发表于 11-6-2006 01:29 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 01:27 AM 发表
符合市场每日的需求。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 01:42 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 01:29 AM 发表
哈芝节时宰杀牛羊,然后分给贫穷的家庭。而不是随意可以宰杀的。 |
发表于 11-6-2006 01:50 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 01:42 AM 发表
为何要选择哈芝节时宰杀牛羊,然后分给贫穷的家庭呢?而平时贫穷的家庭没有得到这些牛羊呢? |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 01:52 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 01:09 AM 发表
如果地方不需要多妻,比如男女数目平等,那么多妻的规则就不被鼓励的。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 01:54 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 01:50 AM 发表
please don't be narrow minded. if Haji Day can sembelih cows and sheep and then donate to the poor, that means the other day also can do so. As in Islam we have to help poors. Only that Hari raya Haji is more encourage to do donation. |
发表于 11-6-2006 01:55 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 01:54 AM 发表
please don't be narrow minded. if Haji Day can sembelih cows and sheep and then donate to the poor, that means the other day also can do so. As in Islam we have to help poors. Only that Hari ra ...
那么回归我的问题:请问sayang kepada nyawa只是对我们家里养的猫比较适合,而对牛羊没有吗? |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:02 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 01:52 AM 发表
4)答:现在有合法女佣。 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:04 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 01:59 AM 发表
U don't eat meat? U don't eat fish? U don't eat prawns or any seafoods? Or you don't eat vegetables?
只是可以回答你:当你吃牛羊时,记得你养的猫。 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:05 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 02:01 AM 发表
Does it mean that people who eat vegetable means he tidak sayang kepada tumbuh-tumbuhan? Or the people who eat fish tidak sayang kepada ikan?
Do people eat cats?
请问慈悲在回教里是什麽定义呢? |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:06 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 01:58 AM 发表
yes, Islam teach those rich people MUST/COMPULSORY to give out Zakat (money donation) to help the poors. Which is Zakat Fitrah, Zakat Perniagaan and Zakat Harta Simpanan, Zakat Emas dan Perak, ...
请问贪污在回教里头会是什麽罪呢? |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:21 AM
原帖由 iamxman2 于 10-6-2006 11:15 PM 发表
那 ...
我之前是跟着父母崇拜观音,然后入基督。之前也有接触回教的真理和逻辑,也蛮有兴趣的。尤其是那些在1,400年前启示的古兰经,现在可以用科学去证实的。比如以前的人没有科学知识,不知道月亮和地球是在轨道环绕的,可是古兰经启示了他们都在轨道上环绕、太阳为中心、地球的斜度、四季的造成、地球旋转的速度等等,那时其他国家还相信星星和月亮是用绳子吊的呢!还有古兰经诉说到黑洞,星星的产生,宇宙的由来等等。这些也吸引了我。最深刻的时,古兰经启示我们的太阳系共有11个星球。之前科学确实有9颗,然后最近发现第10颗。我深信将来一定会发现第11颗的。因为阿拉制造的万物,他是无所不知的。 还有我阅读到,在西方没发达前,回教已经有文明了。他们能够发明各种各样的仪器,比如计算太阳的速度,使用太阳寻找Ka'bah的方向,科学,生物学,数学,化学,甚至回教国开启第一间的医院。那时西方还在黑暗世界呢。这些全部都是在古兰经内一点一点挖出来的研究知识。还有现代临界的计算程序一些都是来自回教徒的发明。
回教不是一个只会拜神的宗教。而是生活方式,它的教诲,甚至从怎样照顾身心,到政治都包含了全体性的教导。不管在那里,地球或宇宙,回教的教导是适合全体的。回教也是适合不分种族肤色的全部人类的。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:30 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 02:04 AM 发表
i know u mean is, when ppl eat the meat, people do not belas kasihan at the animal rite?
i want to ask you, what is the sheep and cow being created for? for decoration? or for fun?
when you eat vegetable, remember your roses at your garden. |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:35 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 02:30 AM 发表
i know u mean is, when ppl eat the meat, people do not belas kasihan at the animal rite?
i want to ask you, what is the sheep and cow being created for? for decoration? or for fun?
when y ...
牛在兴都教里是神,不能屠杀。佛教认为六道轮回之理,而畜生是其中之一。请问回教如何认为牛羊是上帝提供的食物呢? |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:36 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 02:05 AM 发表
Belas kasihan in islam is not only to human only, but to all the creatures including plants and animals.
That is why when we want to sembelih a cow, Islam teaches us to kill the cow at the way that the cow easy to die. Supaya the cow do not experience the pain, or to reduce the pain for it to die.
Such as sharpern the knife so that when cutting the neck, it will be easier for the cow to die. And when we are sharpening, we are not allow to sharpen in front of the cow.
Also, we are not allow to pull the cow's leg or tighten it up then kick it to the place for slaughtering. We have to lead the cow in a good manner, to the place of slaughter, and slowly lying down the cow.
Also, we have to slaughter the cow in the name of Allah.
Compare to the way of other people slaughtering, some people using electric to kill the animal. Or maybe throw the animal to the ground so that it will bleed and then slaughter cruely. |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:38 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 02:06 AM 发表
Yes, Rasuah is a dosa. Allah curses those people who give rasuah and those people receiving rasuah. At the day of judgement, they will be throw into the hellfire, and those things that they rasuah will be turned into hot metal liquid and then pour onto their face. |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:40 AM
原帖由 第一论坛 于 11-6-2006 02:35 AM 发表
if it is not for food, then what is it for? Tell me, please.
only hindusm assume cow is their god, does it mean the cow who created the universe, the sun, the moon, you, or me, and those people who eat them? |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:41 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 02:27 AM 发表
1) then check at hospital, if the husband problem, then no choice have to get a adopted child.
2) that the other problem, it's not the problem of poligami. whether is the problem of the wife that she don't want to divorce or she prefer her husband have a perempuan simpanan
3) that's y, if malaysia not a war area, then poligami is no needed. Poligami in islam doesn't mean that poligami only in malaysia. How many percent poligami in malaysia? only a few.
4) try to read newspaper, wat happen to those maid? kill the master, torture the child, or steal the money. We are now looking at the effect of having a maid,not the aid of maid itself.
4)我只知道常常听见的一句话:Itu Takdir Tuhan。 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:43 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 02:36 AM 发表
Belas kasihan in islam is not only to human only, but to all the creatures including plants and animals.
That is why when we want to sembelih a cow, Islam teaches us to kill the cow at the way that the cow easy to die. Supaya the cow do not experience the pain, or to reduce the pain for it to die.
Such as sharpern the knife so that when cutting the neck, it will be easier for the cow to die. And when we are sharpening, we are not allow to sharpen in front of the cow.
Also, we are not allow to pull the cow's leg or tighten it up then kick it to the place for slaughtering. We have to lead the cow in a good manner, to the place of slaughter, and slowly lying down the cow.
Also, we have to slaughter the cow in the name of Allah.
Compare to the way of other people slaughtering, some people using electric to kill the animal. Or maybe throw the animal to the ground so that it will bleed and then slaughter cruely.
请问你们有禁止小孩在屠杀牛羊的地点出现吗? |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:44 AM
原帖由 presa1200 于 11-6-2006 02:38 AM 发表
Yes, Rasuah is a dosa. Allah curses those people who give rasuah and those people receiving rasuah. At the day of judgement, they will be throw into the hellfire, and those things that they ras ...
请问回教如何认为牛羊是上帝提供的食物呢?而回教如何断定猫不是上帝提供的食物呢? |
楼主 |
发表于 11-6-2006 02:47 AM
4)我只知道常常听见的一句话:Itu Takdir Tuhan。
1) Islam reserve the dignity of the women. Do you think that the women can be like a prostitute having so many husband?
2) Thats y Islam put as AN OPTION for that problem. So instead of their divorce/the husband having a perempuan simpanan, they have another better option. This is the teaching of islam.
3) If you're coming from bandar, please use the Internet to search for the percentage of Polygamy in Malaysia then you'll have your answer right away. Since when did i say that only islam allow poligami, other religion not?
4) What is the relation between your answer with my statement?
If you really honestly want to discuz about Islam, please be more realistic. |
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