Playing futsal with a formation is as important as in playing in a normal football game. All the time, we often hear about formations in football, be it 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-1-2-1-2. Futsal also have it's formation with it's 4 players. YES! 4 players can have it's formation. In fact, lesser the amount of player, lesser the amount of formation possibilities (Simple maths probability).
Below i'm going share the 2 basic and most common formation in futsal, which is the:-
1. Box Shape (2-2) Formation
2. Diamond Shape (1-2-1) Formation
And also the 2 basic formation for attacking and defending, which is the:-
3. ATT Y-Shape (1-1-2) Formation
4. DEF Y-Shape (2-1-1) Formation
1. Box Shape (2-2) Formation
Below is a picture on how this formation looks like
2 down players supporting each other while the other 2 top players will either drop down to support or just wait to receive a threat ball pass to them.
1.This formation is simple and most of the time used by alot of teams. Pretty like a default formation for all beginners.
2. 2 man below can compliment each other by passing between themselves whenever an opponent is coming to attempt to steal the ball or to release the pass to your flanks.
3. 2 man below can attempt to create a 1-2 run to dominate the middle area of the court
Once the 1-2 pass is completed, basically you have modified the formation from a Box-Shape (2-2) Formation to a Y-shape (1-1-2) Formation.
1. Passing dependent. Especially accurate short passes.
2. Need to wait and lure your opponent players to your half of your side.
3. Very dependent on your other teammates to run into open spaces to either play a 1-2 pass back to him or to create a dummy run for you to pass to your 2 top players ontop.
2. Diamond Shape (1-2-1) Formation
Below is a picture on how this formation looks like
1 fix player playing the holding down position with 2 flankers and 1 top pivot striker.
1. Flexible for the last man to release the ball to his flankers.
2. This formation provides space to move.
1. Heavy pressure to the last man may result in the last man losing possession and give chance to the opponent to score
2. Dependable on the last man to be able to execute precise threat balls to his flankers
3. Dependable on the flankers to lost their marker for the last man to release the ball.
3. ATT Y-Shape (1-1-2) Formation
Below is a picture on how this formation looks like
1 fix player playing the holding down position with 2 flankers and 1 holding player in the middle.
1. Fully utilize the triangle to keep the option open.
2. Last man can play the ball to their flankers.
3. Flankers have option to either:-
a) go with an attack for a shot on goal
b) play back the ball to the middle for the middle to take a shot or for a 1-2 run
c) play the ball to switch side to the other flanker
3. Middle holding player have option of:-
a) take the shot if there's space
b) play it back to flankers *left or right
c) set the ball for your last man to either for him to take a shot or pass back to last man whenever you think you are pressured and your flankers are marked.
4. DEF Y-Shape (2-1-1) Formation
Below is a picture on how this formation looks like
3 players covering the mid, left and right side while 1 player on top serves as a pressure
1. Most simple defensive formation, it's save and it covers the left, right side, middle and top middle.
2. Good formation for you to counter attack since you have 1 man on top in the mid line.
1. At times the top man is beaten and the 3 remaining players need to be defending against 4 incoming players.
2. If the top man is not pressuring and forcing the opponent to release the ball, then it's no use.
3. If the remaining bottom 3 players do not effectively mark their players, then it's no use.
Below are some of the variation of formation that can easily be modified into whenever the need rises to change. Changing formation fast and choosing the right formation when dealing with various situation are very essential in the total gameplay of a futsal team.
5. ATT T-Shape (1-3) Formation
6. DEF T-Shape (3-1) Formation
7. DEF Flat-Shape (4) Formation
8. DEF Box-Shape (2-2) Formation
There are many pros and cons for each different formation mentioned above but different formation are useful in tackling against other formations. So a team with the ability to notice loopholes and weaknesses in a team's formation will choose to exploit it.
Alot of good futsal teams have a very efficient system of formation and various 'plays' which they have practice and drilled themselves. Plays are a different subject all together. Imagine players are notes of a key, formations are like musical chords and plays are actually a piece of music or a symphony.
Hopefully some of my words here can strike a chord within you all so that you all can get a clear big picture. There's alot of factors involve this game and knowing that makes me loving this game more and more... Hope it the same goes with you all...
Added on October 15, 2008, 3:42 amHi. Since i can't sleep so i decided to add another topic which covers the issue on defending. Was just after a mamak conversation between my 2 friends after futsal session in pan global. We were talking about how top college futsal teams like HELP, whereby the runs they play are mean to confuse the other team's man-marking system. So here's my intake on defending methods.
1. Man-to-man Marking
2. Zone Defense:-
a) Box-Shape (2-2) Zone Defense
b) Y-Shape (2-1-1) Zone Defense
c) T-Shape (3-1) Zone Defense
d) Flat-Shape (4) Zone Defense
1. Man-to-man Marking
Basically the whole idea is everyone in the team except the keeper takes 1 person to mark. Player have to follow and cover the angle and to tackle whenever has the chance and to prevent the person being marked to passed by. Marking and off-ball player will prevent the person from getting a pass from his teammate.
2. Zone Defense
This method of defense is delegating players to assign them to guard a particular zone. Whoever enter the player's zone, it is the player's responsibility to mark and follow or pressure him. There are various zone defense which uses the various formation as i mentioned in my previous post. Below are some of the various Zone Defense.
a) Box-Shape (2-2) Zone Defense
b) Y-Shape (2-1-1) Zone Defense
c) T-Shape (3-1) Zone Defense
d) Flat-Shape (4) Zone Defense
From the diagram above, we can try to ponder and make known on each zone defense system of it's forte and also it's weakness. None the less, knowing too much but don't implement the knowledge it's pretty useless too. As my friend quoted "The best tactic is defend, pass the ball and score"