发表于 24-6-2007 02:15 PM
回复 #60 一头莽牛 的帖子
是否表示,如果esos股票上市而又不见卖盘,证明员工知道他真正的价值。 |
发表于 24-6-2007 08:02 PM
回复 #61 33333 的帖子
这还要看esos 是什么价钱。。。subcribe。 |
发表于 24-6-2007 08:55 PM
发表于 24-6-2007 09:16 PM
回复 #63 新立机构 的帖子
请问esos 员工最多可申请多少?几时上市?
如果公司没有给花红,卖盘肯定有,毕竟这是最好的花红(RM1.28 perlot) 以现在RM 7 ++ 来算,花红就肥咯
不知favco 也有esos吗? |
发表于 24-6-2007 11:19 PM
发表于 24-6-2007 11:37 PM
原帖由 一头莽牛 于 24-6-2007 09:16 PM 发表
请问esos 员工最多可申请多少?几时上市?
如果公司没有给花红,卖盘肯定有,毕竟这是最好的花红(RM1.28 perlot) 以现在RM 7 ++ 来算,花红就肥咯
如果我等钱用就卖,不然就当放deposit。。。慢慢滚 ...
原帖由 33333 于 24-6-2007 11:19 PM 发表
ESOS是没得申请的, 它只给员工。公司的董事部是依据员工的职位与服务年限而给于的。也可以说是公司对于员工的一种肯定。这一批的雇员认股计划可以在八月分阶段认购。在认购之後的一个月内会把认购的数额放入员工的CDS户口里。到时要卖要留是个人的决定。 |
发表于 24-6-2007 11:58 PM
回复 #66 新立机构 的帖子
这个esos 我懂,所以我说 。。。请问esos “员工”最多可申请多少?
无论如何,谢谢提供资料。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-6-2007 01:34 AM
原帖由 一头莽牛 于 24-6-2007 11:58 PM 发表
这个esos 我懂,所以我说 。。。请问esos “员工”最多可申请多少?
担心private placement 吧!
22-06-2007: Rosy outlook for Muhibbah
MuhibbahEngineering’s (RM7.25) share price has performed exceedingly well – upover 10 times – since we first recommended them in October 2005. Whilefurther upside may be more limited over the near term after such astrong rally, its growth prospects and operating outlook remain veryattractive, and we maintain our “buy” recommendation.
Muhibbah’s recentresults for first quarter financial year (FY) December 2007 (1Q07) wereahead of expectations, accounting for 30% of our earlier full-yearforecast. We expect the coming quarters to be even stronger as workgets underway at its Yemen LNG project.
For 1Q07, pre-taxprofit rose 70% to RM19.3 million, while net profit increased 51% toRM14.6 million, or 9.8 sen per share. However, revenue fell 14% toRM252.8 million due to timing issues as 1Q06 included the Jurong OilTerminal project in Singapore (completed in 3Q06), and the delivery ofseveral large, but low-margin, cranes to China.
Profitability growthduring the quarter was broad-based. Construction reversed from a lossof RM300,000 to a profit of RM3.4 million, while profits rose 64% toRM4.1 million for the crane division, 60% to RM3.7 million for theshipyard division and 19% to RM8.1 million for concessions.
In terms of segmentalprofit contribution, 43% came from concessions, 21% from cranes, 19%from shipyards and 17% from infrastructure and construction.
Large order book
Muhibbah’s total group order book now stands at a significantRM2.11 billion, up 50% from RM1.41 billion at end-2006, and RM810million at end-2005. Of this amount, RM1.3 billion is fromconstruction, RM471 million from cranes and RM322 million fromshipyards.
Some of the recentnotable contracts secured this year include the RM450 million petroleumhub and bunkering facility near Tanjung Pelepas and gas pipe layingworks in Sudan worth RM41 million.
The RM581 millionYemen LNG project secured in September 2006 is currently at the designand engineering stage and should make positive contributions in thecoming quarters when construction begins. This is the single largestproject in its order book.
Favourable outlook
Muhibbah’s past internal restructuring efforts and its focus onserving the oil & gas-related sector has paid off well, as thegroup secured more projects and increased its margins and efficiency.It is becoming a very reputable player, and is standing tall againstlarger, international competitors.
All major divisionsare seeing good growth and enjoy a favourable operating outlook. Withstrong growth in the oil & gas industry, Muhibbah’s technicalexpertise will place it in a good position to secure even more jobs.Some 81% of its order-book are related to the oil & gas industry.
The company’s largeorder book (equivalent to two years’ revenue) will underpin earningsgoing forward. We expect stronger growth for the rest of the year asmore of its projects get underway, particularly the Yemen LNG andTanjung Pelepas projects.
The shipyard divisionin particular is also witnessing strong growth, with its order bookrising to RM322 million in May 2007, compared with RM191 million atend-2006 and just RM70 million at end-2005. As a result, Muhibbah isexpanding its 8.48ha site in Klang to include an adjoining 20ha.
The Cambodian airportconcessions also continue to enjoy robust growth. There are plans toexpand the Siem Reap airport to cope with demand, while works areongoing to expand the runway of its third airport in Sihanoukville.International passenger growth was a robust 36% in 1Q07 for the twoCambodian airports, led by a 39% surge in arrivals to Siem Reap.
Forecasts raised
We are raising our 2007-08 forecasts by 20% and 28%, respectively,to take into account its recently secured new projects and an expandingorder book. We expect net profit to rise 72% to RM58.1 million, or 38.8sen per share, in 2007. For 2008, we expect net profit to rise 19% toRM69 million, or 46.1 sen per share.
Since we firstrecommended them in October 2005, Muhibbah’s shares have surged over 10times, not including dividends and capital gains from Favelle Favco’sIPO exercise. Favelle Favco’s share price, in turn has nearlyquadrupled from its 55 sen IPO price to RM2.06, boosting return forMuhibbah’s shareholders as well as supporting its underlying assetvalue.
As it stands,Muhibbah’s shares appear fairly valued relative to the broader market,but are still not too expensive relative to the oil & gas sector.Its shares are trading at P/E multiples of 18.7 and 15.7 times 2007-08earnings. There is ample scope for further earnings upgrades given itspositive news flow and success at securing new contracts. We maintainour “buy” call. |
发表于 25-6-2007 05:18 PM
回复 #68 hdcyng 的帖子
谢拉, 这个我也看到。。。
等着瞧吧。:@ :@ :@ |
发表于 25-6-2007 10:56 PM
7。00 最低还去到6。9。 6.50左右我会买进 |
发表于 26-6-2007 10:08 AM
发表于 26-6-2007 10:15 AM
发表于 26-6-2007 10:37 AM
Favelle Favco - Contract Award
Update 一下。。。
The Board of Directors of FFB is pleased to announce that Favelle Favco Cranes (M) Sdn Bhd and Favelle Favco Cranes Pty Ltd both wholly-owned subsidiaries of FFB had, on 25 June 2007, accepted the following purchase orders ("Contracts" from Sime Darby Engineering Sdn Bhd and Marr Contracting Pty Ltd respectively :-
Contracts secured by Customer Brief description of the Contracts Contracts value Duration of the Contracts
Favelle Favco Cranes (M) Sdn Bhd Sime Darby Engineering Sdn Bhd Supply of 2 units Offshore Cranes RM 9,596,928 15 – 18 months,
which is expected to be delivered by end 2008
Favelle Favco Cranes Pty Ltd Marr Contracting Pty Ltd Supply of 2 units Tower Cranes AUD 8,486,880 9 – 12 months,
which is expected to be delivered by mid 2008
在这quarter结术前,再来两张contracts , 劲!!! |
发表于 26-6-2007 10:41 AM
回复 #73 一头莽牛 的帖子
见谅。。。 |
发表于 26-6-2007 10:51 AM
Favco 是只好股, 可惜放掉了。 |
发表于 26-6-2007 02:14 PM
发表于 26-6-2007 03:02 PM
原帖由 33333 于 26-6-2007 02:14 PM 发表
噢, 不迟, 不迟,还是可以进货。 |
楼主 |
发表于 26-6-2007 08:39 PM
睦興旺2年內競標百億工程 | 推薦給朋友 列印 | updated:2007-06-26 12:41:09 MYT
另一方面,市場盛傳該公司有望取得泛半島輸送管計劃(TPP)合約,麥彥文表示該公司尚未競標,但不排除稍後會參與投標。他說:“我們將在政府公開工程競標時研究細節,方決定是否參與競標。” (星洲日報/財經•2007.06.26) |
发表于 26-6-2007 10:29 PM
回复 #78 hdcyng 的帖子
买favco没分享到mihibah的利益,买母股就会分享到子公司的利益 |
楼主 |
发表于 27-6-2007 10:40 PM
原帖由 33333 于 26-6-2007 02:14 PM 发表
pdated:2007-06-27 19:43:18 MYT

Mirax是俄國建築和產業發展集團,此項合作有助該公司參與當地基建工程,進一步拓展全球營收基礎。 (星洲日報/財經•2007.06.27) |
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