发表于 29-11-2018 04:37 PM
还有人在找admiral residence吗?我手上有一间block A 的 corner unit 3+1 (1159 sqft)要脱手 楼层是25th 忍痛割爱 被迫放手 SPA RM 396,500 有rebate 保证你现在找不到比我手上更便宜的unit 欲知详情 请私聊我 或者 联络 014-9341494
hi there, are you interested in admiral residence melaka? I currently have one block A 25th floor corner unit, sea view 3+1 rooms to let go. SPA price Rm396,500. willing to let go at a cheaper price, guarantee lowest price in market. let me know if you want to know more, thanks