




发表于 10-10-2005 04:44 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-10-2005 06:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mediapanda 于 10-10-2005 16:44 发表


使用道具 举报

发表于 10-10-2005 08:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
mediapanda, 我好緊張oh,怎么辦~
記得把beyond story live 2005的dvd帶去,要給他們簽名~

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
2005.10.10 阿 Paul 怕 朱 茵 扭 耳 仔

黃 貫 中 ( Paul ) 噚 日 商 台 出 席 下 月 十 二 日 舉 行 「 狂 迷 音 樂 會 」 記 者 會 , 佢 自 爆 初 中 時 期 , 女 友 要 佢 結 他 同 愛 情 作 出 抉 擇 , 最 後 佢 為 結 他 而 同 女 友 分 手 。 馮 仁 昭 問 阿 Paul 家 會 點 揀 時 , 佢 就 好 識 做 咁 話 會 揀 女 友 朱 茵 , 不 過 佢 承 認 如 果 女 友 真 係 咁 問 , 佢 會 對 女 友 扣 分 , 佢 重 笑 言 都 怕 一 陣 返 到 屋 企 被 扭 耳 仔 !

from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
黃貫中揀女友唔揀結他 11/10/2005

黃 貫 中 ( Paul ) 將 於 十 一 月 十 二 日 舉 行 「 狂 迷 音 樂 會 」 , 昨 日 他 出 席 記 者 會 , 以 塗 鴉 畫 出 「 狂 」 字 。 昨 日 穿 上 背 心 的 Paul 露 出 一 雙 麒 麟 臂 , 他 說 因 為 彈 得 結 他 多 , 左 手 有 肩 周 炎 , 早 幾 年 又 斷 過 , 變 鴛 鴦 臂 , 醫 生 要 他 舉 水 桶 平 衡 番 。

阿 Paul 回 想 少 年 的 輕 狂 行 為 , 自 爆 曾 揀 結 他 不 要 女 友 , 令 女 友 離 他 而 去 , 問 他 如 果 現 時 朱 茵 問 他 又 如 何 ? 他 說 : 「 依 家 答 案 可 能 唔 一 樣 , 細 個 以 為 有 支 結 他 好 巴 閉 , 依 家 會 諗 如 果 冇 女 友 , 畀 支 結 他 我 唱 畀 邊 個 聽 ? 唔 通 去 深 山 做 高 人 咩 ? 呢 刻 女 友 咁 問 , 我 可 能 揀 女 友 。 」

from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
黃貫中開Rock騷唔爆粗 11/10/2005

黃貫中(Paul)下月舉行《狂迷音樂會》,佢話個騷係正式Rock Show,但唔代表一定會食藥同拆爛晒o野,純粹享受音樂,佢仲話唔會講粗口教壞細路添!


from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
2005.10.11 Paul寧要女友不要「天下」

黃貫中(Paul)昨日出席「903id club狂迷音樂會」記者會,問及他最狂野的一次是什麼?他直言是初中剛學結他的時候,每逢與女友出街,他都總要看結他,令女友為不滿要他在結他及她之中二選其一,豈料他未作出選擇,女友已離他而去。



from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:32 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:34 AM | 显示全部楼层



自2005年Beyond宣布永久解散以后,鼓手叶世荣就全情投入在他第二张个人专辑《叶子红了》的准备工作中。这张同样准备在10月份面世的专辑,记录了叶世荣在过去这几年中的生活感悟和情感经历。在“面对面”的现场,叶世荣以一个崭新的身份——歌手,出现在了Channel [V]的舞台上,一曲《重头来》更是唱出了他目前的心境。紧接着《色彩》,《珍惜》,《爱着你》,《叶子红了》等歌又给现场的观众带来了听觉上重大的冲击波。

from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
2005.10.11 叶世荣出席面对面

十一长假过后,北京又迎来了新一轮音乐浪潮。昨日下午(8日),由亚洲第一音乐频道Channel [V]主办的“松下手机[V]面对面”再度上演,8、9日两天之内,叶世荣、李泉、吴佩慈、张瑶、范玮琪、黄义达、黄奕群星倾情献唱,与歌迷近距离接触。

from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:36 AM | 显示全部楼层


自2005年Beyond宣布永久解散以后,鼓手叶世荣就全情投入在他第二张个人专辑《叶子红了》的准备工作中。这张同样准备在10月份面世的专辑,记录了叶世荣在过去这几年中的生活感悟和情感经历。在“面对面”的现场,叶世荣以一个崭新的身份——歌手,出现在了Channel [V]的舞台上,一曲《重头来》更是唱出了他目前的心境。紧接着《色彩》,《珍惜》,《爱着你》,《叶子红了》等歌又给现场的观众带来了听觉上重大的冲击波。

from : www.beyondmusic.net

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-10-2005 09:37 AM | 显示全部楼层


from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 09:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
2005.10.11 黄义达叶世荣等歌星与北京歌迷“面对面”

这两天,Channel [V]麾下的“[V]面对面”北京演唱会,正在北京戏曲学校排练场紧张地录制中,叶世荣、李泉、吴佩慈、杨坤、张瑶、范玮琪、黄义达、黄奕等众多实力唱将与优质偶像不仅倾情献唱,更是在现场与歌迷进行“零距离”的亲密接触,在这其中不少歌手都是很少在北京出现的,此次“面对面”真是让他们的歌迷过足了瘾。自2005年Beyond宣布永久解散以后,鼓手叶世荣就全情投入在他第二张个人专辑《叶子红了》的准备工作中。 在“面对面”的现场,叶世荣以一个崭新的身份——歌手,出现在了Channel [V]的舞台上,一曲《重头来》更是唱出了他目前的心境。紧接着《色彩》、《珍惜》、《爱着你》、《叶子红了》等歌又给现场的观众带来了听觉上重大的冲击波。叶世荣告诉记者,“这次我没有再坐在鼓手的位置上,而是拿着吉他面对我这些久违了的歌迷,虽然身份不同了,但是他们仍然是那么支持我,让我很高兴。”


from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 11-10-2005 01:52 PM | 显示全部楼层


http://rapidshare.de/files/58555 ... HK_Studio_.mp3.html

http://rapidshare.de/files/58565 ... ___l______.mp3.html



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发表于 11-10-2005 01:56 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-10-2005 01:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-10-2005 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 12-10-2005 08:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
這篇文章是從新加坡的 Straits Times英文報章轉載下來的, Life Section, 11 October 2005


The love for music brought them together 22 years ago. Ironically, the same passion is also compelling members of Beyond to go their separate ways now.

In November last year, the Hong Kong rockers - bassist and vocalist Steve Wong, 40, drummer Yip Sai Wing, 42, and guitarist and vocalist, Paul Wong, 41 - announced that they would bow out after the last concert tour this year.

The trio will perform their last Singapore gig at the Singapore Indoor Stadium this Saturday. As of last week, only 500 $128 tickets remained. The concert promoter, Hype Records has since opened up 160 more seats for the $148 tickets.

In a phone interview from Hong Kong last week, Steve Wong explained in Cantonese-accented Mandarin that they are disbanding because "our views towards music are very different from one another's now."

"Besides, the music would sound weird if we continue to force ourselves to stay together. We're all grown up and starting to feel we need more space. It won't be good if we quarrel over music. We'd rather not be together and never have to quarrel."

But he was quick to clarify that they did not have any major fallout.

Yip echoed Steve's sentiments. Speaking on the phone from Beijing last Friday, he said: "We still ahve the chemistry as friends and co-workers. But we want to pursue our solo careers, and it would be impossible to do so if we have to work on Beyond's music as well."

BEYOND was a band beyon dits time, so to speak.

An alternative rock band which broke through to the mainstream. it jolted the 1980s Chinese pop scene which was then dominated by cookie- cutter pop idols who did disposable covers of Western or Japanese hits.

Since their debut album Goodbye Ideal in 1986, Beyond went on to produce 30 more albums containing songs of protest and peace which became regular chart-toppers in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China.

Their most famous hit was 1991's Glorious Days,which they dedicated to South African leader Nelson Mandela when he was released from prison in 1990.

For apolitical youth in Hong Kong then, it was the first time they had heard of the South African leader.

And much of the credit went to the band's vocalist Wong Ka Kui, who was Steve's brother. He died in June 1993 after falling from a 3m high stage when shooting a programme for Fuji TV in Japan. He was 31.

As he penned most of Beyond's numbers, he was seen as the band's soul and unifying element.

"Ka Kui was a very talented man who had an uncanny knack of transforming alternative rock into commercially viable music. I guess that's largely the reason for Beyond's success." recalled Yip.

With a tinge of sadness, Steve said: "His death was a huge blow. We thought of disbanding then, but decided to brave through the dark period with support from our fans."

In 1994, the remaining members, with Paul as the leader, released 2nd Floor Rear Block, a tribute to Ka Kui.

Since then, the band has gone on to produce more than 15 albums.

With Paul and Steve as the main songwriters, they dabbled with experimental genres like hard rock and electronica but did not manage to attain the same level of fame and success as before.

By 1999, the trio knew it was time to part ways. They released their last album Goodtime and then split.

Even then, fans have never forgotten Beyond. in 2003, the trio regrouped for a world tour which took them to places like Canada, the United States, China, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

The same year, they also released a four-track EP. Together, and penned the soundtrack Chang Kong (Boundless Sky) for the hit film Infernal Affairs II.

When Chang Kong went on to clinch the Best Original Song in the 23rd Hong Kong Film Awards in 2003, it looked as though they were back together again.

Hardly. Calling it "an experiment', Steve said that their time apart "made us even more certain that we cannot work as a group again."

Yip said that the guys got back together in 2003 only "to commerate Beyond's 20th anniversary and Ka Kui's 0th death anniversary."

Nothing. It seemed, would change their minds about going solo. Not even if their latest double-CD compilation, Beyond The Story Live 2005, could sell an astounding 100-million copies.

Following their annoucement to split, fans in China sent in a petition letter containing 100 million signatres to the record company East Asia, urging the band to reconsider.

The trio had said then that if their latest CD moved 100 million copies, the band would remain as an entity.

But Yip admitted that they had said that only to console their fans. "If it sells that well, maybe we can get back together and record one mor ealbum, and I hope that it'll sell as well," he said with a chuckle.

Then, teasingly, he added: "We have only annouced that we're going seperate ways. We have never said that we'll never regroup again in future."

from : www.beyondmusic.net

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发表于 12-10-2005 03:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
還有3天Beyond the story live'05就要舉行了!!
還有2天就能看見家強和ah Paul了,因為他們會在14/10(星期五)抵達新加坡!!


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发表于 12-10-2005 11:06 PM | 显示全部楼层

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