Take several deep breaths ~ and state this invocation out loud in a quiet place ~ you could just read it silently but I prefer it as a statement ~ try not to do this on the subway as it might draw undue attention to you ~ just teasing ~ not! ; )
"I call Forth, Djwal Khul, Lord Melchizedek, Vywamus, and the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy to anchor the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program, to remove all core fear from my subconscious mind, 4 and 12 body system, chakras, and energy fields, from this life and all my past lives.
Please remove all fears that block my ascension, all fears that go against my ascension agenda, please remove all doubt, jealousy, envy, anger, hatred, superiority, inferiorority, selfishness, separative thinking, separation, judgment, condemnation, anxiety, depression, fear of all the animal kingdoms, fear of death and dying, poverty consciousness, fear of failure, false pride, unworthiness,
Please remove all fear based programming in a generalized sense. I ask that these fears also be removed from the soul records.
Please replace all these fears that have been removed with core love. I ask that these fears be removed at night while I am in sleep state, and replaced with core love, until all fear is removed, I ask for a special divine dispensation to have all these fears removed while I am asleep, for the next year."
Dial Tone
Dial tone indicates that the CO is ready to accept digits from the subscriber. In the precise toneplan, dial tone consists of
350Hzplus 440Hz
. The system reports the presence of precise dial tone after approximately 0.75 seconds of steady tone. Nonprecise dial tone isreported after the system detects a burst of raw energy lasting for approximately 3 seconds.In the 1930s a man names Joseph Goebbels, Hitler
s right hand man and Nazi Germany
spropaganda minister, made a push all across Europe to change the standard concert pitch to theA=440Hz scale. (This is the standard we use today in our music.)Dr. Leonard Horowitz is incorrectly promoting the love frequency of 528Hz and publishes on hiswebsite that if you want to play music that includes this frequency then you will have to tune tothe A=444Hz scale. When you do this the C=528Hz and the F=350Hz.So, the current dial tone we are subjected to includes the Joseph Goebbels
favorite frequency of 440Hz and Leonard Horowitz
s F=350Hz. The other thing to mention is the notes that make upthe chord of F is, F, A, and C. In the Leonard Horowitz scale the F=350Hz, the A=444Hz, andthe C=528Hz.
Stay away from anything tuned to the Joseph Goebbels and/or LeonardHorowitz music scale!! These vibrations damage your DNA!