see in the game. Items that would be familiar to people and creating those in a very realistic way proportional to the Pikmin and to the other items to really get people a stronger sense of the micro scale of the environment that we’re looking at there.
Michael: Thank you.
Tom: Okay great. We have hit about 6:00 p.m. We’ll ask Mr. Hino and Mr. Tezuka if they have anything else that they would like to add at this time.
Mr. Hino: This is Shigefumi Hino and I will start out. As I explained earlier, really I think one of the biggest strengths of Pikmin 2 is the fact that we’ve removed the time limit from the game and in doing so we haven’t just removed the time limit, but we’ve also added in larger maps, more than doubled the enemies of Pikmin 1 and more than doubled the items, so there is a lot more to explore. And players are really free to take their time and no longer have to rush to explore this larger world. Instead they can decide which treasures to go after, which enemies to fight, or they can simply spend a day watching the shadows go by in the world of the Pikmin, or they can sit back and enjoy some of the music and the songs of the Pikmin that we’ve added in. I think people are going to get a lot more enjoyment out of this game simply because we’ve removed the time limit and given them the freedom to do what they want.
Mr. Tezuka: This is Takashi Tezuka, and I really feel that the Pikmin series is something that we here at Nintendo on Mr. Miyamoto’s teams have passionately worked to create a new genre and really try to innovate with. I really think that Pikmin is something that is different from other games; both in the style of game play and how you classify it. Even the music here in Pikmin 2 is something that you really won’t hear in other games. I don’t really know how to classify the music, but we have introduced this kind of bizarre system whereby the Pikmin create their own music as you play the game. We’ve also introduced these new creatures to the game. You can watch them move and you can see them react to the environment and react to the Pikmin and how they go after the Pikmin and you can watch their animation and whatnot and it really feels like the Pikmin world, although it’s in the video game, it feels like it’s own real world and so I really think with Pikmin 2 we’re going to see a lot of people who maybe didn’t play Pikmin 1 who might pick up and play this game and thereby have their interest in the Pikmin series piqued and go back and look at Pikmin 1 and vice-versa. People who have played Pikmin 1 are obviously going to be very excited for this, so I’m really looking forward to seeing how people react to Pikmin 2 and what it can do for the series overall.
Tom: I think this actually completes our teleconference for today. Mr. Tezuka, Mr. Hino and Bill thank you very much for your time, I really appreciate it and for all the media that attended thank you for your time as well. Pikmin 2 will be available on August 30th. |

楼主 |
发表于 13-11-2004 03:32 PM
Five Colors of Pikmin in Six Days
以下是我check mail時﹐看到老任(美)post給我的好康﹐轉載給熱愛Pikmin2的玩家:
We might not be able to help you get rock-hard abs in eight minutes, but we can get you five colors of Pikmin in only six days. How much would you pay for this information? 2,000 Pokos? 4,000 Pokos? During this special offer, we'll tell you how to get five colors of Pikmin at NO CHARGE to you! That's "absolutely free!" As an added bonus, you'll receive information about this potent, Ultra-Spicy Spray free as your gift, even if you decide to return your Pikmin for a full refund. Act now!**
**You may also act later. Offer is not available to bulborbs, giant space rabbits or people without Nintendo GameCubes. Children under 10 should use Ultra-Spicy Spray under adult supervision. Nintendo and its subsidiaries will not be held responsible for hernias and calluses resulting from pulling Pikmin out of the ground too fast. Wear proper attire when pulling Pikmin.
If you are having problems getting red Pikmin, open up your Nintendo GameCube and read the Game Disc it's playing. It probably doesn't read "Pikmin 2." In the first day, you run through the standard tutorial. Once you grow enough Pikmin (and carry a battery back to your ship), your day ends.
In the Valley of Repose, you find all sorts of Pellet Posies. As you discovered in the first day, Pikmin cut down the Pellet Posy and take its cap back to the Onion. The Onion spits out Pikmin seeds in accordance with the number on the cap.
Once you have enough Pikmin, Captain Olimar rounds up the Pikmin to smash the paper bag. You'll notice a little Red Bulborb just beyond the bag and a big, nasty Red Bulborb in the center. Defeat the small Bulborb. Then, sneak behind the big Bulborb and attack it from behind. This gives you a quick kill and you shouldn't lose any Pikmin. Some of the Pikmin will take the creature back to the Onion. Don't forget to grab the treasure, Utter Scrap, along with the Bulborb.
Make the Pikmin tear down the wall that leads to the Emergence Cave. Have Louie round up the Pikmin that brought the Bulborb back and bring them to Olimar to help tear down the wall. After the Pikmin tear down the wall, enter the Emergence Cave.
You won't find any bosses in this cave. However, on the Final Floor, you find Violet Candypop Buds. Throw five Pikmin into the bud, and the bud spits out five purple Pikmin seeds. Purple Pikmin, although much slower than the other Pikmin, can do the work of 10 Pikmin. You will need their brute strength to bring the Spherical Atlas you find back to the ship. (On the second day only, your day ends when you come out of Emergence Cave. Make sure you have all Pikmin under your control before you enter the cave or they will be lost to the creatures of the night.)
Plentiful resources for powering up your Pikmin await you in the new world, Awakening Wood. To the spaceship's left, the Pikmin will cut down a patch of grass. This grass houses several drops of nectar. When Pikmin drink from the nectar, they Pikmin bloom. This makes them travel quicker.
On your way to tearing down the next wall, you'll notice two plants with round, red fruit on them. If you take 10 of those fruit back to the ship, you can make Ultra-Spicy Spray for your Pikmin. When you spray your Pikmin, they become super-powered. If you have some spare time, stock up on your Ultra-Spicy Spray.
Once your Pikmin tear down the wall, enter the Hole of Beasts. On the Final Floor, you encounter the massively massive queen of all Pikmin eaters: Empress Bulblax. Ever had an older brother or sister play a game with you where you were the asphalt and he or she was the steamroller? Empress Bulblax is your big sister. Take some purple Pikmin with you. Toss the Pikmin onto her. If you make all your Pikmin run up to her to attack, she will roll on top of them and crush them. That's not going to make Olimar happy. Toss the Pikmin onto her and whistle them back when she begins her roll. She rolls in a pattern, so pay attention and time your throws.
After you defeat her, you find a handy-dandy metal detector, which is vital for the rest of your journey. It takes 35 Pikmin to carry the metal detector.
Back at Awakening Wood, spend the first part of your day replenishing your Pikmin, getting fruit for Ultra-Spicy Spray and cutting down the grass to get more nectar.
Smash the next paper bag that blocks the way to the White Flower Garden. Take plenty of red Pikmin into the Sublevel with you. In this underground trek, you find several Ivory Candypop Buds. Throw five Pikmin into the bud. The bulb spits out five seeds for white Pikmin. White Pikmin are immune to poison gas, move very fast, can find hidden treasure and poison enemies that eat them. Talk about taking one for the team....
The boss on the final floor is the Burrowing Snagret. It eats three Pikmin at a time. The most effective attack against it is throwing Pikmin at its head as it emerges from the ground (don't forget about your Ultra-Spicy Spray). After you defeat the Snagret, you'll need 15 Pikmin to take the treasure back to the ship.
Once you're back above ground, go to the path across from the paper bag to get the Geographic Projection which gives you access to a new world, Perplexing Pool. Be careful, there's a hungry Creeping Chrysanthemum that waits between you and the Geographic Projection. As your Pikmin dig out the Geographic Projection to carry it back, use whatever other Pikmin remain in your party to build a bride over the water. You'll notice a roll of wood rests at the water's edge. Use the C Stick to push your Pikmin into that roll of wood. The little guys will construct a bridge, giving you quick access to that section of Awakening Wood.
The enemies are tougher (more annoying, at least) at Perplexing Pool, and you'll need some red Pikmin and white Pikmin in order to access the yellow ones.
First, you need to defeat that annoying Swooping Snitchbug. It doesn't kill your Pikmin; it just replants them. After you take the Snitchbug down, you'll sneak up on the Fiery Bulblax and attack him with your reds. Since he's a "fiery" one, your deductive reasoning should tell you that your other Pikmin will burn up on contact with him. Once its gone this clears the path for your white Pikmin to tear down the wall to the yellow Pikmin. Because you probably don't have that many whites, this is going to take awhile.
You can feel free to gather up your other Pikmin and build another bridge. This one is on the backside of the giant tree stump. Once the white Pikmin have done their job, grow as many yellow Pikmin as you can before the day ends.
Travel back to Awakening Wood. Have Olimar take as many yellows as he can to a small plateau to the north. On the the plateau is an electrified fence that leads to the blue Pikmin. Toss all of your yellow Pikmin onto the plateau. Walk Olimar around the corner and through the water to reach the plateau. Whistle the yellow Pikmin over and have them start knocking down the fence.
While this is happening, switch to Louie. Have him gather some Pikmin and do the daily chores of growing more Pikmin, cutting the grass to get the nectar and collect fruit for the Ultra-Spicy Spray. Soon enough, the yellows will tear down the fence and Olimar can start growing the blue Pikmin.
See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now the rest is up to you. |
发表于 21-6-2005 11:10 AM
pikmin 3听说会在任天堂次世代主机推出!买定了!最近又重玩PIMKIN 2,还是这么好玩! |
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