【YTLPOWR 6742 交流专区3】楊忠礼能源
发表于 9-5-2012 11:28 PM
回复 独孤球拍
不是6200/115900(ytl rm83000+ytlwb rm32900)?
sixsense 发表于 9-5-2012 11:18 PM
WB的股价Broking公司只收半价 (我agak agak, 好像是60%)。有些counter它们也不收100%的。
例如JCY 50%, WCT 80% 等等。。 YTL Corp / YTL power / Banks / Berjaya Toto 等等都是 100%. |
发表于 9-5-2012 11:35 PM
请问下interest rate是怎样算的呢?
rollover fee 跟那个BLR的有什 ...
nond 发表于 9-5-2012 11:07 PM
Rollover Fees 是额外算的。如果没有记错是算在你的utilized margin,而且是每个季度算一次。
例如:我用了RM62,000, 每个月利息RM444.33 (BLR+2%) + 每个季度RM155 (0.25%)
如果你的trading很active, 可以跟broker商讨免rollover fees. (有点像credit card的Annual Fees, 可以谈的) |
发表于 9-5-2012 11:56 PM
发表于 10-5-2012 12:14 AM
今天问了ytlp, maybank, stareit都是100%, 最出奇Timecom他们也给100%
利息也蛮 ...
nond 发表于 9-5-2012 11:56 PM
我比较幸福吧。。 BLR-2% ...
但是paper loss 就不想谈了。。。 可以买Proton Saga 了。 |
发表于 10-5-2012 12:20 AM
我比较幸福吧。。 BLR-2% ...
但是paper loss 就不想谈了。。。 可以买Proton Saga 了。
独孤球拍 发表于 10-5-2012 12:14 AM
撑过paper loss就可买个BMW了 |
发表于 10-5-2012 07:57 AM
回复 701# 独孤球拍
那你可以问问maybank看看。。他们的wb好像是算100%(至少我是这样),还有他们要到65%才margin call... |
发表于 10-5-2012 07:13 PM
作為一個為期44年項目的一部分,約旦油頁巖能源公司預計將日產3.5萬噸油頁巖。 |
发表于 10-5-2012 07:40 PM
據海外媒體5月9日報導,由愛沙尼亞公司和約旦公司組建的合資公司約旦油頁巖能源公司(JOSE)周二在約旦死海 ...
sbsoo111 发表于 10-5-2012 07:13 PM
今天到吉隆坡师爷庙拜拜,神啊庇佑我。。 |
发表于 10-5-2012 08:00 PM
美國拉斐特學院復合技術研發中心日前成功研制出解決傳統電纜弊端的新方法,那就是將陶瓷纖維膠帶纏繞在電纜銅線上。這種陶瓷絕緣體是一種復合型材料,由陶瓷纖維和無機陶瓷基共同構成,被該機構副總裁邁克·塔珀稱為“我們的秘密調味料”。這種被陶瓷纖維膠帶包裹的電纜線可以承受150 °C的高溫,直至膠帶中的樹脂使表層的絕緣體變硬,但變硬的絕緣體依然具有柔韌度,易於裝運和安裝。當被加熱到500 °C時,電纜線表層的絕緣體便被轉化成固態、耐磨的陶瓷涂層。
雖然已經取得了這一領域的巨大突破,但還是有人質疑通過輸電來加熱岩石的方式是否明智,甚至有人認為,這樣做只是為了從地球榨取更多的石油。曾經負責開發加拿大油沙開採項目的帝國石油公司首席科學家克萊門特·鮑曼說:“使用這種電纜能為你們帶來什麼呢?電力是一種高端產品,消耗高端產品來重新獲得像油母岩質、瀝青這樣的低端產品,不可避免要付出慘痛的經濟代價。” |
发表于 10-5-2012 08:11 PM
发表于 10-5-2012 08:11 PM
財經新聞: 投資157億約旦油頁岩工程‧楊忠禮電力持股30%
(吉隆坡14日訊)楊忠禮電力(YTLPOWR, 6742, 主板基建計劃組)向愛沙尼亞國家能源公司――Eesti Energia收購估值達50億美元(157億令吉)的約旦油頁岩工程的30%股權,有關計劃將建煉油廠,每日生產3萬8千桶原油,同時發展發電量為 900兆瓦的油頁岩火力發電廠。
根據股東結構,Eesti Energia將持有該工程的65%股權,楊忠禮電力和Near East投資則分別持有30%和5%股權。
公司執行董事拿督楊肅宏表示,能與在油頁岩發電和石油採收科技擁有領先科技的Eesti Energia共同進行投資感到榮幸,也符合公司投資自然資源為主的能源基建策略。
Eesti Energia子公司約旦油頁岩能源公司在今年5月與約旦政府簽署特許經營協議,進行油頁岩提煉計劃,同時,根據2008年的瞭解備忘錄,Eesti Energia、Near East投資和楊忠禮電力必須建造以油頁岩為燃料的火力發電廠,產能為900兆瓦,以供應約旦電力供應,使約旦首度有國內燃料的電力供應。
星洲日報/財經‧2010.12.15 |
发表于 10-5-2012 10:14 PM
本帖最后由 upperLady 于 10-5-2012 10:16 PM 编辑
要等多久呢 |
发表于 10-5-2012 10:54 PM
upperLady 发表于 10-5-2012 10:14 PM
天长地久 |
发表于 10-5-2012 11:15 PM
独孤球拍 发表于 10-5-2012 10:54 PM
我不希望是这样咯,哈哈 |
发表于 11-5-2012 09:32 AM
开始了啦, 你还等什么?
http://www.menafn.com/menafn/109 ... -expected-this-year
(MENAFN - Jordan Times) An Estonian-Jordanian firm is set to pump the first ever commercially viable barrels of Jordanian oil shale this year.
Jordan Oil Shale Energy (JOSE) revealed on Tuesday that the firm was scheduled to bring the first commercially-viable Jordanian oil share to the surface in the central region of Attarat this September.
During an international oil shale conference on the shores of the Dead Sea, the Estonian-Jordanian joint venture announced the move as part of the first step of a 44-year-project expected to produce up to 35,000 tonnes of oil shale per day.
In parallel with its oil exploration efforts, the firm is in ongoing negotiations with the National Electric Power Company for the construction of an oil shale-fuelled power plant with a 500 Megawatt (MW) capacity: nearly 20 per cent of the Kingdom's current grid capacity.
The plant, to be constructed in the Attarat region some 110 kilometres south of Amman, is to run on locally produced oil shale and has the potential to slash the annual national energy bill by some $515 million, JOSE claims.
The Estonian-Jordanian project marks the first in a series of developments to tap the Kingdom's estimated 40 billion ton-oil shale reserves.
In addition to JOSE, London-based Karak International Oil is set to extract oil shale in the southern region of Lejjun while Royal Dutch Shell is exploring potential reserves in the northern badia. These projects are expected to produce some 20,000 and 40,000 tonnes of oil per day respectively.
Brazilian firm Petrobras is also carrying out oil shale exploration in the central region, while a Chinese firm is set to build one of the world's largest oil shale-fuelled power plants, a 900MW structure, in southern Jordan.
Amman has singled out oil shale as key to weaning the country off of costly energy imports, with the resource to account for 14 per cent of the national energy mix by the end of the decade.
Disruptions in Egyptian gas supplies, the Kingdom's main energy source, has pushed the national energy bill to over JD4 billion, with ministry forecasts indicating that the ongoing unreliability of this key energy source is expected to cost the country an additional JD1.7 billion by the end of the year. |
发表于 11-5-2012 09:34 AM
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20 ... stonia-s-eesti.html
Jordan expects to sign a final agreement within a few weeks with Estonia’s Eesti Energia AS for the construction of a power plant that burns shale oil, the Natural Resources Authority’s director-general said.
The 700-megawatt plant in the central Attarat region is due to be ready for operation in 2016, Mousa Ali Alzyoud said today in an interview at a conference at the Dead Sea.
“We are in the process of finalizing the documents for the agreement, and very soon we will ink the deal,” he said. When asked about the timing, Alzyoud indicated that the two sides would complete the signing in a few weeks.
Jordan says it holds the world’s fourth-largest reserves of shale oil, a sedimentary rock containing solid bituminous materials that are released as petroleum-like liquids when the rock is heated. The government is turning to shale oil along with nuclear, solar and wind power to help meet rising demand for electricity.
The kingdom holds about 40 billion metric tons of shale-oil reserves and plans to increase the share of energy it generates from these deposits to 14 percent of the country’s total requirements, Alzyoud said.
Jordan may attract $20 billion in investment in shale-oil development in coming years, he said. A final agreement with companies from China, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates for a $1.25 billion shale-oil-fired 900-megawatt power plant is expected to be signed by the end of the year, Alzyoud said.
The government has signed three shale-oil agreements so far, including the one with Eesti, another with Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) and a third with Karak International Oil, a unit of Tunbridge Wells, England-based Jordan Energy & Mining Ltd.
“Jordan is serious about plans to attract investments in the shale-oil sector as about one fifth of the country’s gross domestic product is spent on imported oil,” Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Alaa Batayneh said at the conference.
To contact the reporter on this story: Mohammad Tayseer in Amman, Jordan, through the Dubai newsroom at mtayseer@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Voss at sev@bloomberg.net |
发表于 12-5-2012 01:56 PM
回复 716# sbsoo111
算利好消息吗??????????????但是一直插水 |
发表于 12-5-2012 02:28 PM
hehe... 我们不是应该在最坏的时候加码的吗? |
发表于 12-5-2012 05:32 PM
可能还有更坏的。。 |
发表于 12-5-2012 05:39 PM
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