【Xbox One】Halo 5: Guardians 【秋季更新推送】

楼主 |
发表于 27-10-2015 11:34 PM
发表于 28-10-2015 02:15 PM

楼主 |
发表于 28-10-2015 04:42 PM

楼主 |
发表于 29-10-2015 12:51 AM
Halo 5 - 100% 任务情报【收集成就】

楼主 |
发表于 30-10-2015 01:51 PM
Halo 5主题拉面馆(香港) 铜锣湾登龙街,沙田新城市广场或尖沙咀棉登径,人气拉面店「豚王」已经化身成「Halo 5: Guardians主题拉面馆」? 更特制期间限定的「Xbox x豚王限定王拉面」于10月25日至11月30日推出。各位机迷不容错过!请密切留意我地Facebook专页公布更多有得食有得玩详情!
转自Xbox HK Facebook

楼主 |
发表于 31-10-2015 04:16 PM
精英手柄充电底座和 Halo 5 限定配件 精英手柄也有自己预设好的一下游戏大作的按键配置。限定的 Halo 5 主题摇杆配件、拨片配件和十字键配件 12 月发售,售价 USD$29.99。另外还有充电底座,1400mAh,售价 USD$39.99,本月发售。

楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2015 02:35 PM
英国 Halo 5 首周销量比第二名的《刺客》高出 50%
英国 Chart-Track 公司发布的数据,Halo 5 在英国的首周光盘版销量,是第二名的周五发售的《刺客信条:枭雄》的 1.5 倍。该数据与 NPD 一样,无法统计数字版的销量。
Xbox One exclusive Halo 5: Guardians topped the UK all-format charts for its debut week of release.
Impressively, Halo 5 earned 50 per cent more sales than multi-platform launch Assassin's Creed Syndicate did last week.
It's worth noting that Halo 5 launched on a Tuesday, so had three days longer on sale than Syndicate.
UK numbers company Chart-Track, which does not include download sales, did not comment on Halo 5's performance versus other numbered Halo titles, but it's fair to say Halo 5 did not match the sales performance of Halo 4. Although that isn't too surprising - Halo 4 launched in 2012 on Xbox 360, with a far larger and more mature sales base. Xbox One is just two years old.
Halo 5 also earned 50 per cent more launch week sales than last year's Halo: Master Chief Collection.
Syndicate is second this week, ahead of FIFA 16 and new release WWE 2K15.
The retail version of Minecraft: Story Mode launched in sixth place.
Grand Theft Auto 5, Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection, Watch Dogs, Lego Dimensions and Lego Jurassic World rounded out the rest of the top 10.
UK chart top 10
1.Halo 5: Guardians
2.Assassin's Creed Syndicate
3.FIFA 16
4.WWE 2K16
5.Minecraft: Story Mode
6.Grand Theft Auto 5
7.Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection
8.Watch Dogs
9.Lego Dimensions
10.Lego Jurassic World

楼主 |
发表于 3-11-2015 09:16 PM
哈佬5 已下载!近来真的多game玩…没命了。 

楼主 |
发表于 5-11-2015 09:23 AM
Halo 5流言終結者Part 01 谢谢DefendTheHouse再次為大家破解各項Halo 5的流言

楼主 |
发表于 6-11-2015 08:54 AM
拜六周日谁要coop就呼唤我,什么难度都可以。 |
发表于 6-11-2015 06:17 PM
这是愤怒的祖(Angry Joe)的评测,他对这个游戏蛮愤怒下。。 
[youtube]ahRDm9Bwlyc[/youtube] |

楼主 |
发表于 6-11-2015 09:29 PM
这个模式将在大马时间今天晚上开启直到周一,将提供更多的经验,地图为竞技场模式的地图(不包括 Breakout 模式)。
- 在所有模式里移除 Orion 地图,等改好了再上线
- 调整多人游戏的重生点
- 增加新的模式和地图到配对地图模式轮选中
- Coliseum
- The Rig
- Plaza
- Eden
- Empire
- Regret
Capture the Flag
- Coliseum
- Truth
- Fathom
- Empire(新增地图)
- The Rig
- Eden
- Empire
- Plaza(新增地图)
- Coliseum
- The Rig
- Plaza
- Regret
- Truth(新增地图)
- Empire(新增地图)
- Fathom
- Pegasus(新增地图)
- Eden
- Pegasus
- The Rig
- Plaza
- Regret
- Empire
- Fathom(新增地图)
- Coliseum(新增地图)
- Truth(新增地图)
- Eden
- Pegasus
- The Rig
- Plaza
- Regret
- Empire(新增地图)
- Fathom(新增地图)
- Coliseum(新增地图)
- Truth(新增地图)
新闻来源:Halo Waypoint

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2015 08:05 AM

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2015 03:29 PM

楼主 |
发表于 13-11-2015 11:42 PM
下月大型团队杀戮 BTB 模式上线
《光环 5》光与影主题月来临,更新内容如下:
- 新的忍者盔甲
- 传奇版先行者光线步枪
- 大型团队杀戮 Big Team Battle
- 新的刺杀动作
- 新的螳螂号涂装
新闻来源:Halo Waypoint |

楼主 |
发表于 19-11-2015 10:33 AM
Halo 5 十一月 6.2GB 内容更新已上线
Halo 5 十一月免费更新「光与影之战 | Battle of Shadow and Light」已经上线,6.2GB。
这次更新带来 8v8 的大型团队模式 (BTB),有四张 Forge 编辑器制作的 H2、H3、H4 重制版地图 Deadlock、Basin、Guillotine、Recurve。同时更新了 48 张征募卡,有盔甲、传奇武器、武器涂装、徽章、刺杀动作等。
另外,本次更新修复了部分手柄在 Halo 5 的瞄准问题,原因是不同批次手柄的固件有影响。
The Battle of Shadow and Light Content Update, our first drop of free content goodness for Halo 5: Guardians, is now available. The next time you log in, you will be prompted to download this update.
The following are included:
◾Added 48 new REQs, including new armors, helmets, weapon skins, weapon and vehicle variants, a new visor and assassination, and new emblems. See below for a breakdown of what’s included.
◾Added Big Team Battle playlist to Arena matchmaking
◾Added BTB (Big Team Battle) Capture the Flag, Strongholds, and Slayer to matchmaking and custom games. The mode details are as follows:
For all BTB game types, the Motion Tracker is the same size as Warzone at 25m (larger than the Arena Motion Tracker), and match length is 16 minutes.
◾BTB CTF – Score to win: 3 Captures
◾BTB Strongholds – Score to win: 150 points
◾BTB Slayer – Score to win: 100 points
Added 4 new BTB maps, also available in both matchmaking and custom games:
◾Basin by the 343 Multiplayer team
◾Deadlock by Nokyard & the 343 Multiplayer Team
◾Guillotine by The Psycho Duck & the 343 Multiplayer Team
◾Recurve by The Fated Fire & the 343 Multiplayer Team
◾Fixed an aiming issue that could occur due to variance in controller hardware. Head here (Halo 5 Aiming & Controllers) for more details.
◾Made a variety of tuning tweaks to Warzone Assault, including the below. Head here (Warzone Assault Tuning Changes) for more details.
- Faster REQ leveling
- Decreased base capture time from 20 seconds to 16 seconds
- Reduced starting grenade count to 1
◾Added the “deliver” nav point for vehicle drivers who have a friendly flag carrier as a passenger.
◾Fixed an issue where players were able to use the driver and gunner seats while holding the flag. Now, the flag carrier can only sit in the passenger seat.
◾Improved Post-Game-Carnage-Report consistency.
(almost) All REQS
The following new REQs are included with the Battle of Shadow and Light update – as a note, it may take some time for these REQs to populate through the REQ System, as they’ll be rolling out over time.

楼主 |
发表于 3-12-2015 06:49 PM

楼主 |
发表于 4-12-2015 05:10 PM
343 发布了 12 月的免费内容更新的预告片。这次的重要内容是 Forge 编辑器模式、新的竞技场、战区地图。新卡牌包括盔甲、徽章、武器等,经典的 M41 火箭筒会加入。 |

楼主 |
发表于 6-12-2015 10:46 AM

楼主 |
发表于 10-12-2015 09:30 AM
H5 今天送的两个圣诞徽章:
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