有一个普遍的呼吸问题, 过于紧张腹部肌肉使你不能得到一个深呼吸
And, Dr. Hendricks says, “there is one universal breathing problem: the tendency to hold your belly muscles too tense so you can’t get a deep breath down into the center of your body.’
Move your spine. “Babies can lie in a crib all day without getting a backache because they move their spines with each breath,” says Dr. Hendricks. “We tend to hold ourselves more stiffly as we age.” Loosen up. With each in-breath, let your spine move away from the chairback (if you’re sitting) or away from the floor if you’re lying on your back. On each out-breath, let it flatten against the chair or floor.
曹家套路 Cho Ga Forms and Methods
小念头 Siu Lin Tao Small Training Method
碎打 Soi Da Random Striking
追打 Tsui Da
木人桩 Muk Yan Jong Wooden Dummy
六点半棍十三枪 Luk Dim Poon Gwan Sap Sam Cheung Six and Half Point Pole Thirteen Spear
六点半棍 Luk Dim Poon Gwan Six and Half Point Pole
人子八暂刀 Yan Yee Baht Jam Do Man Character Eight Slashing Knives
五轮马 Ng Lung Ma Five Interchangeable Stances
十三手 Sup Sam Sao (San Sao) Thirteen Hands
单黐手 Dan Chi Sao Single Hand Sticky Hands
黐八点 Chi Bat Dim Eight Sticking Points
双黐手 Seung Chi Sao Double Hand Sticky Hands
四门手 Say Mun Sau Four Door Fist
红船戏班 Hung Suen Wing Chun Forms
大花拳 Dai Fa Kuen Big Flower Fist
小花拳 Siu Fa Kuen Small Flower Fist
脱手寻桥 Tuet Sau Chum Kiu Let Loose and Seek the Bridge
六点半棍十三枪 Luk Dim Poon Gwan Sap Sam Cheung Six and Half Point Pole Thirteen Spear
六点半棍 Luk Dim Poon Gwan Six and Half Point Pole
蝴蝶花刀 Wu Dip Fa Do Double Flower Knives
" I have been fortunate to study completely the Yik Kam Siu Lien Taosystem, which in my opinion, is probably the forerunner to today'sversion of Wing Chun.
This system is unique because it emphasizes thebody structure, much as I do in my Wing Chun, and that it is composed of one set that embodies the three forms in Yip Man Wing Chun.