这是从maybank2u copy的term and condition. 要agree才能看online bill statement.
The Maybank2u.com eStatements Service (the "Service" is provided by Malayan Banking
("Maybank", "we" and "us" under Maybank2u.com. These Terms of Use describe the terms and
conditions for any use of the Service. You shall signify your agreement to the terms and conditions
contained herein and accept responsibility for your use of the Service by clicking on the "Accept"
button appearing at the end of these Terms of Use. You should read these Terms of Use carefully
before you click the "Accept" button and accept them. If you click the "Cancel" button, you will not
be enrolled in the Service.
Please note that usage of the Service is subject to all applicable laws and regulations and that
these Terms of Use are to be read together with the terms and condition of the Maybank2u.com
Internet Banking Services and the Maybank2u.com Terms and Conditions of Access.
Unauthorised access and use of the Service is strictly forbidden.
7. Paper Statements
(a) You acknowledge that upon your enrolment to the Service and unless expressly stipulated
by Maybank or unless alternative arrangements has been made with Maybank in
accordance with (c) below, My Statements of your Accounts shall replace paper
statements, notices, advise and reminders previously mailed or otherwise provided to you
by Maybank.
(b) Maybank shall in relation to such Accounts cease to provide you with hard copies of its
statements, notices, advice and reminders for as long as you are enrolled in the Service.
The foregoing however shall not apply to the service or delivery of demands, notices or
other documents which are required to be served prior to commencing legal proceedings.
(c) In the event that you nevertheless wish to continue to receive paper statements, notices,
advice and reminders in relation to those selected Accounts from Maybank, please
contact Maybank at the contact details stipulated in Clause 15 and submit a formal
request for the same. You acknowledge that Maybank shall have the right to impose
charges in relation to such paper statements, notices, advice and reminders.
(d) For the avoidance of doubt and unless otherwise expressly stipulated by Maybank, the
foregoing shall not apply to paper statements, notices and reminders in relation to
Accounts managed and operated by other companies within the Maybank Group or in
relation to Bills of Billers, whereby issuance of hard copies of such statements is at the
discretion of such parties and is based on your arrangement with them.
Note: Upon acceptance of the Terms & Conditions, you will no longer be receiving your
current, savings and credit card hardcopy statements. However, you will be able to
view, print & download your statements online by using Maybank2u.com |